Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 160: Visit Yunmiao Temple

"Ring ling ling ling ling..."

At 8 o'clock in the morning, I was called by the alarm clock. Although my sleepiness constitution has improved significantly after practicing the spell, and there are systems operating in the body, I will not feel tired easily, but sleeping is really comfortable...

Yesterday, after Duan Qingtian and the others left, our topic here has become "Meet the living chief". Only Dong Xinyi is willing to talk to me. Later, the few people are discussing Duan Qingtian and Nie. Ze two people. I didn't even bother to chat with them. I came up after eating. Today, I must feel what this legendary single canteen is like.

However, compared to eating, I have other things to do...

At nine o'clock, I went out. After using the hearing improved by the system last night and my careful investigation, I also discovered the room arrangement of this hotel.

This hotel has ten floors, the first floor and the top floor. For safety, various types of troops are stationed for protection. The second floor is the residence of the ensign and the staff of various positions, the third floor is the captain and the lieutenant, Dong Xinyi is the lieutenant, live on the third floor, room 3021, I noted them all. The fourth floor is where the major and lieutenant colonel live. Normally I should live on this floor, but I am the agent of the Eastern Division.

When it comes to the rank of colonel, it is one floor. The fifth floor is where the colonels live. On the sixth floor, the colonel. Xue Biao should live in a certain room there...No, no, he too Agent, is that a floor with me?

The seventh floor is where I live. The agent lives. I thought about it. There are only two agents in the position of China and Dongfang. There are two agents in each district, co-authoring this floor. Just four people, it's a waste!

However, since this floor is a suite, and there is a restaurant dedicated to this floor, it is not too wasteful. Besides, on the upper level, the eighth and ninth levels, there are only three people...

The eighth layer is the managers of the Eastern Division and the Chinese Division. They are jointly managed by three people. The Shadow Army is unknown and the four agents are under their control.

The ninth floor is where the two deputy commanders Duan and Wenwu live.

I went down to the first floor. At this time, the restaurant had ceased fire and no cooking, but I didn't plan to eat here either. Including the restaurant on my floor, I plan to wait until I come back.

I went out and found a bun shop casually, and had a meal of buns-let Nie Ze make it, and I was greedy to death! Then, I drove to the outskirts of the city.

Here in the capital, I also visited several times when I was a kid, but I definitely visited some scenic spots. I would definitely not come to this place, but now, I know the importance of this place, so I want to come here Take a look.

Yunmiao Temple!

The No. 1 temple in the world, the temple of the No. 1 Master Ruyan, I asked about it. Every morning, in order to burn a stick of incense, there is a huge crowd outside the gate! Although the first stick of incense must have been burned now, there will never be fewer people. People say that there are statues of Buddha in so many temples in the world, and the Buddha must not be able to take care of it, and those who take care of it often have this cloud. Temple.

The rest are all known from West Lake Lingyin.

On the way up the mountain, I saw many people wearing down jackets, exhaling white breath and talking about how Yunmiao Temple works and how they would like to burn incense...

There are also devout people, three steps, one worship, five steps, one tapping. I only heard of this scene among those who have been to Tibet, but the passers-by around him have long been familiar with it, as if this happened often.

In contrast, my newcomer seemed out of place. When I looked at the pious man with interest, people around me looked at me with surprise, but then disappeared.

In this way, I was squeezed all the way up the mountain. The gate was huge and the crowd was crowded. I could not see my head. I climbed the stairs. Amidst the crowds, I could faintly see the three thick incense pillars in the censer in the courtyard. Cigarettes, all around, are numerous. Several people stood in front, holding incense and worshiping.

Where can I see such a scene!

Although there are many novice monks in the temple, in front of this kind of number, it is unavoidable and in a hurry. I looked around, and not far to the right, there was a room with a wide open door. The plaque on it was red and black on the background: "The place where the incense sticks"

I walked over and took a look. There were three long tables in the house. Except for one at the entrance, one was placed on the other three sides. The top was covered with red cloth and piled with various incenses, thick and thin, long and short. Behind each table, there is a kind-faced old monk with his hands folded and smiling at the visitor. When people come here to receive incense, they give a slight salute and say "Amitabha."

The incense here is free!

In the temples I've been to before, I need tickets for entrance and money for incense, but here, it is not at all. Visitors can receive incense at will and learn about it, whether it is long or short, it is up to the respect.

You know, human beings have a kind of inferiority. They don't make big mistakes, but they care about small things. When it comes to cheapness, it is basically a normal state to not occupy the waste. I often watch the news, wherever the truck overturns, people around pick up the goods. On another occasion, where there was heavy snow, the local salt was used to melt the snow, but in a blink of an eye there were a few bags missing. That's all industrial salt! Can't eat it! Fortunately, the news is released in a timely manner, otherwise a big problem will occur.

All in all, greed for cheap is a common fault of one person, but here, there is no.

With a pious look and kind complexion, everyone saluted the old monk behind the table and took the incense they wanted with both hands. Those who want big things take the big incense and the thick incense, and those who do small things take the small incense and fine incense. They only take three, no greed or grabbing.

I watched calmly for more than ten minutes, only to see a harmonious scene, this is the world's first temple! This is Yunmiao Temple!

Suddenly, a little monk outside led a well-dressed person in. I saw that this person’s clothes were half a grade higher than others, and his appearance and gestures were not ordinary people. Someone around him began to whisper. I Listening carefully, I vaguely knew that this person was a rich local man.

The man, like others, took the incense to worship with the old monk, and went out of the room under the guidance of the little monk. I followed and saw that the man went to the big store, lit the incense in his hand, and knelt on the futon. He prayed three times in a row, then got up and put the incense into the incense burner, very pious.

After all this last night, the rich man started to talk to the little monk again. I listened carefully and wanted to donate some incense money to the temple.

At this moment, I feel as if I have traveled through it, as if not in the present, but in the past, in the world played in that TV series.

However, the clothes on their bodies tell me that I am really now...

At this moment, a voice came from behind me, dragging me back from the illusory world: "Donor, what can I do with you?"


Everything in front of me became clear again. I looked back and stood a middle-aged monk behind me.

"Amitabha Amitabha, hello." I hurriedly put my hands together and said respectfully.

Before I became a mage, I had a sense of awe for monks. At that time, I didn’t know if there were any gods and Buddhas in this world, but I always felt that there was a kind of power in the world that made me have to. . People, whether you believe in God or not, it's best to have a sense of awe.

The monk smiled more when he saw me like this, and asked again: "What's the matter with the donor?"

"Uh..." I thought about it for a while, and it's better to say directly, "Jicheng Guo Rui, the old master named Ruyan, is here to pay a visit."

The monk swept me up and down, suddenly as if he felt something, maybe he felt the fluctuation of my mana, and said, "Okay, please, please."

Buddhism is a good one. Regardless of Master Ruyan, the world's number one, it seems to be hard to see, but as a Taoist monk, how can you not show up? If you come from far away and come here, just see it.

I followed the monk to a room, which was similar to what I saw last time at Nangong Yu's place. The monk arranged for me to sit down, ordered to watch tea, and told me to invite the master, and then retired.

I sit in the room. On the table is a pot of tea and two tea cups. It is not a good tea. Gypsophila, the common name is high broken. They are all leftover tea leaves. All kinds of mixed together, you have to grab one when you make it. A lot, and it must be a big pot, otherwise it won't make it out. It is said that many people like to drink this thing, and it is very greasy. I drink it really differently, but it is a silly mouth, and I can't drink it good or bad.

I am not a good tea person at first. I don’t know the tea ceremony. I just know a little bit. In addition, I have a fat mouth. Almost one mouthful is a cup. Just after drinking two cups, there are footsteps outside the door, followed by "Da Da --"knocking.

The knock on the door is a person with rules, and the effort is not used too much. This is a knock on the door. If it is big, it will be slapped. If it is big, it will be smashed...

"Please come in." In someone else's place, instead of letting the owner knock on the door, I have to say this for fear of breaking the rules. This is my first experience. Look at's kind of like that, but it feels a little weird.

As soon as the door opened, a master came in from the outside, wearing a monk's robes and a robe, with 108 Buddhist beads hanging on his neck, holding a string of 27 beads in his hand, and slowly twisting it. Depending on the age, it should look like 40 or 50 years old, but at this point, the appearance may not match the real age. You can't tell the age based on the appearance. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has nine scars on his head. He is smiling all over his face. , Her face is kind and kind, her ears lobes her shoulders, three strands of long beard, and her beard is gray. After entering the door, he turned around and closed the door lightly. He turned around, stepped on the monk's shoes, walked slowly, clasped his hands together, and said "Amitabha."

I also hurriedly returned the gift, got up quickly, and walked quickly, putting my hands together, chanting Amitabha, and asking: "You are Master Ruyan?"

"Exactly, I dare to ask what kind of school the donor is. Maybe he knows me." Grand Master Ruyan said, his voice was peaceful and he listened very comfortable.

"The son does not say the name of his father, and the disciple does not say the name of the teacher. The master and his elders will understand and understand."

"Oh, that's the case, did he mean you came this time?" Master Ruyan asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, I came here especially to visit." I said quickly.

Master Ruyan looked at me, suddenly a strange color appeared in his eyes, some surprises, and some comforts, as if he had gotten some baby. He looked at me with straight hair, but in just a moment he returned to the original state and said: "My old friend Gaotu is here, the hospitality is not good, there is only crude tea in the temple, please use it."

With that, he led me to the table again, and I sat across from each other.

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