Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 121: Three high tanks (third more)

The stone monster couldn't beat me when he looked at him suddenly, and a stone flew up on the ground behind and hit him on the shoulder.

Suddenly, I felt that the power in his hand increased by half a point, completely breaking the defensiveness of the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword, and a strong force came, directly blasting me out!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho --" The stone monster saw that I was shot and flew out, and immediately laughed in a naive way. A big stone face was obviously proud of it.

His punch was indeed powerful, although in the end it was only a small stone added, but the original strong power was completely applied to me after breaking the defense of the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword. If it weren't for my level at this time, I had already broken through the twentieth mark and possessed a half-immortal body, I really couldn't stand it!

Under the strange force, my body flew backward for more than ten meters before it stopped. I held the sword in my hand and slammed it down. With a "poof", the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword plunged into the ground halfway through. That's it, I stopped after sliding three meters.

"A lot of strength." I held the sword in my right hand, and the "buzzing" trembling of the sword body made my palms numb, causing my whole body to tremble, and my heart was shocked.

This stone monster really has a lot of strength, but its intelligence is low, otherwise, unless the top ten on the Tianya list come, it will not be able to drop it at all!


His abilities are too lame! This is something like this! No wonder he has to stay here. Looking around, there are countless large and small rocks nearby. If his ability to absorb and reuse is really unlimited, then this is simply swimming in the water than a fish. !

"Hu Jie, run!"

I was standing next to Hu Jie, and Dao Tan, who had just looked here and there, was so far away that she couldn't protect her completely. At this time, I was beaten into the air, and there was an empty door there!

Hu Jie might be stunned at this moment. She backed mechanically. The distance was basically the same as if she didn’t move. Needless to say, the stone monster was extremely fast. Even if he moved slowly, waving his hand would be able to give The little girl fan out!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) At this time, Taoist Tan also flew over with a sword in his hand, drew a paper talisman with his left hand, and blew a breath, a golden light flashed, and the paper talisman turned into ashes. As his Dao finger touched the sword, the golden light covered the sword. , A sword struck the past!

The stone monster also stared at Hu Jie, who was close at hand, but the other side quickly approached and the sword in his hand was obviously threatening Tan Dao. He also had to defend it. He scored with both hands directly and resisted Tan Dao with his left hand. Long, take Hu Jie straight with his right hand.

"Hu Jie!"

I yelled, speeding up my feet a few more points, and at the same time, Hu Jie seemed to have finally reflected my shout just now, and immediately retreated back, and at the same time raised the palm of the hand and threw it out.

Hu Jie was also taught the Taiming step by me. Although the speed is not as fast as mine, it is after all one of the fastest footwork in the world. In a short time, she was out of the attack range of the stone monster, and she also threw it. A raging fire talisman can be regarded as able to stop one or two points of his pace.

Sure enough, after the stone monster was attacked by the Fiery Talisman, although it did not suffer much damage, it still slowed down a bit. In addition, Hu Jie Taiming's pace was faster, and the stone monster hit the empty space with this punch. Bring out a bad wind.

At this time, Daoist Tan had arrived, holding the sword in both hands, holding it high above his head, and slashing it down!


The stone monster turned his hand back and swung his right arm, hitting the sword with his right elbow, only to hear a chime-like sound, followed by a trembling of a bronze bell, and an air current shook out!

The stone monster feels the power. The strength of Dao Tan is not as strong as mine. Even if the sword in his hand is under the blessing of the charm, it is not as good as my Ghost Face Flying Cloud Sword. strange.

The stone monster knew about it all at once, and grinned with a big mouth. Oh, your little brother is still screaming in front of me?

With a wave of his right arm, he didn't get used to those problems, so he threw Tan Daochang out.

On the other side, Hu Jie and I moved forward and back, facing each other. When we met halfway, I opened my arms and embraced Hu Jie.

Hu Jie was backing up, and suddenly she hit a soft object with her back. She turned around and saw my profile face.

"It's okay." I also turned my head and looked around, just looking at her.

How far do you think the one in the arms is? The two of us turned our heads like this, the distance between our faces was only a few centimeters, and we could even feel the breath in our mouth and nose.

"You..." I looked at her. Isn't that look exactly what I looked like in my dreams several times? I don't know when I can really sleep in the same bed and dream.

Keke, serious people, serious people...

"Ah? I, it's okay, it's okay..." Hu Jie was also flushed at this time, struggling to get out of my arms, and stood beside me panting.

Regardless of our good relationship, and we have been at the same table for a year, there is really no such close contact. Maybe this kind of situation can only happen in battle.

Thinking of this, I suddenly wanted to fight every day, so that I could take advantage of it, so that I wouldn't really get hurt anyway.

At this time, Daoist Tan could no longer yell, and while constantly throwing paper people to beat the stone monster, he shouted at me: "Master, don't talk about love, hurry up and help! "

When I heard this, I remembered that there was still something to do. It’s not the time to enjoy the remaining warmth in my arms. The Dao-tan’s paper man’s defense is extremely low, and the rock monster can kill a large piece of it with a wave. So he can't stop for a moment, he'll be over when he stops.

"Don't panic, Dao Tan, I'm here!"

I moved and flew forward, because I plunged my sword into the ground when I landed, and used it as a booster when I walked, so the sword was still there at this time and was not pulled out, but it was no longer properly inserted there. , But the hilt is extremely slanted toward the back.

Such a sword, to drive my body of more than 200 jin, is also embarrassing...

At this moment, I can recall the sword with just a thought, but I didn't do this, but with a movement of my hand, a crackle, thunder suddenly appeared, and the thunder hammer appeared in my right hand.

"Master Dao get away, monster, give me a hammer!"

The stone monster listened to me, knowing that I was a strong enemy compared to Tan Dao Chang, so he immediately let go of Tan Dao Chang, put his hands together and crossed his arms, when he was on top of his head to resist my thunder hammer.

I stepped too brightly, I got to the front a few times, rose up and slammed the hammer firmly with both hands.


The sledgehammer hit the stone monster's hands, and the power of thunder shook, and the electric light was blasted, bombarding the stone monster's body, but it did not cause much damage to him.

I looked at my god, did you still play like this? ! The defense is so high, and there is such a high magic resistance! The Fire Talisman is useless to him, and Lei is useless to him? ! How to play this? Individuals don't want to play with such a big meat, no matter how high the output is, fighting against such a three-high tank with high defense, high blood volume and high recovery is very disgusting.

The rock monster’s arms resisted my hammer. As the place that was directly affected, the damage on both arms was obviously much higher. It was already very difficult to resist at this time. There was a loud roar, and the surrounding stones gathered together in an instant. Come, still the same as before, hit him on the shoulder.

After the stone touched his body, it suddenly became a part of his body, continuously inputting it inward, supplementing the organization of his arms.

This feeling is like the Iron Man in the Marvel movie-Tony Stark’s Nano Armor. Any part of the body can be changed and turned into other parts, just like if his helmet is gone, You can use the ones on your feet to form a new helmet, but the feet are empty.

He is the same in the same way. Although the stones did not directly fill the place where they should go, when they reached the shoulder, it was like a water pipe, continuously replenishing the water source backwards, and then spouting from the faucet.

In fact, these stones can go anywhere, even if they reach his feet, they can be transported to his arms, but the speed is naturally a bit slower than transporting from the shoulders.


The stone monster waved his arms, and after absorbing so many rocks around him, his power surpassed me again. With a wave of his arms, he shook me out again.

Regardless of this time, it was not a straight fist that knocked me out, but an effect to the sky, so after flying up for a while, I fell again because of my weight. I drew a parabola and fell to the ground, not far from the stone monster. far.

The stone monster has gathered all the stones on both hands at this time. A pair of giant hands are like two big winter melons and a pair of heavy hammers. Following his roar, his fists shot out, like two cannonballs. , Shoot me directly!

"Huh, little bugs!"

I gave a cold snort, held the hammer in both hands, and quickly moved with the wheel, driving the thunderbolt and thunder, one point left and right. "Crack, click" twice! After the Thunder, the two giant hands were all smashed into rubble by the thunder and fell back to the ground.

The stone monster waved his hands. Before the gravel fell on the ground, he got up again, and flew towards the stone monster again, forming his hands again.

I looked at him, frowned, and rushed over with a sledgehammer in my hand. Since he has a long-range attack method, I must fight him in close combat!

But at this time, the stone monster saw me rushing with a hammer, and suddenly opened his mouth back and exhaled a puff of black smoke. A handle that looked like a weapon appeared in the black smoke.

The stone monster held this handle in his hand and drew it outwards. After the handle, there was still a cloud of black smoke, which gradually formed after getting out of the body. Judging from the length, it looked like a long-handled weapon like a big sword.

At this time, the weapon had been completely pulled out of the body, only a little bit of black smoke on the head, as the stone monster's right hand shook, the black smoke dissipated, and the weapon was fully formed, it was a big axe!

I ran to the front, dragging the sledgehammer upwards, the rock monster holding the giant axe also slashed downwards, the hamaxes intersected, and there was a loud noise, thunder and lightning scattered, hitting the ground and blowing up clouds of dirt.

I held the hammer in both hands, feeling the strength, thinking in my heart, ah, I couldn’t fight this effort, hurry up, change the hammer method, and beat it again, but it was blocked by the rock monster crossbar, and it shook up and pushed me again. Got out.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho --!"

Seeing that I was beaten out again, the stone monster suddenly laughed slyly, waving a giant axe in both hands, with a proud look.

I fell back to the ground, waved my left hand, Fengming sword shot, and took the head of the stone monster, but the stone monster's response was extremely fast, immediately swung the big axe, patted it with the clone, and shot Fengming sword at once. After breaking up, the wind blade swept over, leaving countless knife marks on the ground.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho --!"

There was another burst of laughter.

I looked at him, my eyes narrowed slightly, and my heart said I wouldn't give you something great. Do you really underestimate me? !

His left hand stretched out again, and a black ball of light appeared on the palm of his palm.

Dark sanctuary!

This is the last time in the lock demon tower, defeated the dark sanctuary of the dry tree demon!

As long as you are in this, that is my world, and you can't win if you don't believe it!

Thinking about it, when I moved my left hand, I was about to press the small black ball on my chest, but at this moment, suddenly in another part of the forest, a smiling man in a blue and white road robe walked around like a stroll. , Reached out and shouted: "Slow!"

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