Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 109: Ding family (third shift)

"Xie Xiu! Look at the move!"

The man in yellow didn't give me the opportunity to explain at all, so he punched him directly.

Gongsunshu was by my side, and seeing the man punched him, he was not the one standing and being beaten, so he immediately wanted to do it.

I can't help it! If he makes a move, it is a matter if he hurts someone else, he hastened to hold his shoulder and said, "I'm coming!" At the same time, the other hand flashed golden light, and he patted it with a palm.

Bright palm!

What this yellow-clothed man cultivates is pure Yang power. For him, this light palm will not hurt his root cause at least.


When the palms of the fists touched, the man in yellow was my opponent, and he was shocked to fly out.

"Master Wei!" Ding Yiming was taken aback, and hurriedly used his hands to support the back of the man in yellow, but he was also knocked back by this counter-shock force.

But fortunately, the strength was weakened. The two did not fly back together, but turned into a ground gourd, directly on the ground.

Originally, Ding Yiming and Feng Tianling were facing each other tit-for-tat, which already attracted some people to watch the excitement. At this moment, Feng Tianling had just left, and they had not cleared away. As soon as they arrived, they immediately surrounded them.

"What's the matter? Didn't that person leave?"

"No, that fat guy."

"Hey, don't tell me, your body is vigorous, and your body is not in vain. This has knocked both of them down!"

"I saw it, I saw it! This fat guy is amazing!"


I was speechless for a while after listening to the discussions of people around me. Couldn't these people just tell me my figure? It has to be called "Fatty" or "Fatty".

At this time, the two on the ground also stood up with Jiang Hongxin and Gongsunshu's support, and said quickly, "Everyone, let's go away, we had a misunderstanding just now, it's all right, it's all right."

When I saw it, I had to come too. One of the parties had to go forward and said, "Yes, it's okay, everyone should leave."

The crowd watching the excitement was very disappointed, and they said, "This is all gone." One after another, they dispersed and went on their own.

I saw that everyone was gone, and I quickly helped Ding Yiming pat the dirt on his body, and said: "Misunderstanding, just now I have to be forced, don't be surprised."

Ding Yiming didn’t think about what would happen to me, so he didn’t blame me. Instead, he asked in amazement: "Guo Rui, you are so amazing. I have seen Master Wei’s skill, you actually took him directly. I flew, and even brought me down. I haven't seen you in a few years, but it's really impressive!"

I was so embarrassed by him that I hadn't waited for anything to be polite, and Master Wei, who was wearing yellow clothes, said, "Huh! I was careless just now. It's useless, otherwise...huh!"

As he said, he turned his head aside and ignored me, with an arrogant posture.

Ding Yiming smiled and said, "Hahahaha, Guo Rui, don't be surprised, Master Wei has this character."

I also laughed and looked at Master Wei. I didn't expect that this man in his forties still had a wicked heart.

"Well, it's all a misunderstanding. This is Gongsunshu, my...friend."

I told Ding Yiming and the others, I really can’t say that I am a subordinate, he is even better than me!

"Mr. Gongsun, hello." Ding Yiming immediately greeted Gongsunshu enthusiastically and stretched out his hand.

Gongsunshu knew that he was my classmate and couldn't refute his face. He reached out and shook hands with him to show friendship.

Master Wei said to the side: "Hmph, a ghost, young master, you don't have to deal with him, you may not have killed many people."

I can't refute this. Indeed, Gongsunshu has followed me now. This is a renunciation and nothing bad, but who can guarantee that he has never killed anyone before? If you haven't killed anyone, how can you have such strength? !

"This..." This time, I couldn't explain it anymore.

However, Gongsunshu himself was very indifferent and said: "Before I went down, I did do some detrimental things, but now, I have followed the husband and no longer do evil. It is true that I am just a small servant under my husband. "

As he said, he gestured to me with his hands, to show that the "sir" in his mouth was me.

"Oh, Guo Rui, you are so amazing, you have ghost servants!" Ding Yiming obviously also knows about ghost servants. That is natural. Since there are practitioners around him, of course he knows this aspect.

"Ah, it's nothing, it's nothing..." I said, wiping my sweat secretly, good fellow, servant, this Gongsun Shu really doesn't save face for himself, so he directly lowered himself to this position, just to show me Status! Loyal minister, loyal minister!

"Oh, we haven't seen each other for a few years, we have grown a lot, hey, let's stop talking here, go, come to my house, I have to treat you guys!"

Ding Yiming said, he hugged me directly, and he was about to walk outside with a smile. Jiang Hongxin had already approached Hu Jie behind him, and she had also invited her, of course, the way was naturally not so rude.

After going out, Ding Yiming asked, "Guo Rui, do you have a car? If not, take my car."

"Ah no need, I have." As I said, I pressed the car key, and Escalade honked his whistle and flashed the lights twice.

Ding Yiming took a look, his eyes straightened again, and he patted me on the shoulder with his hand, and said, "Brother, what a car!"

The whole body that I was photographed trembled and I looked at him speechlessly and said: "It's okay, okay..."

My old classmate is more enthusiastic than before...

So just like that, Ding Yiming and Jiang Hongxin were sitting in their Mercedes-Benz, leading the way. Hu Jie and Gongsunshu and I were still sitting on the Escalade, following behind, and walking to his house together.

On the way, Gongsun Shu also asked me a question, if you don’t choose Feng Tianling, who should choose the address to establish the Tongzhoushe branch.

My answer is that there is no need to find someone else.

I chose Feng Tianling because I didn't have any contacts, and I planned to find my identity to find the yard, but now, I am not completely unconnected. There is a real estate in a mere house, Ding Yiming's house, and it is definitely done!

Of course, even among brothers, they can't ask for it unilaterally!

I can see that there are some grudges between the Ding family and Feng Tianling, and they are so big that they need to hire law practitioners to fight the law. And if Feng Tianling stepped down and the Ding family got the support of the Shadow Army Major, then the situation would be reversed directly.

I believe that this exchange of mine is definitely a great gift for the Ding family!


There was no word all the way, and after a while, he arrived at Ding's house.

Ding Yiming's house is located in a relatively high-end community. The reason why it is relatively high-end is because as far as I know, the most high-end in Yancheng is not this community, and there is also a villa area located in the coastal area, and it is pollution from the sea. The lightest part, whether it is the environment or the decoration, is the top-notch.

The Ding family lives here, not because they have no money. With their financial resources, it’s absolutely no problem to live in the villa area. The reason why they only live in this relatively high-end community is because their family’s low-key ancestors chose a quiet, Stayed in a clean place, and did not live in the villa. But they don’t live, some people want to live...

"Dad, Mom, this is my high school classmate, Guo Rui, and his girlfriend."

Ding Yiming shouted as soon as he got home.

"Puff—" I walked behind, and suddenly a mouthful of old blood spurted out! Good guy, Hu Jie is by your side, you just call out the name girlfriend, how can I explain it? !

I quickly glanced at Hu Jie, she was also embarrassed, but at this time the parents of the Ding family had already walked out of the house. At this time, it was not appropriate to entangle the name, so there was no refutation, and she left blushing. Go in.

I think her pretty face is slightly red, but she looks pretty, and she didn’t refute the name "girlfriend". For whatever reason, it made me very happy. In the spirit of Ah Q, the spiritual victory method. I was also overwhelmed with joy, and followed into the house with a happy face.

The decoration of this high-end community is different from ordinary ones. Not to mention magnificent, at least it is pleasing to the eye. Especially the parents of the Ding family are hospitable people, and they don’t put on the airs of their wealthy people at all. Getting along with them is very Comfortable.

A few of us were sitting on the sofa, and the tea table in the middle was filled with freshly brewed fragrant tea. The scent was warm, and it was refreshing.

"Oh? So, Xiao Rui is also an archmage!"

Ding Yiming naturally told his parents all those things before. When I heard that Master Wei was shaken away with a palm of my hand, and even Ding Yiming was photographed on the ground, he was immediately happy.

Ding Yiming also told me that the reason why he practiced some spells and surrounded by wizards was because of his father, so when I heard about this deed of me today, as a father, he did not beat his son for me. Be angry, but appreciate me very much.

"My uncle is absurd, I only know a little about yin and yang, and it was just a coincidence that Master Wei met." I quickly waved my hand and said.

Master Wei snorted coldly and said, "Yes, by coincidence!"

But obviously, the reason we both say this is not the same...

"Hey, no matter what the reason is, winning is winning. I didn't expect Xiao Rui to be so capable at such an age. I don't know, he is a good teacher?" Uncle Ding said with a smile. The phase.

After thinking about it like this, I don’t know which school Master is! But in terms of spells, it is true that Taoism is true. It is just that Taoism has always been complicated, and the spells of my master seem to be more than Taoism. I really don't know which school Master is and which school I am.

"Little school, it's not worth mentioning." I can only say that, there is really nothing else to say.

"Xiao Rui is too modest, so capable, yet so modest, alas, not much, not much." Uncle Ding said, and glanced at Master Wei.

Master Wei saw Uncle Ding looking at him, knowing that this was meant for himself, and he gave another "hum".

The few of us were talking for a while. Suddenly, Uncle Ding’s cell phone rang, and Uncle Ding’s face changed drastically when he picked it up. He didn’t say a word. After a while, he hung up the phone.

Ding Yiming saw him like this and asked: "Dad, is it..."

Uncle Ding nodded and said, "Yeah, it's them again, just biting on that piece of land, and finally saved half of it. Now it's getting less and less, I'm afraid they will all be taken away by that time. "

For a while, Ding Yiming, Jiang Hongxin, and uncle and aunt fell silent. Ding Yiming sighed and looked at me. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he whispered to his uncle, "Dad, or let Guo Rui go and see. ?"

His voice is actually very low, but because my level has improved, my ears are getting better and better, so I can still hear him.

"Not good." Uncle Ding frowned and said. "Pushing Xiao Rui to this matter, he is a guest, how can we..."

I didn’t feel right when I listened, and my heart moved. I thought that this was also an opportunity. I immediately said, “Uncle, if it’s useful to go to my place, I’ll tell you the truth. I have something to ask for help from my uncle this time. , If you don’t do anything, it’s hard for me."

"This..." Uncle Ding hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Well, trouble Xiao Rui."

Ding Yiming smiled and patted me on the shoulder, and said, "With Guo Rui there, it must be no problem." He said to me, "Let's go, take you to a good place, you will love it."

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