Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 159: Duan Qingtian and Nie Ze!

When he reached out to me and said "hello", I subconsciously asked, and at the same time, it was like using investigative eyes to see who he was, but at this moment, he had already reported his family and said his own Identity...

"My name is Nie Ze."

His voice appeared in my mind almost at the same time as the result of the Detective Eye, yes, it was him! One of the two major generals of the Shadow Army civil and military, Major General Wen, is also the main promoter of my income into the Shadow Army, ranking twenty-seventh on the End of the World Ranking-Nie Ze!

"Nie...Major General Nie!"

The few people around were stunned, and they could even say that they were scared to pee. Dong Xinyi was also a lieutenant, and those few could be guessed, and the official position was definitely not big. Such a few people saw a major general Nie Ze Tangtang! That's not the same as the rabbit seeing the tiger, but in my heart, only the scene where he asked for a bun...

For such a down-to-earth character, I really can't connect him with the highly powerful Nie Ze, but it is true that he is Nie Ze.

"Major General Nie is good."

I stood up, stretched out my hand and shook his hand, and said, "I heard that I can join the Shadow Army. It depends on you, Major General Nie, who suggested that I contact the folk monks. You can say that without you, there would be no me today. There won't be the same boat club today."

I established the Tongzhou Club for three purposes. First, I really want to help the world gather a little more strength. Maybe it's still the young mind that wants to be a hero has not faded. Second, I know that when I become strong, there will definitely be other organizations, or Tianya Club, Wuyin League, or Yunding Mountain. They will come back to recruit me, but I don’t want to be sent under the fence. That’s why I refused to join the Shadow Army. . Later, I had to join because of Meng Hong's affairs, and I had to make a decision. To build a Tongzhou Club, there was a reason not to accept their solicitation.

The third thing is to repay the Shadow Army and Major General Nie. After all, people still expect me to gather some folk monks. I can't go back to sleep after accepting the position.

So, what I said is nothing wrong at all.

After hearing this, Nie Ze said politely: "I just made some suggestions wherever I go. I don’t take care of the things ahead. I have only seen your information and photos once. Today I finally saw a real person. ."

Just as he was talking, the person over there who was in charge of preparing food for the back of the kitchen came over and said hesitantly: "Sir...sir, there are no buns."

"What?! No buns?!" Nie Ze was displeased when he heard it. He threw my hand away, turned his head and looked at the man and shouted, "You are such a big hotel, don't even have a bun?"

That person was also very helpless. This was originally a star hotel. Except in the morning, there would be no buns at all. Even if the person in charge of the shadow army now is only the bottom staff, how could he know the upper level? What about Major General Nie's taste? The arrangement is not the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but also the things that are fried, fried, braised, stewed, and swimming in the water, steamed buns...really nothing.

"You are an Interstellar Hotel, you don't even have a steamed bun, and it deserves to be called a star hotel?" Nie Ze looked at him contemptuously, and put his hands in the other sleeve, looking very grounded.

This look is usually made by the old man in the village with a pleated face and a man in a military coat or cotton uniform. You can often see him on TV. He is a white, smooth, soapy person wearing a windbreaker. ...I feel like I'm on the stage when I look at it!

"Star hotels... generally don't have them." He still wanted to explain.

"Impossible! Why do they have them before!" Nie Ze didn't listen to his explanation at all.

At this moment, another voice came in from outside: "Don’t be embarrassed by them. There are really no buns here. I’m all to blame. This time I forgot to tell them about your tastes in advance. No, there are you here. Favorite pork, green onions, and garlic."

Following the voice, another person walked in.

The visitor is about 1.85 meters tall and half a head taller than Nie Ze. He is wearing a black down jacket. The down jacket is very long. The hem is almost knee-length, the hat is behind, and the top is covered with black fine hair. The zipper is pulled. It's tight, I can't see what I'm wearing inside. The lower body, as seen from the calf, is wearing a pair of black slacks and black cotton boots on the feet. The whole person is completely covered by black.

Looking at the face, this man combed his head, short hair, a neatly trimmed chin, and a beard, which runs straight down from the center of the lower lip, connected to the beard, under the nose, and With a double-faced Hu, the lower half of his face is almost filled with Mao. A pair of sharp eyes, eyes like eagles, complexion like bronze, brows like scimitars, and there is a murderous, fierce, and heroic one on his body!

At this time, this person, smiling, handed a bag of steaming buns and a few cloves of garlic to Nie Ze.

When Nie Ze saw the steamed buns, he got excited, and quickly turned out to be steamed buns. He sat down directly at a table next to him, opened the plastic bag, grabbed it and ate it with his hands, and gasped while eating. Ryo has put the bun in his mouth.

The man sat next to him, reached out and picked up a clove of garlic that Nie Ze randomly placed on the table, and peeled it intimately.

I passed by as an investigator, and I was shocked at the time. This person with a strong aura but so grounded is no one else. It is the commander of the Shadow Army and the second-ranking power in the End of the World-Duan Qingtian!

There was such a noise at the door, especially when Nie Ze and the person had just discussed the topic "Why are there no buns in star-rated hotels". At this time, everyone in this restaurant was thinking about it.

As soon as the kitchen door was opened, a food-serving man came out with a dazed look. He didn't know what was going on, so he walked to my table very confused and put the food on the table—this is my food.

As soon as Nie Ze saw the buns, he didn't care about anything else. If no one else was eating them, he still had time to reach out and take the peeled garlic cloves from Duan Qingtian. , The people next to you are blinded.

They are not stupid, people who can be so close to Nie Ze, and with such a heavy aura, they are definitely not ordinary people, not Lieutenant General Duan, but also Major General Lin, but they must have never seen such a big officer. At this time, the chief officer was peeling garlic very grounded, while the other was eating.

In such a comparison, my so-called "low-key sir" seems not worth mentioning...

Nie Ze had steamed buns and garlic in his hand, and said vaguely, "Is there any millet porridge?"

"No." Duan Qingtian concentrated on peeling garlic without raising his head.

"Oh." Nie Ze was a little disappointed, his eyes visibly dimmed, and he ate silently.

Duan Qingtian looked up at this moment, looked at the disappointed Nie Ze somewhat amused, and suddenly laughed and said: "Hahahaha, you are so interesting, yes, yes, why don't you buy it for you? I know the mouth too well."

With that said, he freed up a hand to unzip the down jacket, and took out a cup of millet porridge from the inside pocket. The cover was Happy Pleasant Goat. Oh, there is a brain teaser...

Duan Qingtian put the straw in and put it in front of Nie Ze, and said with a smile: "I've added sugar, I've been covering it all the time, it's not cold."

Nie Ze became happy again, then he got up and got up, and then... he spouted hotly.

"Why do you want to burn me to death! Who made you keep holding on! How can I drink without letting it cool?!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

After finally waiting for Nie Ze to finish eating, Duan Qingtian's body shook, and his force blew away the garlic skin on his body. He moved the chair and sat on the opposite side of me and looked at me, frowning suspiciously, and then he suddenly said. "Oh, you are the kid from Jecheng. I have read your information. It says your strength. Although it is estimated, it shouldn’t be much worse. However, in my opinion, it’s a short time , Your strength has doubled or even more than doubled, and I don’t know whether it is the rapid progress or the wrong estimation, but it all gave me a surprise."

After speaking, he picked up a glass of water that he brought when the food was served, took a sip, and put it back on the table. During this process, his eyes never left me at all. I think he should think he is handsome, although the facts are true, I definitely didn't make this movement so enjoyable.

"Aren't you going to say something?" He looked at me and said.

At this time, Dong Xinyi and the other people around me had all gone to another table, staring at both of us with big eyes, sitting and watching the gods fight. I didn’t know what to say for a while. I looked at him, and then at the glass that was originally in the middle of the table, but he drank it and put it in front of him. I hesitated and said, "Your glass of water belongs to mine. ."

Duan Qingtian: "..."

Dong Xinyi: "..."

other people:"……"

As expected of me! I believe that everyone present would never have thought that I could say such a sentence, it was a magical stroke!

Duan Qingtian may not have his eyes, and his throat moved slightly, as if trying not to let himself spit out a spit of old blood. He took the water cup, pushed it back to my side, and waved his hand, as if: "You drink, you drink."

Then he glanced at Nie Ze again, his eyes seemed to say: "Look at what you found to come in!"

And the latter doesn’t like him at all. He just ate and was full. He was leaning on the back of the chair, flicking his teeth with a toothpick in his right hand, and touching his stomach with his left. Fight.

Duan Qingtian looked back at him and then looked back at me and said: "I have heard of everything you do. It's not bad, but we still have to keep investigating your team. Once there is an abnormality, we It won't be soft. A group of casual cultivators who were originally fighting each other are more ghosts, and I am afraid they are not so easy to manage."

The meaning of what he said was very clear, because I asked the people of Tongzhou Club to help deal with the evil cultivation that caused the chaos in the world, so they will tolerate our existence. But supervision will not be relaxed. If one day I want to use this power to do something bad, they will deal a heavy blow to us! With the strength of the Shadow Army, the Tongzhou Club simply cannot hold it!

After all, Tongzhou Club is still a group of mobs, far from the Shadow Army, or the Tianya Club, which are also non-governmental organizations, have rules. After all, they have strict systems and methods of investigation, and they also have high requirements for the origin of the people. As for me, I am a little too knowledgeable. Although I slashed a lot of people, and those who were left behind were all tested and good-minded people, they were indeed all civilians, far fewer than a few other organizations, and it would be better to have members from a family of masters.

"It's good if you know it in your heart," Duan Qingtian stood up and said, "I'm here, you will be very uncomfortable." Then, he glanced at the rest of the people in the restaurant, all trembling and trembling. Tremble, like walking on thin ice.

"Let's go, Nie Ze, go up, you, now you are the agent of the Eastern Division. You are going to participate in the briefing meeting. I look forward to your performance."

After speaking, he took Nie Ze out of the restaurant and walked to the elevator.

Only then did everyone in the restaurant let go of the pressure.

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