Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 171: Megatron

"Sir, do you go now?"

"Yes, I can't wait anymore. Those who come to pay the New Year's greetings will say that I am in a hurry, and then they will say something about the Shadow Army. There is no other comment. Do you understand, Xiujie?"

"Ah? This is what I said." Zeng Xiujie was taken aback at the time, but then he said with a serious face: "I understand."

I walked side by side in the corridor with Baron and Zeng Xiujie, and we went to the courtyard together. In the courtyard, all the high-level figures of Tongzhou Club had gathered. That was what I had just called Baron.


"Brother Rui."

The people in the yard saw us coming out and shouted immediately.

I nodded and said, "There is something in Weicheng, which involves countless lives. I must go now. Zeng Xiujie is responsible for the affairs of the society. Tie Ning, you must be optimistic about the portal."

"Understood!" Tie Ning's urn replied angrily.

Zeng Xiujie stood beside me with some doubts, because I used to hand this matter to Baron, but this time I have to hand it over to him. This has already explained one thing.

"Brother Rui, who are you taking this time?"

I looked at him, then scanned the people in the courtyard, and said, "What I have to deal with this time is Nanyang's head-down technique. This kind of thing, as long as it is a person, it is easy to be exploited. Ghost, it’s better, so I will bring no people this time, only ghosts. Baron, Lang Feng!"

"Yes!" Baron and Lang Feng replied at the same time.

"You come with me, first go to my master to call Shang Bi Long, and when you go to Weicheng, you will also go to Yancheng and call Shang Gongsun Shu. I want to see, what are the skills of these Nanyang people?!"


When I arrived at Uncle Ding's house, it was already over nine o'clock in the evening. During the Chinese New Year, I really had everything. It was the first time I saw traffic jams on the highway.

Originally, Uncle Ding watched the night and planned to stay here for one night, but I refused. No matter how the ghost descending technique of the head drop technique is similar to raising little ghosts, since it is a ghost, the activity ability in the dark night is definitely stronger than that in the day. If I delay here again, I don't know how many people will die tonight!

Because I came here because I wanted to take Gongsun Shu, and it had nothing to do with Su Yongguo. He came with me, and then went to Yancheng and Weicheng to separate, and went to Weicheng first. There were a few smart and capable people with him. Police officer.

It may be because of my relationship. The policewoman named Lin Xue also came with her. She is not very good in every aspect, except for the upper Wai, which is the largest I have ever seen. Keke, this shouldn’t be considered an advantage, but the problem is that she should be the only person I know in the whole bureau besides Su Yongguo...

"What sir? I tell you, I have the final say for Yancheng and Weicheng!"

As soon as I arrived at the address that Su Yongguo sent me, I heard a male voice shout.

By my side, Baron, Lang Feng, Bi Long, Gongsun Shu, and four ghosts, two guards and bodyguards, generally stood beside me. When I heard this, my heart moved, stopped under my feet, and surrounded me. The ghosts also stopped one after another.

"Chief Zhai, you are not above me according to your official position, but we respect the Shadow Army very much, so we call you sir, sir, I just want to know, after so many days, have you protected us? Ah?!"

This is the voice of Su Yongguo.

"I'm already protecting you, can't you see it?" The man said, he should be that Zhai Feng.

"But why are our people still dying? Your protection didn't play any role!"

"Then what do you think I am? God? Do everything we do, we are only responsible for doing what should be done, and I am very sad when they die, but I can't help it!"

"Then you should give up the identity of the administrator of this area and let more capable people come! Sitting in this position, but unable to take responsibility, Chief Zhai, don't you blush?"

"So what!" Then Zhai Feng's voice became louder. "I have managed the Yanwei area for so many years, and even my officers have not said anything. You are an outsider, Xiaoyi Chief, dare to point fingers?"

"You...ok! I'm an outsider, I can't control you, but I've already invited your chief, you see if he cares about you!"

"Sir, it's sir again. Since you came, you have been talking about this sir. Where is the sir? Ah?! Where is he? Even if you bluffed and frightened me deliberately. I tell you! It's no use, don't say no, even It is true, and I am not afraid! You know, the strong dragon is overwhelming..."

He wants to say that a strong dragon is difficult to crush the earth-head snake, but when it comes to the ground, he can't continue, because at this moment, I have walked in with the four ghosts, holding the green dragon in my right hand, which represents the identity of the agent of the Eastern Division Se Ling Jian, raised it directly, almost reaching his face.

"What's the place? Say, come, come, I'll listen and say!" I tilted my head and stretched one ear over, as if I wanted to listen to him well.

Then Zhai Feng is just a nest! When I hadn't seen the chief, I had blown myself like something, but when I saw it, I was so frightened. Not to mention, it is obvious that I heard what he said, so...

"Long, long, long... sir!" Then Zhai Feng's two legs were frightened at the time, and he knelt down directly with a panic on his face, and said quickly: "Sir, I just said that Nonsense, I, I, I have no intentions, sir, please forgive me."

I looked at him like this, and there was a burst of contempt. Such a person can actually be a shadow army? Besides, it’s the custodian of my hometown. It’s me who has taken our family away. Otherwise, just such a thing, can you count on him to protect them?

"Get up! It's a major anyway, what is the habit of kneeling when you see me? Get up!"

"Hey, yes, yes!" Zhai Feng quickly agreed, holding his hands on the ground and preparing to stand up. In the end, he underestimated the softness of his legs, and he still couldn't get up. When he looked around, there were a few others behind him. His subordinates whispered: "What are you doing in a daze? Come on!"

Those little guys were also terrified at this time. They were originally following their leader to show off their power. This looks like the big leader, all stupid. Fortunately, I just didn't say a word, even if the leader is angry, he won't be angry. Yourself. Suddenly, I heard Zhai Feng call himself, and they all stunned for a while, and then he reacted and ran over to help Zhai Feng up.

One of them is a close friend of Zhai Feng. He has reached the rank of captain. At the last annual meeting, there will be representatives from all over the world. He also went and saw me. While helping Zhai Feng, he whispered to him. Said some things he knew about me.

But this low voice is what he thinks it is. At such a close distance, plus my ears that have been evolved by the system, what he said is clear!

But even if I knew what he said to Zhai Feng, I didn't plan what he would do. Are these things shameless? Said it and said it.

Zhai Feng was helped by some of his men. He took a few breaths and glanced at Su Yongguo, who was about to watch the excitement. Then he said to me, "Sir, why are you here."

His words belonged to the opening remarks of Rotten Street, the kind that you knowingly asked, don't you know what I am here for?

I glanced at him, then did not follow his words, and said coldly: "What shall I do? I will see your ability. Now it seems that if I don't come again..." I said and glanced at Su Yongguo, feeling angry, "You are afraid that you are going to eat people."

"Never dare, never dare!" Zhai Feng said with a panic on his face.

"Huh!" I snorted coldly, looked down at the Ling Jian in my hand, handed it to him, and said, "You are so awesome, Major Zhai, this agent of the Eastern Division, give it to you!"

"No, no... I dare not!"

"How about? The green dragon-colored Lingjian, this blue dragon, can it hold you down? Or I will call Major Xue too?!"

"No! No!" Zhai Feng waved his hand quickly, his legs weakened again, and he had to kneel again, but because I didn't let him kneel, he insisted on it all the time.

I took a look at him, retracted Ling Jian, ignored him, turned around and said to Su Yongguo, "Director Su, is this a temporary camp?"

"Yes, I heard from them that it was to better protect the police officers who participated in the operation, and for fear that those little ghosts would harm the civilians, so they set up a camp in this wild forest and gathered people here."

"Huh! Extremely stupid! This field is the best place for those people and little ghosts to move around! Here, our vision is greatly restricted, and their ability to move is greatly improved! What a fool, actually set up a camp here! "I said coldly, deliberately letting Zhai Feng hear it.

This is what he did...

"Balong, Lang Feng, Bi Long, Gongsun!"

"Yes!" the four ghosts shouted in unison.

"The four of you go to guard the camp in all directions. Beware of any movement. No one is allowed in or out. If there is any abnormality, please do it!"


The four ghosts all took their orders, and I said to Su Yongguo: "Director Su, please let all those who participated in the operation put on their own police uniforms and come here to gather. Remember, no one is missing! "

"I understand."

I saw it when I came here. The people here are all dressed in casual clothes, no police uniforms. It is the order from Zhai Feng to make those little ghosts not recognize who is who, no Knowing that they were the police officers who acted that day, but ordinary people.

Really mentally retarded!

"Also, I thought, if it is the ghost descending technique, then the survivor absolutely cannot be too far away. It is impossible for him to be in Nanyang by himself, but he is controlling the ghost descending here to kill people. I have forgotten it. The distance is no more than two or three kilometers. You bring those who have not participated in the operation, search within this range, and catch them all!"

"Okay!" Su Yongguo was happy at the time. "Sir, you are here to catch ghosts. I will take people outside to catch people. I want to see, what else do those Nanyang people have?!"

"Well, Zhai Feng!" I turned my head and shouted to Zhai Feng.

"Yes!" Zhai Feng couldn't stand the scare at this time. Hearing my shout, he ran over immediately.

"Give all your people to Director Su and let them listen to Director Su's arrangements. Those of you have mana protection, which is much safer than these police officers. Moreover, those who drop their heads cannot be too strong. These police officers attracted the little ghost. Those people are just toothless snakes. Don't worry about it. Don't worry, even if they disperse, there will be no trouble."

"Yes, I see, have you all heard of it? All from Director Su!"


Su Yongguo took the Shadow Army and Lin Xue and other key personnel he had brought, and went out to ambush in the wild. I directly sat down on a chair and said with a sneer: "I will sit here personally to protect the police. Members, I want to see what else they can do!"

After I finished speaking, I looked at Zhai Feng again and said, "Do everything to do with the destiny? They are not the destiny! They are also human! This sentence is not a reason or excuse for you to shirk responsibility and cover up your faults!"

"Yes, yes, what the commander taught." Zhai Feng lowered his head, his legs trembling vigorously.

"Also," I took out the order arrow again, handed it over, and said, "Listen, from now on until the few Nanyangites and the little ghosts are wiped out, if one more person dies during this period, , I will give you my position!"

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