Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 154: Hun Yuan Shaking the Mountain Stick Tie Ning

The interview is still going on, the guy with the wicked eyebrows has been brushed down, the big man and the cold-faced killer passed the initial test, first accept it to see the effect.

Those people were stopped by Li Cunhao and didn't break through, but they didn't plan to leave. They all agreed and said that they would just stand here and look at them. They would not pass, but they would not leave. Rao is Li Cunhao no matter how bad he is, he can only prevent them from coming to bother me. If people come, he has no reason to bang anymore. He can only give up, walk back and stand on the other side of me, standing respectfully. Face minion look.

A general of Baron, the most unfamiliar with this kind of person, he sneered, but he couldn't say anything, he didn't do anything bad anyway.

That's it, staying for another five or six minutes, something went wrong!

Among the interviewers, there is a hidden dragon and a tiger! Some are small people, because my income has zero threshold for mana, so they come to take refuge, but some people come in my name!

He had a tie with Blood Flame Palm Jin Chunqiu, who was ranked 14th on the End of the World Ranking. This name is too loud!

Above Jin Chunqiu, with the exception of the tenth one who is known as Feihua Fan, the rest are family members or organizations. For example, the Mu family, such as the Murong family, such as Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, such as Maoshan, such as Yunmiao Temple...It is the shadow army commander Duan Qingtian, they all have family inheritance!

It can be said that Feihua Fan and Jin Chunqiu, as a random cultivator, made it into the top fifteen of the Tianya list, and they looked like gods from the various cultivators. And I, they have never heard of me coming from that school or family, or even my name, nor the name of Tongzhou Club. If someone who has something good listens to it and investigates it, you will find that I have been a mage for only half a year, and the Tongzhou Society has not been established for more than a month. Such a little-known person would even say that he has drew with Jin Chunqiu? !

I don’t even have to think about it. There must be many people who want to try my skills and see if I’m bragging...


There was a gust of wind. Zeng Xiujie and Geng Xi had just interviewed one person and were about to add another one. Suddenly they heard the breeze of the wind. When they looked up, they saw a dark object in the sky spinning around. Bringing the wind, Feiling is here!

Two people will be specially guided by me one day a week, and there will be battle drills. At this time, the body reacts extremely quickly. Seeing that this thing is rushing to them, they get up like lightning, and they slid past the Taiming step. Dodge this trick!


The people interviewing around also dispersed and hid away. The parents who watched the excitement in the community and the people who had previously recruited all craned their necks and looked over here. The table was originally in front of Zeng Xiujie and Geng Xi. Having been smashed to pieces, a black iron rod fell on the broken table wood, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.


Zeng Xiujie stopped, with a move with his right hand, a crackling current flashed in his palm, and a sledgehammer made of thunder was held in his hand.

Thunder Hammer, this is the spell I chose to pass to him based on his character and combat characteristics. Now he is also the main force among the three, with the strongest combat power and commanding ability.

Although we are far away, but the location is right, everything over there can be seen clearly, at this time, I really saw the person at the door, really a master!

He is about 1.8 meters tall, has a broad waist, a sturdy back and a sturdy back, steady steps, strong legs, a square face, a wide nose, thick eyebrows, a flat head, and a freshly trimmed chin. Although it was the cold winter season, he was wearing a vest, shorts, and a blue vest on his upper body. His arms, shoulders, and collarbone were all exposed, and his lower body was shorts less than his knees, and his calves were completely exposed to the cold wind.

The exposed body and limbs, without exception, all exudes a strong aura. The dark muscles are very strong, like iron and copper, and the cold wind blows through without the slightest tremor. And because he has a burly figure and the clothes seem to be a little small, even where he is wrapped in a vest and shorts, the lines are outlined. The vest is a thin layer of cloth and clings to the body, showing a perfect figure.

It is a figure that can make a woman scream and cover her mouth.

But the only thing that doesn't fit ordinary people's aesthetics is that he is too dark!

I just said that the muscles are swarthy, with black arms, black legs, and black face. The whole person’s complexion is like a piece of black charcoal. In addition to the strong muscles and the enlarged body, the whole person stands there. A black tower alive!

I looked at him and knew that the visitor was not good. I immediately passed the investigative eye and got the first-hand information. At the same time, I probably knew his strength. With his strength, even if both Zeng Xiujie and Geng Xi are on the same side, I am afraid, they can't walk less than three rounds!

What do you mean? This means that there is a high probability, one move per move!

The man walked into the courtyard, came to the broken table, bent down and picked up the black stick, and hit the ground! In an instant, a blast of air from that stick spread out like a wave with dust, and the ground was obviously cracked by his one.

Holding the hammer of thunder, Zeng Xiujie stepped forward and said sharply, "Who are you? Come to our Tongzhou Club to let go!"

The big man looked around, and there were young wizards who came for an interview. They had already retreated outside the courtyard in fright. Some of them fell to the ground because they were too afraid of their legs. After the big man saw it, he looked at Zeng Xiujie again, and said with an annoyance: "Call your president out! I want to compete with him!"

"Humph." Zeng Xiujie snorted coldly, the hammer in his hand was more current, and he said in a cold voice, "You call it, really think this is your family's big Kang? Whoever you are, I have to come. Just stand here and wait, and when I ask, he will consider whether to see you or not!"

I was not far away, and I wanted to laugh after hearing it. The cowhide I blew was not as big as he blew it to me. The king of heaven is here, do I have to think about it? Those who don't exist, live in the world, and follow the heart.

At this time, the big man looked around again, and suddenly saw me, his eyes stopped moving.

Although I should be counseled when I am here, the problem is not that I am the king. Playing Zeng Xiujie is the same as playing. They are not opponents to me. Although the aura is strong and powerful, it is more dangerous than that. The Xu Feng, Si Kongying, Nangong Yu, etc. that I have only met are still somewhat different.

Therefore, I am not afraid of him at all. I laughed and affected his gaze. I also tilted my lower body, supported the arm of the chair with my left elbow, put my head in the palm of my left hand, and narrowed my eyes into two slits. Look at him.

It's not that I want to squint, nor that I want to imitate Elder Tianliu. The main reason is that I am already fat and my eyes are so small that I can squint when I smile.

The big guy saw me, his eyes stopped moving, but he didn't call me aloud, but just stared at me like this and continued to talk to Zeng Xiujie and the others.

"I heard that you, the president of the same boat club, dare to say that you have tied the blood flame palm Jin Chunqiu, who is 14th on the End of the World Ranking. I want to see if he is really as capable as the legend, is he? Bragging!"

It sounds like he was talking to Zeng Xiujie, but his eyes never left me. To me, and to all those who are interested, how could this not be talking to me?

I glanced at the family members not far away and the boys who had joined before. They all looked weird and had some expectations.

Those family members just arrived and were eager to know if I was really strong, but when they asked the members of the society, they found that the members didn't know, even more urgent than them! Now, the opportunity has come, I guess, if they can't see the scene they want to see, they probably won't let it go.

"It seems to be really active." I mumbled to myself.

On the other side, Zeng Xiujie deserves to be an official's material, and his eloquence is undiminished, saying: "The nameless, want to see the president too? There are too many people like you, so please register first!"

The big man snorted and shouted, "Hun Yuan shakes the mountain stick, Tie Ning!"

After all, as soon as he raised the black stick in his hand and swiped it, a gust of wind rushed towards Zeng Xiujie in an instant. That Zeng Xiujie's mana was not strong, and he didn't want to retreat and lost his momentum. His feet were nailed to the ground, he was blown over, and his clothes were almost blown. But fortunately, the wind didn't last long. Tie Ning only swiped a stick and only breathed twice. The wind was calm.

At this time, I can see how Zeng Xiujie's temperament is. Although he knows that he is facing someone he can't compete with, he still doesn't change his face, his legs do not tremble, his voice does not tremble, and he shouts: "I want to see the president, pass me first. This is it!"

Zeng Xiujie's mouth is not submissive, don't look at the usual joking and joking like us, but daring to do it in case of trouble, dare to break through! How about he became the deputy monitor?

I still remember one time when an event was organized in the school, we quarreled with another class because of something. He faced all the enemies alone, fought against the Confucians, and scolded five or six girls in that class.

It is said that women's quarrels are more severe than men's, and people say that a woman is equal to 500 ducks, and that quarrels are quantitative suppression. But that day, I discovered that Zeng Xiujie had dealt with two thousand five hundred ducks alone, and he actually won!

It all depends on a mouth harder than a duck!

However, hard-talking doesn't work, he is not a man if he really wants to start.

"Xiu Jie retreat, I'll come." I said timely.

Zeng Xiujie looked at me and waved his hand, the hammer of thunder dissipated.

Tie Ning's gaze was originally on me. When I heard that, I naturally followed my heart. He turned around and asked, "Who are you?"

I stood up, looked at him and said, "I am the president of the same boat club you are looking for. It is me who drew with Jin Chunqiu."

"You?" Tie Ning narrowed his eyes and raised the stick and said, "Okay, that's right, today I will come to see if you are really so good."

Beside me, Baron stepped forward and said, "Why do you need Mr. to take action against you? I'll come!"

After speaking, he took a step forward, held the scabbard of the saber at his waist with his left hand, grabbed the handle of the sword with his right hand, and immediately pulled out the scabbard!

I stretched out my hand to stop him: "No need, let me do it. If I don't fight him, he won't be convinced, and they all want to see my strength."

With that said, I glanced at one side of the crowd.

Baron followed my gaze and understood, and let go and backed away.

I took a step forward, looked at him and said: "You and I fight, talk ahead, tell the winner, how about you and me?"

"If you lose, it means you can't win Jin Chunqiu. I will tell the story and let everyone in the world know that you will no longer have a foothold." Tie Ning said without emotion.

"Well, if you lose, I want you to be convinced to join my Tongzhou Club. Don't worry, I will give you a full-time job." I laughed.

After we finished speaking, both of me looked at each other, with war spirit in our eyes, and said in unison: "A word is a deal!"

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