Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 105: Branch

I have to say that this method that the head can transmit the exercises is really wonderful. When I sit in the driving position and hold the steering wheel, it is handy, just like using chopsticks for eating. simple.


As the key twisted, Kai Leide let out a low roar, and immediately began to vibrate, like a lion ready to go, ready to pounce on the prey in front of him, full of momentum.

I just put the certificate aside, there is no need to deliberately think about anything in my mind, I just need to think: I want to start it now, drive it out, and go where I want to go. My hands will do the right thing on their own, as if this has been done hundreds of times.

On the road, a black Escalade drove between various vehicles. It moved with clouds and water. When to stop and when to drive, it was natural and reasonable. When walking on the road, everyone would think that there are many driving it in it. How can an old driver with a driving experience think that he is actually a child who is sitting in the driver's seat and operating the steering wheel for the first time?

I'm driving, where should I go first? Tongzhou Club? No, of course not! I suddenly got such a good car, so I have to get excited and express my excitement.

So, on the mountain where Yun Lingzi took me last time, in a corner with no people, I yelled and laughed happily, and the surrounding trees seemed to be trembling and scared by me. There was no animal daring to come over within 20 meters of the surrounding area. There was originally a wild dog looking at me with curious eyes, but then he fled.

I looked around in embarrassment, and after finding that there was no one, I rubbed my nose and went back...

To be honest, I feel that such a look is indeed crazy like...


"Mister is back!"


As soon as I stepped into the gate of Tongzhou Club, Baron and the others saw me coming back. They all came over and surrounded me. I looked around, and there were no other people around.

"Xiu Jie haven't they come back yet?"

"Yes, but it should be coming soon, just these few days," Baron replied.

I nodded. The most important thing for them to go back this time is to pick up their family members. Maybe it’s a bit inconvenient to pack things. I came back early. They should be back in a few days. .

"Sir, can you stay longer when you come back this time?"

I looked at him, thought for a moment, and said, "No, I'm leaving soon."

"Where are you going, sir? I'll go too! Lang Feng is injured and can no longer protect your safety." Baron said immediately.

"No!" I waved my hand and said, "You can't go. First, only you can handle the affairs of Tongzhou Club; second, I'm going to Maoshan this time, I'm afraid you are not suitable."

"Maoshan..." Balong frowned. Obviously, he had a headache when he heard this name.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but laugh, stretched out my hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Look, you should stay here. However, I'm going out this time, there are indeed other things."

"what's up?"

"Have you ever thought about... Have you ever thought about making Tongzhou Club bigger?" I looked at him and said.

"Bigger? What does sir mean?"

I smiled and said, "This time I went back. It was a coincidence and a local nickname, and the local parties should have already known that there was a major of the Shadow Army who haunted there. I think this is a Opportunity, besides, it is my hometown after all. If I remain restless, I can't let it go, so I think, take this opportunity to establish a branch of Tongzhoushe there!"



In the small meeting room, there are only two of me and Baron. It was originally the smallest of the several meeting rooms. At this time, it was used as a small meeting room for consultation and planning.

"As a major of the Shadow Army, it shouldn't be a problem to find an address there to build a branch. The problem is... the personnel." I said.

"Yeah, don't talk about it, even here, it's still in the dark at present, there are not many that can come in handy, it is really not much, if this is to build a branch now, I am afraid it will not work." Baron also said with a worried expression.

"No, I can't say that. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. After all, our propaganda efforts here can only recruit local practitioners here. If there are more cities, it may be easier to find the strong, in one city. It’s better to find it in two cities."

"This..." Baron hesitated and said, "Yes."

"However, the problem is that in terms of time, I don't have that much money. I have to finish this matter as soon as possible and then rush to Maoshan. Therefore, there must be a person in charge to help me handle my affairs and gather local practitioners. Expand the scale of the branch and improve the equipment."

"The person in charge? Who is going to let the sir?"

I frowned after hearing Baron's question.

In fact, I just have a general idea about this matter, but I can't think of who to send. I leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, thought about it, and said, "Not to mention that Xiujie and the others did not come back. Even if they came back, I can't take them with them. Cooked, it won’t work there."

Baron thought for a while and said, "How about Chen Jiao?"

Chen Jiao was the person I brought from Taolin from Shepan Town last time. After I came here, I served as the housekeeper and helped Hu Jie’s idle little girl solve a lot of things. Everything in the society is miscellaneous. Things are handled in an orderly manner, so I don't need to worry about it at all.

It is indeed a good choice to let him go. However, I only know that he is an individual as a butler. If he is acting as the head of a branch office, I really don't know if it will work. Moreover, the affairs of the headquarters here would not work without him.

"No, we still need a more capable talent."

"Where is Bi Long?"

"Bi Long..." I thought about it carefully. These days, he followed Senior Brother Liu Tong and Brother Luo Tian to eliminate demons and kill ghosts everywhere. Now it is relatively peaceful here. Even if those evil cultivators make trouble, they dare not dare. Too ostentatious, or go to other places, or only in a dark corner, like a rat or bug, stirring up the undercurrent.

"No, he is a man with a fighting spirit. If he is a vanguard general, that is the best choice. But this time the establishment of a branch is intended to defend rather than attack. It needs a defensive person to take care of him. It is impossible for him. Free to live."

"Then... that Lang Feng?"

"Lang Feng...After all, he is a general rather than a handsome talent. He can only do what he wants to do. It is not enough. Unlike you, I can safely give this to you, but I dare not give it to him. "

"Then... Mr., who are you going to send?" Baron wanted to talk about himself, but he also thought about it. If he said so, I would definitely say let him manage the headquarters, so I didn't say anything. Instead, just ask me.

I thought for a while and said, "After thinking about it, I'm afraid he is the only one left."

"Who?!" Baron asked, but then, he thought of something, frowned, and said: "Could it be that, sir, what you said..."



Baron stood up all of a sudden and said, "Sir, you can think about it. The origin of this Gongsunshu is unknown. If it weren't for the soul curse, I am afraid he would not be able to stay here at ease. Here, there are us and the husband watching He, he can be honest, but if you send him out this time, sir, it means that the fish enters the sea and the dragon is born into the sky. No one can control him! Besides, with his strength, put him in Let him stay in a city, can he stay?!"

I looked at him, smiled, and said: "No, he is not from unknown origin. I believe that he must know something. He can come to me. It is by no means the credit of the soul curse. I believe he will not betray me. , As long as I talk about it, and only let him stay there for a while, he will be honest. Moreover, he is proficient in the formation, no one is more suitable for guarding than him."

"But..." Baron wanted to say something more, but he probably knew that my decision would not be changed, and there was really no other person to choose, so I had to do it.

"Also, I want to choose someone to go to Maoshan with me so that we can take care of each other."

Baron sat down slowly again and asked, "You said it is inconvenient for ghosts to go to Maoshan, but we... are all ghosts."

Indeed, Baron, Lang Feng, and Bi Long are all ghosts, and there are very few human wizards who can trust them with confidence.

[51 Novel] Regarding this matter, I am also troubled, and everything else is easy to say. Who should I bring to Maoshan?

Just when I was at a loss, suddenly the door of the reception room was opened, which shocked both of us.

Because Baron is basically an acting president now, and I am a real president. The two of us are discussing things here, and most people shouldn’t bother you. Even if something happens, we will knock on the door first, who Will you just come in?

Of course, I will have the answer soon, because I saw the little head of Hu Jie's girl, with her trademark smile, sticking in.

"You really are here."

"Miss Hu..." Baron looked at her helplessly, and couldn't say anything, because he knew that this was the wife of the future president, so he was very kind to Hu Jie.

"Oh, why are you here? Didn't you say that Mr. and Hall Master Baron are discussing business matters?"

At this moment, the person behind trot over and said with a helpless expression.

I have the impression that this person is one of the first batch of human wizards who passed the final test. Although his mana is not high, he has a kind heart. I asked him to help Chen Jiao and handle trivial matters.

"Oh, what's the business, isn't it just chatting?" Hu Jie said, walking in directly.

"Miss Hu, we are indeed talking about important things, you..." Baron stood up and planned to invite Hu Jie out.

"and many more!"

At this time, I suddenly raised my hand, stopped him, and said, "I think, I have chosen someone to go to Maoshan with me."

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