Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 174: catastrophe!

That little devil bears a heavy responsibility, and the death squad usually rushes into the crowd, opened his mouth wide, and bit the person nearest to him!

"As long as... one person is dead." Zhai Feng looked at the person who was about to lose his name, and couldn't help closing his eyes, clenching his fists. "As long as one person dies, I will do it immediately!"

He has been stunned by my words, even though he himself thinks that it is impossible for me to give up my position, but there is such a fluke, even if there is only a one percent chance. Give it a try. Anyway... it wasn't him who died, and it wasn't anyone related to him.

And at this moment, that person suddenly flashed a brilliant golden light! Like a **** descending to the world, like a golden dragon soaring! There are hundreds of golden lights among hundreds of people. The golden lights are connected in one place, forming a huge barrier. The little devil was about to speak, and was knocked out by the barrier with extremely strong impact. Seriously injured!

And at this moment, the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword has arrived! Even if it moves faster than my sword, but now you have stopped, still want to escape my sword? nonexistent!

The tip of the ghost face Feiyun sword pierced his body in an instant, and as my wrist shook, the sword body trembled suddenly, directly hitting it into flying ash.

Zhai Feng stood aside, and when this scene came, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He was already dead, but he didn't expect a turnaround! That golden light is...

I looked at him with a puzzled look, and felt quite disdainful in my heart. This knowledge is worse than those around me! This is the same as that of Uncle Gongwang, these police officers have badges on them, and that is an excellent amulet! Before, this fool did not let them take it because he was afraid of revealing their identity. He was extremely stupid!

On the other side, in the woods, the people of the Shadow Army were still besieging the five people, the boss rushed from left to right, and finally rushed to the outside when their attention was focused on the body of the gourd.

"Don't let them run!" Some people have already discovered that this item is about to stand out, and immediately organized and rushed over, seeing him being surrounded again. The boss glanced at this side, all the little ghosts have been destroyed, as are the two of his own, which caused himself to be backlashed, and the blood in his abdomen was constantly surging. Looking at the people around this time, he estimated that he should Can't beat it.

Behind him, Su Yongguo and a few people have stopped the dwarf who lost the little ghost the first time. On the other side, the fat man who was unable to move was also surrounded. A group of people besieged and did not attack. He was ready to exhaust his strength before proceeding. Arrested.

The situation is already very unfavorable, all the chassis must be thrown out, otherwise you will be planted!

"The third child, didn't you say that one of them dropped his head? Get started!"

At this time, the youngest was also in crisis, and he had long been entangled in whether to do it. This was the same as when he was fighting against the landlord, should he throw Wang Bo. Throw it just for a pair of ten. It's really not worth it. If you don't throw it, there is no way. If you can't hold it down, let him go!

Do it!

The youngest's thoughts moved, urging his head down, and the worm was about to break out immediately. In the camp, among the hundred or so people, one person screamed, and small red spots began to appear all over his body and his skin. Suddenly he tightened, as if countless small things were about to come out of his body!

His purpose is the same as that of the boss, it is to cause trouble, even if there is no way to divert some people, at least it can distract them.

"Don't worry, don't worry, catch people!" Su Yongguo shouted, and together with the people beside him, he put the shackles on the dwarf first, and there was a wizard from the Shadow Army on the side, using a spell to put a spell on him, sealing the mana.

On the other side, the fat man was surrounded, unable to break through from left to right, and was angry in his heart. He looked left and right, staring at one of the directions, and suddenly got into trouble. The whole person rushed forward like a chariot of meatballs!

It is also said that he is lucky, the people in this place are really weak! The one standing was just an ordinary person, and seeing this guy rushed over fiercely, he was so scared that he was at a loss and at a loss. But at this moment, a figure came to the person in an instant, stretched out his hand and pulled the scared person, pulled him aside, and stepped forward to the front, with his left foot on the ground and his right foot violently. Kick out!

boom--! ! !

When the fat man saw someone coming, he put his arms around his chest, and the foot of the person was kicking where he crossed his arms!

Amid the loud noise, the fat man's body like a big tripod was kicked to a halt by his kick. The air pressure and wind waves caused by the collision between the two of them blew the surrounding people for a moment, and the person reached his knees. His unbuttoned coat was constantly swaying backwards in the wind.

The fat man was also killed because of his two little ghosts. At this time, he also suffered internal injuries. He was kicked with this kick and suddenly became more uncomfortable. He stepped back two steps, tumbling in his abdomen, panting. Crudeness, this suppressed the urge to spit out a mouthful of blood.

And looking at the man again, the anger did not grow out, his face did not change, and he slowly lowered his right leg. On the white face, he had a handsome and cold face and a pair of eyes like gems. He looked at the fat man, with short hair and flat head. , It's really a master!

The fat man looked at him, knowing he couldn't get through, and just about to change direction, he suddenly realized that the figure of the person in front of him was swayed, his eyes dazzled, and he saw that the person had disappeared in place, just wondering. Er, suddenly there was another flower in front of him, and an instep wearing black sneakers had already arrived in front of him, and it was still zooming in.


What the man is best at seems to be this pair of long legs, fast, and strong attacking. In a flash, he came to the fat man's side, and kicked his fat face with one leg!

The sharp movements, the gorgeous body styles, and the wonderful actions are breathtaking, seemingly an ingenious show.

It's not over yet! At this time, the fat man was kicked in the face, then he flew upside down, his legs were off the ground, and he was about to fall back. The man moved his feet again, his body shape changed again, his body turned, like a spinning top, the broad coat was swayed like a dance, but it was obvious that the ending it caused was not as good as the dance.


The man raised his leg high, his right leg pressed tightly against his upper body, and then he suddenly smashed it down!

This foot is kicking on his belly!

The heel hit the fat man's belly, causing a large wave of waves, and instantly sank, driving the fat man to the ground!


The fat man smashed into the ground, smashing the ground out of a big pit. The surge in his abdomen couldn't bear it anymore. He squirted out with a wow, and he collapsed on the ground, already losing his ability to move.

After the attack was over, the man stood quietly on the side. People from both sides had come over long ago, taking the medicine according to the prescription, and the process was repeated again. The shackles were first put on the shackles, and then the talisman was posted.

At this time, two of the five people have been captured!

On the other side, in the camp, as the fat man who mobilized the insect swarm was blocked with mana, the surviving insect swarm also lost control and no longer rushed into the interior, but turned into a disc of loose sand, scattered around. Many others started fighting, fighting each other, and biting each other.

At this time, the hapless guy whose head was lowered by the thin third-year-old was about to have an attack, and his screams were as terrible as seeing the king of Yama, and the people around him were so scared that they stepped away.

I just beheaded the little demon at this time and took back the Ghost Face Flying Cloud Sword. When I looked at it, I knew that it was not good. I was definitely hitting the head. Hurry up, one teleported over, and at the same time shouted: "All Get out of the way, this guy lowered his head, Gongsun!"

"Come!" Gongsun Shu heard me yell, and there was no need to use formations to resist the swarms, so he rushed over immediately, reached the person at the same time as me, and shot together!

With my teleportation, I arrived a moment earlier than Gongsun Shu. With a wave of my right hand, I retracted the sword first. At the same time, a touch of golden light was shining in my palm, and my palm was pressed against his pubic area!

Bright palm! However, the light palm this time was mainly attributed, and its attack power was greatly reduced. If you don't lower it, even though this palm will be able to reduce the head in his body, this person will not get better, he will not die, and he will have half his life!

I have said first that if no one will die, no one can die!

I had just printed this palm, and Gongsun Shu had already arrived. He stretched out his hand and a thin black vine flew out from his palm. Only the thickness of the toothpick was as thin as a snake flying past, and it was directly above his brow.

The light power of Guangming Palm has its own demon-breaking and purifying attributes, and Gongsunshu is also proficient in the formation method, and the little Nanyang head-down technique, how can it withstand the combined efforts of me? !

The two of me clicked on the eyebrows and pressed the dantian, and at the same time, the man suddenly stopped screaming, closed his eyes, as if being hypnotized, and there was a sound similar to a dream in my throat. Within the time of five breaths, the person's body was completely quiet, and the head down in the body, even if the unevenness cannot be eliminated, it is still not one out of ten, at least there will be nothing in a short time.

Gongsunshu and I closed their hands at the same time. The figure seemed to be emptied of all the strength in the body. His legs were soft, and he collapsed directly to the ground. Only then did the surrounding people relax a little and gather here. But still not too close.

"Take care of it." I told Gongsun Shu, looking back at the woods, it was already near the end.

Two people have been arrested, and the other three have the most people around the boring gourd. Actually, I didn’t know at that time. The reason why he is stronger is that he is the only one who only raises a little ghost, so More energy than others, to learn other spells and lowering the head, it is so difficult at this time.

Compared with him, there are fewer people around the boss and the third, but it is obvious that it will only be a matter of catching them sooner or later!

"It's time to end." I mumbled while looking over there. With a thought, I teleported directly and rushed over.

Although the teleport is only ten meters away, but my teleport does not have a cooling time or limit on the number of times you can use it. If you are afraid of unlimited flashes! In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of tens of meters and went straight to the group of people.

The boring gourd was surrounded by the crowd and couldn't break through. After a glimpse from the gap in the crowd, I was also coming here. My heart was very anxious, and the clenched teeth suddenly opened. From the throat, there was a very sad sound. The yelling, with just this one, everyone who yelled was in chaos and trembling!

Even the people on the other side who were chasing the third child and the eldest eldest son were shocked by the shout, but stopped and looked here.

"Good opportunity!" The boss and the third child are all the same with this dull gourd, how could it be affected by his attack? At this moment, it was a great opportunity, immediately stepped away and ran at the fastest speed.

But at this time, the dull gourd, under the horrified gaze of everyone, grabbed his head with both hands, and dragged it off his neck!

However, there was no red picture. After leaving the body, the head did not lose consciousness. On the contrary, it became more energetic. His eyes were red, and his hair began to fly. Fangs are transformed.

This is... flying head down!

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