Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 173: Surrounded

The fat man released countless poisonous insects, not afraid of ghosts and monsters, and quickly approached inward. During the crisis, he couldn't do anything else. Gongsunshu had to retreat from the side and set the formation to block the poisonous insects, and the little ghost rushed at this time. Come in.

There were two little ghosts, the fastest, and they flew in in the blink of an eye, but the next moment, two blade lights flashed, in the cold light of the sharp blade, the two little ghosts were frightened!


In the woods, the little dwarf among the five suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood--he raised the two little ghosts who just died! Others have ghosts and brains, ghosts and clever, and the ghosts they raise are also the fastest among the people. As a result, today's guns were shot!

These two little ghosts were supported by his hard work, and they were connected to his own body's blood. When the little ghost was killed, he was also backlashed and suffered internal injuries immediately! It flows to the ground in one gulp, the red is less and the black is more. This is a long time practice of this ghost descending technique, and the evil spirit has entered the body.

On the other side, the knife light flashed, and in the black smoke that the two little ghosts were flying, Bi Long held two short knives, crossed his arms in front of his chest, leapt into the air, and slowly fell. In the eyes, two rays of light burst out, and a murderous aura enveloped all over!

Bi Long struck over and fell back to the ground, like a leopard, ready to launch the next attack, while the remaining five little ghosts took the opportunity to pass Bi Long and rushed into the camp at this moment. in!

If it’s true, and Bi Long will be in charge, these seven little ghosts can be wiped out in the blink of an eye, like a palm, but he was once a member of the army, and he knows how to think more for others when things happen, and Baron and Lang Feng are also free. It took a long time to fight in a team, and I couldn't take the credit all by myself.

And... he also believes in the two of them very much, even if he let go of these five little ghosts, they will definitely get it all done!

In the woods, the five people shared through the sight of the little ghost and clearly saw the situation there. At that time, they were happy: It's done!

Just now they decided that this is the step. It's just that they didn't expect Bi Long to be so fast. They wanted to fight, but they didn't expect casualties.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden noise not far away. The thin third of the five is more alert, suddenly his ears are sharp, wanting to hear what it is, but it is too late...

"Stop! Don't move!" Su Yongguo, who was born in the same army and full of blood, had already formed a siege, and in front of him was the enemy who had killed many of his fellow robes. How could he not jealous? Immediately yelled, and took the lead in drawing a gun, apart from anything else, a shot first!

These five people are real thugs, reasonable? How can it be reasonable? Put it down first!

Among the five people, the boss suffered a big loss when standing in position c. The boss in the middle is the unity of the world. Su Yongguo's marksmanship is good. This shot is staring at the boss in the middle!

The boss was drunk by him and suddenly startled, and as soon as he turned his head, he was hit by the bullet!

It's a pity that he thought that his movements were a little bigger, but this time, he only hit his right shoulder, but didn't hit the point.

"! Run!" The boss gritted his teeth and shouted, while he got up and quickly ran in one direction.

The third child was shrewd. Before he could finish his sentence, he got up and started running. The boring gourd on the side was quite good. He also flew up, but the direction was not very consistent with them. It seemed that he planned to run separately.

The most difficult thing is the short and fat. The short and the fat have just suffered internal injuries. The fat is not running fast because of his stature. The two of them are at the end. At this time, the encirclement of Director Su and the Shadow Army has begun to shrink. Their escape route Countless figures also appeared on the scene.

"Encircled! Second child, open the way!"

The boss was shot in the shoulder, so he could only use surgical treatment to relieve the pain, while breaking out, and he had to give orders to several others.

That boring gourd is the second child. He runs in a different direction from the boss and the others. At this time, he listened to the command, without saying anything, kicked the ground with his foot, jumped up, his hands were left and right, and there was a black air in the cuffs. Coming!

This black gas is not ordinary gas, it is not black smoke from burning coal, it is actually countless flying insects! Spread your wings, spread the sky and cover the earth, densely packed, really like black smoke!

But once this thing gets close, it will stick to your skin, get into the flesh, release toxins, and bite everything in front of you. It's painful!

Among the five, if he is vicious, he is the most powerful!

This black air is made up of flying insects, and the speed is so fast that it has reached those people in an instant, and the sound of countless wings swinging in the air is connected together, and the person's scalp is numb!

But at the next moment, this black air slammed into those police officers, and in an instant, it was all black!

"Okay, hurry up!" The boss saw it was done, and immediately ran over there, but he stopped suddenly after running out within two steps.


At this time, the second child has also fallen back to the ground, a black face that has been cold, and can't help but frown at this time.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound from the black air of the police officer who had already struck, and sparks flickered faintly. There was a lot of black, but it also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the black energy dissipated in the time of two breaths, and replaced by a wall of fire! In the next instant, the wall of fire dissipated, and the two people stood behind the wall of fire and stood in front of a police officer, with their hands facing forward, in a posture of resistance.

These are the two wizards of the Shadow Army who specialize in fire spells!

Since ancient times, the fire kills insects!

Behind them, a group of people looked terrified. Just now, if they didn't make a sudden move, they would be finished!

Su Yongguo also saw the problem at this time. Even if these five people didn't have a kid around, there were some tricks. The others didn't see it, but the one who had already taken action was very dangerous!

"Quick! Surround him!"

Su Yongguo gave an order, and the policemen and members of the Shadow Army immediately surrounded the dull gourd second, which gave the boss a little breathing opportunity.

Taking advantage of this moment, the boss took a look at the situation here. At this time, the five little ghosts had been dealing with Bi Long and the others because one had not received new instructions. This time they were smart, absolutely not greedy for merit, and just flew around. Baron and the others received my order to protect themselves and try not to take the initiative, so they just stood by the hundreds of people and did not take the initiative. Strike out.

And after seeing that the most difficult insect swarm was blocked by Gongsunshu's formation, I was no longer nervous, and I didn't look at the little ghosts, but at the woods.

I'm waiting. Their actions are very strange. They rushed when they knew we had such a powerful existence here. They must have some purpose, but the development of the matter exceeded their expectations, so it has not been until now. Take the next step. But... this next step is not impossible. Once it occurs, something irreversible may happen.

The boss saw it, but he was a bit entangled. After all, we are all here at this time, and even if we take the next step, it won't make any difference.

All he had to do was to create a mess and run away as everyone was distracted.

Although I couldn't see him clearly, I already knew some details and couldn't help but sneer secretly. If you want a chance, just for you!

"Do it, kill all for me!" I shouted.

Baron couldn't bear it for a long time. As soon as he heard my order to fight, he rushed out, clenched his fist, the knife came out of its sheath, and flashed out like lightning. At the same time, in order to get the man out, I also left the police officers and rushed towards the little ghosts.

The boss looked at it and wanted this time! Regardless of whether it led the snake out of the hole or not, there would be no chance if it didn't come again, and with a big hand, the two dark shadows were like two sharp arrows, rushing straight past at a speed faster than the other little ghosts!

Five people, if you count as one person and two, it should be ten, and there are only seven, which means that there are still people who have not shot!

I have always suspected that the problem may lie in this, as expected! The boss of the little devil, until this time, was shot, the seven just now were all other people's!

The speed of the two new imps was so fast that they couldn't react at all. At this time, Baron and the others had just killed an imp, and they couldn't quickly retreat to protect those people. Aside, Zhai Feng watched this scene, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Looking at the two little ghosts, calculating the distance in my heart, I suddenly smiled, and the next moment, I disappeared in place.


The distance of the instant movement is ten meters. Under my deliberate calculation, it is basically to the extreme. A teleportation happened to be in front of one of the two ghosts. The ghost face Feiyun sword in the hand quickly shot, and a sword crossed. At that time, a little ghost was killed!

But at this moment, the other one ignored me and went on flying towards the group of people.

At this time, those ghosts are death squads, and they don't care about the consequences at all. They just rush, as long as they can kill a person and create chaos, they are not in vain. But by coincidence, I just won’t let him kill another person!

On the other side, after Baron, Lang Feng, and Bi Long killed a ghost, there were also two little ghosts who escaped, but also received orders and quickly approached the crowd. Gongsunshu formed an array on the ground to wipe out the insect swarms. Without raising his eyelids, he raised his hand, and immediately two purple-black long whips rushed up, one looking for one, and in a short time, all these two little ghosts were twisted. Extinct.

At this time, on the other side, some police officers and members of the Shadow Army in the woods also discovered the situation here, and they all looked here, but they couldn't come because of the distance. As for the boss, he wouldn't be foolishly waiting to see the result. Unlike the TV show, he just ran away after playing the kid, no matter what the result was.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Don't worry about that, chase people!"

This is Su Yongguo! The people at the scene, he can be said to have the most confidence in me, even I myself would not have the same confidence in me as he did. After such a situation, he still believes that I can win a big victory!

Here, after beheading the little ghost in front of me, I turned around with a sword, and the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword immediately extended out, like a strange snake, and then chased it up!

Those police officers wanted to run, and there were more than a hundred people together. Where did they run away? One ran away, there are a hundred and ten, how can you hide? Seeing the kid rushing, he was all at a loss.

Some newcomers, faced with this completely incomprehensible thing, were so scared that their face turned pale and cold sweat; some others had experienced so much, but at this time they didn’t have so much fear. Faced with that kid, they would be generous. Justified appearance.

The speed of this little ghost is not something that the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword can match, and Baron and the others can't rush back quickly. The nearest is Zhai Feng. But at this time, he hesitated.

When the kid rushed into the crowd, he pulled out his fingers, frowned, and the corners of his eyes trembled slightly. At this moment, he was still thinking about what I just said.

If a person dies, I will give him the position.

If... It means if, what I said is true, then, as long as he doesn't help, it seems that it must be such a result, as long as one person is dead, it is only one person...

And just as he was thinking, the little ghost had already arrived, and he bit down directly at the person in front of him!

Suddenly, it was golden!

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