Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 146: Close into the lock demon tower!

In front of the lock demon tower, the Maoshan disciples gathered again. Of course, those who had been let go by the Taoist with a thousand faces do not need to come. They have been determined to be real disciples, and there are other things to do.

"In the future, it's really impossible to gather all the disciples at once. Just like this time, if there are some disciples who can organize inspections outside, maybe we have seen Elder Akasuko's disguise long ago because he was discovered."

Si Kongying said, kicking the Taoist with a thousand faces tied to the ground like a pig to be slaughtered.

The Taoist with a thousand faces was **** with a demon rope, and could not use mana at all. He couldn't move in that posture. He could only glaring at Si Kongying and the elder Xufeng on the other side, without saying a word.

At this time, the four people who came to offer treasures were also gathered. I was the party involved. Naturally, I knew everything about it. The other three paths, now I know a little bit. The head of Sikong has already told them just now." Summary of the story", it is almost understood at this time. Everyone knows that the largest undercover in Maoshan has been uncovered, and now the heads and elders of Maoshan intend to let him identify the remaining undercover.

But in fact, we all know that it will definitely not be so easy...

"Are you a little naive, even if I admit that I still have people in there, do you really think I will tell you who they are?"

The Taoist with a thousand faces squinted at the people around him and said with a sneer.

Si Kongying ignored him at all. Instead, facing thousands of Maoshan disciples, he said loudly: "Everyone, I know that you are all Maoshan elites, but I am talking about most of them. Among you, maybe By your side, maybe your former friend, but now, he is no longer him, he is this person..." Then, he kicked the Dao Ren again: "His subordinates are undercover agents with unpredictable hearts. It is a villain who wants to destroy the stability of Maoshan, release the evil spirits in the lock demon tower, and endanger people's safety!"

When he said this, he lowered his body, grabbed the bound demon rope, grabbed the thousand-faced Taoist by his body, and said coldly: "I advise you to know the current affairs, it is better to tell who they are, I Let me tell you, we have a way to find out who they are, but we don't want to be so troublesome. Now you can have a good time if you say it. If you don't say it, we will find out at that time, but it won't be that simple."

"Humph!" The thousand-faced Taoist looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "You don't have to cheat me, even if I have unintentionally helped you, but there are still thousands of people, check? Humph! Check it out for a year and a half."

Looking at the Taoist Thousand Faces like this, I was also upset, and I wished to show him my magical skill. But the problem is, firstly, I don't want to make this skill familiar to everyone. After all, this kind of magical skill is generally used to surprise, and I know the surprise. Secondly, this is also quite troublesome.

Among the thousands of Maoshan disciples, there are probably a dozen or dozen undercover agents. I'll just be casual, and most likely it will be the real Maoshan disciple. If this is a little bit later, I will say a name, and then the person: "Oh, I am indeed this name, how do you know it, it's amazing!"

This one……

Is there embarrassment full of screen?

If a Taoist with a thousand faces can believe it, there is nothing special about it!

Unless I actually clicked one of his people, and that probability...I might as well buy a lottery ticket.

Forget it, anyway, there will be results in the end anyway, and without this thousand-faced Taoist, they can be regarded as a group of dragons without a leader. Anyway, because of my trouble, the monsters inside are quite honest, and they are not sealed. Urgent, they have no chance.

"Okay, the result is the same as we expected," Si Kongying nodded, "but we brought you and them here, not simply for this matter, but for you all to see. You have been What exactly is the lock demon tower in the heart?"

Speaking, Si Kongying grabbed the Taoist with Thousand Faces with his right hand, turned slowly, facing the lock demon tower, stretched out his left hand, spread his palm to the main entrance of the lock demon tower, and a golden light came out from the palm of the palm and directly shining on the lock demon tower. . The various sacred beasts carved on the tower wall, under the golden light, seemed to be alive, roaring shockingly.

Everyone present, including me, including the other three passers-by, including all the disciples of Maoshan, had a cold sweat on their foreheads, especially those undercover. The practice is evil, and under this holy power, naturally it is more Trembling.

I glanced casually and found that there was one in the first three rows, which was more scared than the people around me, so I took a look at it with my investigative eyes, but I couldn't tell from the name alone whether he was undercover.

He is not like a thousand-faced Taoist, with such a weird name, but a normal combined name and surname. I want to know if it is an undercover agent. I can only ask if this is him-that is his current appearance. —'S name.

However, this is obviously not the time for verification. Although I don’t know if I can find him after a while, the records of people who have been seen by the investigator will be saved anyway, just like a file. Put it in your favorites, you can watch it again at any time. I don't know if there is any limit to this favorite, anyway, until the end, it was not filled.

Si Kongying grasped the Taoist with a thousand faces, closed his eyes, did not move his lips, as if he was chanting some spell, then opened his eyes, his eyes were full of golden light, and said: "Maoshan head Sikongying, the head of the line Yin, the four elders are present, please Master, open the door temporarily!"

After opening the gate for a while, the three spells on the Demon Locking Tower and a orb on the spire of the tower suddenly shined brightly, and the surroundings were red like blood. The front of the Demon Locking Tower suddenly opened a three-dimensional The circular hole of meters is as bright as the Milky Way, and it seems to have infinite suction!

As soon as the round hole opened, all the monsters in it became excited, as if they wanted to escape from here, and shouted, because of the big hole, they heard more clearly.

The howling of the monster made everyone present horrified. It is true that I have already fought many strange creatures in that small whirlpool world, but at this moment, I am still in a cold sweat and chills. Push into the back spine.

At this time, the four elders standing in front of the lock demon tower suddenly flew up, and there seemed to be waves of light smoke floating on their bodies. Above their heads, four sacred beasts were outlined!

On the elder Xufeng, cyan smoke rose, and above his head, a five-clawed blue dragon had wide eyes and distinct scales, glaring at the round hole on the lock demon tower.

On Elder Tianliu, red flying smoke floated up, and on top of his head was a Suzaku flying high, flying up to the sky, and surrounded by fire.

A burst of black smoke rose up from Elder Zhang Dongqing's body. On top of his head was a basalt, a thick giant shell on his back, four thick legs like copper pillars on the ground, scarlet eyes, sparkling.

Elder Red Beard's body, flying white smoke, on top of his head is a white tiger, murderous, with teeth and claws, black and white stripes are extremely powerful, and a king character above his head is full of domineering!

The four elders, each representing this beast, guard the four corners of the south, east, north, and west. In the center, Si Kongying is shining with golden light. The Taoist with a thousand faces on his hands has a terrifying expression and seems to be enduring some severe pain. general.

Also, under the golden light of the four great beasts and the head of Maoshan, he is an evil cultivator, and the damage he has suffered is enormous!

In the lock demon tower, those monsters who wanted to rush out, under the shining of the five-color divine light, would not be able to break through at all, and on the contrary would damage their own strength. Those monsters who have come in long ago have long been mind-blooded, and don't commit that stupidity at this time. Can the people from Maoshan let you rush out?

However, those newcomers who want to go out want to get blinded, and rush outwards, especially those with low mana. They can't stop the pressure of the five-color divine light and the four beasts, and they will die one by one.

"Since you like this lock demon tower so much, then I will let you in and feel it."

Si Kongying said, swiping his arm and directly threw the Taoist with a thousand faces.

"Hey, I'm going...!"

The Taoist Thousand Faces did not react at all. After being thrown over, he was directly attracted by the suction of the round hole, and flew into it directly with a sigh.

As soon as he entered the demon lock tower, the demon rope tied to him suddenly loosened by himself, and then he flew back like a life, and landed on Si Kongying’s empty right hand. , I folded into several stacks.

"Please close the door!"

Si Kongying yelled, and the three-meter-diameter circular hole gradually retracted until it became extremely smooth, and there was no trace on the lock demon tower, as if the big hole had never appeared before.

At this time, Si Kongying and the light and smoke on the four elders all disappeared, and the four elders fell back to the ground, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Si Kongying turned back, looked at the disciples, and said, "He is the first to enter the lock demon tower as a human evil cultivator. Even if some of them were humans before, they were all contaminated with demon energy and gradually demonized. He was the first to be put in as a complete person. He should feel honored."

After he finished speaking, he scanned all the disciples present, and then said in a cold voice: "Those villains hidden among us, have you seen it clearly? Your captain has already gone in, now stand up, your next meeting will Better than him."

After speaking, Si Kongying looked at the sky with his back on his back, as if waiting for those people to come out, but after waiting for a minute, there was no slightest movement.

"Okay, it seems that I have already planned to break the jar, it doesn't matter, we will have a long time in Japan."

I was listening, feeling a little weird in my heart, and suddenly wanted to ask, who is Fang Chang?

Others might treat this as a joke, but I won’t. I have encountered this, but it’s not a long time ago. Instead, we had a classmate named Feifei, who had never felt strange before, knowing that one day , We think of a word called... Imaginative.

This is a dog.

However, it is obvious that it is not the time to fix this kind of moths. I thought about it for a while. It's better to fill the fire with the undercover agents inside!

"Li Cunhao, come out!"

This name is the name of the person I just saw with investigative eyes.

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