Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 168: Three shooting stars!

"Bang, bang, bang...!"

We constantly blasted the signal flare into the sky, and produced animals of various colors. At this time, we had the last batch.

"Okay, no, happy, so happy New Year! I have never been so happy!" I dropped the empty tube in my hand and looked at Zeng Xiujie and others beside me. Hu Jie is on the other side of me, too. I took a signal flare and had a great time just like us. At this time, I was smiling and unspeakable.

"It's a pity that this happens once a year, and after that, you have to wait three hundred and sixty-five days, which is difficult." Gao Yan said cheerfully.

"It's okay, it will grow in the days to come, and in the future, we will have to spend the New Year every year!" I patted his shoulder and turned to look at Zeng Xiujie: "Is it time to eat dumplings? "

"Still cooking, it should be soon."

At this time, the kitchen was full of steam because of the cooking of dumplings. A group of people fanned away the heat in front of them while using large spoons to gently stir them in the pot. The dumplings tumbling in the water, like a new year’s Good hope.

A few others escaped the torture of the mist and went to the other side to make dips.

Dumplings for eating dumplings can be roughly divided into several types. One is vinegar as the main body, or it can be said to be all vinegar. Of course, there are some soy sauce in the vinegar, or some chili oil or sesame oil. There is also the theme of mashed garlic. Add soy sauce and stir well, and there is also vinegar. My favorite is the way to eat garlic and soy sauce. I don’t know when I started, I hate the vinegar smell, if there are other It's okay to cover it, I really don't like the vinegar smell.

There is another kind, I have only seen it once, it should be relatively small, maybe it is because I don't have this way of eating in this place, and it may be in other places. It is based on sesame sauce, which is similar to eating lamb, with chili oil and soy vinegar. After eating like this, the thick texture of sesame paste is unique. After eating it, the first bite is fragrant. The fragrance of sesame is bursting in the mouth, and then the salty and sour combination of soy sauce and vinegar. After eating, there is still an aftertaste. The spiciness... delicious!

This time I specifically asked them to prepare the seasoning too, and plan to try the same method as I thought.

I'm so unpromising, I want to learn the recipe when I meet something delicious. It's not that I want to grab business with them, I just want to make my own food, because...If I eat too much, people know, am I very embarrassed? I don't want face!

I didn’t think about that when I made it myself. No one said I was a rice bucket...

Here, the dishes in the restaurant have been removed. Plates of dumplings were brought up, with various seasonings and many side dishes, and a large pot of cornmeal porridge was boiled and placed on the table.

A group of people happily prepared for the second meal. Baron and Shen Yuner were still sitting on the roof, looking at the colorful sky.

At this moment, the color of the signal bombs in the sky has not faded. The sky is still colored. We can't bear to leave. We want to continue to enjoy the beauty. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of it in the distant sky. Unidentified object, with a tail line, quickly flashed past!

"Meteor! Three!" Hu Jie has the same sharp eyes, and this meteor is not invisible to a mortal eye with the naked eye, and although it does not happen to fly over here, it is also passed over here. I can see it.

We all looked at the three meteors. It was strange. The three meteors were very close, but they shone with different brilliance, and the lines behind the reflection were also somewhat colored. The three meteors are blue-purple in the middle. On the left and right sides, one is red-orange and the other is turquoise. The three meteors are in the same direction, as if three well-trained fighter planes are doing some kind of activity.

For some reason, looking at these three meteors, there is always a strange feeling in my heart, like worrying, but not very accurate, but also like a little secret joy, sadness and joy, I don't know why.

On the roof, Barong and Shen Yun'er also heard Hu Jie's cry from underneath, and they looked together, maybe they could make a wish, but at first sight, something went wrong!

Baron was fine. As soon as Shen Yun'er looked up and saw the three meteors, she suddenly felt a steel needle pierced into her brain, and she screamed in pain!


Baron was frightened when he saw it. He didn't know what was going on, so he called out quickly. At this time, Shen Yuner was completely unable to think because of the headache. How could he answer Baron's yells? Shout out.

"Yun'er! This... sir!" Baron was at a loss, and the princess directly hugged Shen Yun'er in a hug, jumped down, came to me, and shouted: "Sir, come and take a look, Yun'er and she... "

"Don't panic!" I hurried over. Hu Jie and Gao Yan didn't know what was going on. They all followed behind me and ran over to take a look.

Seeing her like this, I was a little confused at the time. She was in this state before, and she did! It only appears every time when you want to discover what is going to happen in the future. It is a passive version of the heavenly strategy. I don't know when to start and when to stop. But this time, it seems to be extraordinarily big!

and many more!

I suddenly thought of those three meteors, and even I would have an inexplicable feeling, how could this powerful force passed down by Chen Yuner's ancestors fail to respond? !

Let’s not talk about it, I point a finger, and Shi Zhong Er pointed to Shen Yun'er’s forehead, sending magic power to resist the pain while the golden light flickered. I have no way to detect this kind of profound things. I can only use a method similar to anesthesia to relieve her pain.

Shen Yun'er's expression was obviously relaxed a bit, and the shouts were a little quieter. Only then did I have time to ask: "Balong, what's wrong with Girl Yun'er?"

Balong saw that Shen Yun'er was already a little better, so he relaxed a little and said, "I just watched the meteor with Yun'er, but as soon as she saw Yun'er, it was just like that."

"Sure enough," I murmured, looking down at Shen Yun'er's expression. Even though I was anesthetized at this time, it was still painful and unbearable. My brows were frowned, and my makeup was almost washed away with sweat.

I know that when she is no longer suffering, she will tell me a very wonderful story!

After a few more minutes, the pain on Shen Yun'er's face finally disappeared completely. She seemed to have broken free from hell. She was inexhaustibly refreshed and comfortable, panting heavily, opening her eyes slightly, and watching This wonderful world-there have been countless times, she felt so painful that she almost left.

Finally, we waited until she was panting. We quickly took a towel and wiped her sweat, and then we took a bottle of water to give her a drink. There were already a lot of people around, and they didn’t know what the circumstances were, even the beggars came out. Looking at her with interest.

Shen Yun'er finally got a good breath, and I quickly asked, "Miss Yun'er, what did you see just now? Your reaction is bigger than before. I'm afraid it's not a simple scene."

Shen Yun'er looked at me with a dazed look in her eyes, as if she was reminiscing, and she said, "I saw...I saw three people! And...there are three meteors, no, it's not a meteor, it's a meteorite!" There are explosions, fire, thunder, and wind!"

"No, wait, Miss Yun'er, don't worry, speak slowly, think carefully, don't panic." I quickly comforted, she is now confused, this is the performance of the brain has just been shocked, if you work hard Thinking, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Only then did Shen Yun'er relax, calm down and think about it, and it took a long time to explain the matter.

In her mind, a picture appeared. At first it was dark, like a forest, with faint starlight in the sky. At this moment, three meteorites fell from the sky suddenly and hit the tree! Suddenly, there was a blast on the ground, like a battlefield cannon! In an instant, the flames soared into the sky, and the fire snake flew! Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew down all the surrounding trees. Finally, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and thunderbolt hit the ground. The light of lightning illuminated the sky and the earth. At this time, three figures appeared from there.

These three figures are all dark shadows. They can’t see their looks or wear clearly. The middle one is taller, well-proportioned, and neither fat nor thin. On the two sides are two people, one fat and one thin, both shorter than him. Half a head.

I asked for these details for a long time, and I was delayed in the meal before I asked. I was afraid that Shen Yun'er would forget these things in a while, but that's probably not the case, but I would even like to know some details.

After listening, everyone looked at each other. Most of the people present didn't know what Shen Yun'er was capable of, and didn't understand what this was talking about. Why were meteorites, thunder and lightning, and human figures all talking about it. At this time, the beggar who should have known nothing suddenly laughed. He laughed very arrogantly and presumptuously. He laughed like no one, scared all the people around him to avoid, thinking that he was crazy.

To be honest, what I think is the most powerful in the whole society is this beggar! Unless I use the amulet, I don't even know I can beat him. Even though I have never played against him, nor have I tested his depth, but I think so, just because of... the words of the national teacher.

At this time I also looked at him, wanting to see what his routine was.

The beggar laughed a lot, looked at Shen Yun'er, and said lightly: "Interesting, interesting, that's how it is."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, the devil is startled."

Several people around listened to him, still stunned and whispered. But I know, he must know something, but it is not convenient to say now.

"Girl Yun'er, I have worked hard for you. You just need to think so much when you relax, Baron, take her back to rest, and we will deliver dumplings in a while."

As she is now, it is estimated that she has no physical strength to eat, so let's rest.

Send her back and we will eat dumplings again. The dumplings are already cold at that time, but dumplings are delicious no matter whether they are cold or hot. But after just such a disturbance, everyone was a little disinterested. The good atmosphere was interrupted at the time, and the emotions were disjointed, especially for me. It's okay for them to not know. I know, so I know How important this matter is, and I know that if it is not handled properly, the consequences will be great!

How can so many things happen in a good year? !

In the end, the meal was finished in a state of depressed mood. Everyone went back to the house. I didn't bother to think about what Shen Yuner meant when seeing this picture. Sleep well. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Master's New Year greetings.

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