Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 107: Old classmate (first more)

Although driving is freer than riding a car, it is indeed more tiring than riding a car, especially for long-distance driving, which is really tiring. Fortunately, the technology passed to me by Brother Liu Tong is excellent driving skills, and because the upgrade system on the mobile phone has improved my mental power, I don't feel tired after driving for a few hours, otherwise, I really can't stand it.

Gossip, no words, and after driving for a few hours, I finally arrived at my hometown, Yancheng. But when I got out of the highway, and just arrived at Yancheng, I parked the car on the side of the road, sat in the driver's seat, and frowned with my shoulders.

"What's the matter?" Hu Jie sat aside with a naive face, holding a box of drinks just bought from the service area, and asked while drinking with a straw.

It was Gongsun who knew the truth. Knowing that I was worrying about business, he leaned his head to the driver's seat and asked in a low voice: "Sir, how do you want to establish a branch?"

This sentence is asking my heart. Sure enough, bringing a military division is the right choice!

"Yes, when the Jicheng Tongzhou Club Headquarters was established because of Secretary Lu’s support, but I did not have such a network in my hometown Yancheng. Although I lived here for more than ten years, my parents were just ordinary company employees. Without magic power, that is, just an ordinary student, how can I know someone who can help me fix such a large property? And then with magic power, I will be in Jecheng."

"What do you want to do, Mr.? With Mr.'s ability, it is not difficult to make friends with such a person, but it takes time, and what we lack now is time." Gongsun Shu said.

"Yeah, I have to rush to Maoshan. Coming to Yancheng is already a detour, but I can't stay here for long." As I said, my brows got closer and closer, and I whispered in a low voice: "How about , Find those people directly and reveal their identities?"

The identity I mentioned is the identity of the major of the Shadow Army. However, this is really too public. My major is just a nickname and has no real power. The subordinates except for the same boat club that I have subdued The members didn't even have a serious soldier. Fortunately, when Bi Long was free, he helped me find a few army souls, which can be regarded as filling this vacancy.

"Mr.'s move is indeed the fastest way, but it's too public."

That Gongsunshu really understood what I was thinking in my heart, what he said, and what I was worried about in my heart was exactly the same!

"Oh, but there is no other way." I sighed, started the car, and drove into the city.

"In that case, I'll help Mr. find out their contact information and various information." Gongsun Shu saw that I was determined, and immediately knew what to do, sitting in the back seat, a purple light flashing on his body.

I know that he is using spells to spread out his spiritual knowledge to find out the information of those people, especially contact information, and personality characteristics.

Gongsunshu deserves to be an old ghost who has lived hundreds of years longer than me. After a while, he checked the information of these people thoroughly, and through the heart-to-heart communication of the soul-defying curse, the information was passed on. I.

There are more than a dozen people in the information, nothing more than the leaders from all walks of life. Among them, the smallest official is removed, and the largest official is not considered. The middle ones are the most suitable.

"Just him, Feng Tianling, in his capacity, it shouldn't be a problem to create a compound that is not weaker than the Jicheng headquarters."

"Well, I'll contact him." Gongsun Shu said.

"Well, just ask him around, around..." When I said this, I was taken aback.

I have lived here for more than ten years without leave, but leaving aside the few years I didn’t remember when I was a child, the time at school after school, and the time to write those wicked homework at home, I suddenly found that there was no time left. !

Although I have lived for more than ten years without vacation, I actually have no experience of going out to play except at home or at school. Therefore, although it is my hometown, I don’t know what shops there are, let alone which ones. The shop is suitable for talking about things, let alone knowing where they are.

Suddenly, I thought of the last time the dead tree locked the demon tower. Afterwards, in order to reduce the trouble, I had a conversation with the team leader at a nearby cafe. The name of that cafe was familiar to me. So I paid attention, I still remember it, and the name of the road, I also have some impressions.

"Just about at Moya Cafe on Xinnan Road."

"Yes." Gongsun Shu nodded and agreed, and he started to contact him, and I controlled the steering wheel and drove the car there.

Because I was on the road, I came before him. From the outside, there are not many people in the cafe. This is the best!

"Gongsunshu, you help me monitor the surrounding movement."

"Yes, sir!" After Gongsun Shu said, his body shook and suddenly turned into a burst of smoke. He used the wall-piercing technique to get out of the car and landed on the top of the cafe, covering the entire cafe with his spiritual sense, and watching the streets outside. Case.

I parked the car in the parking lane beside the road, got out of the car with Hu Jie, walked into the cafe, found a secret place and sat down, casually ordered two cups of coffee, and started to wait for Feng Tianling's arrival.

But the strange thing is, I don’t know why, since we came in, the waiters felt a little weird, especially the look in our eyes, which is not bad, but it just makes people feel a little uncomfortable. And, for some reason, they seem to have been looking at us, or... looking at me alone.

I took another sip of coffee and observed them from my side. Sure enough, it is still the case. Although I chose a very secret place, I will still be paid attention to by them. Am I so handsome? !

Just when I was narcissistic and shameless, suddenly two people came over. I didn't take a closer look. But just from the corner of the eye, I knew it was not the waiter here. Could it be Feng Tianling who came?

I got up and looked, only to find that the person who came was not the one I imagined. No matter how young and promising Feng Tianling can be, he shouldn’t be a young one to achieve this position. But those who come, a man and a woman, are all of my age, not at all for someone like Feng Tianling. Look like.

"You are..." I looked at them, and suddenly there was a flash of light in my mind. Although the memory was a little fuzzy, there were still two faces that emerged.

"You guys, is it..."

"Haha, Guo Rui, do I still remember you, did you forget us?" The man said with a smile, his eyes narrowed into a seam.

And beside him, the beautiful woman just smiled, covering her mouth with her hand, looking like a lady.

"Ding Yiming, and the monitor, it's actually you!"

The two people who came here are not other people. They are my classmates when I was in junior high school. They had a friendship for four years, but they were scattered after graduation. After they matured, their appearance changed. I didn't recognize them for a while.

This Ding Yiming, the family is not an ordinary person, but the rich side, the real big rich man, rich second generation! However, his character is very hospitable, and he is not arrogant at all, so everyone in the class is his friend.

And the woman next to him was our class monitor at the time, named Jiang Hongxin, and she was also class flower, she was very beautiful, and she was also warm-hearted, and received a lot of praise. Her beauty is not the kind of beauty that can arouse people’s instincts, but an ancient woman’s graceful style. She is quite beautiful and talented. It can be described as "satisfying the ancient All the fantasies of talented women".

At that time in junior high school, everyone was in love, and this Ding Yiming started to pursue Squad Leader Jiang. Of course, it could not be the same as the adult pursuit. But as far as I know, until they graduate from the fourth grade, they have no results. Oh, of course, they are all children. What can be the result. Unexpectedly, when I saw it today, I was standing together.

"Yeah, this is..." I looked at him, then at her, my expression gradually changed, and I said with a connotation: "Good thing!"

Suddenly, the squad leader Jiang Hongxin blushed. There was a faint red color on her dark skin. She covered her face with her hands, and she dared not speak. Ding Yiming laughed loudly, patted my shoulder with his hand and said, "Brother, you are also good!"

"Hey, there's no such thing, I'm so far away, I didn't expect that, you are actually with the monitor, you have to talk to all the old classmates."

"Hey, let's pull it down. At that time, we used QQ and WeChat less. Now, there is no contact information." Ding Yiming said, looking behind me, Hu Jie was still sitting in place at this time, drinking Coffee looked at the three of us curiously.

Ding Yiming looked at Hu Jie and suddenly laughed connotatively. He put his head close to me and said softly, "You are, are you here with my girlfriend for a date in my coffee shop?"

As soon as I heard this, my heart trembled. They are real and I am fake. Although we are currently in a good relationship, there is still a barrier between them. We haven't reached that point yet.

However, from his words, I seem to hear another point of knowledge...

"You...your coffee shop?!"


Ding Yiming said of course, waved his arms and looked like "my country", and said, "Couldn't it be possible to open a cafe with my family's ability?"

Seeing him like this, I frowned suddenly, and at the same time, a memory emerged in my heart.

Ding Yiming saw that I didn’t speak, and continued: “Well, it’s actually the money my dad gave me to start my own business and let me choose my family’s industry to take over. I want to see if I can do business. I like coffee shops. So I chose to take over my father’s coffee shop, there are still many branches."


"Yeah, like this, there are fewer on the roadside and more in the big shopping malls. Even the provincial capital Jicheng has my store."


Sure enough!

"That day, it was you." I looked at him with a look of contempt.

"Ah? What? What are you talking about, I don't understand." Ding Yiming was silly, put his hand to his ear and asked exaggeratedly.

"Don't pretend to be a fool! You were the one who made me hot coffee at that cafe that day?!"

I finally know why I think this coffee shop is familiar. Isn't this the coffee shop I went to when I first taught Hu Jie in Jecheng? ! It's just a different branch.

After that time, there was an episode where the waiter was suddenly a little strange to me for some reason, and offered to help me hot coffee, and the expression in his eyes also said that it was ordered by the boss, but when I saw it, the boss had already run away.

That's it!

"You were in Jecheng at that time, and you recognized me." I looked at him and said.

"Oh, oh, I was discovered by you, yes, I happened to go to Jicheng that time to look at the various branches. I didn't expect to meet you, date your girlfriend, and then went to the toilet... Hehehe, that's why. "

"So your uncle!" I was really afraid that he would say something more, so I raised my hand to give him a thud, and said: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, I know, I know, I know."

When I looked at him, I knew it was useless to explain, but as long as he didn't talk nonsense, it was fine.

"Okay, I'll talk about something later, and I have an appointment." I was afraid that I would miss the business, so I said.

"Oh? You also dated someone else, who?"

"Yes..." I just wanted to speak, suddenly the door opened and someone came in and the waiter was going to receive him. At this moment, Ding Yiming looked back subconsciously, suddenly his face became cold and said, "Feng Tianling, why are you here?!"

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