Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 110: Chuhe Hanjie (first change)

It was still a Mercedes-Benz, an Escalade, and I, Ding Yiming, Jiang Hongxin, Hu Jie, Gongsunshu, Master Wei, and a person I had never met, marching towards the destination.

Because Master Wei was sitting in my car this time, the road was very discordant. Hu Jie was very uncomfortable sitting in the co-pilot. Gongsunshu sat in the back seat next to Master Wei, holding his shoulders and looking at this. Guy, don't say a word.

Anyway, this road is very uncomfortable, but fortunately nothing happened and I arrived at the destination peacefully.

When I got out of the car, I just took a breath of the air here, and I immediately felt refreshed.

This is a mountain forest located in the suburbs. It is different from the general green hills. Other mountains, such as the mountain that Yun Lingzi took me back last time, have become nearby residents due to the development of modern cities and the increase in population. A place for relaxation is also a weekend trip for a family of three. This environment, naturally...

Moreover, because of urban development, many mountains have either built power stations and signal towers, or quarried stones for industrial construction, so there are really not many that can be called green mountains, at least here. Rarely, this mountain may be a rare sacred place that has been preserved. Although it is winter and there are not many good views, it can be seen that when the spring flowers bloom, it will be a paradise.

Ding Yiming got out of the car, his feet straightened and his body stretched out, with a comfortable face, and said, "Guo Rui, how about it, isn't it great here?!"

I walked up to him and said, "Yes, it's very comfortable. I rarely see such a clean mountain. Why? This is the place to come? It doesn't look like a vicious place. Why is uncle so urgent? What?"

After I finished the question, before Ding Yiming could speak, Master Wei interrupted first and said with a disdainful expression: "Huh! Little children, of course I don't know why."


My brows wrinkled when I heard that, even if Master Wei is arrogant, I can't bear it anymore. I'm making trouble with me along the way, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't make me feel uncomfortable!

"Master Wei!" Ding Yiming is also reluctant. Although Master Wei and his father Uncle Ding have been in friendship for many years, I am his friend anyway, so he repeatedly refutes my face, and his face is not good. .


Master Wei snorted coldly, tilted his head and stopped talking.

Ding Yiming patted me on the shoulder and said, "Let's go." As he said, he walked quickly in one direction with me.

During the walk, Ding Yiming made it clear to me that this piece of land was bought by their Ding family many years ago, when the head of the Ding family was still Ding Yiming's grandfather. Ding Yiming's grandfather, Uncle Ding, is kind and kind, and likes the clean green mountains and water the most. After getting this piece of land, he will renovate the environment and maintain a clean beauty.

But the good times didn't last long. With Master Ding's death, the ownership of this piece of land became one of the goals of the Ding family brothers.

The terrain is superior. Once it develops, it will be Golden Wanliang, the second child of the Ding family, that is, Uncle Ding's younger brother and Ding Yiming's second uncle, but he doesn't want to just let it be free, just leave it clean.

Thus, a dispute unfolded. Later, due to several lawsuits, it was finally determined that half of the people were involved. This land happened to contain a small river, and the small river happened to be in the middle. The river was the boundary, like Chu River and Han boundary. Generally, one is divided into two, with the boss in the east and the second in the west.

But this lack of human heart, snake-tuning elephant, half a piece of land, is there not a whole piece of land worthy? The second child of the Ding family did not inherit Master Ding's character and style at all. He was not greedy and had a dark heart. He wanted to include this piece of land and even the other property allocated to him. However, how to distribute property is clearly written in black and white. Forcible and plundering is not a must, so evil tricks must be used!

How is it a bad trick? It's just to hire some practitioners. Evil cultivation is the best way to harm them, or they can't stand the petition for peace, or they just kill them directly. When the time comes, they can accept the property.

Using spells, others can't find out, and not only the result is, there are formal regulations, and you can just get these properties.

"Not only that, the Feng Tianling you saw last time was a person in official business. He had an acquaintance with my **** second uncle. In addition, he also referred to the belly for marriage, saying that he was waiting for my second uncle's daughter and my cousin. When he got older, he married his son to establish a kinship."

As Ding Yiming said, his face became more and more gloomy, and I could feel his hands on my shoulders begin to tremble with anger.

I patted his shoulder with my hand to comfort him, and at the same time admire the mind of the second child of the Ding family. The relationship between the eight worshippers and the relatives of children and relatives is not shallow. In this way, I will be able to have a very close relationship with big people like Feng Tianling. As for Shang, once you make an official, you can't underestimate it!

However, there are still some things in this world that can't be solved by using their brains. For example, in this world, there are many people who are richer than the second child of the Ding family, and there are also many people who are more powerful than Feng Tianling!


Thinking of this, I suddenly heard a scream of killing in front of me, and looked up, it turned out that I didn't realize that I had already reached the place where the two sides were fighting.

Two people, one of the Ding family’s eldest uncle Ding, and the other’s Ding family’s second uncle’s uncle, the two sides look across the river, about 20 meters away from the river, and the two masters are standing by the river. , Each cast a spell.

Ding Yiming and I stopped and looked at the battlefield.

On Uncle Ding’s side, there are three mages standing, two of them can’t tell which school, but one of them is absolutely easy to identify. He wears a Taoist suit, carries a sword on his back, and stands in the center with his fingers. The main force among the three.

On the other hand, the number of Ding Lao Er is one less than here, but the momentum is stronger than them.

The two people dressed in uniform, both in black robes, one standing in front, and a blood-red long whip sticking out of the sleeves of the black robes. Every time they swung, a bad wind would be brought out. The other one stood behind, silent and motionless, as if he were dead, but the breath on his body was even more dangerous than the one holding the whip in front.

The place where the five people fought, with a radius of ten meters, is full of countless mana flows, scurrying in the air and on the ground, and the ground is full of traces of battle. It seems that after the war, this place requires a lot of effort to recover. Up.

"Both are evil cultivators!" I looked at the two mages on Ding Er's side, frowned slightly, and with a thought, I called Lu Qijun out.

"Ouch, let me go!"

When Ding Yiming saw that there was a sudden new person here, he couldn't help but yelled out. The voice may be too loud, which attracted the attention of people on both sides, whether it was Uncle Ding’s or Ding’s second person. Look to this side.

Of course, this refers to ordinary people who are watching the battle, and the five mages will not care about these things.

"Lu Qijun, take a look at those two people, are they from the Demons." I asked Lu Qijun no matter what they mean.

Lu Qijun frowned and stared to look over there, looked at the whip holder, and then at the silent one, shook his head, and said, "No, at least I don't know it. I am completely unfamiliar with the breath of them. "

"So, they are not the people of Christ the Demons?"

"No, I can't say that. I joined the Demon Cult for a very short time, and the teaching is mysterious. I only know who the five elders are under, and I know that they are the captain and the following famous people. If they are under other elders Yes, I don’t know either."

Lu Qijun said with a look of embarrassment.

I nodded and said, "You go back."

After speaking, he took him back again. His strength was very weak and it was of no use outside, so let's take it back.


"I'm here, sir." Gongsun Shu took a step forward, came to a place only half a step behind me, and responded in a low voice.

"What do you think of the strength of those two?" I pointed to the two black-robed men and asked.

Gongsunshu looked at them, felt their breath, and said with a smile: "Even if they both go together, I am not afraid!"

"Okay! I am indeed a member of the generals!" I immediately laughed when I heard it. To be honest, I am sure to deal with the whip, but I don't know the details of the silent one, and some are not sure, since Gongsun Shushu With that said, there is no problem.

I was thinking when I suddenly saw a few people from the Ding family’s second child whispering, not knowing what they were talking about, so I said to Gongsunshu: "I want to hear what those people are saying. Can I do it?"

Gongsun Shu smiled and said, "It's a small matter."

After finishing speaking, Gongsunshu's right hand stretched towards the void, and vaguely, he saw a purple gas drifting and faintly passing, and then Gongsunshu chanted another spell of unknown content, and immediately I felt my ears. There was a burst of light on the side, and the whispers of the few people, as if I were also involved, were clearly heard.

"That's Ding Xingsheng's son-Ding Yiming. The long-haired ponytailed girl next to him is his girlfriend Jiang Hongxin, and the one in yellow clothes is the mage Lao Wei of their family. face."

"Huh! The rest are just children and young people. What's to be afraid of?"

"The boss is right. Look, is this an opportunity?"

"Opportunity? Of course it is an opportunity. Just think of a way to take him down. If you don’t believe that the old guy will not compromise, tell Master Cui, find a chance, give him, and the woman, um... to the other woman. I'll catch it."


The man agreed, and quickly ran to the silent black-robed man, who looked like a slave in clothes, bent over and flattered and said to him what he had just said again. The one called "Master Cui" The black-robed man still didn't speak, but just nodded slightly to express understanding.

I frowned and looked at those two people who looked like the boss. This person just asked him to catch Ding Yiming and Jiang Hongxin, I can understand, but he still wants to catch Hu Jie, this is... if he catches Hu Jie It's because of that, then, I'm afraid the purpose of arresting Jiang Hongxin is also general.

Anyway, I have never heard of threatening old father with the life of his son and girlfriend.

"Protect them." I whispered.

"Yes." Gongsun Shu agreed and walked to Ding Yiming and the others, causing Master Wei to frown again, but did not say anything.

"Let's go, let's go down." I said to Ding Yiming, and took the lead to walk towards Uncle Ding's side. Those few people also found us at this time, and it was time to pass.

Ding Yiming waited behind me, Gongsun Shu pressed the line, and a group of people walked over, under the eye of the opposite.

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