Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 170: Nanyang Head Drop

It’s fine in the second year of the middle school, and no one comes to pay a New Year's greetings. Maybe it’s weird to come to someone else’s house on the day when a girl returns home. We plan to go to Yancheng early on the fourth day of the middle school. Today is the third day. New Year's greetings are here again...

"Student Guo, a good Chinese New Year."

"Zhang... Teacher Zhang?"

It was my instructor's class teacher who came, and I haven't seen him since I stopped going to school.

"Teacher, how can I let you give me New Year greetings, I have to give you New Year greetings."

"Don't don't don't! You are amazing now! That's something ordinary people like us can match. Come on, I'll pay you a New Year greeting.


"Student Guo, right, hello, hello."

"you are……"

"Ah, you haven't seen me, I have seen you, I am the current dean, I will retired soon, Gao Sheng told you."



"Master, New Year is good."

"Secretary Lu!"

It was the biological father of Miss Shen Yun'er who came here. He found the yard of the Tongzhou Club. The decoration and everything were all taken care of by others, which is equivalent to a major shareholder!

In fact, Baron took Shen Yun'er back yesterday, um... the girl returned, nothing wrong! But the family affairs of others have nothing to do with me, so I didn't go there yesterday, and today is the first time I met after this year.

"Master has a new year, and this Tongzhou Club will definitely be more brilliant than last year!"

"Thank you for your kind words."

Please be polite, Secretary Lu is planning to give red envelopes during this period, I am not embarrassed to ask for it.

In fact, this feeling is too weird, I haven't felt it the day before yesterday, because after all, it is my same age, but now, so many people, so many elders come to pay me New Year greetings, it is a bit weird, and it is still being treated! In my capacity, it is indeed higher than them, but the problem is young! So this seems weird.

I heard that in some places, there are still younger generations. Some children are only seven or eight years old, and they are all uncles. Then New Year...

Alas, the picture is so beautiful.

"Oh, yes, brother, he is here too, but maybe something happened in the game just now, it will be there soon, I will occupy a place, wait for him for a while, no problem."

"No problem, no problem, of course no problem! Look at what you said, you are the elder of Baron and Miss Yuner, and I and Baron are like brothers, and you are also my elder. Please sit down, come and watch tea!"

The brother he said in his mouth naturally refers to Director Su Yongguo. At the end of the year, they had a lot of things. The New Year represents a large number of people and a large passenger flow. As there are many people, there will be many things. Hidden in the crowd, took a bag of this one, and touched the pocket of that one... So, at this time, they all have to gather their energy and manage well!

If it weren't for them, how could we spend the New Year peacefully and enjoy the happiness on earth?

Secretary Lu and I were sitting and drinking tea. After a while, we heard the sound of rapid footsteps outside. When we heard it, we knew that they were running over. It was a quick hit of leather shoes and the floor. The sound triggered by hitting.

Immediately, the door of the house opened, and Director Su Yongguo ran in, wrapped in a down jacket, breathing heat at his mouth, sweating. As soon as I came in, I first looked around, and then I saw me, and immediately trot over, bent over slightly, and said, "Master, Happy New Year."

The identity I used before was the supernatural advisor in the bureau, and that was because the identity of the Shadow Army could not always be said. But afterwards, because of my promotion, and the reputation of Tongzhou Club for recruiting personnel, everyone knew that I was not a supernatural advisor, but the commander of the Shadow Army. Su Yongguo was even under me!

Secretary Lu looked a little strange at him, so he asked, "My brother, what's the matter? Why is it so urgent?"

I stood up when he came just now. He and I paid a New Year’s greeting, and I hurriedly returned to worship. At this time, the worship was over. When Secretary Lu asked, I turned my head and said apologetically: “It’s really not I'm sorry, it's a sudden and a bit urgent."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head to me again, tangled in his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, I felt a little strange, and said in a condensed voice, "Director Su, if you don’t talk secretly, just tell me what you want. You must have something to tell me. There are no outsiders in the room, but it’s okay. ."

"Ah...Yes." Su Yongguo was relieved and said: "Master, it is said that this new year shouldn't be said about the strange power, the monsters, the monsters, but there is a reason for this. This is too tricky. You speak."

"It doesn't matter, you are the chief, and I am also a member of the Shadow Army. It is to protect my family and the country. Where are the holidays and festivals, you have to go up and talk, come on, sit down and say."

With that said, I transferred him to the sofa and sat side by side with Secretary Lu, while I sat on the small sofa on the side and sat opposite them.

"Say it."

"Well, speaking of this, it is not our Jicheng business. You should know that as the provincial capital city, what matters in the locality, the important thing is to be reported here. This time it is an emergency from the east. Report, something strange happened on the coast."

"Coast? Smoke City?!"

"No, no, it's not Yancheng, but it's also very close, it's Weicheng." Director Su said quickly.

Weicheng...That's not far from Yancheng. It can be said that if something major happens, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no chain reaction.

"What the **** is it?" I asked.

Su Yongguo saw that I was serious, and immediately said: "Sir, it's like this. Last week, our news arrived. A group of people from Southeast Asia will be mixed in the crowd and come to us from the east coast by boat. This information is specific. Where it came from, sir, you should know that this is all classified as confidential. Excuse me for the inconvenience. I think they don’t land from the nearest south coast, but they want to make a half-circle from the east. It should be to cover people's eyes."

"More than that," I said. "This has something to do with our layout. It seems that they know our Shadow Army's defense very well."

That's Nie Ze's place to the south! Although he is only ranked 27th on the End of the World Ranking, don’t forget that all the characters on the End of the World Ranking are masters of the world! As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention he is in the middle. This camel is not a lean camel, it is also a middle-sized camel.

He is guarded in the south, and Lin Dingkun is not far away to the west. If one is not good, they will have to join the siege of the two, even the best wizard in Nanyang, that can't stand it!

But the east side is different. The east side and the middle side are jointly managed by three people. The clone is weak and easy to take advantage of. Even if there are two agents, it is much better than Nie Ze and Lin Dingkun. Therefore, walking from the east, although it takes a long way and time, but it has two major advantages to cover people and avoid powerful enemies! The advantages outweigh the disadvantages and you can act.

Su Yongguo didn’t know how the Shadow Army deployed the defenses, so he said, “I’m inconvenient to ask about the officers. I went on to say that after receiving this news, the personnel in the vicinity of Weicheng and Yancheng, as well as the officers of the Shadow Army. We started ambushing, ready to catch them all! Moreover, several chiefs also said that they came here to **** a batch of goods, and these goods should not be lost. I am afraid that there is something...what, ah, head-down technique! "

"Nanyang Head Drop Technique?!"

Yes, I said that when I first heard about Nanyang people, I had a palpitating heart. It turned out that I forgot this!

The Nanyang Head-Dropping Technique was developed from the Gu technique in Yunzhou and other places in southern my country, and combined with some of their characteristics, it evolved into the Head-Dropping technique, including insects, runes, witchcraft, and medicine. The surrender can make the surrender under his control through the head drop ceremony. If you want to live, you will live, if you want to die, you will die, if you want to live, you are better than death!

To put it simply, it is similar to my soul-serving curse, but it is even more evil and dark!

"What happened later?" I asked, already having a bad feeling in my heart.

If this happened safely, how could he tell me? !

"The action went smoothly. The public security and the Shadow Army cooperated tacitly to lock the target and operate Thunder! The group of people did not react at all, and did not know that their whereabouts had been exposed, and they were completely unprepared. When they reacted, our The people had already arrived in front of them, the guns were drawn, the spells were cast, and all the Nanyangites were immediately arrested and the cargo was intercepted."

"Okay!" Secretary Lu listened to the side. He couldn't help but utter the excitement, and then he hurriedly covered his mouth and apologized because he interrupted him. But the interruption was interrupted, and he simply asked again: "Isn't this a good thing? Why are you still frowning?"

Su Yongguo put on a bitter face when he heard this, frowning and said: "Yes, I should have been very happy, but after inspection, we found that we did not intercept all of the goods."


Secretary Lu and I called out at the same time.

"Yes, less box." Su Yongguo said hesitantly.

One less box!

If... it is really a Nanyang head drop technique, those goods must be extraordinary! Once they were taken home by the ignorant crowd, then... the consequences would be disastrous!

"It's more than that." Su Yongguo said as if afraid that I was not scared enough, making the problem serious again.

"What else?!"

"On the second day they were arrested, for some reason, those Nanyangites all died overnight! The death was so miserable, and when they were discovered, their bodies were already inhumane, like countless poisonous snakes, The strange bug bit the whole body!"

Su Yongguo said, his face was already pale. When these things came, they were accompanied by the photos they took. It was so miserable that even he couldn't help but shudder!

"Also...Also, from the second day, the people who participated in the operation that day began to die bizarrely. There were so many mages and masters in the Shadow Army. I heard that there is nothing wrong with it, but we can't do it! Until today, More than a dozen people have already died! But the key point is that during that operation, almost all personnel from Yancheng and Weicheng were gone. If they die like this again, there will be no one there!"


Silence, after these words are over, there is deathly silence. The bizarre and tragic deaths and missing goods are beyond the cognition of ordinary people. For such unknown things, anyone will have a kind of fear in their hearts!

"...Head down, it really is head down!"

"Huh? Master, is it really..."

"Yes." I said. "Nanyang head drop technique, this is the five poison drop head, death drop."

"What is death?" Su Yongguo asked.

"The five poisons are the five poisonous insects in nature, namely snakes, centipedes, scorpions, spiders and toads. They are made in a special way. They are divided into birth and death and death. It makes people die, and the time of death is controlled by the surrender. It seems that those people are dead soldiers who come to obey the death. Once caught, they will die. After death, the body Countless poisonous insects will come out. This is what you see as the so-called worm-eaten body."

As soon as I finished speaking, the two of them were immediately frightened. Su Yongguo was someone who had seen the big scene anyway, and was calmer than Secretary Lu: "Then, what about the policemen who died? They didn't get the trick."

"It must have been killed by spells, runes, or ghost raising. These are their master tricks! What about the Shadow Army, didn't they protect those people?"

"According to the report, it was protected, but it was useless."

"Trash!" I scolded at the time.

Even if people can't protect well, I really dare to call myself a Shadow Army!

"Who is the highest commander of the Shadow Army there?" I asked.

"It's a major named Zhai Feng."

"Huh! I'm going to talk to him about this matter! Director Su, go back and prepare, call some capable people, and I'll go right away!"

"just now?"

"Yes! Countless people will die in a while! Just now, I will go to Weicheng soon!"

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