Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 106: set off

"Fuck, your family has picked it up?"

In the room, Hu Jie and I were sitting opposite each other on two sofa chairs. In the middle was a round table with a small teapot and two porcelain cups. The black tea in the room was scented and scented.

After taking a sip of tea, Hu Jie frowned and said, "Milk tea is good, but black tea is not good."

"There is no milk tea, let's do it." I also took a sip of the black tea, but I am naturally not as stubborn as she is used to drinking this tea.

"No milk tea, coffee is fine." Hu Jie frowned, staring at the tea in the teacup, muttering softly.

I smiled and said, "I asked you a while ago. Didn't you say it? Did your family pick it up?"

"Oh, of course I picked it up, but I left it a few days earlier, otherwise I won't be able to come back at this time."

Hu Jie’s home and school are not in the same city, but unlike me or the other two, there are trains between the two cities, which can be reached within a few hours. She wants to go home and has to sit for more than ten hours. She can only get there by train. Generally, she can't go back at all during the three-day holiday, but now she doesn't have to go to school, so she went a few days earlier and came back before the few of them.

"It's all arranged." I asked.

"It's all arranged, how else can I come over to drink tea with you?" Hu Jie said, and reached out to pick up the teacup, but just after she got her mouth, she frowned again after smelling the smell, and put it down. .

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help being amused for a while, and I sent a letter to Baron, asking him to get Hu Jie a cup of milk tea.

At the same time, without showing the slightest change in my expression on the surface, I continued to talk to Hu Jie: "Since everything has been arranged, you are preparing for it and waiting for a long trip with me."


As soon as Hu Jie heard it, he immediately got energetic, jumped out, rushed to me, blinked two big eyes and said: "Where to go? Where to go to play?"

I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her expectantly. As expected, I put down my teacup and said, "It's not going to play, there is business!"

"Cut, what's the matter, bragging."

"Hmph, this time I'm going to Maoshan to re-seal the Locking Demon Tower, you say, is it business?"



"Yes...Is it the Maoshan in the movie? It's the English uncle's, hey, ha, Maoshan who can catch ghosts?"

As Hu Jie said, she made a few exaggerated movements, she looked like she was dancing, and there was a little bit of Maoshan. The disadvantage is that I am here. If you come directly to Maoshan like this, you might have been caught Boom out.

"It's alright. I have already said that I don't need such a big fan. The first time I passed you the spell, I seemed to have said this. Why now you can't change it. Obviously they don't have a big orange. With this problem, it seems that I have neglected to train you. It just so happens that I have to nurture you in the next few days."

I said, tapping lightly on the top of his head with my hand.

"Cut!" Hu Jie stuck out his tongue, but didn't refute anything.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside the house, the door opened, but Baron was outside with a cup of milk tea in his hand.

"Sir, the milk tea you want for Miss Hu." Baron said, handing the milk tea to Hu Jie.

I saw, oops, good kid, brother! Good assist!

Sure enough, when Hu Jie heard that I had made her a cup of milk tea, she was overjoyed, smiled and thanked me, and drank the milk tea in her arms.

I smiled, stood up, and said: "You drink here first, I'll go out."

After speaking, he went out with Baron, went to the courtyard, and went to find Gongsun Shu.

In the yard, Gongsunshu was still playing with his own grasses. Don’t look at these grasses. As my mana grows, I can already see the special features of these grasses. The darkness on it is very strong, but it’s It's very pure, not contaminated with any evil, as expected from the underworld.

"Gongsunshu." I saw that he was still playing with the grass, and his back turned to me without knowing that I was coming, so he shouted.

"Sir!" Gongsun Shu turned his head and saw that it was me. He immediately stood up straight, looked down, and cried respectfully.

I walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "How do these grasses grow?"

"Sir, these herbs come from the underworld. They are naturally difficult to grow in the human world, but fortunately, I have also raised them before. I have some experience and the cultivation methods are used correctly, so it went smoothly. Now, they are on the right track. Just wait for them to grow normally."

"Yeah." I nodded, and looked at the grass, it turned out that it was full of vitality, and it should be impossible to die.

The biggest reason for sending Gongsun Shu out was his method of planting these grasses and building a formation to play a protective role. I set up a branch there. It was originally for defense, not for offense, so I asked him to go. However, the reason why he could not be sent is also the same.

What I fear most is that these grasses must be controlled by him in order to be effective, and even only he can let them grow. In this way, I can't move him away at will, but now, at least in terms of growth, I no longer have to worry about it. Up.

"Gongsunshu, I have an idea, I need to let you go to a place, are you willing?"

"But according to my husband's order, my Gongsun Shu will definitely go through the fire and water, and will not hesitate." Gongsunshu replied.

"Yeah." I lowered my head, twisting a blade of grass casually, and said: "I want to establish a branch of Tongzhou Club in my hometown, but I have a lot of things and can't stay long. I need someone to help me take care of affairs there. No need to do anything, just to protect the peace of one party, I want to go, you are the most suitable."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Gongsun." Gongsun Shu said immediately, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and there was not much emotional fluctuation.

I stood up and looked at him, and asked, "My house, it's not a big city like here. What are you doing there, you are indeed a poor man, would you?"

Gongsunshu smiled, and said, "Whatever the sir says, I will do what I want or not?"

"Okay, that's the best, hey, by the way, these grasses, and the magic circle, I don't know the method used."

"Haha, this is easy to say, I will leave the method of using this circle and the method of cultivating these grasses for now."

This Gongsunshu is also a master who is not procrastinating. After finishing speaking, he directly condenses his own formation and the cultivation method of these grasses into a set of mana scrolls, floating in the air, with a faint golden light.

I looked at the mana scroll floating between the two of me, and knew that this kind of spell is an advanced version of the kind of brain power transmission. When made into a mana scroll, it is equivalent to adding an additional medium in the process. , No matter who wants to learn, just use a finger, and the content written on the scroll will be directly transferred to that person's mind.

Its speed is no different from directly clicking your head, and its content is not reduced at all, and it will never make a difference. It's just... there is a shelf life, and it can be stored for a month at most, and the scroll will disappear.

"That's good." As I said, I clicked the scroll with my hand. Suddenly, a complete set of formations and the cultivation method of the grass were directly used in my brain, and more things were better.

"Haha, in front of your sir, Gongsunshu didn't dare to hide privately. It's just that the too mysterious formations may not be used by Mr. for a while, and it will be messy after learning. So he gave these smaller things to Mr. Gongsunshu with a smile. Said.

I felt the extra things that came out of my mind. As expected, they were all mysterious spells. It seemed that Gongsun Shu really didn't hide himself, and couldn't help but feel more relieved.


I shouted, and Baron appeared next to me the next moment.

"Take the magic circle of this scroll and hand it to the high-level personnel to prevent those who are left from using this magic circle when we leave."

"Yes!" Baron replied, using magic tricks, pulling the scroll, and leaving.

I watched Baron leave with the scroll, looked back at Gongsun Shu, and said, "Okay, so I can rest assured. Tomorrow morning, we will leave. The branch office will give you everything."

"Yes, please rest assured, sir."


Early the next morning, at the head of the Tongzhou Club, I, Hu Jie, and Gongsunshu three people, ah no, the two brought a ghost, and after meeting, they set off.

Of course, this time I have a car, so naturally I won't take the crowded motor car anymore, but drove my Escalade directly on the road.

"Wow, this... how much is this car, so big."

"Hey, when did you learn to drive? Why didn't I know, didn't you say you can't?"

"Oh, this good car is different, it's comfortable to sit on, and it smells pretty good."


Hu Jie, who has never seen the world, really couldn’t stay idle when he came up, or touched it, seemed to give me a full-body massage inside the Escalade; or leaned on the lowered chair. On his back, he was lying comfortably, and from time to time he was shaking Erlang's legs, who was not a lady.

I turned the steering wheel, looked at her helplessly, and thought: "The reason for the smell is that the car perfume is good, what does it have to do with the car, and..."

I looked at her current posture, it was getting more and more excessive. Just now I just lifted my legs, and now I directly took off the two shoes and stepped on the seat with my feet bent-of course only the back half of the foot. The soles of the forefoot are hanging in the open space-with both hands around the calf, pouting at the front.

"Put my shoes on, and my car smells bad."

"Nonsense! My feet are fragrant!" Hu Jie immediately retorted with teeth and claws.

"Hehe, my eyes are hot."

"Brother house!"

The two of us were driving, and the other was the co-pilot. You quarreled with each other, and Gongsun Shu looked at the picture of us in harmony and love in the back seat, suddenly embarrassed.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Finally, he felt that he had to say a few words to improve his sense of existence.

When I heard about the business, I immediately put away the hippie smile, looked at the road ahead, and said, "Although there are some detours, let's do this first. Go to my hometown-Yancheng!"

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