Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 112: Chief Tan Dao (third more)


The black-robed man was pierced through his right chest, although he did not hurt his heart, but such a huge wound was already a breath away from death.

The two men behind the black robe man saw that I severely hit the black robe with a sword, and they were scared to urinate. Both legs trembled. Just by looking at them, they could tell by touching each other with their hands. Fell to the ground.

I glanced at these two goods and snorted coldly. Such goods do not require me to act. Moreover, it is not good for the Ding family to kill them like this. There are ways to kill them.

"" The black robe man only took his last breath, pointed at me with his finger, but couldn't say the second word at all.

My right hand shook, and the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword trembled three times and turned back to be firm. The blood red whip wrapped around it was suddenly bounced away. It collapsed like a noodle and collapsed not far away. The blood red has also turned dark red, and the prestige before has long gone.

On the other hand, the black-robed man was also unlucky. I can feel that his strength is definitely higher than that of the person in front of me, but he was inadequate to attack Hu Jie and the others, but I heard him. , It happened that I met Gongsun Shu...

So many coincidentally, but added together, ruined his life.

Gongsunshu clasped his hands and looked at the person in the sky fixed by him. He didn't try to struggle, but it was just a fish trapped on the beach, dying to struggle. After a while, Gongsunshu used a stronger method. The array was caught.

"Okay, it's over." Gongsun Shu said, raising his hand and he was about to end up.

"Wait!" At this moment, Ding Yiming suddenly shouted: "Don't kill him here, don't break this place."

I looked back at Ding Yiming and smiled. This guy is exactly the same as his uncle. This piece of land is of great significance to them. This is the reason why they have been fighting across the river for so long like Chu Han.

"Gongsunshu!" I shouted. "Be cleaner."

After finishing speaking, stepping on Tai Ming step, he instantly came to the black-robed man, a golden light flashed in his left hand, and the bright palm activated! In an instant, four palms were printed on his body to maximize the power of this bright palm!

And the next moment, I went back to where I was, looking at him from a distance.

On the other side, Gongsun Shu dictated the mantra and waved his hands like a magician. Suddenly, another magic circle appeared beside the man, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.


The two of me yelled out in unison at almost the same moment. At this moment, the bodies of the two black-robed men turned into ashes, turned into blue smoke, scattered invisible, and there is no trace of two people here. Not to mention destroying the environment here.

Ding Yiming watched that these two people were killed without destroying the environment here. He breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his chest with his hand, looked at Jiang Hongxin beside him, touched her hair, and finally put his hands together. On her shoulders, he hugged her to herself, smiling at the beauty.

"you guys……!"

I pointed my sword at the two guys on the opposite side and said coldly.


Those two were mortals. Although Feng Tianxin still had some status because of his brother Feng Tianling's status, it was only aimed at mortals. Meeting me and Gongsunshu, it was just a mouse meeting a cat and just waiting to die.

I looked at the two of them, I guess the pants are hot at this time, and they are so angry.

I walked over slowly, and the two of them turned pale in fright. They fell to the ground and trembled constantly, and there seemed to be a faint pee. Come.

As I got closer and closer, the two of them didn't even bother to back up. They moved for a long time without changing steps, and they were brought to the front after a while. Sure enough, the pants were all wet.

"You should understand what you are going through." I looked at them and said lightly.

Just this sentence, they both face white again!

"I hope you will not be so unlucky in your next life to find a rice bucket." I said, raising my sword.

"Uh—" The two looked at the sword in my hand, which was shining white in the winter sun, and both turned white.


With a sword in my hand, I slashed at the ground in front of the two with one sword.

Again, you can’t kill them here. First, the Ding family needs to be responsible. Second, the land is still dirty.

I looked at the sword and then at the two men. The two of them had already fainted with fright, their eyes turned white, and there was an unpleasant stench that was wet on their legs.

"What courage, I dare to do this." I took back the sword, ignored them, and crossed the river directly to Ding Yiming's body, and said, "Okay, don't worry about it now."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we all know the strength of these two people. They didn't come here to make trouble in one day or two days. I didn't expect it to be killed by you in just a few minutes. Guo Rui, you are really too incredible!"

With that said, Ding Yiming kept patting my shoulder with both hands, and patted me with a trembling of flesh.

"It's okay, it's okay~"

I was trembling all over by him, and my voice began to tremble.

At this time, the Taoist priest and two other people also came over and prayed to me together: "The master is helping me, he is powerful, please wait for me!"

"Hey, several masters, don't do it, please get up!"

I quickly helped them up, and Ding Yiming walked up to the Taoist priest and said with a smile: "Daoist Tan, you convince people, but you don't see it often."

Dao Tan raised his head and said with a smile: "Hey, this master, although he is not very old, but his strength is high, I sigh. I am not as good as it is. It is one of the blessings in the world to be convinced by such a strong man."

Ding Yiming laughed loudly after hearing this, and whispered to me: "Guo Rui, this Daoist Tan is a master cultivating on Longhu Mountain. He is the strongest one here. Usually no one is convinced. Unexpectedly, you actually I can convince him."

Dao Dao Tan has a strong mana on the side, and naturally his ears are amazing. Although Ding Yiming's voice is not high, he still listened to him and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, saying that I am arrogant? That is wrong to blame me. There are strong people, I am naturally convinced, unlike some people, who are obviously inferior to others and look dissatisfied."

With that, he also glanced at Master Wei.

"This Daoist Tan and Master Wei usually don't see each other. This time, because of you, it's probably even more dead." Ding Yiming said in my ear.

Sure enough, when Grandmaster Wei heard it, he knew he was talking about himself, and he immediately refuted. Then, the two of them quarreled inexplicably.

The two masters on the side are obviously also used to this scene. As soon as they started arguing, they immediately covered their ears and left with exaggerated expressions.

Ding Yiming pulled me aside and asked, "There is one thing, that is, how do you plan to solve those two people?"

With that said, he pointed to Feng Tianxin and his small attendant across from Zhihe.

He could see that I didn't kill them, but how to solve it is still a problem!

I looked at Ding Yiming, then looked back at the two goods, sighed, and said: "Yiming, there is something, I must tell you, you remember when you met Feng Tianling in a coffee shop, he said, Is he suitable for an appointment alone?"

"I remember, didn't you say that you changed your appointment and saved it?"

"Well, I want to tell you the truth, the one who dated him is me!"

I said, looking back at Ding Yiming.

"What?!" Ding Yiming suddenly looked shocked, with an expression of "I'm young, don't lie to me", and said: "But didn't he say that he is a big man?"

I sighed, stretched out my hand and took out the notebook from my pocket and handed it to the front.

Ding Yiming took it, looked at the words "Shadow Army" in a puzzled manner, and then turned it over. The word "Major" appeared before his eyes.

"Major...Major! You? Major?!"

Ding Yiming's whole person was ill at once. An old classmate who hadn't seen him for several years suddenly became a major. What happened to this world? !

"I came here for a purpose, but at that time I didn't know what Feng Tianling was. I only knew that he was in a high position, so I wanted him to do my things. I didn't expect to be such a person."

"Then... Later..."

"Later in the cafe, through your conversations, I knew what kind of person he was, so I didn't ask him anymore. However, I still have to do things that should be done."

"what's up?"

"Yes..." I just wanted to speak. At this time, Master Tan Dao, Master Wei, and several others who had stopped quarreling when they stopped all came over. The Chief Tan Dao who was walking in the front said with a smile: "Master Ding, Master, what are you talking about?"

Then I walked to the front.

Before I could speak, Ding Yiming spoke very enthusiastically: "Dao Master Tan, this classmate of mine is not an ordinary person, he is a great man, a major!"

"Major?" Daochang Tan frowned. For a monk like him, the position of the layman is not so great, so he didn't understand Ding Yiming's excitement, but he still reached out and took the small book.

"Dark... Shadow Army?!"

Unlike Ding Yiming, Daoist Tan knows!

"Master, you... are you from the Shadow Army?!"

The Shadow Army is not another organization, it's an organization of the decent army method. Ordinary people can be ordinary soldiers in the Shadow Army, that’s great. Those who can be equipped with the official title of major or above are, less to say, a famous person on the Tianya list. For example, the last time Han Fei was on the Tianya list. The last position is also the rank of major. And the two deputy commanders, civil and military major generals Nie Zhuo and Lin Dingkun, are both famous figures on the list, let alone Duan Qingtian.

Therefore, when I saw my status as a major in the Shadow Army, Chief Tan was shocked.

Ding Yiming didn't know why, and continued: "This time he came back, as if he was saying that there is a big deal to be done, hey, what a big deal, you haven't said yet."

At this time, Dao Tan was also looking straight at me, with the same brilliance in his eyes, as if thinking of something.

When I saw that so many people had gathered around, it was impossible to solve it in a low-key manner. I simply said, “It’s true that I set up an organization called Tongzhou Club in Jecheng. The purpose is to gather talented people from all over the world. , To deal with demons together, but the last time I came back, I found that my hometown was coveted by demons, so I wanted to establish a branch here to protect the peace of one party."

"Okay!" Ding Yiming slapped me on the shoulder and shouted: "This relationship is good, don't worry, there is nothing I need to do, just say, this is a good thing!"

After listening to what I said, the expression in his eyes became more excited, and he asked with a trembling voice: "Da, Master, you just said that you came back last time, the last time it was..."

"Just a few days ago." I answered truthfully.

"Could it be that you are..." At this point, Daochang Tan suddenly took two steps back, raised his robe sleeves, and bowed his hands to me, saying, "Master, saving the people from water and fire, is really a hero!"

"Don't be the Daoist!" I hurriedly helped Dao Dao Dan again, and said, "It's a shame kid."

"No, you deserve this worship." Dao Master Tan insisted without raising his head.

"Daoist Tan, what's going on?" Ding Yiming asked, still stunned.

"Master, this is the master who saved countless people from that monster last time!"

"Last time... Ah, you were talking about the small alley!"

"Yes! His figure and appearance are exactly the same as my sister described!"

This time I changed my face so dumb, what is it? Are you talking about me?

"Guo Rui, you were the one who rescued so many people in the alley last time." Ding Yiming looked at me and said.

"Small alley? Oh, you said that, because my parents were involved, I can only find out, otherwise I really don't know that there is this thing."

"You know, at the time, Daochang Tan's sister was among them."

"Ah?!" I was startled and looked at Daochang Tan, whose eyes were full of worship, respect and gratitude.

"After my sister came back, she described the scene to me, especially the figure and appearance of the master, and it was true."

"Aha, that's nothing, nothing..." I scratched my head and said embarrassedly.

Ding Yiming patted my shoulder with his hand and said, "Okay, Guo Rui, from now on, your business will be mine. If I don’t touch my heart for someone like you, then I’m not a human being. Come on! Let’s talk, isn’t it just going to build a branch? It's on me!"

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