Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 123: Visitors from Yunmiao Temple (second more)

"Yanjing Yunmiao Temple is visiting, please come and meet from Maoshan!"

At this time, the monk below the mountain had already spoken twice.

I frowned, and suddenly remembered the several monks I saw on the bus at that time. After they got off the bus, they seemed to come to Maoshan. I thought they were just in the same direction, but I didn’t expect to come. Here. What's more, it's also a little strange. I'm a little behind in Maoshan where they came with us, and I've been held back by the stone monster for a long time. Logically, they should have come before me. Why did they come now?

At this time, the head Si Kongying also had a look of doubt, looking down at the mountain, stroking the eight-character Hu with his hand, and muttered, "Yunmiao Temple?"

He didn't say anything yet, but Chibeko was anxious, blowing his beard and staring, and immediately shouted in a loud voice: "Haha! You are here! Long time no see! Come, come and fight me for fifty rounds!"

With that, the red beard suddenly jumped outside the hall, and reached the center of the square in a few steps. He stretched out his hand to make a move, and there was a strange-shaped copper rod in his hand. He pointed to the surrounding area and began to yell.

"Come on, come out!"

Chisuko stood in the middle of the square and kept spinning around, seeming to be looking for those monks.

Si Kongying was speechless when he saw him like this, and stroking his forehead with his hand, and said: "They are under the mountain, Transmit! Don't you understand Transmit?"

After hearing Si Kongying say this, Chisuko turned her head and looked at him, frowning as if she was thinking about something. It took a long time to understand, ah, they were under the mountain...

"Come up!" Chisuko called down the mountain.

"They can't hear you!"

Si Kongying is almost stunned, what is this? ! You can only hear them because they are sound transmissions. You shout in a fleshy voice. Why are you shouting?

I looked at Si Kongying covering his face with his hands, looking like "I don't know him", and I felt a little pity for him. This red beard is a different kind of stuff. He doesn't know anything about humanity. He can only do things with temperament, if it is not because of his strong strength, and at this time, when Mao Shan is just employing people, it is estimated that Si Kongying would have driven him out long ago.

There is still a story about this red beard. I just wanted to say that it was interrupted by those monks, but it happened that in his story, these monks are indispensable...

This Chisuko was a strange person. Regarding his story, my master, brother Liu Tong and others, all know a lot, and often talk about it as a joke.

He was born with a different aspect. Other locals became the chosen sons of heaven. However, unlike other people, other chosen sons were born, either because of the arrival of a hundred birds, the falling of a white crane, or something strange in the sky. The place, he is particularly distinctive! Hundred pigs cry!


How does this make sense?

As soon as he was born, all the pigs in the village screamed, and the villagers were shocked, thinking that a butcher was born! This is the pig scared!

Chishiko is the kind of child with better feet than his mouth. I didn’t say anything sharp yet, but the walkway was extremely sharp. Even the dogs in the village were beaten by him when he ran. As long as he went out, the whole village was quiet. The dogs knew him, and they didn't dare to shout for fear of being beaten.

By the time he was seven years old, he was even more capable, and he started riding pigs! As long as he comes out, it will definitely be a farce, and every street in the village may see him riding a certain family of pigs around.

After growing up, this Akashiko's ability has become stronger and stronger. Not only is his strength astonishing, but he has a rough temper for some reason. He often beats people at every disagreement. No matter who he is, he dares to fight, and no one fights. Get past him.

Later, he also knew that he was short-tempered and might cause trouble, but he couldn't control himself, so he thought about what temple he had gone to to cultivate his character. In this regard, he is clever. He often hears people say that in the mountains, he is always accompanied by the ancient Buddha with a blue lantern. He intends to come here. There is a Yunmiao Temple in Yanjing, where there is a very powerful master Ruyan, so he went away admiringly.


Ha ha.

Within two months, he beat every monk in the temple except for the master's powerful spells. This red beard seems to be born with mana, and he has no master to teach him, but the strength is already similar to those masters.

So, at the end of the second month, under the pleading of a group of monks with swollen noses, Master Ruyan had to talk to him.

As expected, Chisuko was also a man. When he heard this, he couldn't bear the grievances immediately. He directly picked up his son. Before leaving the temple, he also said the most logical saying: "You Yunmiao Temple claims to be number one in the world. , In the end, even my violent temper couldn't be changed, and I was so vain!


At that time, this group of people was speechless, and your words were too rascal!

This is the same as when we were playing games. There was a scam in the team. Not only did you want to vomit blood, but also came to you, "You bunch of waste, even I can't bring it, spicy chicken!" "

...I have never seen such a brazen person!

This logic is too good!

So, after he didn't learn how to control his temper, he converted to Taoism. After visiting all the famous mountains, Taoists with blue noses and swollen faces drove him to Maoshan...

He can't change his temper no matter where he goes!

However, after coming to Maoshan, the situation has improved. It is not that his temper has reduced, but that there are more people he can't beat here than the previous times. Moreover, the head of Si Kongying is not an old stubborn...

From the few conversations just now, you can see that this Sikongying is not an old and pedantic character, but a very casual person, and even has a certain hidden amusement...This is why he stays. The stone is strange.

Today, when the monks from Yunmiao Temple came, he was naturally excited. They were old friends! However, for his character, he still focuses on fighting! Hit, it's going to meet guests!

At this time, the monks had been invited up. As soon as Akashiko saw them, he immediately got vigorous, waved his copper rod, and shouted: "It's you! Come on, let's fight for a hundred rounds!"

Hey, this number is big in just a while.

"Red beard, don't make trouble!" Si Kongying said in front of the outsiders, keeping a serious face, nodded to the monks who came, and asked: "Several monks come from afar, what's the matter?"

"Oh, how can there be so many things? Just hit it!" Akashiko put the copper rod on the ground, put his palm against the bottom of the rod, and looked at the visitor obliquely.

I look over, yes! It was the monks on the bus, but how could they come to Maoshan?

"Amitabha Buddha." The leading monk, wearing a yellow monk robe, holding a rosary, folded his hands together, nodded and saluted the Sikongying, and said: "We are here this time and there is nothing serious about it. We just want to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Si Kongying frowned and asked, "Who is it for?"

"Who are you looking for? Find me, come on, fight!" Akashiko once again brushed his sense of existence, smiling at the leading monk, full of fighting spirit.

"No, we are here to find my junior."

"Junior brother? Master Ruyan has accepted disciples again?" Si Kongying said. He knew that the monk who came was a disciple of Master Ruyan. He said that he was a disciple of Master Ruyan.

"Yes, but it's not too early. A disciple whom I received a few years ago him."

The monk said and pointed to the red beard.

"Oh, as good as me?" Akashiko was happy when he heard it.

"Ha ha."

"...What do you mean?!"

The monk ignored him and continued: "This man has a low temper, but he is more naughty than Chishiko. He is a life treasure. We ran away a few days ago and we followed his route. I want to ask if he has been here."

"I haven't been, if such a monk came, how could I not know?" Si Kongying said.

"Yes," the leading monk nodded, "If he was here, he would have been jumping around a long time ago, how could he still be so quiet? Because of this precedent, we came here to ask about it. This is mine. I hope that the head of Sikong will distribute the photos of the younger brother, and look around Maoshan. If you find it, please contact us." After that, he took out a stack of photos and handed them to Si Kongying.

Si Kongying took the photo: "Well, if our people see it, we must contact."

"Then bother Lao Sikong's head, Amitabha, the poor monk is leaving." The monk put his hands together again, and nodded to Sikongying. Then he turned and left, and the few little monks behind him waited for the leading monk to pass by before turning around and leaving with him.

I looked at the monks carefully, and it was obvious that as a disciple of Master Ruyan, the leading monk had an absolutely extraordinary status. Judging from his attitude towards Chisuko, he should be one of the few who had not been beaten. His body is full of Buddha's light, that's not to say, but the remaining little monks, who are not wearing blue monk robes, should be just some of the youngest monks in the temple, and they also have very pure Buddha's light!

Yunmiao Temple...the number one temple in the world, it really deserves its reputation, even if it is a little monk, it is not a general generation!

On the other side, Si Kongying took the photo and looked at the person on it, but he was new elsewhere, frowning and thinking: "What does his sentence... mean?"

What is... has a precedent?

Si Kongying glanced at Chi Xizi next to him and rolled his eyes.

Isn’t there a precedent? Didn't this Akiko come here after running out of their temple?

Si Kongying held his forehead with his hand, what kind of place is this Maoshan himself, and does he take in the people who run over there?

I also thought about what he was thinking at this time, and I couldn't help feeling a little funny. I wondered what the running monk looked like, so I endured a smile and walked to Si Kongying to see the photo.

In the photo, a big fat monk with a round head, a rolling figure, a bare head with nothing on his head, wearing a yellow monk robe, holding a rosary in his hand, smiling at the camera. The whole body exudes an unreliable aura...

Sure enough, just looking at the photos is a living treasure. It should be easy to find where he is, because there is definitely no peace in his place.

"Hahahahahaha, chubby monk, he's not a good guy at first sight." Chisuko laughed while holding the copper rod.

Here, this is an example.

Sikongying shook his head, gave the photo to Chisuko, and said, "Take it to the disciples and distribute it. Let them help you find it. Go."

"Good, good." Akiko waved his hand, the copper rod disappeared out of thin air, reached out and took the photo, turned and left.

Sikongying turned around and said to a few of us: "A few of you have come from afar, I will let you take you to your room, and have a good rest tonight. The last one will come tomorrow. At noon tomorrow, fix the lock. The demon tower is sealed!"

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