Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 108: Feng Tianling (second more)

"Feng Tianling, why are you here?!"

"Feng Tianling?" My brow furrowed. Isn't this the person I asked for? Ding Yiming knows him? And listening to this tone and looking at this expression, it seems that there is still some hatred!

Well, at this time, if you can't reveal your identity, you'd better watch from the sidelines and see the situation. I want them to tear it for a while.

Thinking like this, I sat back and drank my coffee.

Hu Jie didn't know why, looked at me, I motioned her not to talk nonsense, just drink coffee at ease. Anyway, she didn't intend to care about anything, so she just acted as a melon eater, ah no, the coffee drinkers got it and were happy.

At this time, Feng Tianling also saw Ding Yiming, and walked over, and said with a sneer: "So it's you, the Ding family boy, why? So interested, come with my little girlfriend for coffee?"

At this time, I could already see Feng Tianling. He was about 1.78 meters tall, of medium build, with a big back, a moustache around his lips, Zazarala, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and a pair of deliberate eyes behind the lenses.

Although he is wearing decent clothes, he still has a treacherous meaning that cannot be hidden.

I don't know what kind of personality these people are. I just investigated their positions and contact information. I didn't expect that such a character was chosen.

"Stop talking nonsense, you didn't come here for coffee, right? You know this is my shop, but you still want to come in. What is the purpose?"

Ding Yiming looked at him and said sharply.

Feng Tianling smiled and said: "You still value yourself too much, but for a newly grown child, your father is just an elder in your family. Do you really think I will be afraid of you?"

"Huh! Being in a high position and acting like this, you really have a face!" Ding Yiming looked at Feng Tianling with contempt.

For him, the worst thing in the world is bullying! This is the tutor he has received since he was a child. No matter how rich and powerful he is, he can't bully others. Therefore, he was in harmony with us when he was in the same class with us in junior high school.

"Humph! The little guy dared to teach me a lesson." Feng Tianling didn't take Ding Yiming seriously, so he didn't care about his irony at all. He continued to move forward and said, "Get out of the way. There shouldn’t be any reason for opening a store to blast customers out."

With that said, he was about to reach out and push Ding Yiming away.

Just when he was about to meet Ding Yiming, Ding Yiming's muscles suddenly rioted, and he shook Feng Tianling's hand away, and directly pressed his hand on his shoulder. Its strength was so great that he suddenly sucked in pain. He was angry, and didn't dare to take a half step forward.

When Ding Yiming was in our school, he exercised every day. It seems that he was born with developed motor nerves. He is now an adult, and it is even more so. From the outline, you can see what kind of strength the muscles hidden under his clothes contain. !

I was curious for a while, and I used my investigative eyes, and found that it was really extraordinary. Even ordinary practitioners could not achieve this muscle strength. Wait, practitioners...

I looked over and observed carefully, and sure enough, although there were not many in his body, there was indeed a flow of mana.

Ding Yiming... practiced spells!

I was taken aback. I never heard that his family was a practitioner, but at that time I was a mortal, and based on the thinking at the time, even if someone said that his family was a practitioner, I would not believe it, after all. This thing is too empty. However, now that I am a mage, I naturally believe it. Moreover, the facts are in sight.

"Hi... Do it to me, have you ever thought about the consequences?" Feng Tianling struggled a few times, and found that he could not overcome Ding Yiming's strength, so he planned to threaten him with his identity.

Ding Yiming sneered and said, "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Feng Tianling frowned. He knew that it was impossible to threaten Ding Yiming with only his identity, and now, his strength was completely inferior to Ding Yiming, and he was in desperation for a while.

At this time, for some reason, he suddenly brows, who had fallen into a disadvantage, he seemed to have some countermeasures, and said, "Don't let it go?"

Even the tone became hardened.

"Don't let go!" Ding Yiming's tone has been hard.

"Humph!" Feng Tianling snorted coldly. Suddenly, a figure appeared like a cloud of black fog. In the blink of an eye, it came to the two of them. With a wave of his hand, he directly bounced Ding Yiming's arm away, then returned his palm and patted directly Past!

For Feng Tianling and Ding Yiming, they all seemed to be in a dream. This speed is not something they can keep up with, but for me, it is no different from ordinary people. Gongsun Shu guards the overall situation. If the person who came is really strong, he will report to me. Now that he is silent, it means that the person who came is not worth mentioning!

However, this is not worth mentioning, but I, for Ding Yiming, this palm alone is no trivial matter. If you are really hit, you will have to lie down on the hospital bed for at least a month!

When I was in a hurry, I saw my brow furrowed, my left arm bent, blocking my right hand, secretly urging mana, pouring out from the palm, like a soft cushion, between the palm of that person and Ding Yiming.


In the soft sound, the man slapped a palm on the mana cushion I made in front of Ding Yiming and was bounced back. For a while, even the man who brought Feng Tianling frowned.

Ding Yiming saw that he was all right, and said with a sneer: "Feng Tianling, do you think I didn't bring anyone here?!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was another figure, and in a flash, he stood beside Ding Yiming and stretched out his hand to block him behind him.

I nodded slightly, the movement so light that no one in the room noticed.

No wonder, when I just took the shot, I discovered that there seems to be a force to protect Ding Yiming, and indeed someone is there!

Suddenly, Ding Yiming and Feng Tianling were surrounded by one more person, but their styles were completely different.

On Ding Yiming's side, the person who came was a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked burly. He was wearing a yellow casual jacket with his chest exposed, showing everyone his chest and abdominal muscles as strong as steel.

You know, it's the cold winter season now! January! To be able to dress like this in this season is by no means ordinary people, there must be spells, and it is absolutely pure Yang power!

On the other hand, the person next to Feng Tianling, wearing a black robe, didn't even dare to show his face. He covered his appearance with a cape and hat, and exuded a cold air all over his body.

"Cultivator..." I looked at these two people, and finally fixed my gaze on the black-robed man next to Feng Tianling and muttered, "Xie Xiu!"

It's a pity that I can't see his looks clearly, and I don't know his name. Otherwise, I can ask Lu Qijun to see if this person is a member of the Demon Sect.

Now I simply have a problem, as long as it is evil cultivation, I think it is a person of the demon sect.

Feng Tianling looked at the yellow-clothed man, and suddenly felt a headache, so he gave in and said, "I am not here to make trouble. I am here to find someone. Someone asked me to come here. Otherwise, huh! You think I am willing. Come to your little broken coffee shop?"

Ding Yiming also didn't want to make trouble with him in this place, so he stopped trying to force him, and asked, "Who made an appointment with you?"

"Huh! Of course it's a big man you have never seen!"

As soon as Feng Tianling said this, his nose was so tall, he was obviously very proud.

The person who asked him, of course it was me! I wanted him to make a yard for me so that I could establish a branch of Tongzhoushe. However, looking at him like this, I dare not let him come, otherwise, he would definitely find a yard for me and harm innocent people. .

Moreover, Ding Yiming and I are good brothers. Feng Tianling is his enemy, my enemy, how could I give him this opportunity? !

The Shadow Army major asked him to help with things. This is probably a very face-to-face thing. You can see what he looks like now. I can't pull it. Even if I just acted unintentionally, it is estimated that this matter will let him. Become the object of friendship during this time.

That being the case, this matter must not fall on him!

I made up my mind and sent a letter to Gongsun Shun in my heart and asked him to notify Feng Tianling, saying that there was something this time, and I would make an appointment next time.

Of course, this is empty talk and it is impossible to make another appointment.

"Cut, what a big man, a raccoon dog!" Ding Yiming obviously has no affection for people with Feng Tianling.

"Huh! Little man, how would you know the dignity of such a big man?" Feng Tianling said, suddenly glanced at me and saw me.

He finally saw me.

"What? This is..." Feng Tianling asked.

Because my position is very secret, no one usually comes here, but now as the store manager, he is here, which shows that sitting here seems to have an unusual relationship with him.

"This is my classmate, he is not the person you are looking for." Ding Yiming said.

"Ha! Of course, how could the person who asked me be such a little boy?!"

Sure enough, my identity is amazing! No one would have thought that such a young man would be a major of the Shadow Army!

And at this moment, Gongsunshu’s message was finally sent. Feng Tianling took out his phone and looked at it, frowned, then eased again, and said, “That big man has something, and I will ask me again next time. It happens that I finally Don’t stay in your little broken cafe."

With that, he patted the shoulder of the man in black next to him, and said, "Let's go."

After speaking, the two walked out side by side.

Ding Yiming watched the two of them walk out of the coffee shop, took a sip, and said, "What the hell! I just came to find faults on purpose and talk about some big people."

It seemed that he felt that the big shot was Feng Tianling's excuse for coming here to make trouble and leave. But for this matter, I don't want to explain it yet. After all, it's useless to explain it. I'll talk about it later.

I stood up and sent a message to Gongsun Shu in my heart: "No need to monitor, come here."

Almost the next moment, Gongsunshu's figure appeared in front of me.

Ding Yiming and the others were frightened at this moment. After all, even the black-robed man could have traces of his speed, but this Gongsun Shu appeared out of thin air!


The man in yellow immediately rushed here again, guarding Ding Yiming and Jiang Hongxin behind him, frowning at Gongsun Shu, and said: "What a powerful ghost, master, go!"

I saw that Ding Yiming and both of them had a look of fear, and quickly said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! This is my own."

Ding Yiming saw that I was talking, and he seemed to know Gongsunshu very well. He was shocked and cried, "Guo Rui, this..."

Although he doesn't understand what's going on, he doesn't feel nervous when he knows that it is mine, but the yellow-clothed person is not good. He doesn't know my details. Seeing that there is such a powerful ghost and monster around me, it is suddenly inexplicable. The righteousness of the people is coming up, and he shouted: "It must be an evil cultivation to raise such ghosts and monsters! Look at the trick!"

After speaking, without giving me a chance to explain at all, he punched me.

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