Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 169: Lunar New Year

"Master is here, disciple Guo Rui gave Master New Year greetings, wishing Master a blessing like the East China Sea, and a longevity than Nanshan."

On the morning of the first day of the new year, there was a Zhacai shop in the main hall. Master was sitting on the head, and the butler beside him stood respectfully, while I knelt on the floor not far in front of me and worshiped Master.

Although there is no more kneeling and worship now, some traditional etiquettes are required for practicing the law and apprentice. Anyway, you don't need to kneel down a few times a year. Moreover, my master is already very relaxed here.

The master sat on it, watching me salute below, smiling kindly: "Hahahahaha, get up, get up." After speaking, he suddenly retracted his smile and turned to ask Lao He in a low voice: " Is this a New Year's greeting?"

"It's almost enough. Just if you have the heart, you can do it." Lao He said with a smile.

"That's fine, hahahahaha..." The master turned his head back, still smiling.

The signal flares from Tongzhou Club last night shocked half of Jecheng City. They all knew what kind of force was presumptuous here, and they also saw the people who were sent to investigate and came back no matter what. That's awesome!

So, this morning, the whole Jecheng knew that there is such a urinary place in this city! Then, seeing this affair making such a big deal, we had to take the opportunity to post an advertisement...

New Year's Day! I heard that we are so awesome here, and someone came to sign up today during a New Year greeting! There are even people who are not masters who want to come to work with me, hoping to have an iron rice bowl. Are you recruiting civil servants here? !

In the end, we decided to send out the news that the interview will only start on the fourth day of the junior high. Besides, ordinary people don’t want it. Although we have the title of "the first civil organization of the Shadow Army", we are not the same as the general official organization and do not raise idlers.

Just as Mr. Sun said: Get promoted and get rich and go elsewhere, do not enter the door if you are greedy for life and fear of death!

The parents nowadays are always trying to send their children to such a place, even if they squeeze their heads, they want to squeeze into this ranks as a phoenix. Is it really because of some ideals and ambitions? Or what about contributing to society? I can't say that I don't have it at all, but most of them are just to live a better life.

Compared with hard work and struggle, these things are not too stable? At their age, they don't want to fight anymore. They don't want to make any innovations or try any more. Nothing is going smoothly, and nothing is reliable. These people, not to mention that they are ordinary people, cannot join the Tongzhou Club in the first place, even if they are practitioners who come with such a purpose, they are not allowed!

At noon, because of my sister’s invitation, I stayed here for dinner. It’s true that I haven’t been here for a long time, and I haven’t seen my sister for a long time, so let’s talk this time. but……

"Brother, come and taste it." My sister said.

"Yeah." I nodded in a behaving manner.

"Brother, come and taste mine too." Senior Sister said.

"No!" I refused, like a teenager in the rebellious period...

I just know... I just know! The two of them are fighting again! I don't understand, why can't one brother have two sisters? You are fighting for a fur!

The most important thing is that you can't really say that I'm partial, I'm still the same to you, but...then you should also score the situation, eat, this...

On a dining table, half of the dishes are made by my sister, and the other half is made by Sister Yaqin. The dishes of the two seem to be completely different. The half of the sister seems to be enveloped by the holy light, and the half of the sister Yaqin is like a beckoning of death...

Cooking is really something that requires talent!

"Stop arguing, what is the family arguing." I looked at the two of them arguing with each other and said helplessly, what else to eat.

Suddenly at this moment, Baron reminded from the side: "Sir, it's late, we almost should go back, you forgot Miss Hu Jie said, this afternoon your classmates are coming to visit the New Year?"

"Oh-yes!" My eyes lit up, Baron is really a clever kid!

"Sister, Senior Sister Yaqin, stop arguing, I want to go back quickly, eat quickly!"

Sure enough, as the reason for their quarrel-my words are still very important. After hearing this, the two of them stopped arguing immediately. They looked at each other unconvinced, and snorted coldly: "I will eat with my brother first, and wait for a while. I'll fight you again."

"Who is afraid of whom!"

As a result, a lunch with calm surface and hidden waves went on smoothly with my efforts...

I don’t know what happened afterwards, anyway, nothing big happened, but they seemed to be fighting when I left...

Needless to say, the strength of my sister, I dare not say that a soul-refining Dafa can be dealt with now, and Senior Sister Yaqin... Although she is not good at fighting, she is proficient in medicine and Gu art, at least she can't die.

It's already more than one o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the club. The thing Baron said was true. I didn't find a way to keep them from quarreling. In accordance with the usual Chinese New Year customs, on the first day of the new year, visit the home of the elders; on the second day, ask the uncles and girls to go back to the family to gather together; on the third day of the middle school, the aunts and uncles will visit friends;

It doesn't matter to us to go back to my mother's house in the second grade, and it doesn't matter in the third grade. We all live together, and the New Year greetings between relatives go from this house to that house. So, the most important thing for this, apart from seeing the elders today, is the New Year greetings with friends.

My friends, the closest ones are all in Tongzhoushe, and there is also Ding Yiming. Now in Yancheng, I am going to wait for the day, on the 4th and 5th day of the junior high, and see how Gongsunshu is doing. Up.

The rest are all classmates. People who bow their heads and don't see them up are all considered to have some friendship, not deep, but not without them. Logically, it should be the fourth and fifth day of the middle school, but you think that the winter vacation is finally easy, and the parents can also get a vacation within this time period, so why not go out to play?

So Hu Jie said, starting with Gong Xiaoting and Feng Qian school sister, regardless of whether or not to go out during the Chinese New Year, we all go to visit each other at the beginning of the year together.


"...Why are there so many people?" I looked at the crowd at the door, no less than a vegetable market, I was dumbfounded.

Is my popularity so good?

Baron may have seen something, and whispered: "Sir, it should be when the Demon King was hit, the whole school had seen your fuck, so they all came."


That's it!

I looked at the people at the door, narrowed my eyes, and felt a hint of coldness in my heart. In this way, they are not here to pay a New Year's greetings, but to flatter!

After a while, I watched a little bit. If I knew, I would pay a good New Year’s greeting and receive the gift; if I don’t know it, I would act as a superior person, ignoring his flattery. Gifts, just accept them as ordinary ones, if they are special Yes, no answer!

"Let them in, otherwise the door of my Tongzhou Club will be squeezed." I said to Baron. "Let Gong Xiaoting and Feng Qian come first."

"Yes!" Baron led the way.

Not long after, Gong Xiaoting took Feng Qian's two senior sisters and walked side by side. When I arrived in the house, I didn't show up in front of them. I left my seat and met them as friends.

"Brother Rui has a good New Year!"

"Happy New Year, senior."

The two little girls both smiled and said, should they say, the past few months, they have become better again, or they are... even more able to put on makeup.

"Happy New Year, two younger sisters." I greeted them with a smile, looked at the two of them, and said, "You are getting fat."

"...Excessive." The two little girls immediately showed unhappy expressions, pouting their mouths, they were really cute.

Of course, it's fake anger, just coax it.

"Where are you going for the New Year?" I asked them. I don't count on this, there are so many big things, can I still go out to play?

"We are all planning to travel to the south, the weather is so cold, the south should be warmer." Feng Qian said innocently.

I really want to tell her that the south is also cold, and it's spell damage! It's different from our place! But I was afraid of damaging people's enthusiasm for traveling, so I couldn't say this.

"We plan to go again in a few days. We don't open the restaurant when we go to Nandu so early. I heard that the duck blood vermicelli soup and Xiaolongbao are good there. I want to try it." Feng Qian said with a smile.

I found out now, she is really a snack food.

"What about you, Xiaoting."

"I, we don't have a fixed place, we are also in the south, but in the west, Yunzhou and Guizhou want to go around." Gong Xiaoting said.

"Oh, it's nice to have money." School sister Feng Qian suddenly looked envious.

However, speaking of Yunzhou... isn't the Mu family in Yunzhou? Last time in Maoshan, I also met the people of the Mu family. Unfortunately, there was no deeper exchanges. If I could have a good relationship with them early, maybe this Let them take care of her again. In the final analysis, although the Shadow Army is strong, but China's land is so wide, how can it stand up everywhere, people say that a strong dragon is difficult to crush a local snake, but why must it be pressed?

Strong dragon and earth snake unite, that is the best way!

Invincible? If all the people in the world are friends, wouldn't there be no enemies, then, isn't it just...the world is invincible? !

Although the momentum of the evil cultivators has been suppressed, the chaotic situation in the world remains unchanged. Traveling at this time is not a good idea. On the ground in Yunzhou, if you can make good friends with Mu's family, you will be safer. .

I heard that there is more than this continent now, and the evil cultivators all over the world seem to have responded to this big drama and started to make noise!

Under this circumstance, wizard organizations have also appeared in various places to suppress them, but of course, these organizations cannot be compared with China's Shadow Army.

The Sun Sect of the East Island country did not dare to come out, so it set up an official organization to deal with it. A Fire Phoenix Shrine came out in North America, which seemed to have built a shrine for itself; just in the Mao Country in our north, a Ice Demon Sect was established. In Zheng Shan Zhan, most of the members are proficient in refining; and in Northern Europe, Shineisha has been gaining momentum recently.

All these show that the chaos under heaven not only has no intention to end, but is still going on. Maybe the people who initiated it did not expect it to be such a result! Riding a tiger is difficult, and the arrow has to be sent on the string. The provocative behavior that was originally only to avenge Menghong has become the fuse!

The general trend of the world has reached a state of rapid change.

"Let's do it." I told them both. "Sister Feng Qian, you are going to the southern capital. After you go, find someone, Dong Xinyi, a member of the Shadow Army. If you have anything, you can ask her to help."

"Okay, thank you senior."

Dong Xinyi didn't say where she was, but her hometown is Hangzhou. It shouldn't be too far away. You can't leave the province. As the agent of the Eastern Division, I can transfer a person to Nandu. It's not too much...

I don't know anyone except her.

"Xiaoting, I really don't know anyone in Yunzhou, but there is a Mu's family in that place. If it doesn't work, and if you encounter any danger, you can go to Mu's family. Remember?"


"Well, okay, you guys go back quickly, look, there are so many people at my door, don't hurry up, I can't even eat dinner."

I joked and said, several people laughed.

The next thing went smoothly. Friends’ greetings to each other for the New Year, not friends, what should I do, I received a lot of gifts, and I didn’t want any special ones. It’s worth mentioning that the vice principal Gao Sheng Come to me to pay a New Year's greetings and bring me good news.

Because the mage appeared in our sight more and more frequently, the school began to pay attention, and Gao Sheng had a little relationship with me, so he was automatically appointed as the next dean in an instant.

In this way, this school can be regarded as a backer.

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