Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 111: war! (Second more)

Our group walked up to those people, and Ding Yiming had long recommended me. These people are an old housekeeper of their family. Since learning about Ding Lao Er Ding’s prosperous mind, he has been asked to guard here. .

"Originally, during holidays, our family would come here for camping and dinner and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Now that this kind of thing happened, but there is no way to come here for vacation." Ding Yiming sighed.

I looked at him and said, "Don't worry, you will be able to vacation here again soon."

With that said, I looked at the battle over there.

The Taoist waved his hands and grabbed a handful of yellow paper in both hands. As he waved his arms, the yellow paper was scattered all over the sky. Then, he pinched his hands and said the mantra. Suddenly, those Suddenly, the yellow paper turned into a paper man, the size of a normal person, with swords and axes appearing out of thin air in his hands, turning into countless paper soldiers, standing in front of the three of them, looking at the black robe man on the opposite side.


At the order of the Taoist priest, countless paper soldiers marched forward bravely. When they approached the river, they stepped on their feet and jumped up for several meters before rushing to the opposite side.

The whip-bearer looked at the paper man in the sky, sneered, and waved his hands. Two blood-red long whips like death chains, impermanent shackles, instantly rose into the sky, bringing **** evil spirits, just blinking, That is, dozens of paper people turned into flying ash, disappearing into the invisible.

At this time, those paper men had just flown halfway through.

The black-robed man waved his arms, and the two long whips collided in the air, and a **** storm suddenly exploded. In this **** storm, the countless paper people around were all annihilated without a trace. Suddenly, the paper people in the sky were reduced by half.

But at this time, they had already crossed the small river and successfully reached the opposite bank, just a few steps away from the black-robed man who used the whip. And this distance, for the weapon of "whip", was close, and that was a dead end.

The black-robed man looked at the paper soldier who was close at hand, holding swords and axes, and sneered, and said, "You think I'm scared when I get close?"

After that, the guy shook his hands, and the two long whips were dancing quickly. At this moment, it seemed that it was no longer two long whips, but a fully opened folding fan! The range is almost a semicircle!

Suddenly, it was as if an eraser wiped a circle on the whiteboard, the paper man in front of the black robe man disappeared in a short time, as if someone had opened a gap in time and space, just after a while, he returned to peace.

"Damn it!" The Taoist cursed, stretched out his hand and pulled out the sword behind him, held it in his hand, and faced the black-robed man.

When the black robe man moved his hand, a long whip suddenly flew over, and the Taoist greeted him with his sword. The tip of the sword hit the long whip, and a **** airflow suddenly exploded.

The Taoist priest knew that the airflow couldn't be touched, and moved his feet, his figure exploded, and at the same time pinched the road finger with his left hand, summoning a sharp thunder to disperse the airflow, and at the same time another thunder struck the black-robed man.

The whip that the black-robed man had just hit hadn't recovered yet. Seeing the thunderbolt flew, he took advantage of the momentum to collect the whip, rotated the whip, and hit the thunder and lightning.

The Taoist priest saw that his thunder hadn't worked, so he didn't dare to advance, and stood with his sword, waiting for the opportunity.

The two people on the left and right are not as strong as the Taoist priest. They need to work together to guard against the other black-robed man who has been silent. They dare not act rashly and cannot help.

I watched their battles and didn't take the initiative to intervene. After all, the guy who had been silent was watching Hu Jie and the others. I need to wait for him to take action before I can take action.

At this time, the Taoist priest and the whip-bearer had already fought to one place again, and the other two's attention was partially distracted on them. At this moment, the guy who had not shot suddenly shook his body, and the whole person Disappeared immediately! ,

"Sir, be careful, shrunk!"

Gongsunshu immediately said. As soon as his voice fell, he saw Ding Yiming, Jiang Hongxin, and Hu Jie suddenly sink into a big hole like quicksand. The three of them were basically ordinary people, and some spells were difficult to protect themselves. Sunk down!

But at the next moment, Gongsun Shu grabbed the void, and suddenly, a larger circle appeared, and countless lines and unintelligible Sanskrit appeared on the ground, shining.

The three people just sank. Suddenly, the ground became hard ground again. The lower parts of the three people had already plunged into the ground, and they were stuck on the ground. Slap the ground.

Gongsunshu smiled and said, "Want to run? Come out for me!"

After finishing speaking, Xu's hand holding the air suddenly lifted, and the ground that had just sank like quicksand suddenly exploded as if buried in a ****! For a time, the dust was flying, and a big hole appeared on the ground. Ding Yiming and the three others were all rescued, but the black-robed man was **** with a purple-black rope and fixed in the air.

"This...what's going on?!" Ding Yiming and the others didn't know what was going on, so they got to the shore again, and Master Wei and I had caught the three of them long ago and stopped steadily.

"Don't you know what kind of people they are? The purpose of arresting you was to threaten Uncle Ding, arresting them... hum!

"Asshole!" Ding Yiming also knew what was going on at this time. He looked at the person on the other side with bloodshot eyes and said: "Feng Tianxin, Feng Tianling's younger brother, I heard that this man is behaving badly. I didn't expect it to be so bad. !"

"Huh, but it's okay, isn't it?" I said, looking back at Gongsun Shu, he just grabbed the black-robed man with the array, but only because the black-robed man was careless, now he reacted and started to struggle. .

Gongsunshu grabbed his hands falsely, and the purple and black ropes began to increase, and he fought with the black-robed man.

"How about Gongsunshu?"

"no problem!"

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you!" After I finished speaking, I patted Ding Yiming on the shoulder again, and said, "Yiming, let you see my strength!"

After that, I turned around, stepped on Tai Ming Step, and rushed directly to the battlefield by the river. With a move with my right hand, the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword was in my hand, and at the same time, I shouted: "The three masters go back, I will fight him!"

The three masters looked back and saw that I was a young man. Although I looked mature and had a relatively burly figure, obviously, in their eyes, I was not the opponent of this black-robed man with a whip. I rushed forward like this. two.

I looked at the six skeptical rays of light in the six eyes of the three of them, and my heart was suddenly struck, and I said that you can’t look at me a little bit? ! But then I thought about it, forget it, it's your face, no one can stop it!

Thinking about it, the body has rushed to the level of the three masters.

"Hey..." One of them wanted to stop me, and the Taoist priest stopped him and said: "This kid has a strange pace. It seems to be similar to that of Na Murong's family. It should not be weak. Let him go."

Hearing this in my ears, I had no time to think about it. I had already rushed past the positions of the three of them.

The black-robed man saw that Gongsun Shu took his comrade on my side, and I rushed over again, not daring to step forward, avoiding his sharp edge first, stepping back three steps, waving both hands, two blood-colored long whips struck right and left!

I sneered, holding the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword, and hitting it left and right, "boom" twice! The two long whips were beaten back, and the **** airflow that was exploded could not penetrate the defense of the ice armor, and they were all blocked outside.

At this moment, I was wearing ice armor and holding a sword, stepping forward and falling to the ground.

Suddenly, the three people present here, including the black-robed man with the whip, Feng Tianxin, and the men around him all took a step back, and the latter two were even more terrified.

The black-robed man stabilized his mind, shouted, and waved his hands. The two blood-colored long whips were like two red-forged poisonous snakes. They struck with the momentum of lightning. Within a second, there were several probes, which were flexible and changeable. It seems that I am not fighting with one person or two whips, but with a dozen people!

However, this naturally does not trouble me.

In that small whirlpool world, I am not fighting "like a dozen people", but really fighting a dozen or dozens of people! Moreover, those "people" are not less dangerous than this scarlet whip. As long as they are touched, they will die instantly!

So, to fight with dozens of people with my own strength, this is what I have long been used to.

At this time, the black-robed man, but one person with two whips, even if he moves fast, his whips won't really change!

However, his whip method is very serious. He has just eliminated the paper people. The speed has already drawn a semicircle. Now, because I want to fight with me, I have more power to move. Now, I have drawn it. A full circle!

Suddenly, the black-robed man shook his right hand, and the whip from his right hand came straight, like a sharp arrow, piercing my abdomen!

I held the sword in my hand to resist, and the whip hit the ghost face flying cloud sword, immediately triggered the rebound special effect, the sword body bends, until the power of the long whip is exhausted, it rebounds instantly! The long whip slammed back at a speed more than twice as fast as the attack, and hit the black-robed man.


The black-robed man took his own move, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body retreated a few steps, and almost came a big split before he stopped.

I stood holding a sword, looking at him, and not chasing after him, waiting for him to move.

The black-robed man took a few breaths, slammed his left hand, the long whip struck, and I stood up with the sword in my right hand, blocking the long whip.

The whip was soft. After being blocked, I still drew it. I lowered my head and passed the head of the whip. The long whip was not blocked by the next time, but it was wrapped around my sword in circles. What a buckle.

The black-robed man pulled back, and I pulled it here, and the two of me gained strength for a while.

My strength has long been strengthened by the upgrade system, and it is no longer a match for it. Seeing that he can't pull the whip back, he smiled and said, "I like whips, and I have them too!"

After speaking, with a flick of his hand, the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword suddenly softened.

This ghost-faced flying cloud sword is really like a cloud, and its shape is uncertain. At this time, it turned into a long whip, and directly wound up along the blood-colored whip, and then struck the black-robed man in a flash.

The black-robed man didn't expect that my sword could still be used in this way. He didn't react for a moment. He was chopped with a sword in his left hand, and suddenly couldn't hold the long whip.

"Damn it!" The black-robed man was in pain, and his heart became angry. Regardless of it, he drew a whip with his right hand, as if it was not a whip, but a knife!

I looked up and saw the whip coming, and when I lifted my left hand, the golden light was released!

Bright palm, stacking ice armor!


The whip was drawn in my palm. I have to say that there is indeed some pain and heat, but because of the two major skills, it will not leave any scars or hidden injuries.

At this time, the black-robed man had no weapons in his left hand, and the whip in his right hand had just been swung away. It was too late to protect him. I took advantage of this moment, and a sword of energy rushed over with a finger on the left hand that had just performed the skill.

Fengming sword!


The black-robed man deliberately dodged, but it was too late, he deliberately resisted, but couldn't stop it, only blinking the scene, Feng Mingjian penetrated his body.

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