Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 155: Three Swords Fight Tie Ning

At the front gate compound of the Tongzhou Club, the crowd surrounded a large square. On one side were the little monks who came to interview, and on the other were the family members. They formed a circle with a diameter of 20 meters. Two people stood in the circle.

Tie Ning stood sideways, with her left shoulder facing me, her right hand holding the iron rod horizontally, perpendicular to her body, staring at me sternly. I was about ten meters in front of him, facing Tie Ning, and I was already holding the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword in my hand, but my face was as plain as water, even with a slight smile.

That Tie Ning is not a general or unknown person, he is also a famous figure on the Tianya list, a Hunyuan Shaking Mountain Stick, which has the potential to crack the ground and open the mountain, not to be underestimated! However, power players like this generally have a weakness, and that is speed. I have Tai Ming step on my body, but I just restrain him!

The people around are extremely excited, and the masters on the End of the World rankings fight against me who claims to have drew with Jin Chunqiu. This is no different from a big show! Moreover, they all want to see if I have that strength.

But in such a serious scene, there are still people who can be demon. The leader is the dog-legged Li Cunhao. He took a large stainless steel basin and put a small sign in his other hand, with a two-dimensional payment code affixed on it. People watching the excitement went around and shouted: "The world's top players are fighting! Don't miss it when you pass by. After this village is gone, the shop is rare. It is a rare opportunity. Buy a ticket quickly, one hundred yuan per person, and the price is fair. what!"

I was speechless at the time, why are you shitful with business acumen? Earning money comes to my head.

Tie Ning also looked helpless, and she said: "Come here, the members in the community will get a 20% discount, and the parents will get a 30% discount!"

"You! Didn't you just come for an interview? Full price!"

"Come here, don't go there, I know you after you pass, you are not in the society."


After a lap, there was a lot of water, and the sound of receiving the money was endless, but it was over.

After receiving the money, Li Cunhao bowed to me and said with a smile: "Master, it's all done. Come on, let us see how you won."

Tie Ning listened to a cold snort over there, and said, "You're not ashamed, look at the stick!"

He said that he would step out and rush here, but he hadn't rushed out yet, and there was another moth.

"Don't be busy! Don't be busy for now!" Zeng Xiujie also came out with a basin with a righteous expression: "How can you just start fighting like this? Do you understand the rules?!"

He is serious, but I seem to know what will happen next...

After saying this, Zeng Xiujie suddenly turned around and faced the audience, shouting: "Buy and leave, buy and leave! The president loses one for ten when he wins, and the black man wins one for ten!"


If you don't take a gamble in a fight, that fight is nothing.

When he finished, we just wanted to fight, and Geng Xi’s second product came out, holding a large basin in his hand. It was actually a handicraft that I didn’t know when it was made, and my name and sticker were written on it. Took my picture!

Why is it still selling aids? !

The co-author of our decisive battle is to drive consumption and promote economic development for you?

The downside is that Gao Yan is not there, otherwise he might not be able to assemble something. The three teasers who had finished collecting the money stood in a row, fisted, bent their arms, and sank down at me, making a "cheering" gesture.

The original violent painting style collapsed, Baron covered his face, and my heart was beeping.


But finally we found the feeling in each other's fighting spirit and stared at each other again.

"It's finally over, come on." Tie Ning narrowed her eyes, staring at me, her body bent slightly, ready to go like a cheetah, and the Hunyuan Shaking Mountain Club in her hand was shining with black light and majestic!

suddenly! The battle started in an instant! That Tie Ning kicked his right foot, and the whole person ejected instantly! Coming straight to me like a sharp arrow!

So fast!

This is the only thought in my mind at this time.

According to my logic, the average strength type athletes with large bodies should not have such speed. Take me for example, weighing more than two hundred kilograms, and can't run at all, even if they are too clear, that is Can bully people who are not too clear. If I practice at the same time and reach the same stage, I am definitely not as thin as a thin person.

However, now he has let me see it. The speed is fast, and the two points of being bigger are not in conflict!

When I said it was too late, I leaned back, stepped too brightly, and retreated like flying, and the next moment, Tie Ning had appeared in my original position, and the iron rod in my hand was blowing up the wind. come!

The iron rod slid across a place less than half a meter in front of me, and did not hit me. The muscles in my face that were blown by the gust of wind were about to fall, and I felt a soreness and tingling. That Tie Ning couldn't make a single blow, and directly took advantage of the momentum of this downward swing, taking the right toe as the axis, rotating her body once, kicking her left foot, and rushing over again, holding the stick in both hands, and smashing her head!

Originally, I was only five meters away from behind me, and now I retreated, less than two meters away from the crowd behind me, so I can’t retreat anymore! Quickly touched the sword with his left hand, resisted with the horizontal sword, and greeted the past.


With a loud sound like an ancient temple bell, everyone could see that my sword was bent down by the iron rod and almost stuck to my chest. It seemed that it was about to be broken, and I would also be broken. The iron rod fell.

I clearly heard some people sigh and talk behind me, and I saw some people in the crowd shaking their heads slightly, as if they had foreseen my failure. But only four people still sneered lightly, full of confidence. Balong, Geng Xi, Zeng Xiujie, Li Cunhao!

Sure enough, in the next moment, my sword suddenly stretched straight, and that huge force instantly bounced back, shaking the exhausted Tie Ning back!

The situation at the scene turned over one hundred and eighty degrees, and Tie Ning was blasted fifteen meters away. Finally, he used his iron rod to plunge back into the ground to stabilize his footing.

I ignored the shocked expressions of the people around me, smiled at him, and said: Now, it's my turn. "

As soon as the voice fell, I swiftly moved forward on Taiming pace, and in the blink of an eye I had already passed a distance of nearly ten meters. As soon as Tie Ning saw it, she immediately drew out her stick and greeted him. As soon as she loosened her hand, the stick head slammed into me.

My Tai Ming step is like Ling Bo's micro step, its characteristic is unpredictable, even if the distance is so close, I still easily dodge the past, holding the sword to protect my chest, and beware of him making another move.

With the last confrontation, I already know that this guy has a very strong explosive power, and that solid muscle is not a good-looking display. Once he is underestimated, he will suffer an unimaginable blow!

So at this time, I have the ability to counterattack, but it is not necessary. At such a close distance, a power-type player will be very powerful in a sudden attack. Compared to offense, I might as well strive for victory and defend first.

Anyway, like those four, I have absolute confidence that I can defeat this guy sooner or later.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m defending or I didn’t plan to do so. Tie Ning didn’t change his strokes again, but kicked on his heels and actively stretched the distance, holding the end of the iron rod in his hand, and used it. Weird force, directly holding one end of this long stick came over!

I hurriedly raised my head when I saw it, and the stick swiped in front of me without hurting me. And that Tie Ning didn't expect to hit me this time. With the power of the movement, his left hand came together, holding the stick in both hands, turning around the top of his head, and swept over again!

This time, instead of head-to-face, he went down three ways and did a leg sweeping stick!

My combat experience is not covered by it. When I turned my body, my two feet touched one after another and retreated to my right back-because his stick was swept from my left.

This one made me hide again, and Tie Ning turned around, used the stick as a spear, and hit me again with the stick head.

I have also stabilized my footsteps at this time, holding the sword in my right hand, taking advantage of the trend, and stabs straight!

The next moment, the sword and the stick collided, and the tip of my ghost face Feiyun sword was hitting the head of his Hunyuan Mountain Shaking Club. Under the huge impact, the sword in my hand bent again. Last time it was suppressed from the middle, but this time it was the pressure on both ends, the degree of bending was greater than the last time, and it seemed almost to break!

The crowd talked again, but because I had completed a reversal last time, this time, their attitude was not so sure. From the heart, I have some recognition of my strength.

The sword tip of the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword was crowned with an iron rod, and the sword body had been bent to its limit, but Tie Ning's power could no longer be increased by one point!

"Go!" My wrist shook, and the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword immediately straightened, and the huge power made the iron rod fly back in an instant, but Tie Ning's big hand held it tightly and couldn't stop it from backing.

The iron rod was wiped back in Tie Ning's hand, and the thick cocoon on his hand rubbed against the iron rod, creating sparks in the winter, and he himself, in the process, flew upside down.

However, what is strange is that the aura on Tie Ning's body has not only not weakened, but has increased, and it has increased exponentially!

I looked at the sword in my hand, closed my eyes, slowly lowered my hand, feeling the aura in my body.

On the other side, the stick in Tie Ning's hand had reached the end, as long as he wiped it out a little bit, the stick was taken away. At this moment, Na Tie Ning suddenly turned around, held the stick in both hands, and changed the direction of movement of the stick. With the help of that force, the heels of both feet were continuously axised, turning her body into a top.

For a time, neither of me attacked again, but seemed to be struggling with myself.

When the people around saw this scene, it was very strange, only a few people could see the essence.

"It looks like it's going to be the final blow." Baron narrowed his eyes and looked at Tie Ning and said. "The final blow of the Hunyuan Shaking Mountain and Stick Technique-breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, all you need is the momentum to move forward, but after this move, he should not be able to make any more moves."

"Then...what is Brother Rui doing?" Zeng Xiujie frowned and asked.

"If I think it's right, I should also be comprehending a big killer move. It seems that the husband does not want to hide from this stick, but intends to take it hard. He...look!"

Baron yelled, and everyone looked over, and saw that my hand was covered with ice armor and gradually spread to the sword. The sword was completely wrapped in only two breaths. In the next moment, brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in my palm, and the ghost-faced flying cloud sword was like a lamp tube, shining golden light.

And then, a wave of thunder was generated around the golden lamp tube, surrounding the sword like a coiled dragon, and at the end of the hilt, a black light flashed, but it no longer worked, just stopped at the hilt. That's it. Around the sword, there are faintly invisible Qi blades, engulfing the gust of wind and releasing cold air.

"He... he is fusing the elements!" Baron looked at the sword in my hand, and his mouth was suddenly startled.

"It's a sir, it's a sir..."

"Look, I'll just say it, a master is a master." Li Cunhao never forgets his status as a dogleg, and slapped a good flattery.

But they were right. As I got the five skills of Bright Palm and later, I discovered that these five skills correspond to the five elements derived-light, wind, ice, thunder, and darkness. The five elements have mutual generation and mutual restraint, and they can be blended together, so it should be possible to derive the five elements. However, for the sake of insurance, I decided to join a medium instead of directly blending.

This medium is the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword.

At this time, Tie Ning's movement was also completed, and he stopped, his hand loosened, and the Hun Yuan Shaking Mountain Club flew over in an instant, like a black dragon!

I looked up and saw that the black dragon had already arrived. He lifted the sword and greeted it directly!


The five-color divine light rushed out from the sword's edge, hitting the spinning iron rod, and immediately blocked its forward momentum. At the next moment, there was a sudden burst of noise, and the strong light was shining. I couldn't see it for a while, but felt that there was a strange force in my hand. The Ghost Face Feiyun Sword was already released, and the iron rod flew back.

Tie Ning was shocked when she saw the defeat, but the reaction was still there. When she saw the stick flew back, she suddenly kicked and flew up to pick it up. And I also knew that I couldn't let him take the weapon, so I hurriedly stepped on Tai Ming step and rushed over.

Almost at the same time! My two hands were held on the Hunyuan Shaking Mountain Stick. Tie Ning did not expect that I could come so fast. When I was shocked, I slapped it with a palm. I directly greeted him with a bright palm and opened his The hand, bend the elbow homeopathically, an elbow hit his left chest and heart, then he shook his arm down, and a palm was printed on his abdomen.

The power of Bright Palm is obvious to all. Tie Ning had just used a killer move just now, and couldn't resist it. He immediately let go and fell to the ground, but I was slowly falling, calm and relaxed.

In this battle, the victory or defeat has already been divided. Once a draw with Jin Chunqiu's words, an important piece of evidence has now been obtained. Not only that, today, there is one more truthful statement-the president of the same boat club, the seventeenth Hun Yuan Shan Shan Cun Tie Ning on the Three Swords Defeated End of the World Ranking!

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