Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 144: Four on one

The four of them ignored my yelling behind them and rushed directly to the young master Xiaoyao. The first one was the Great Elder Xufeng, followed by Sikongying and Chixu, and finally Luo Peng.

Young Master Xiaoyao flew back, holding the sword in his backhand, the sword burning with white flames was not at all for him, and his clothes were not even burnt.

Maybe it was because it was useless to know that it was just running all the time. The young master Xiaoyao paused and stopped, raised his hand with a sword, a semi-circular slash slashed over, and countless whirling white flames formed a line A small flying snake hovered around the half-circle slash.

The Great Elder Xufeng rushed to the first place, naturally he greeted this white slash first.

To say that the chief elder of Maoshan was really unusual. When the attack came, his figure stopped and he took the whisk in his hand and drew circles in front of him. Vaguely, the circle drawn by the whisk seemed to be inside. One yin and one yang two-color gossip appeared. On both sides, there are patterns of Gankan Gen Zhen Xun Li Kun Dui.


The white slash collided with the gossip, and the collision location was exactly on the convex surface of the semi-circular slash! Under this collision, the convex surface in the middle stopped for a moment, and the two sides didn't seem to have the intention to stop, they continued to rush, and then... broke.

A crisp "click" sounded into the ears of everyone present. Then, five people and ten eyes saw that the bow-like slash broke two cracks, and the corners on both sides suddenly rotated forward. Out, still carrying the white flames.

For a while, the eight immortals behind Xufeng crossed the sea to show their magical powers. The elder Xufeng blocked the front with the gossip drawn by the whisk. Behind him, Luo Peng, Sikongying, and Chixuzi lined up from left to right, and immediately activated the mana to resist the slash and the white flames.

Chisuko swung the gilt cloud stick, making the mark of a baseball player swinging the ball; Si Kongying quickly rotated the bamboo stick, the stick turned like a propeller, and the shape was no longer visible; Luo Peng had a pair of palms left and right. Bent, a pair of iron claws kept opening and closing.

This round, Young Master Xiaoyao was one opponent to four, and he was not at a disadvantage. Instead, all four of them were trying their best to defend and couldn't distinguish.

When the slash was over, the others didn’t do anything. Luo Peng was straightforward and swift. He didn’t make a move just now. Just waiting for this effort. The aftermath of the slash was just over, and he immediately stepped on the ground, flew up, and walked around. Elder Xufeng, slapped Xiaoyao with a palm.

Young Master Xiaoyao smiled slightly, his fingers as flexible as a magician, the Bai Yan sword quickly turned, turned back to holding the sword in his forehand, and lifted it upwards, passing it across Luo Peng's palm.

Luo Peng only felt that there was a strange power that led him in the direction that the sword had picked. He originally planned to attack him with the other hand, but now he can only give it up and control his figure to fall behind him.

After Luo Peng landed, he did not continue pursuing, but stopped again, squinting his eyes to observe this young man Xiaoyao.

When he was alive, it was hundreds of years ago. At that time, there were many kung fu masters in the world. Unlike the current fake hand style, there were still many people who were willing to work **** this traditional martial arts. And all of them will be able to achieve some fame.

He had also heard of these four or two tricks. Today, what this young master Xiaoyao uses is not orthodox martial arts, but it also contains the truth of these four-two-handedness.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something. Since he became a zombie rebirth, his attack methods seemed to be weaker, because Nangong Yu, who took him away and gave him the wisdom, told him that only In this simple way, you can weaken your hostility faster.

He also understands this. After all, the martial arts he knows are used to kill people. If they are used again, they may be uncontrollable, they will kill people again, and the hostility will increase. Therefore, his attack mode will become like a child fighting, only punches, kicks, and palms...

When he was still alive, he was also a master of martial arts, and he used a big sword.

On the other side, Elder Xufeng was standing in the forefront after all, and naturally he was also the first to attack. When he moved his feet, the dust in his hands was suddenly pulled out.

Young Master Xiaoyao's feet moved like ghosts and ghosts, phantoms flashed past, and slashed away with a sword, swung away the dust of Elder Xufeng, of course, another white silk thread that was burning sparks floated down.

Immediately afterwards, Chisuzi rushed with a stick, smashed his head, and was smashed away by his sword again. Si Kongying tapped it with a stick, still resisting with the sword, and then slashed away with a sword to force Si Kongying back.

At this time, Luo Peng was behind him, Si Kongying was in front of him, the elder Xufeng and Chixuezi were on either side of him, and four people surrounded him, catching turtles in the urn, version 3.0.

Among the four, Young Master Xiaoyao was just a sword. He froze in all sorts of tricks, plucking, picking, cutting, splitting, throwing, looping, slipping, horizontal... the four people surrounded him for a while. There is no way to take him.

When Luo Peng just slapped him over, he was slashed with a sword across his palm. At this time, there was a scar in his palm. There seemed to be a little spark of fire on both sides of the scar, which had not gone out now.

Because of this wound, Luo Peng has been a little absent-minded, and part of the mana has to be allocated during the fight to offset the flame power in his palm. This thing is not a common fire, it is not so easy to extinguish.

Elder Xufeng is considered the strongest here, but the problem is that the weapon does not have the upper hand. After several confrontations, he can beat a little white hair every time. If he continues to fight like this, it really makes him bald.

Therefore, this elder Xufeng has plenty of heart but not enough energy. He feels bad too!

As a result, Sikongying and Chixuzi became the main force, and their weapons were clubs, and the sword in his hand was smashed so that they didn’t stand up against them at all. They were still using their strength to make a lot of money. It won't hurt him a bit.

After fighting like this for a while, suddenly, the young man Xiaoyao shook, and the four masters present seemed to have hallucinations. In their eyes, the young man Xiaoyao seemed to suddenly become four, each facing them. One of the individuals.

All four of them were taken aback, and then, there was another flower in front of them, the illusion disappeared, and the four Xiaoyao sons changed back to one again, standing in place, still holding the sword in the backhand, with a slight smile on their faces. He didn't look at the four of them at all.

The head of Maoshan plus two elders, and a zombie for nearly a thousand years, this lineup, hasn't been taken seriously? ! Even if two of them are weak, they are bigger than a horse and can stand there!

But at this moment, the four people present did not feel any sense of being despised. Suddenly, there seemed to be some kind of power that was enough to threaten them, and under this power, the expression of Xiaoyao Young Master seemed to no longer be so arrogant.


Confidence in strength!

A sense of crisis is born in everyone's heart, or the elder Xufeng has stronger perception ability. When he looked down, he found that a circular circle suddenly appeared under his own feet, and even the feet of everyone present. ! The black lines, three inches into the ground, seemed to be drawn by a sword. They all glowed burnt black, and there was a little spark of fire around them.

Elder Xufeng suddenly remembered those sword moves of Xiaoyao Young Master just now. They were like dancing sword moves. Even if he was fighting, he couldn't help but praise "beautiful" in his heart! However, it now appears that the sword move is not that simple.

He was originally a master of formation, and the enchantment on Maoshan was made by him. When he came in before, he was praised by Dao Tan, and he moved back to the previous narrative if he wanted to understand. So he knew too much how this magic circle was formed.

It was what Xiaoyao Young Master did with a sword move during the battle, but he didn't really use the sword to draw the ground, it was too cheap. The traces on the ground are the result of using sword intent.

At this time, the other three people also discovered the magic circle under their feet, and the Xiaoyao son still just smiled. The position under his feet was the center of the magic circle!

After the battle officially started, his position has not changed, but because his steps are too complicated, like dancing, it seems to be moving.

"I'll take care of you, kill you, this **** is gone!" Chisuko yelled and smashed with one stick.

Young Master Xiaoyao still just laughed, and didn't make any movements. Seeing that the gilt cloud stick in Chixu's hand was about to hit his head, this one burst, smashing you into flowers! But when his stick was still ten centimeters away from Young Master Xiaoyao, suddenly, a white pillar of fire was born at the feet of Young Master Xiaoyao and went straight to the sky!

If you look at the pillar of fire from above, you will find that it is hollow, which just encases Young Master Xiaoyao. The rod of the red beard hit the pillar of fire, but it did not break through its defense.

When Young Master Xiaoyao moved his feet, the whole person suddenly rose up into the air and flew out of the pillar of fire. At the same moment, a large white flame rose from the very edge of the circle, surrounded by a protective shield like the upper part, where Young Master Xiaoyao left. At the last moment, complete the encirclement.

Young Master Xiaoyao touched the flames with his toes, and once again leveraged his strength to set up the Art of Imperial Sky, and flew into the distance. While flying, he turned his head and said: "I am honored to be able to fight the four of you. See you next time! "

"Stop, don't go!" Akashiko shouted.

Although they couldn't see the outside situation because of the existence of the white fire cover, they could still hear it. Just when they wanted to break the cover and chase after them, four huge pillars of fire suddenly rose on the ground.

The four people were taken aback, and then looked again, the four pillars of fire were bent, and they began to deform. In just a second, they turned into four white fire phoenixes!

The four fire phoenix leaned up to the sky and screamed. The next moment, they all leaned forward and rushed down, looking for one by one, and rushing to the four people on the ground.

Luo Peng stretched out his hands and roared, and the air in front of him suddenly began to fluctuate; the elder Xufeng danced and drew the gossip figure again; Si Kongying shook his hand, and the bamboo stick was turned into a nine-section whip. Flashing; the red beard exerts strength on both arms, dancing the gilt cloud stick out of the afterimage.

The four of them showed their magical powers to resist the attack of the fire phoenix, and the young master Xiaoyao, at this time, had already flown away...

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