Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 158: Dong Xinyi

Dong Xinyi, rank of lieutenant.

When I saw the information, I withdrew my eyes and looked at Dong Xinyi herself, and she was also looking at me.

"What official position are you? I'm a lieutenant, from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. How about you?" Dong Xinyi smiled and looked at me and asked. Between gestures, a lively and cheerful girl jumped into her eyes.

I smiled and said, "My hometown is Luzhou Yancheng, now in Jicheng, so counting, we are still very close."

"Yes." Dong Xinyi narrowed her eyes with a smile, and suddenly said: "Hey, you don't seem to answer me yet, what official position are you."

"Is this important?"

"Of course it is important, don't you think it is important?" Dong Xinyi said naturally.

"You shouldn't have been in the Shadow Army for long."

"How do you know? I only joined for more than a month, because last time I happened to score a merit and I was promoted directly to lieutenant, which happened to be in time for this annual meeting."

As Dong Xinyi said, the smiling faces were harmless and mentally retarded. I think with her character, that is, in this straight-and-going place, out of here, I think she can die outside.

At exactly this time, the young lady at the front desk completed the formalities, handed in the room card and certificate together, and said respectfully: "Sir, it's already done, room 3021 on the third floor."

Dong Xinyi took it, but didn't rush to leave. She had to see what ID I had taken out, and there was a light called "Curiosity" in her eyes.

I think she is really persistent, and the young lady at the front desk is also acting according to the rules, and there is no way. Although she can't bear to tell her the cruel fact that "I am actually your boss", she can only do this. Up.

So, I handed over the little book proving the identity of the lieutenant colonel and the cyan Lingjian representing the agent of the Eastern Division...

I kept watching Dong Xinyi's eyes widening, and her chin seemed to fall to the ground.

She herself is a member of the Eastern Division, and I am the agent of the Eastern Division. Isn't this just pressing her?

This makes the appearance of the arrow fixed. The parts of this appearance can represent the identity of the agent, and the direction is distinguished by color. East Qinglong, West White Tiger, Southern Suzaku, North Xuanwu, Zhonghuanglong. East green, west white, south red, north black, medium yellow, according to color ** points.

Therefore, as long as you take it out, look at the color and the shape, you will know your identity at that time.

"Look, I said don't let you know, how about it, surprise, surprise or surprise!"

Dong Xinyi: "..."

The person in front of you has become a chief, but the chief doesn't seem to be very reliable. Should he be happy or not? Waiting online, I'm very anxious...

This should be Dong Xinyi's heart at this time.

At this time, the young lady at the front desk also handed my things back and said, "Hello, sir, it's already done. Room 7004, seventh floor."

This hotel has a total of ten floors. The rooms inside are sorted by quality. The higher the upper floor, the better, the lower the lower the worse. Logically speaking, my status as a lieutenant colonel cannot live in such a good room, but when I have Dongfang After the status of the district agent, the lieutenant colonel is not important.

After I took my room card, Ling Jian, and certificates, I smiled at Dong Xinyi, turned around and went straight upstairs to the elevator, leaving her alone, thinking about life.


Afterwards, I couldn't care about what Dong Xinyi was doing, and I didn't leave her contact information. I have the right to be a trivial matter in life. When I arrived, it was already late, and it didn’t take long for dinner. I originally planned to order takeaway, but after thinking about it, I think the takeaway guy shouldn’t be able to come in...

Although the takeaway brother, the auntie in the square, and the Chaoyang people are generally supernatural and omnipotent, I think it should be a bit of a hang in the secret meeting base of the Shadow Army, so don't worry about it as soon as possible! I just wanted to go out to eat, when I arrived on the first floor, I suddenly found out that I was low.

Star-rated hotels are self-contained hotels...

Real poverty limits my imagination! To be reasonable, I am so poor, how could I have stayed in a star hotel before! How could I know that there is a restaurant inside? !

Just like before I took the high-speed train business class, I never knew that the food there was free... Thanks to the quiet time I didn’t ask that one more question, but when the flight attendant asked me if I needed food, I was very prettier. Pian, very calmly nodded: "Yeah." Otherwise, it will be embarrassing!

This time, I did the same thing again, and did not make a difference. Fortunately, my face was thick enough, so I stopped alive, changed direction, and walked towards the restaurant.

There are already a lot of people in the restaurant. This is different from the breakfast buffet in ordinary hotels. This is a la carte. The dining environment in a star hotel is not built. It is a cylindrical building with two floors above and below, with a transparent middle, and the first floor can be seen from the second floor. The area is large and absolutely standard! Next to the counter on the first floor, there is a small stage with a big screen.

In the restaurant, there are already a lot of brothers from the Shadow Army. I don’t know them well, so I found a place a little farther away from them and sat down—that is, I came early and had this position. Now, there are all people here, and there is no such thing as being far away.

I randomly ordered two dishes, a rice and a wine, and when I was waiting for the food, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps around me, and then a familiar female voice: "Well, long... sir. , Can I sit here?"

I'll take a first look, Yo, isn't this the same Dong Xinyi just now.

I glanced at the very empty restaurant and said, "Why? Must I sit next to me?"

"Yes!" Dong Xinyi folded her hands on her abdomen, lowered her head and said affirmatively, then raised her little head, looked at me pitifully, and tentatively said: " it possible?"

I saw her nervously looking a little funny, so I nodded and said, "Sit down." She immediately became happy and sat down opposite me.

"I said you are really interesting too. I don't want to sit in so many places, but I have to sit here. Why, I have money here?" I asked.

"No, there is an officer." Dong Xinyi said naturally.


"No, no, I mean, it's a special honor to sit with the sir." She smiled wryly, waved her hand again and again, and then asked: "Sir, how old are you this year..."

I glanced at her and told the truth: "20 years old."

I have my birthday in January, just after a few days ago, now I am 20 years old.

"Ah? I'm an officer at 20! I'm a year older than you, and I've only gotten into this position. When will I be promoted because of luck."

Dong Xinyi lowered her head with a sad look, but I just wanted to "haha" in my heart.

Are you one year older than me? The investigative eye shows you 23 good! Without this magical skill, I was almost fooled by you! A woman is really a magical creature. Even now, she never forgets to hide her age.

Let me tell you, this means that she is going to make an imbalance of "older than me and not as big as my official", otherwise, she can make herself smaller...

"Hey, sir, how did you get to this point?" Dong Xinyi withdrew her feelings and asked again.

I thought for a while and said, "Actually, it hasn't been long since I joined the Shadow Army, but I am relatively strong. This is true."

Well, this is the truth, but I always feel that the psychological shadow of the woman opposite seems even greater.

"... Then, how could the officer be so strong when he is so young?"

" never heard a word, saying that success depends on one percent talent and ninety-nine percent hard work."

"Ah, I've heard this before, sir, do you mean that as long as I work hard, I can be as strong as you with continuous hard work?" Dong Xinyi is like a primary school student raising her hand to answer questions, full of inexplicable reading ability confidence.

Unfortunately, this is not the correct answer.

I shook my head, and corrected: "No, no, no, what I want to say is, even if you have 99% of the effort, you can't succeed without that one% of talent."

Dong Xinyi: "..."

Heartbroken, old iron!

I can be sure now that her psychological shadow area should be infinite, but what I said is really the truth! I've been thinking about what would happen if I was just an ordinary person, if I were not the reincarnation of General Roche.

If I were an ordinary person, not the reincarnation of that general, I would not be able to beat her if ten people were tied together!

Isn't this the power of the one percent talent...

At this moment, a few more Shadow Army men came in with their shoulders on their backs. They should all be brothers from the same place. As soon as they came in, when they saw Dong Xinyi, they immediately walked over here, the one walking in the front. Waved and said: "Xinyi, why are you here, who is this brother?"

Dong Xinyi was pleased when he saw that they were acquainted with each other, so he greeted them quickly, made a silent gesture, and whispered: "Hush-don't talk nonsense, this is the sir!"

"Sir?" A few of them had already walked over, and there were not enough chairs. A few people brought some from other tables, sat down with us, and asked, "What sir? Although he is mature, I see him Are you younger than us, and how come the chief comes back here?"

"It's true!" Dong Xinyi struggled: "I have seen with my own eyes that the rank of lieutenant colonel is still an agent of the Eastern Division!"

"Really?!" Several people looked at me with shock and disbelief.

I was really annoying to see them, so I made a silent gesture, and took out part of the Ling Arrow that represents my identity from my pocket with the other hand.

Life is alive, keep a low profile! Low-key!

"Hiss——" All of them took a breath of cold air, the expression on their faces was the same as Dong Xinyi at the beginning, and their eyes and chins could all fall to the ground. Dong Xinyi looked smug, as if she had found a psychological balance.

I showed them and took Ling Jian back again, with a light smile on his face, but they were shocked, what a living leader!

And they must also belong to the Eastern Division like Dong Xinyi, so I am their immediate boss! Sitting with the boss, this...

I watched a few people's buttocks exercise, and I think they should be considering whether to get up and salute.

I waved my hand and said, "Forget it, there are not so many rules, sit down."

Only then did a few people relax and sit down peacefully. But as soon as they sat down, they all lifted up suddenly. Several people looked around and said, "Thank you, sir," whispered, "Thank you, sir," and then sat down again.

I couldn't help but want to laugh, one of them asked boldly: "Sir, why did you come here for dinner?"

As soon as he said this, I knew it should be because I was ignorant and made some common-sense mistakes, but I was shameless, smiled calmly again, and asked, "What's wrong?"

He waved his hands again and again: "No, no, but you are the chief, the person in charge of the district. Your floor, you should, has a separate dining area."


What am I... Poverty once again limits my imagination!

That’s all for a star-rated hotel with a restaurant, how come there is a small canteen on the high floor!

What can I do in this situation, I can only look like a good leader, and smiled and said, "What is the meaning of eating there? How can it be interesting to come here to eat with you people."

Suddenly, the eyes of a few people "brushed--" was full of admiration and admiration. What an approachable leader who walked into the masses!

And I can only say in my heart: "I'm so shameless!"

At this moment, there was another person outside, and there was a sound of footsteps, "Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." one person rushed in. He is about 1.78 meters tall, with black sweatpants on his lower body, canvas shoes on his feet, and a black round neck shirt with a silver-gray windbreaker on his upper body. His hair is dyed linen, his skin is fair, and he is full of heroic spirit. He is a beautiful man!

"Bring me steamed buns with pork and green onions! Get a bowl of millet porridge and some garlic cloves, hurry up! I'm starving to death!"

The image of a beautiful collapsed.

After he finished speaking, he walked over here to find a place to sit down, but suddenly he saw me.

I didn't know him. I just froze and said who was this, I saw that he had already walked over, stretched out my hand, and said, "You are Guo Rui, how do you meet for the first time."

"you are……"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Nie Ze."

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