Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 125: Murong Lei (first shift)

In Tsing Yi, the room where Nangong Yu is the master, a small table, and I sit opposite Nangong Yu, the table is freshly brewed fragrant tea.

"Please use it." After Nangong Yu poured the tea cups in front of us into the fragrant tea, put down the teapot and made a "please" gesture to me.

"Oh, oh." I nodded and reached out to pick up the teacup. Because I was shaking all the time, the tea in the teacup was rippling, almost spilling out of the cup.

Nangong Yu sat opposite me. Seeing me like this, he couldn't help but chuckled again, and said, "Sir, don't be nervous. If this tea is spilled, it won't be easy to clean."

"Oh, well, not nervous, not nervous..."

not nervous? Don't be nervous!

The woman in front of me looks weak and gentle, like an ancient woman walking out of the painting, but in fact? ! That's a serious zombie!

Master said, at least seven or eight hundred years, can this be something I can afford? I stayed with her for a long time, but it was because she was learning Taoism and was a reasonable corpse. If this was a cannibal corpse, I would have died dozens of times.

I still remember that just now, when she was at the back door, she revealed her identity. I couldn't control the volume, and a loud "Huh?!" almost shouted the Taoist who was still sleeping in the whole view.

Nangong Yu looked at me still nervous, and said with a smile: "Sir, don't be afraid. The little girl will not kill people for no reason, let alone want to kill for the sake of appetite. All I kill are wicked, bad and wicked people, sir. Listening to my song, I must be a gentleman, and naturally my guest. How can I be disadvantageous to my husband?"

"This is the best, this is the best." I nodded frequently, drank the tea in one cup, and was shocked.

"Mr... it seems that I don't know much about tea ceremony, but it doesn't matter, my husband knows my music, and the little girl is already content." Nangong Yu said, holding up the teacup, taking a sip, and putting it back on the table.

I smiled and nodded. My heart said I still know music. I just think it sounds good, but do you know a ball? ! And I don’t really know the tea ceremony at all. I still know how to taste it. But when I was thirsty, I was scared. How can I give you a Kung Fu tea ceremony?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Nangong Yu said "please come in", and a little road boy walked in.

This little Taoist boy is just like the kind of boy in the TV series. He looks young and must be under ten years old. His hair is combed with a double bun and tied with a blue scarf. Wearing a Taoist robe, he is really cute.

The little Dao Tong walked in, reached Nangong Yu's side, bowed his head and said, "Master, breakfast is ready, should I bring it in now?"

I sat aside and looked at the little Dao Tong carefully, and found that although he was full of Dao Qi, he still had a demon energy that could not be hidden. This was his own as a demon, and it was also indelible. No matter how much he practiced, it was impossible to erase the demon spirit on his body. As for why I didn’t notice Nangong Yu... Hehe, what level of me, what level of her, can I detect this? !

"Come in." Nangong Yu nodded, the little Dao Tong said yes, then turned and left.

I secretly looked with yin and yang eyes, and found that it turned out to be a squirrel demon, maybe it had been cultivated for decades, it should have been picked up and raised by Nangong Yu since it was a child, so the Dao Qi is strong.

However, this thing is equivalent to a little monster, just like the group behind a big monster in "Journey to the West", but because of learning Taoism since childhood, its mana is higher than them, at least it can become a person.

Nangong Yu seemed to see what I was thinking, and said, "His name is Xiao Nan. He was picked up by me fifty years ago. Because he practices orthodox Taoism, his mana is higher than that of ordinary people of the same age. It’s difficult for the monsters to cultivate, so even if they are high, they still need to work hard for years and years, but it’s not a difficult spell to change into adults, especially if they change in the same way. People, they should be in their 30s by now."

I nodded, still change, there are traces to follow, it is difficult to change out of thin air, but fortunately he becomes a child, and the general human childhood will soon pass, but he can always maintain, which also avoids having This embarrassing situation of two identical people.


I thought of a question. The zombie said it was at least 700 years old, but how many years are it?

"That... ask presumptuously, how long have you been practicing?"

Nangong Yu smiled and said, "Mister wants to ask me how long I have lived. It's okay. There is nothing to say about it. However, after I became a zombie, before I practiced Taoism, I had no wisdom for a long time. , I will only be attracted by blood and flesh, so I don’t know how long I have lived, and after I have the spiritual wisdom, I have experienced too many dynasties, and I can’t remember the number of years, but I remember that I am still human It was during the Zhenguan period."


I took a deep breath, stared at her, and asked tentatively, "But... during the Zhenguan period of Datang?"


I go!

During the Zhenguan period of Datang, that was the time of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, more than 1,400 years ago! What is this special seven or eight hundred years? Even if it takes time for her to change from a corpse to a zombie, she must have not run away for more than a thousand years!

This is a...thousand-year zombie!

I looked at her. Behind the elegant and dignified, there is actually a fearsome thousand-year-old zombie. I'm afraid that Uncle Ying can't get it.

At this time, the little squirrel boy, Xiao Nan, has returned, holding a tray with two bowls of rice porridge on it. There is more rice and less water, which can be hungry. There are also a few dishes of side dishes. The most important thing is another glass of water. Not ordinary water, but dark red liquid!

Is it... blood? !

Xiao Nan put the tray on the table, two bowls of rice porridge and Nangong Yu each, a few dishes of side dishes in the middle, and the unidentified cup on Nangong Yu's side.

I lifted my nose and smelled it, as expected, a **** air.

Nangong Yu didn’t have any evasions, and said frankly: “Although I am practicing Taoism, as a zombie, I can’t eat meat, but I have to drink blood, but you don’t need to worry. These are all Xiaonan’s regular visits to the mountain to butcher pigs I have already said that the **** food that the meat seller asks for, I will not hurt people for the sake of appetite."

"Oh." I nodded and took a sip of rice porridge.

I have to say that this Taoist temple is good at making this kind of things. It is obviously ordinary white porridge, but it also has to be delicious at home. Maybe it is the relationship between rice and water. Not all that the emperor used Yuquanshan for tea. Water is used to make tea, these thousand-year-old zombies, it is estimated that you must use some delicate things to eat and drink.

Besides, the side dishes are a plate of crispy radish, a plate of mixed cabbage, a plate of pickled cucumbers, and a plate of kelp shreds. Ah, I don’t eat this kelp shreds. Although I grew up in a seaside city, I can't eat this kind of plants that grow in the sea.

They are all common and simple things, but they are cool and refreshing and delicious. This professional vegetarian is not ordinary.

Nangongyu and I had breakfast. She drank another cup of blood. This breakfast was over. Xiaonan came to take away the tableware again, and I replaced the teacup in front of me, ready to continue talking.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door——

"Boom boom boom boom——! Open the door! Boom boom boom boom——! In Xia Gu Su Murong Lei, come to visit, open the door!"

Murong Lei?

I frowned and looked out of the door. Although the knock was loud, it was not too loud because the main entrance of the Taoist Temple was far away from here, but if it was not far from the door, it would be so annoying.

And... why do you come here to watch Tsing Yi without leaving Maoshan? It must have come with Nangong Yu!

To grab business! Is this okay? !

"It seems that there are some rude people in Guanli, I'd better go take a look." Nangong Yu stood up with a smile, and walked out.

I was anxious when I saw it. Although looking at what she meant, Murong Lei's attitude would definitely fail, but if she said it first, then success or failure would have a bad influence on me.

"Senior Nangong please be slow!" I quickly got up and shouted.

At this time, Nangong Yu had already reached the door. When I asked her to look back, she asked, "What's the matter, sir?"

I stepped forward two steps and looked at her. I was a bit tangled for a while, but after hesitating for two times, I still said: "Guo Rui, the younger generation, because demons are everywhere today, so the Tongzhou Club was established in Jecheng to recruit talented people from all over the world. Comfort the world. But I am just an unknown person. Even if I miss the world in my heart, it is difficult to sing alone and my strength is low. Therefore, please come and ask seniors to come out and help!"

After finishing speaking, I bowed my hands and bowed, but did not stand, waiting for Nangong Yu to answer. If she doesn't answer, I will be dead!

Seeing me like this, Nangong Yu couldn't help but froze for a while, and then he muttered for a moment. Then he said, "I already know what you are coming for. I think the rude person outside the door is also in this mind, but I don't want to go down the mountain now. I will agree to you, but don't worry, I won't agree to him either."

After speaking, Nangong Yu pushed open the door and walked out.

I hurriedly looked up, but only saw Nangong Yu's clothes fluttering when he left. I was uneasy, and hurried to follow up until I reached the main entrance of Taoist Temple. I just saw Nangong Yu standing at the entrance of Taoist Temple, looking at the gate. Place.

At this time, the knock on the door was still ringing. Listening to the sound at such a close distance, it really made my ears hurt and my heart was numb. I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but when I looked at the door, I saw a thin figure. The man with a cold face seemed to be completely unaffected and walked towards the door.

"Open the door! Open..."

The man at the door was still tapping the door. Suddenly the door opened without warning, and he shook him directly. He almost fell and opened his eyes. Inside the door was a thin, cold-faced man.

"That's right, it's great to open the door early, and let me knock for a long time. Just shake my place and forget it." Na Murong Lei said, lifting the collar of his clothes and walking in, reaching out and pulling away The man, looking around at will, as if visiting, casually said: "Is there a man like you in this view? He doesn't look like a Taoist priest at all."

I took a closer look. That Murong Lei was short and chubby with a height of only 1.7 meters. He had a piercing haircut. He added an extra to himself. The expression on his face can’t be said to be the domineering look of a dude, but it’s not so much anyway. serious. It's a bit similar to the game life of the elder Tianliu, but it must have not reached that level. It can only be said that he is an inexperienced young man, not a cultivator, but a stupid son of a landlord.

"I said, don't you have a Thousand-Year zombie here? Where is it? Let him come out to see and see, and I have something to do with him." The little fat man said carelessly while visiting.

The *** was behind him, looking at him coldly, and said gloomily: "What's the matter with my master?"

Murong Lei looked back at him, looked up and down, and said with a smile: "Are you his apprentice? Okay, if you call him out, he said that Mr. Murong Lei is here. Ask him to come as a guest at my house and eat and spend. "

As he said, he patted the man's shoulder with his hand, especially the three words "indispensable", every word.

But at this moment, I felt the strong killing intent emanating from the man. The next moment, I saw him grab and shake, and Murong Lei was already flying in the air.

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