Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 122: Si Kongying (first shift)

"Hold on!"

Among the woods, a person walked over in a leisurely courtyard, raising his hand and shouting.

Not to mention, his sound really works. I don’t know him and don’t think anything, but the stone monster obviously recognizes this person and knows this voice. Upon hearing this, he quickly closed his magical powers and moved with one hand. With a pestle on the ground, he stood aside honestly, bowed his head respectfully towards the woods, and looked like a guard.

When I saw that the stone monster stopped hitting, I knew in my heart that there was a big leader on the opposite side, so I couldn’t catch anyone hitting who, so I hurriedly collected the small dark ball and the Thunder Hammer. What people are going to say.

At this moment, the man saw us stop and walked over from the forest with a smile. He was still walking in the garden without hurries, as if he himself was such a game of life, and he didn’t care about everything. .

As he gets closer, I can see his looks clearly.

She is about 1.78 meters tall, and she is wearing a blue and white robe, each with a gossip pattern on the sleeves, a hairpin, and a long ponytail draped behind her, with long black hair hanging down to her waist. He has a beautiful face, fair skin, and looks like a woman, but both his voice and body indicate that he is a man. His face was bent into two crescents with a smile, and in the gap, there was a faint star-like brilliance, what a beautiful man!

The man walked up to the stone monster, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Good boy, come and eat fruit." After speaking, he did not know where to take out an apple out of thin air and handed it to the stone monster.

Eat fruit...

Listening to the words he just said, I suddenly felt weird. You, a big man, originally looked like a woman and spoke so kawaii, is it okay?

I won’t talk about it here, but on the other side, Daoist Tan looked at the visitor, as if he suddenly remembered something, tapped the person with his finger, and said in a trembled voice: "You...are you, are you..."

I heard it, eh? This person has some background? Hurriedly asked, "Daoist Tan, who is this person?"

Dao Tan looked at the man, looked up and down again and again, before finally confirming: "Yes, it is him, the second elder of the seven elders of Maoshan, Tianliu! I have long heard that he has a casual personality and loves game life. He often wears a smiling face and looks very kind...yes, his image and clothes in the legend are all right!"

After finishing speaking, Daoist Tan hurried forward, bowed deeply to Liu Shen that day, and asked, "Dare to ask, but Elder Tianliu."

At this time, Tian Liu was smiling and watching the stone monster eating the apple with a bite of "Ka Ka", and he was happy in it. When Dao Tan asked, he looked back and said with a smile: "It's just that I was right. ,you are……"

"Ah, disciple Longhushan head disciple, Tan Kun." Dao Chang Tan said.

It turned out that Dao Tan was called Tan Kun, but I only now know.

When Tianliu heard that Daoist Tan reported himself to his family, he smiled even more and said, "Oh, you are a disciple of Daoist Tianluan, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Dare not dare."

Tianliu looked at me again and asked: "Then dare to ask your Excellency..."

I hurriedly stepped forward two steps, and said: "Master, go ahead, get to the next level, I have been invited by the head of Maoshan, come here to offer treasures and repair the seal of the lock demon tower."

Tianliu and Tan Daochang, it was just equivalent to a meeting with relatives in my hometown, and I came by invitation, and it was a big event, naturally different. That day Liu heard that I was coming, and he walked over immediately, and he also bowed his hand, and said in return: "It turned out to be you, hurry up, follow me up the mountain, Xiao Sikong is already impatient."

...Xiao Sikong?

Dao Tan was also a little helpless on the side, but later on the road, he explained clearly to me. This elder Tianliu has extremely high spells, and belongs to the highest generation in Maoshan, and belongs to the same generation as the great elder Xu Dao. The reason why he looks so young is that he has practiced the spell and will always keep his youthful appearance, but In fact, even Si Kongying, the head of Maoshan, is his junior.

Therefore, in the entire Maoshan, no matter who he is called, he is always "little what", of course, in addition to this, part of it is because of his character, so much fun!

Tianliu walked in front, Daochang Tan and I followed Hu Jie. As for the stone monster, we were still sitting on the spot, gnawing on the apple with our big axe, and then went on wandering around after we finished gnawing.

He eats apples by swallowing apple cores together. Anyway, it was originally a stubborn stone and had no intestines. How could he eat up his stomach?

I looked back at the stone monster, it was really strange, so I couldn't help but ask: "Elder Tianliu, that stone monster is..."

"Huh? You said that little guy." Tian Liu still smiled, looking back at me and said.

...You call this the little guy...hehe.

"He, he picked it up when Xiao Sikong went out to play in the past. At that time, I saw that he was a bit smart, and he was born with fasting fetus, and he had never done anything harmful to the world, so he stayed and put it in later. Yamashita helped us guard the mountain gate. I have forgotten how many years it has been."

"But it's a monster, is there no one opposed to leaving him here on Maoshan?" Dao Master Tan asked.

"What's the solution? After all, Xiao Sikong is the head, isn't it? What he said is still useful. When he presses it down, the people underneath can't say anything. Moreover, I think this little guy is very cute. It’s just that he doesn’t like it."

Daoist Tan explained to me that the senior brother in Tianliu's mouth was the chief elder of Maoshan, Xu Daochang he just mentioned.

Thinking about this in my heart, I felt a little weird. Although this Maoshan seems to be a whole, at present, it seems to be divided into two factions.

Maoshan, as a pioneer model for reducing demons and eliminating demons, has always been incapable of evil. The zombie thing that Master told me is an example, and now, such a stone monster is placed here, which will definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction. , Thus intensifying the contradiction, the contradiction is getting bigger and bigger, and the difference between the two factions is getting bigger and bigger. If things go on like this, Maoshan, which has been passed on for countless years, will probably be a big benchmark in the world of wizards. Changed!

The chief elder Xu Daochang is the representative of the conservatives. No matter what the heart is, the demon is the demon. If it is not my race, the heart must be different. This is probably what most people think. But the head Sikongying and the second elder Tianliu don't think so. For them, whether they are monsters or monsters, they treat them equally, eliminate evil and promote good, good monsters, they must save his life.

This is the ideological contradiction between the two factions. If it cannot be resolved fundamentally, then there will be constant contradictions in the future. This situation should have existed for hundreds of years, and it is unknown how many years thereafter. After all, no one can tell who is right or wrong.

Before we spoke, our group had already reached the top of the mountain. Maoshan is not a mountain, but a group of mountains. There are several large mountains surrounding the Maoshan Hall, forming a natural danger. The middle mountain is lower in elevation than the other mountains, and the top of the mountain is flat. The Maoshan Hall and the Taoists The residences are all located here. It can be said that the big mountain in the middle occupies 85 percent of Maoshan's functions.

Ascending the ladder, there is a big mountain gate in front of you, and after the mountain gate, there is a big square in front of which there are painted yin and yang gossips on the ground, and there are nine dragon-carved stone pillars on the left and right sides. A total of 18 stone pillars surround this large square. Later, I went up to the stone steps, and above it was a large hall, this is the Maoshan Hall. Every morning, all the disciples would listen to the teachings of the master, and if there was a major event, a meeting would be held.

But at this time, there is no major event on Maoshan. The only major event is probably to re-seal the lock demon tower. This is not something that the disciples can help, and it is close to dinner time, I am afraid all the disciples are waiting for dinner. , So both the square and the hall are empty.

Tianliu led us all the way through the square to the main hall, where there were only two people.

One of them, standing in front of the head of Maoshan, stood with his hand with his back facing us, and heard our voices before turning around.

I took a closer look. The man was well-proportioned, with short hair, half black and half white, and a mustache with the same style as Lu Xun under his nose. From the looks of it, he was only in his forties, at most fifty, but he was inexplicably pale. There is a weak air all over the body.

I was puzzled in my heart. I first used my investigative eyes, but I couldn't see anything. It was confirmed that he was indeed only forty-eight this year, but the weakness on his body had entered his old age. I looked with yin and yang eyes again, and found that his foundation has been damaged and his soul and spirit body have been damaged. I am afraid that he will never make progress in his practice in this life, and he may not be able to die!

I'm afraid this is... the injury from a battle in the early years.

Thinking like this, my footsteps have stopped. Tianliu stepped forward in front of him and bowed his hands and said, "Master, Xie Tiantong's disciple Guo Rui has arrived."

As soon as the master heard this, he walked down quickly, his hands behind his back also returned to his front, first raised Tianliu, and then asked us; "Great! I don't know which one belongs to Master Jiefu. High disciple?"

I heard that I took a step forward, took out the box that the master gave me, bowed my head and said, "My disciple Guo Ruibucai, I'm under the master's sect, on the order of the master, I will bring this treasure to help repair the seal of the lock demon tower. "

Si Kongying hurriedly walked up to me, took the box in one hand, lifted me up with the other, and then patted my shoulder and said, "Okay! Okay! You are finally here!"

At this time, another person above the main hall also came over and laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha! This is all right! Except for the boys in the Mu family, all the other roads are here, now you Don't worry!"

I looked back and saw that the man was about 1.82 meters tall, he was born with a tiger back and a waist, he did not wear a robe, but was wearing burlap trousers with old cloth shoes under his feet. There was nothing to cover his upper body, his bronze skin, and his whole body. Tight and rough, with a red turban on his head, a scar on his face, from the top of the right eye to the bottom of the left eye, fortunately it did not hurt the eyes. The most iconic thing is his beard.

This beard is different from other people's. Other people's beard is black, but his beard is red as if it has been dyed with cinnabar!

Dao Tan put his head to my side and whispered to me: "This is the seventh elder of Maoshan-Chixuzi."

There are seven elders in Maoshan, but now, two are dead, one is missing, and only four elders remain, so we can't complete the original sealing method, so we people are required to seal the lock demon tower with foreign objects.

And these seven elders, Chixuzi, is one of the only four elders left, and he is still a man with a story...

"Yanjing Yunmiao Temple is visiting, please come and meet from Maoshan!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came over. I looked back and found that the square outside the temple was still empty. When I listened carefully, it was not a voice from nearby, but a spell!

"Sound transmission, such a powerful mana." Dao Master Tan said with a frown looking outside the door.

I also frowned, feeling the source of this sound. This sound... seems to be coming from under the mountain.

"It's such a long distance, Yunmiao Temple...the place of Master Ruyan, it's strange, Buddhists, why come to Maoshan?"

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