Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 156: Invisible new equipment

On this day, in the Tongzhou Club, the wind was nice and sunny, the weather was clear, quiet, and it looked like a fairyland on earth, but at this time...

"Hahahahahahaha... ahem! Heh, I'm awesome!"

A burst of laughter broke the pleasant atmosphere. Gao Yan, who was sitting in the courtyard quietly drinking tea and listening to music under the fallen leaves of the tree, almost choked to death at the time, so he hung his head and coughed quickly and let the water flow into the intake pipe. Cough up, and smooth your chest with your hands to relieve the discomfort.

"My God, what's the matter? It choked me to death. This is Brother Rui's voice. What's wrong with him? Crazy?"

Not far away, Baron was sitting cross-legged under this old tree for cultivating. This tree has not known how many years it has survived. It already has spirituality. Although it still can’t get rid of the natural laws of winter sunset and spring sprouting, it is still It's not comparable to ordinary trees.

It's just that this kind of thing is of no use to me, my mana comes from the system, and only they need this kind of thing if they adopt the aura of heaven and earth. For example, Baron is now using it to take the essence of the sun and the moon, which can increase his speed of cultivation.

But... just now because of my big laugh, I almost got mad at others. At this time, I opened my eyes helplessly, looked at the building of Tongzhou Club, and said, "It should be the gentleman who broke through again, since The last time I fought with Tie Ning, my husband’s breakthrough speed has become even faster, and I can clearly feel that my husband’s aura is growing in the past few days."

"Good guy, it doesn't matter if he breaks through, I was scared to return to his place." Gao Yan looked at the building with lingering fear, took his teacup and took a sip.

But at this moment, I suddenly appeared behind him, slapped both hands on his shoulder, and said, "Then why haven't you returned?"


Gao Yan just drank a sip of tea, and it all came out all at once.

"Cough cough cough cough... my God! Brother Rui, you have to scare me to death!" Gao Yan panted heavily, turned his head and looked at me with a look of horror, as if looking at a ghost.

Baron was a little behind me, he burst into laughter when he saw this scene, and then asked inexplicably: "Sir, you have another breakthrough? But, just now I was just a wrong god, you should In the house, why did you come here."

I patted Gao Yan on the shoulder, smiled and turned back and said, "Huh? Yes, I have broken through again, and I have a good skill, how? Guess what."

"Mister wants me to guess out of thin air?"

"Yeah, I think the tips have been given enough." I said, turning around and starting to bully Gao Yan.

Balong stood up, folded his arms in front of his chest, leaned against the tree, frowned and thought about it, suddenly a flash of inspiration, said: "Mr. appeared here out of thin air, this is something you never did before, could it? ...This is your new skill? Is your new ability teleporting?"

"Exactly!" As soon as I heard this, I turned my head, stretched out a finger, and said to the sky: "I just learned this ability and teleported directly from my room upstairs to here. Of course, this is also the limit distance. Yes, but there is a vertical relationship at this distance. If it is a movement on a plane, I am afraid I can move farther!"

When Baron heard this, he was also happy, and said, "Then I congratulate Mr. Mister for learning another magical skill."

"Hey, no no." I waved my hand and asked again: "Hey, anyway, why are you here today without staring at them at the door for an interview?"

"Sir, you have been practicing in retreat in the house these days, and you don’t know what happened in the society. This Tie Ning, now has completely replaced my task, as a signboard at the door, whoever refuses to accept it, just follow He played against each other, and his face is not unknown to anyone. The seventeenth masters on the End of the World rankings are all there, and they know our reality at a glance."

"Oh-this guy, how is he, did you say he was bored?"

"That's not the case, but looking at his performance, it should be correct. Yesterday he called Lang Feng for a fight."

"Lang Feng...he recovered from his injuries?"

Since the last time I went home, I took Lang Feng and met the black fox and Taoist Feihuo on the way, and after Lang Feng was injured in the battle with Taoist Feihuo, he has been in a state of healing, that Feihuo Taoist spells seem to have a high level of damage to their ghosts, and the sequelae are very large, so they have been cultivated until now.

"Yes, he has recovered not long ago, and I believe he was also suffocated, so he fought with Tie Ning." Baron said with a smile.

"Hmm..." I nodded, and the two suffocating guys solved each other by themselves, but they didn't cause trouble. "By the way, Baron, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I'm going to the capital to hold that annual meeting at the Shadow Army headquarters. I don't think it will be long. I will be back in a few days. The Chinese New Year will be coming soon. People who can’t set off firecrackers always feel that they have lost the taste of the year. Do you think this is suitable."

As I said, I stretched my hand into my arms and took out something similar to a syringe, but it was a lot thicker than the syringe. One end had a mouth, and the other end was a short rod that could be stretched, less than one. The length of the palm, with two horizontal bars in the middle. When using, press the **** and ring finger against the cross bar, and press the end of the palm against the bottom of the short bar, with the mouth facing the outside.

Baron took the thing, looked at it for a while, and explored it again. He knew that there was a little flow of mana in it, not much, but just a slight flow. It should be a small object, maybe not even a magic artifact. on.

"Shoot into the sky and try." I said.

Balong ordered to do it, pointed his mouth to the sky, and shook his hand suddenly. Under the force of his fingers curled up and palm squeezing, the short shot was suddenly squeezed into the barrel, in an instant! Another red light shot out from the mouth, like a small meteor, went straight to the sky, and began to spin, and finally, a red firework exploded, and it also outlined a phoenix-like appearance.

This seems to be no different from a general skyrocketing fireworks, except that the things that are exploded are shaped, but the brightness of this thing is much greater than that of a general fireworks, even if it is daylight, you can feel it. That kind of brightness. I can't imagine that if it was night, this shot would make a bright red sun appear in the sky!

At that time, I am afraid that half of the people in Jecheng will see the red light here and the phoenix.

This thing is not so much a firework as it is... a signal flare!

"This..." Baron looked at the red color that began to fade in the air and said, "This, this can't be used as a firework to release it. The scale is really big, but it is indeed made with force and has no impact on the environment. "

At this point, the syringe was already a waste, and it couldn't even be used for pumping water, but as long as I poured mana again, this thing could be used again. However, no matter the color or the animal transformed after the flight, it has not changed.

This thing is the first thing that appeared in the system store when I reached the 24th level. It is also the first and possibly the only semi-finished product.

Its capabilities and functions are determined, but other software needs to be made by me, including the shape. The system gave me several templates, including pistol-shaped, syringe-shaped, and salute-shaped. , There are several other types. In terms of colors, there are also differences, red, yellow, orange, blue, green, pink... colorful. Animal content, including dragons and phoenixes, jackals, tigers, leopards, deer, sheep, cattle and horses, is countless.

I made the one just now. The shape, color and animals were all picked by me. I wanted to try the effect. I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"It seems that this should be something like a signal flare from the world in my previous life." I muttered, glanced at the syringe, something like this, I can do as much as I want, using colors and animals. By doing a secret signal, the information can be accurately transmitted by then.

"Sir, this thing is really eye-catching, or else..."

"What's wrong with the eye-catching?" I looked at Baron and wondered: "We are not a shady place here. This is the Tongzhou Club. It is the place where the masters on the Tianya list live. It is the place where the lieutenant colonel of the Shadow Army lives. Can’t it be eye-catching? We have been low-key for too long, so it’s time to show up. I want people to know that the Tongzhou Club has a big fanfare and is committed to the world!"


I went back to my room, sat on the bed, and started to tour the system store. Since the last battle with Tie Ning, I combined the five elements and felt a strong sense of tearing in my body. At that time, if it were not because Tie Ning was already at the end of the crossbow, I would have taken him down soon, I am afraid I would fall to the ground first.

But after I went back to rest for a while and stabilized that power, I found that my mana had actually improved a lot!

Break and stand! This has been a way of improving aptitude and strengthening roots since ancient times, but it was too overbearing and too dangerous. I didn't expect it to be accidentally cut by me.

So I hurriedly hit the iron while it was hot, and after a day's rest, I began to mobilize the derived five elements again, and started to break and then stand, and that time, I directly broke through the first level.

It’s not a one-time break to stand up. Its effect is continuous. Although it is diminishing, it is also faster than usual. In addition, after I came back from Maoshan, I asked people to prepare strong alcohol to assist my cultivation. In the past few days, it can be described as a rapid progress!

However, this kind of thing is really dangerous. Fortunately, my system is very capable of restoring my body and muscles. Otherwise, I would not stand up after breaking twice in a row. But that's the case, I can't venture into it, break it and then stand up something like this. I'll wait for a while.

Because I upgraded quickly, I didn’t have time to see many things that came out of the system. This time I went to see the system because I just broke through the 24th level and got a teleport skill. After making a flare, I can't wait to teleport to the courtyard.

But when I just watched the system store, I felt that there was a strange thing out there. This time I went to see it, and as expected, there was a situation that made me unthinkable.

Among the things that can be purchased in the system store, one thing is different from the others. Other products are just like visiting a certain treasure, and they are just as impressive at a glance, but this thing is just a vague outline, as if it is blocked by a layer of tulle, and it seems to be trapped in a thick fog, indistinguishable.

However, its other information is as clear as the others. Obviously, it is possible to buy how many drops of blood are required to purchase and how much is restricted.

I looked at the words "Limit one purchase", and wondered what it was that it would look like this.

So, should I buy it or not?

There is only one chance.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to buy it!

As the white light flashed in the system, I felt a change in the blood in my body. This was because the system was automatically drawing blood, and I was also prompted by the system "successful purchase".

However, the situation has not changed, that thing is still such a virtue.

It's not easy to recognize when I look at it. It's not a weapon, and I don't see what it is. It's strange, but at this moment, I glanced at something, and my heart became more confused.

Yin-Yang Eye, the Yin-Yang Eye is also limited to one purchase. I didn’t care about its shopping box after I bought it, but at this time, the pattern of Yin-Yang Eye in the shopping box was also blurred, but only this new one The general vagueness of things.

I moved in my heart, and quickly used the Yin and Yang eyes, as expected! After I used the yin and yang eyes, the shopping box of the yin and yang eyes became the same as the thing, and the fog was filled

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