Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 145: Captured again

The third shot is over, let’s talk about myself...

I was in front, holding Hu Jie in my left hand, holding the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword in my right hand, and under my arm, I ran down the mountain with a face of unforgettable Cheng Xu. Behind me was a Taoist with a thousand faces.

To say that this Cheng Xu is really pitiful. He just woke up and suddenly found out that his brother was an undercover agent. After being shocked, I was running in such a position.

There is no way. I dare not put away the Ghost Face Flying Cloud Sword. Even if Taiming's pace is extremely fast, it is the world's top spell, I am a little worried. If the injury in my body happens suddenly, I will lose my pace. . So I have never dared to take the sword back and be ready to fight at any time.

But obviously, I think too much. The Taoist with Thousand Faces was also seriously injured. The two fights by Sikongying and the elder Xufeng were not light. Neither of me was in the best condition, and I had the blessing of Taimingbu again. Below, he can be dropped a little at almost every moment.

The thousand-faced Taoist looked at me, and then at the distance between us. Although I am not him and did not communicate with him in this respect, so I don’t know what he thought about, but I believe his heart is broken. .

If it were me, I would have to scold my mother, okay, the ghost knew that such a fat man of more than two hundred catties could run so fast with two people!

This is completely beyond the plan, let's hang up this is!

As for me, because I don’t know the details of the Taoist Thousand Faces at this time, I don’t know how serious his injuries are, and I believe that his strength is greater than or equal to the red beard, and it happened to be the roar of the river east lion after the red beard was drunk. The impression given to me is really too deep, so I have never dared to fight head-on.

That's it, we have been almost running down the mountain, and the four people on the mountain did not come to help me. Just when I was swearing in my heart, I suddenly saw a figure flying in front of me, and I immediately felt confident in my heart, and reinforcements came!

That thousand-faced Taoist is chasing, maybe because my body is too big, plus Hu Jie and Cheng Xu, so he can't see clearly what is in front of me, and suddenly saw a figure flying towards him from above my head , Was stunned for a while, and when he reacted again, the person had already arrived.

I saw the incoming person clearly, stopped immediately, let Hu Jie and Cheng Xu stand firm on both sides, and then turned around and rushed back.

At this time, that person was already fighting with the Taoist with a thousand faces.

The four elders of Maoshan, Zhang Dongqing!

The investigative eye has already seen it, it's true!

"Dang--!" Zhang Dongqing had a Qingfeng sword in his hand, carrying the wind, and struck the Taoist with a thousand faces, and after blocking the sword, the Taoist with a thousand faces swept back three steps away. A pair of heels drew two straight thick lines on the ground.

Later, I learned that Si Kongying contacted Elder Zhang Dongqing, who was guarding the Fenxian Hall, and asked him to help as well after Young Master Xiaoyao rescued the Taoist with Thousand Faces. Because I didn't know where Akashiko was at the time, and I didn't know whether he was alive or not. The guy in the white light was not easy to provoke, and it was better to have one more person and one more effort.

Now, all the remaining Maoshan disciples in the Fenxian Hall are under the care of Elder Tianliu alone. Si Kongying believed that it was impossible for this product to be replaced by an undercover agent. Most people couldn't learn his game life.

So Si Kongying was confident and bold to let him guard the Fenxian Temple alone, so on the way Zhang Dongqing came again, he saw me being chased by the Taoist with a thousand faces...

Then, there is no more.

"Elder Zhang Dongqing, I'll help you!"

I picked up my sword and shook my hand. The Ghost Face Feiyun Sword instantly softened and lengthened, like a soft whip, and like a long snake. It bypassed Zhang Dongqing at a weird angle and went straight to the Taoist with a thousand faces!

The Taoist Thousand Faces originally used two sharp spears, but at this time he only used one, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, not to mention the wounds on his body. Just being Zhang Dongqing alone, he couldn't cope with it, and as a result, he didn't notice that a sword edge came down...

He heard the phrase "I will help you" that I shouted, so he knew that I would come, but he did not expect that the sword would have come without seeing me.

This is so special again!

Without checking, the ghost face Feiyun sword made a hole in his left leg without checking, and his body suddenly tilted to the left. That Elder Holly is a good fighter, how can you miss this chance to be on the top? When he picked the Qingfeng sword in his hand, he swung away the short spear he was holding in his right hand.

This time, the empty door came out!

Zhang Dongqing took advantage of this gap and didn't stop attacking again. He was afraid that it would be slow for a second. At that time, the Taoist with a thousand faces had come back to his senses. Zhang Dongqing moved his feet, half a step forward, and plunged into the arms of the Taoist with a backhand!

A poster Shan Kao directly pushed the Taoist with a thousand faces out.

"Good skill!" I praised Thumbing with a smile.

In this situation, I can be sure that I can't die anymore, he will have to hang up within ten rounds, then he can have a wave!

Come on, let's talk about the shot that just stabbed me!

I kicked and jumped up, driving Yukongshu over Zhang Dongqing, raising my hand and cutting straight down!

The Taoist with Thousand Faces just stopped before he came to his senses and saw that I was already in the sky. He quickly swept the gun to the right with both hands, blocked my sword and threw me to the right. At this time, Zhang Dongqing had already moved from the left. Rushed over.

I have two swords, one left and the other right, flanking on both sides. Basically, I hit with pressure. Sure enough, within a few rounds, the gun in the hands of the Taoist Thousand Faces was softened by me with the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword and entangled. Snatched away, and Elder Zhang Dongqing took advantage of this moment and slashed away with a sword, adding a scary wound to his chest.

Three seconds later, the Taoist of Thousand Faces was **** by Zhang Dongqing with Maoshan's special demon rope and threw it on the ground. Next to me were Zhang Dongqing and me. Hu Jie and Cheng Xu came over behind me.

"You...Where did you get my brother?! Where did you go! Say! Where's my brother?!"

Cheng Xu couldn't help it as soon as he came over. With a cry of tears and nasal mucus, he pointed at the Taoist with a thousand faces lying on the ground and cried and asked loudly.

This is a Taoist with a thousand faces, where is Cheng Qian really?

He used to be Akashiko, but the real Akashiko is still here. What about now? He is Cheng Qian, but what about Cheng Qian? At least this character is real. He is Cheng Xu's elder brother. At least at that time, he could not have been a Taoist with a thousand faces, at least after he arrived at Maoshan. At that time, the two of them were not the same master. Once they were separated from each other and the person who knew Cheng Qian best was absent, the Taoist with a Thousand Faces had an opportunity.

After all, there was no one around Akashiko. This little apprentice Cheng Qian could be considered the nearest person. If his original purpose was to impersonate Akashiko, then this would make sense. Then, it should have happened only in the past two years.

"Don't be afraid, he's definitely not dead." I said, putting down my right hand just after using the Heavenly Strategy.

The magic of this thousand-faced Taoist is really good, and I don't know what its name is, whether it was created by him, but it is indeed very powerful. Once used, almost all spells that can see through his disguise will have certain problems.

The Yin and Yang Eyes were like this before, and he couldn't see his original body at all, and the Celestial Technique is also a problem. Whether it is mine or Maoshan, it can't be calculated that he is fake, nor can it be calculated where the real is. , Is dead or alive. It can be said that Detective Eye is one of the few spells that can see through this disguise.

Even now, he has revealed his true body, and this effect has not completely disappeared. It may be because I have already seen the real Akashiko, so I have been able to find Akashiko through the heavenly strategy, but I have Cheng Qian could not be found at all.

But...because he has been exposed, this effect is slowly failing. Although I don't know where he is, I am 90% sure that he is still alive.

Zhang Dongqing didn't know if it was indifferent or not knowing how to use heaven, nor did he use his own to make calculations, and did not say much.

"I think there are two places that I can't escape. One is this mountain, which may be near the thatched house of Elder Akasuko, or it may be further away; second, it is in his house, I think I should put it in my own He can rest assured where he can control at any time."

As I said, I sneered at the Taoist with a thousand faces lying on the ground.

The thousand-faced Taoist looked at me, pretending to be nothing, and floated his eyes elsewhere.

"Surely it is." I said with a sneer. "After the head and the elder come back, we will find your brother, don't worry, he is still alive."

Coincidentally, at this time, four figures flew up on the mountain. They were Sikongying, the great elder Xufeng, Chixuzi and Luo Peng.

Seeing that there was nothing else in their hands, I frowned. The person in the white light... was dead or something.

Sure enough, the facts proved that I was right. After they came back, they narrated the content of the first two chapters to me. I nodded, and they really belonged to the demon.

The three elders...then the six elders with the largest number so far, well, nothing has changed.

The five elders first appeared. Later, when the world was in chaos, the six elders appeared among the troublemakers, and the data was updated again. This time, it was the three elders and the original data.

It’s just that after listening to what they said, I came up with an idea. I know the strength of the captain Meng Hong and Lu Qijun of the fifth elders. Although the subordinate of the sixth elders was not played by me last time, through communication, I Can probably guess what strength. This time, Xiaoyao's strength was also understood, so a conclusion came out.

Within the Gongmajiao, the order is determined by strength.

The Thousand Faces Taoist is an exception, because he is mainly refined in disguise, so the strength is not too strong, but the young man Xiaoyao is a wolf, one hits four, or these four, it is estimated that he can top two Menghong Like, Feihuo Taoist can also have one and a half.

After the battle between Feihuo Dao Ren and Big Brother Yu Zhan, I later heard that although Big Brother Yu Zhan was not ranked on the End of the World rankings, his strength was already equal to the top 15 masters on the list.

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