Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 176: Soul Tour Difu

"Is the list of victims counted?"

"Yes, sir, the statistics have been done a long time ago. After the sir came, no one really died. It's just a pity, they...they don't have this life..."

"Hey, that's all right, don't cry."

Seeing tears rolling in the eyes of the police officer in charge of statistics, I hurriedly comforted, and while comforting, I took the list to look at. The people above, who are only in their early thirties and younger in their twenties, have an endless brilliance. However, they did not expect that the brilliance did not come from dawn, but dusk.

In order to prevent someone from taking revenge, they couldn't even reveal a name. The stone monument that ordinary people had after the return of their souls was a luxury to them!

I put down the list, sat on a chair on the side, patted the person on the shoulder twice, comforted a few words, then folded my hands, pinched the road, chanted the mantra of rebirth, and recited the names of those people in my heart, hoping they could Reborn early and die. If you die for righteousness, even if it is a descent, you must be polite, treat each other with courtesy, and welcome them! But they were harmed by the little devil, and the evil spirits on their bodies have not been eliminated. Leave this task to me.

After reciting the Death Mantra, my heart felt like a whim. A strange feeling suddenly rose. Amidst the darkness, there seemed to be a voice telling me that the heroes had washed away the evil spirits from their bodies and entered the underworld. .

At this point, I seem to be able to see a few people walking together, looking at the gate of the Hades in front of them with shocked expressions. Surrounded by a group of people wearing costumes like housekeepers in large households in ancient times, they stepped in. Guimen Pass, walk into Huangquan Road. On both sides, there are many beautiful women in feather and neon clothes, with fluttering dresses, bowing to their styles.

Facing such treatment, they were a little flattered. They waved their hands nervously and blushed like introverted children when they faced the trays of fruits, snacks and tea handed by the maids and butlers around them. But those people, or those ghosts, will not lower their attitude towards them, they are still respectful and greet them like guests.

These are what they deserve!

On Huangquan Road, many ghosts and demons come and go, just like human beings in real life. In the face of people surrounded by them, some have many experiences, and some of them don’t change their faces, and some are a little surprised and whisper to them. Friends talk about it, guess who this is, enjoy this treatment.

Huangquan Road is not just a small road, but the central avenue of a very large city! This road is not straight and winding, but the road is flat and wide. It is connected to Guimenguan at one end and Naihe Bridge at the other. On both sides, thousands of small roads branch and lead to various places in the underworld.

After people die, they can live here when they enter the underworld, just like ordinary human society. Some people come here because too many lives die every day, not just people, but animals, insects, etc., so Hades couldn't handle it for a while, and they would live in temporary rooms as "temporary residents" and wait for the verdict.

When their information during their lifetime is checked, there will be Yin soldiers to take them. Those who have done evil will go to hell. The specific level depends on the magnitude of the evil they have done; those who have not done any evil. , You can consider reincarnation or continue to live here.

Here is the same as human society. After losing the status of "temporary residents", all food, clothing, housing and transportation must be exchanged with money, and the source of the money is burned by the relatives of Yangjian. Of course, you can also choose to rob or steal. Of course, that will also attract the underworld troops to hunt...

Every once in a while, residents have to pay taxes, in fact, to ensure economic balance, when the total amount of money in the underworld exceeds a certain index, a part of it will be destroyed in this way to stabilize prices. And an ordinary person can remember nothing more than his children, and that is, those two generations, when they die, they basically have cut off their financial resources.

Burning money by one person means to his father's generation, grandfather's generation, or grandfather at best. Where is the higher one? Many places like ancestor worship are gone. Even if there is, once a year is not enough. So at this time, if you still choose to live there, you will be very poor. At this time, most people will go to reincarnation.

There are two reasons why many people choose to live here instead of reincarnation directly after losing their "temporary resident" status. One is that the society here is much simpler, there is no intrigue, the parents are short-term, just like a utopia living in seclusion outside the world, chic and happy. Secondly, if you can save a little more money, you can reincarnate and join a good family.

In the reincarnation place controlled by the lord of the tenth hall of the underworld, the reincarnation of an ordinary person is fixed. The reincarnation and the household to which the reincarnation will be made are random. If you have not done anything bad, you will be reborn as an adult. The possibility is very high, unless you really have a bad life, but maybe you want to reincarnate into a good family!

And if you can save a lot of money before reincarnation, you can change the odds. The probability of reincarnation in a poor or bad family will decrease, while the relative probability of reincarnation in a good or rich house will increase. This is also the main reason why most people choose to stay.

And those who were great benevolents and heroes before they came to the underworld, they are simply VIP treatment. Not only do they enjoy the limited review and access to the information during the lifetime of the king, but the underworld will also provide mansions for free and have a series of supporting facilities. Almost 70% of life does not need to be considered.

If you go to reincarnation, you don’t need money at any time. Except for humanity and heaven and humanity, the other four things have nothing to do with them. After reincarnation, they may continue to be humans. Of course, they must be good people, rich people, and part of them. You can log into the heavens directly and be a fairy!

Today, when they came to the Hades, they received such treatment. Their pre-mortem materials have been directly delivered to Hades. There is a mansion area in the Hades specially prepared for the good and heroes, and they have already begun to prepare mansions for them. .

The group of people came all the way to the Temple of the King of Gods. In the hall, the hall was gloomy and dark, with four coiled dragon piles on each side, and eight black-faced ghost soldiers with a height of several meters, holding large knives, broad axes, spears, and steel forks, standing on two sides. , Majestic! There are two stone monsters at the entrance of the hall. It cannot be seen whether it is a lion, a tiger or a unicorn. A long blanket runs from the door to the innermost part of the hall. In the hall, there are five steps and a long table above. A black-faced man in official clothes. Sit back.

Lord of the Fifth Hall of the Underworld, King Yama!

King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King of the Five Senses, King Yama, King Biancheng, King Taishan, King City, King Equality, King Runner! Ten Temple Yama!

Originally, King Yama should be in the first hall, but because he was too sympathetic to others, he was transferred here and did a job more suitable for him.

At this time, this adult, wearing a black and red government, wearing a black gauze hat, has a charcoal-like face, a steel wire-like beard, and staring at the size of a light bulb. On the table in front of him, there is a bucket of arrows, a scroll, and a piece of paper. Gavel, a writing brush is placed on the pen holder, there is an inkstone beside it, and there is some ink in it.

Next to him, at the bottom left, there is a small table at right angles to the table of Hades. The table is filled with books, a pen holder, and brushes of various thicknesses. One person sat behind, wearing a green robe, with a lovely smile, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, arms still on his chest, smiling and watching the group of people entering the hall.

One of the four judges, Wei Zheng! Supervisor Sanji!

In fact, Cui Yu, who should be in charge of Yin Law, was here, and Lu Zhidao, who was in charge of the inspection, was the deputy, but because they were here, after checking their lives, they understood that each was a hero to protect the family and the people, and it was Wei Zheng who came. .

When the group arrived in the hall, they knelt down in front of the king, and the king stood up, arched his hands, and then the people around him helped them up. This is the process. Ordinary people have to kneel when they come here. They just kneel, and then just stand.

"Li Yu."


"Zhang Ming."


"Sun Jianguo."


One by one, after a while, I finished reading all the names, no more than one, no less, all here.

"You were sergeants before you were alive, so you are righteous. You are really heroes. When you come to the Senluo Temple today, we must treat each other with courtesy. If it is out of date, the judge will take you to the place of reincarnation, reincarnation, or you can choose Living in our prefecture, I own a mansion and I can't use my money."

Wei Zheng also stood up, smiled and bowed slightly to them, and said, "Everyone, what choice do you have? Reincarnation or living here."

A group of people look at me and I see you. Suddenly their expressions became firm. One of the leaders took a step forward and said with his chest straight, "Dare to ask, what kind of fetus will be cast for this reincarnation?"

"Ah, don't worry about that." Wei Zheng said with a smile. "You reincarnate, if you want to be human, you must be a wealthy family. Maybe you can be reborn in the sky and be an immortal, and you will no longer be tortured by the human world."

"No, you are misunderstood. We are not worried about whether we can be reborn in a good house, nor do we want to be immortals. What we want to say is that if we can, we still want to be reborn in this land, and we want to be Chinese citizens! "

Behind him, everyone stepped forward and said in unison: "If there is an afterlife, you will still be the citizens of China!"

Its voice, its momentum, shocked Senluodian!

King Yama was behind the table and looked at them. For a while, he was so shocked that he forgot to move his fingers. He said for a long time: "Okay... OK, Wei Zheng, you can arrange it."

Wei Zheng looked at them with a look of shock and a hint of appreciation. He nodded and said, "Come on, everyone, come with me."

After that, Wei Zheng made a "please" gesture and walked forward slowly, leading everyone forward.

After leaving the Temple of the Lord of Gods, all the way to the Naihe Bridge, the bridge is covered with flowers on the other side, under the bridge, the river is rushing, and there are countless ghosts wailing. It seems that they are thousands of souls who are waiting for the people on the bridge to be caught. Eat separately.

Wei Zheng walked ahead, and many ghosts guarded everyone. With a token in Wei Zheng's hand, with a shiny golden light, he was so scared that the ghost under the bridge did not dare to move, and honestly shrank into the river. A group of people crossed the bridge peacefully. On the other side of the bridge, there was a small platform with three words on the plaque: Wangxiang Terrace.

This is where they see their family and friends who are still in Yangjian for the last time, and it is also the last journey of their lives.

Everyone stepped on the Wangxiangtai and looked around. There were a weeping old lady, a mutely smoking father, a crying child, a wife who covered her face with her hands, a brother who was crying and shouting, and countless silent people. Friends wait.

At this moment, even if he is a man of iron, a hero made of bronze, tears will no longer listen to his orders, and the tears flowed down, emotionally, he knelt directly on the ground, pounding the ground with his hands, crying To complain of sadness.

This is their last side!

"Mother!" One of them looked at his white-haired lady giving off a black-haired lady, and couldn't help it anymore. He knelt down with tears and cried out: "My child is not filial, let you die in your old age. The pain, mother, I can't take care of you by your side anymore, I'm not filial, my child kowtows to you!"

After finishing speaking, he knocked his head straight, with a very dull sound, hitting people's hearts directly!

The others looked at their relatives and were infected by him again, and they all knelt down.

Wei Zheng watched from the side, his face was like still water. He spent thousands of years in the underworld. He watched it so many times, and how many filial sons and grandchildren, loving mothers and fathers. At this moment, tears are unavoidable.

When I was in the sun, I could see all this and all that they had experienced. When I saw it, my eyes were red. What they saw was not what happened in the sun, but what their family and friends looked like after hearing the news of their death. The time and place were not the same.

After the group of people bowed for a while, from the other side, an old woman walked up, wearing a cloth, wrinkled face, kind eyebrows, and dragged a small wooden bowl in her hand. The bowl contained a creamy white bowl of soup.

"Well, it's time, it's time to drink the soup, is there any restriction? No coriander." Po Meng said with a smile, and walked to them.

When the person who knelt at the first raised his head, he just saw the Po Meng handing soup to him, hesitated twice, and finally closed his eyes, bit his teeth, held the soup bowl with both hands, raised his head, and poured it straight down!

After he took the bowl, there was an extra bowl of soup in the hands of this Meng Po, which seemed to be a trick, and handed it to the next person.

Just for a while, everyone drank the soup, and those who drank the soup didn't have to return the bowl. After drinking, the wooden bowl naturally turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

After drinking the Meng Po soup, several people suddenly became sluggish. It was a manifestation of the disappearance of memories from previous lives. It was like a computer formatted suddenly. A group of people were led to the land of reincarnation. The little ghosts who were waiting for their reincarnation stopped one after another to make way for the heroes.

"Heroes, I hope you can reincarnate where you want to go, and goodbye." The King of Wheels said, slapped the reincarnation passage around him, among the six rays of light, four were dimmed, only humanity and heaven and humanity, Still shiny.

I watched that group of people enter the Tao of Samsara one by one, and this picture also began to become blurred. I knew it was going to disappear.

I closed my eyes and murmured to myself: "I hope you can really reincarnate in this land again, and be the children of China and the descendants of Yanhuang!"

"Ah, sir, what are you talking about?"

Next to me, someone didn't understand what I was doing and asked in confusion.

"Ah, it's okay, let's go, and go back when you're done." I said, sending everyone back, but I couldn't help looking back, looking at the sky full of stars, and my heart moved slightly.

I don't know how many such heroes are. If they can be so, it would be a good thing. There is no time to be quiet, but someone is walking forward with a heavy load in an invisible place.

May you all be well!

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