Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 126: Two fat fights (second more)


Na Murong Lei screamed and flew into the sky, like a flying pig in the sky, drawing a parabola in the air, bypassing the gate of the Taoist temple, and accurately fell into the ground outside, and fell a head onion.


As a child of a big family, Murong Lei certainly didn't come by himself. There were two servants around him, but he was just trying to call people. He didn't have much ability, and the reaction was naturally average. For them, they just felt a flower in front of them, and the little fat man was gone. With big eyes and small eyes with a dazed expression, they heard a scream like a pig from near to far, and finally, with a sound Muffled, the cry stopped abruptly.

"what's the situation?"

"I do not know."

"Young Master?"


The two boys were stunned for a while before they realized that their young master was planting upside down outside the door. His legs were exposed like two small trees. He was trembling just now, but now he doesn't move...


Two people ran over quickly, one grabbed one leg and pulled out like a carrot. Poor two little guys, who are already small and thin, but are going to pull such a big carrot...

"Is he... still alive?" I asked with some palpitations as I watched the two people pull the carrots hard.

Next to him, the cold-faced man was still standing. This man looked cold, and he was a cruel man when he started his hands.

"I don't care if he lives or not. It's best if he is dead. I will throw it again if I save it."


Well, it's a wolf flame.

Nangong Yu walked over with a smile, and said, "They also don't know what is good or bad. They behaved so unruly in front of my apprentice, he, but he has a quick temper."

I nodded my head repeatedly, didn't I?

Thinking about it, I looked at the man with yin and yang eyes, only to find that this man has no soul at all!

No soul and no soul? !

Everything in the world has a soul. If there is a creature without soul and soul, then there is only...

"He too..."

"Yes," Nangong Yu nodded, "He was a kid I collected many years ago, because he killed too much during his lifetime, even if he is a corpse, he still retains a lot of murderous aura, so his temper is not very good."

"That's it, that's how it is, senior you..."

Nangong Yu smiled, looked at me and said, "I was a singer in the Tang Dynasty. I watched all the things in the world, the rise and fall of the world, but calmed down."

"So... this is the reason why you refused to come out, senior," I said.

After Nangong Yu heard what I said, she stopped talking, lowering her head as if she was struggling with something, but in the end she was calm, nodded and said "Yes."

At this time, the two finally pulled Murong Lei's little fat man out. The hapless brothers suddenly slumped in the low mountain, holding their hands behind them, and sighed to the sky.

This is really tiring.

The fat man was just picked up, his upper body was covered with mud, and there was a large circular hole on the ground...


Murong Lei panted heavily and relaxed on the ground for a while, then stood up, pointed at the cold-faced man and shouted, "Oh, you bastard, dare dare to treat this young master like this, me, me ……**,you go!"

"No..." The ** among the two people next to him immediately shook his head like a rattle, and trembled without saying a word.

"Old Liu, you go!" He immediately instructed another person to go.

"I'm going! I'm not going!"

I was listening here, and my heart said there was a Chinese question, whether he would go or not.

Murong Lei was sitting on the ground screaming, and pointed at two people: "Okay! You, ah! And you! For a while, you two guys, what can't you do, what can you eat? What use do you want?!"

When I heard it, okay, this sentence is universal in the world, so why does everyone come to this sentence?

At this time, Na Murong Lei was still shouting: "You two are trash! Let you see what I can do today! I..."

"You go?" **, Old Liu asked in unison.

"I..." Murong Lei straightened up and just wanted to pretend to be forced, but at this moment, he suddenly saw the cold-faced man's eyes, and suffocated again: "I...not going."

Sure enough, follow your heart when you should.

Three people were sitting on the ground, one fat and two thin looking at each other, no one dared to go, but at this moment, the cold-faced man passed by himself!

"what are you doing?!"

Murong Lei suddenly panicked when he saw the man walking towards him. He didn't know where his strength came from and got up. He pulled the two people over with his left and right hands one by one, pushed them in front of him, and shouted at the man: " Don't come here!"

The man walked a few steps forward, suddenly he got a stop, and the corner of his eyes twitched slightly. The next moment, his whole person disappeared in place like a black arrow, and appeared again, he was already beside the little fat man. .

"Hold the grass!"

Murong Lei was startled at once, before he waited to say anything, he flew again...

This person seems to have some obsession with throwing people...

Nangong Yu explained with a smile: "His name is Luo Peng. He was a Jiangyang thief hundreds of years ago. He murdered people and robbed him of money. He was too heavy to kill himself. Because of this, he was so powerful that no one could resist. So he has developed a habit of throwing people away, and...this is also caused by the sacks filled with money all the year round."


Well, it's really not an ordinary person, throwing money-filled's so special now that there is no money and even exercise is not qualified.

But this time it was obvious that Luo Peng’s strength was not that great. The little fat man fell on the ground and quickly eased up. Looking at Luo Peng, he finally realized that he could not help but said: "I take it, I take it. Okay, don't throw it away, oh my mother, I fainted and fell to death. I said, I'm here to find the Millennium Zombie. Are you there? Can you meet me?"

At this time, Nangong Yu didn't want to stretch anymore, he raised his foot and walked out of the gate and said, "Okay, I am."

Murong Lei's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Nangong Yu, but because Luo Peng was still here, he didn't dare to do anything, so he still sat on the ground and said, "I am Murong Lei, the third son of Gusu Murong's family. In recognition of your prestige, I am here to pay a visit. This time I am here to invite you out of the mountain. My Murong family would like to honor you as the chief consecration and enjoy the glory and wealth!"

Nangong Yu smiled, shook his head and said, "Go back, I won't go out of the mountain. It's not the time when I go out of the mountain. When I think the time is right, I will naturally, but not now."

"Then... when is the time right?" Murong Lei asked with a simple and idiotic expression.

Nangong Yu shook his head again: "I don't know."

"Then..." Murong Lei was speechless for a while, and this is not accurate, what should I do?

I walked out with a smile at this time, stood beside Nangong Yu, and said, "Okay, don't waste your thoughts. I also came to invite her out of the mountain. You can't ask me to be such a handsome person. How can you please? Do you have to move?"

After I said this, Na Murong Lei’s face suddenly stiffened. As soon as his whole expression fell down, his eyes looked at me in confusion, before he said: " do you have the courage to say this? Sentence?"

"...What do you mean?!"

"You are not so long as I look good? You look more fleshy than mine. Where did your face say this, who gave you the courage?"


"Do you believe it or not I will kill you!"

"Come on! I can't get him, I can't get you?!"

The two of us looked at Xiaopang, and for a while, we couldn't look at each other.

Nangong Yu looked at us like this, and couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling. It was the cold face, Luo Peng, who also changed his face and said, "Two big meatballs, who dislikes whom."


Murong Lei: "..."

Nangong Yu: "Ha ha ha ha..."

Nangong Yu coughed slightly, then stopped laughing, and said, "You don't need to fight each other. I said, I won't be out of the mountain, so you are not opponents, so don't be arrogant."

After speaking, she turned her head and said to Luo Peng: "Apprentice, come back."

"Yes." Luo Peng agreed, turned around and walked back, standing next to Nangong Yu.

Murong Lei originally wanted to fight for it, but when he heard this title, he immediately took his heart. Especially the apprentices are so good, how strong the master is!

Nangong Yu looked at us and said with a smile: "Two, you have finished talking, don't you want to go back?"

Both Murong Lei and I were silent. Obviously, neither of them wanted to just give up like this.

Nangong Yu looked at the two of us, and said with a smile: "It seems that you two are not willing to go back like this." After that, she seemed to glance at Luo Peng next to her inadvertently, and there seemed to be nothing in her eyes. Deep meaning.

Murong Lei seemed to be the stupid son of the landlord's family. He didn't understand anything, but I understood, and immediately said, "Senior Nangong, the younger generation boldly, please allow your master to go down the mountain with me to help the world!"

Murong Lei was so stupid that he didn't understand yet, with a dazed expression on his face: "Ah? Why did you change?"

Nangong Yu looked at me, seemingly embarrassed, turned his head, and asked Luo Peng, "Are you willing to go down the mountain with him?"

Luo Peng immediately handed over and said, "But with Master's orders."

What he meant was that Nangong Yu had to say if he could not go down the mountain.

Nangong Yu looked at him, looked at me again, thought about it, and finally said, "Okay, I have no reason to restrict you here. I have almost wiped out the murderousness from you. Okay, you just Follow him down the mountain. Remember, you must listen to him in everything. Don't defy the slightest bit. Don't kill innocent people. Otherwise, even if you are thousands of miles away, I can destroy you. Remember?"

"Yes!" Luo Peng immediately worshiped, and then raised his head, he raised his foot and walked towards me.

I saw him coming, and subconsciously moved to the side...

From the heart to the heart, I always feel that he is going to throw me.

When Luo Peng watched me back, he looked down on me and said with a cold snort, "Humph! I will show you more in the future."

"Haha... I have accepted, I have accepted."

At this moment, my mobile phone rang suddenly, and the familiar ringtone reverberated in my mind. Because the mobile phone was always in my body, so the phone rang, the ringtone would directly echo in my head, and no one could hear it.

"Hey, Hu Jie, what's wrong?"

On the other side, Hu Jie immediately shouted when I answered the phone: "Where have you been?!"

The sound was so loud that it almost deafened me.

"I... I have something to go out, what's wrong?"

"I'm lost, you pick me up quickly!"

"...You are lost in Maoshan? Why don't you find the Taoist chief there to take you back, they must be more familiar than me."

"There is no Taoist here, no, there are no people at all."

"...Where are you so fascinated? Too fascinated, OK, let me pick you up, you stand still and don't move."

As I said, I hung up, feeling a little helpless. It would take some time to find her. If I don’t go back, I will delay repairing the seal of the lock demon tower. Anyway, things here are almost over. Nangong Yu definitely won’t Once out of the mountain, it's almost the time to get a Luo Peng.

"Senior Nangong, the younger generation wants to go to Maoshan, so I won't bother you for now. Thanks to the older generation for donating the apprentice. The younger generation left."

"Mr. has something to leave, so the little girl won't give it too much. If you have the opportunity, please come to my Tsing Yi watch again, listen to me again, and drink a pot of tea."

"Definitely." I said, winking at Luo Peng again: "Let's go."

"Humph!" Luo Peng obviously dissatisfied me, but because it was his master's order, he could only follow me.

Murong Lei watched me take Luo Peng away, with a shocked expression on his face: "This is all right?!"

But he didn't dare to do it. Looking at Nangong Yu, they had already closed the door...

Muronglei and I, both of whom were happy and worried, both left Tsing Yi Temple. After I left, Nangong Yu returned to the Temple and closed the gate. But there was one person in the courtyard waiting for her.

"I have done what you ordered." Nangong Yu was very respectful to that person.

"Yeah." The man nodded. "He has Luo Peng now, which can be considered a little more help. It is inconvenient for you to go down the mountain now. When the time is right, you will also help him.

"I see, Master, do you have any more instructions?"

"No, remember, everything is low-key and careful, don't go down the mountain, wait for my order."


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