Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 157: Shadow Army Annual Meeting

In the system store, the shopping box that originally belonged to Yin-Yang Eye is already in a fog. It is the same as the new thing, but the difference is that it may be because I already know what Yin-Yang Eye looks like, so even at this time It is blurred, and I can see the outline faintly, but I still can't see the outline of the new thing.

Maybe it's a psychological effect, just like thinking of a tune in your heart and then hitting it. How do you listen to it like that? If you listen to someone else's hitting, you can't hear it at all.

I tried to summon the bronze sword and the ghost face flying cloud sword from the warehouse backpack into my hand again, and sure enough, the same situation appeared in the shopping boxes that originally belonged to them. It seems to be true, this thing is in the system, it is clear, if it is taken out, it is vague. The Yin Yang Eye is a special case, because if I don't use it, it will not be taken back into the system backpack, but still on my body, so it has an intermediate state, and when it is used, it will become more blurred.

Because only they are limited to one purchase, I can see this effect, and other things, because there is no upper limit or the upper limit is not reached, this situation will not happen, but there is one thing I don’t understand, this thing ......Why is it like this?

It is known that my things are vague when they are summoned, and this new thing is vague. Therefore, this thing is now outside the body, so may I ask, where is this thing now...

"Xiao Mo, come out!" I quickly called out Xiao Mo and asked about these things.

"Uh..." Sure enough, as I thought, Xiao Mo also had a dazed face and didn't know what was going on [新笔趣阁], no, she didn't even know what was in my system Something.

"Didn't you tell me that there are yin and yang eyes in the system? Why did you say that you don't know what's in the system?" I wondered.

"Master, it’s like this. Although I know some, I don’t know much. Because in my impression, you had yin and yang eyes in your previous life, so I can know that something like yin and yang eyes should appear. I said something specific, this is really..."

Xiao Mo said, his voice getting smaller and smaller, looking aggrieved.

I thought for a while and felt that her words made sense. After so many days have passed, I also have speculations about the identity of Xiao Mo. It should be a puppy raised in my previous life, just like the snarling dog next to Erlang Shen. Later in my previous life Dead, she died too. So, in fact, Xiao Mo is not a very close person. I don't know much about the secrets of my previous life. To be honest, I think that he is the unreliable national teacher.

But I couldn't find him at all, there was Xiao Mo in front of me, even if he knew nothing, it was better than not knowing it at all.

"Then Xiaomo, try to remember, what did I have in my previous life? The more detailed the better."

"Hmm..." Xiao Mo frowned when he heard what I said. Have you seen a Samoyed frowning? I just want to laugh when I look at it. I saw that Xiao Mo thought for a while before saying:

"Master, I remember that your usual weapon is not a sword, but a spear... Or some other weapon, it is a long pole, and an armor, a helmet, and a mask. By the way, there is a horse. You call it Xiaohong."

Xiao Hong...

I was fascinated at the time. What kind of style was the name of my previous life, Xiao Mo, Xiao Hong... But think about my name in this life, Xiao Nuo, Xiao Mu... Alas, they are the same person.

But what she said was useless at all. I knew these things a long time ago. They were screensavers for mobile phones. I saw them when I first got them. I thought it was pretty cool. After thinking about it, I guessed it might be my previous life. Now it has been confirmed, there is no practical use.

Forget it, I don't want to, I took Xiao Mo back, and my heart said I would know later, go to sleep!


There was nothing for a day, and on this day, it was time to go to the capital to hold the annual meeting of the Shadow Army.

"Sir, are you sure to go alone?" Baron asked with a worried look. "If something happens, there is no one to take care of, is it really okay?"

"What can you do?" I looked at him, dumbfounding. "I'm going to a meeting, not a war. In the Shadow Army, there can be no undercover arrangements arranged by Gong Demon Cult. The commander of that section, but the second-ranked master of the End of the World, nothing will happen.

I waved my hand, opened the door and got into the car. Then I turned around and said, "Baron, you will buy the new year goods at home. This is our first year in the same boat club. We must do it well. , You have work to do."

"Yes." Baron nodded.

"Okay, let's go." I got back into the car, pulled the door shut, started the car, and Escalade galloped away...


"Kay... Grand Hotel, this is it!" I followed the navigation to the location stated in the text message. Every year at the annual meeting, the Shadow Army will select an officially designated hotel to stay and rest. The first half of the annual meeting will also In this big hotel.

Because I arrived one day early, the exact date of the annual meeting is actually the day after tomorrow, so I still have one day to rest so that the time will not appear too tight.

"Hello, please show your credentials." At the entrance of the parking lot, a person dressed as a waiter stopped my Escalade and walked over and said.

What he said is no problem. Whether it is looks or facial expressions, they are the same as waiters in ordinary star-rated hotels. If they are ordinary people, there is no problem at all. Asking for the ID I want, it is naturally the ID of the Shadow Army. If I show it, let me go in; if I don't have it, just find a reason and I will be driven away.

This is the meeting place of the Shadow Army. It must be kept secret and safe!

I stretched out my hand and took out the Shadow Army's ID, pretending to look back at him casually, and took a look at the waiter with investigative eyes. Sure enough, I am a practitioner. Since my level reached the twenty-fourth level, my investigative eye has another function, that is, to be able to see his sphere of influence, and it is regulated by my level.

They are not me, and they will not have such a system, so naturally there will be no level differentiation like me. However, for my convenience, the investigating eye will use a level method to give back after seeing the person’s strength. I.

This person's abilities were probably what I had when I was at level 17. At that time, I was basically able to enter the top half of the End of the World rankings. From this point of view, this person's abilities were also very good.

I took out my ID and handed it to him. After seeing it, he gave it back to me. He didn't salute or bow, but said: "Please, please." After speaking, I turned around and waved to them. Raise the parking bar.

Someone in the room saw him wave his hand, he was pressing the switch to raise the parking lever. I stepped on the accelerator lightly and started the Escalade. When the front part of the car was going to exceed the person's body, he used the method of forcing the sound into the ear. Said: "The sir makes atonement. To prevent others from seeing the secret, I cannot salute. Please forgive me, sir."

When I said this, my Escalade completely passed him and drove into the parking lot of the courtyard. He looked up hesitantly at the rear of my car. He should be worried that the newcomer, my new chief, had little eyes. Put him on small shoes. Although he is strong, he was chosen as a coordinator at the door. He was only a subordinate, and his official position was not big. I am a lieutenant colonel and an agent of the Eastern Division, and he can be crushed to death.

And just when he didn't know what to do, my voice was also introduced into his ears with a forced sound: "It's okay."

After stopping the car, I went to the lobby and saw the waiter put another car in on the road. It must be ours, and I don't know what official position it is. However, I am also a temporary post in this Shadow Army, and the only people I really know are Qin Nan, Han Fei, and Xue Biao. Even if I meet, I don't know the depth, even if I know the depth, it has nothing to do with me.

Entering the lobby, the idlers here have been dismissed long ago. The person in charge of the lobby must also be a member of the Shadow Army. I walked over, propped the front desk with my arm, and looked at the uniformed sign standing behind the stage. sister.

I have felt this since Qin Nan. Regardless of men and women, as long as they have experienced such a life, they will be different from those who have not experienced this life. They have a unique temperament in them. When they mix into ordinary people, they will naturally be different and more attractive than others.

The changes in men may be more obvious to women. As a man, I can see changes in women more clearly.

"Hello sir, please show your credentials. We will determine the specifications of the room according to the position." She said this in a very small voice. Obviously, although she has already arrived inside, she must keep her voice secret.

"Just arrange one for me, there is no need to be so serious." I said casually, why do you do this? What can be the official officials?

"Sir, this is an order, please don't embarrass me." She said with embarrassment.

At this time, another person walked in from the outside. I looked back and saw that she was also a woman. She was wearing a white woolen sweater with a thick black waistcoat, and her lower body was black hot pants. His legs were covered with bare-leg artifacts and a pair of black long. Boots. A long black hair tied in a ponytail was thrown behind his head, Liang put on a pair of sunglasses, which he wore slightly down, and a coat was put on his arm.

The appearance of the whole person is just like a chic girl. I saw with investigative eyes that the strength of this person is only my level 15 and not as good as the waiter at the door and the young lady at the front desk, but this strength is well dressed. In this way, it should not feel cold anymore. Then, the coat in the hand should be to cover people's eyes.

The Shadow Army gathers secretly. People who come here must not be seen by others as members of the Shadow Army. Therefore, she should have set up such a person for herself now.

Don't tell me, it looks pretty...

The young lady at the front desk is not surprised, knowing that everyone’s appearance must be different, and there is no change in expression. She bowed slightly to that person and still whispered: "Hello, sir, please show your credentials, we The specifications of the room will be determined according to the position."

The investigator learned that the woman's name was Dong Xinyi, came to the front desk, stretched out her hand and took out her little notebook, and handed it over.

I glanced at the young lady at the front desk when she opened it. This Dong Xinyi is a lieutenant.

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