Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 177: Lost goods

In the Weicheng Bureau, because four of the five people have been captured, and one of them is also badly injured. It is because I and others are sitting on the ground. There will be no more people or other forces to hurt them. Everyone It was relieved. Everyone stayed in the wild, and even if nothing happened, they could cause some trouble, so I sent everyone back.

"Sir, don't worry, I have sent several passers-by, and I will definitely be able to find the missing goods." Su Yongguo said, frowning at the record in his hand.

The Shadow Army has already investigated the intercepted cargo, and there is indeed a strange power, but to ensure safety, it has not been investigated carefully, so it is still unclear what that power is.

"If it is thrown in the wild, in the woods, or on any hill or in a stinking ditch, it will be fine. I am afraid that it will fall in which village, Weicheng, together with Yancheng and various nearby towns, even cities. I don’t know how many villages there are. If that thing falls in such a place, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Yes, yes, what the chief considers is that I have also sent people to various towns and villages to investigate, should I increase my efforts?"

"It is necessary to increase, but it is not only to increase the search for these places, where the thing falls is random, even in the wild, there will be endless troubles, all increase."



At this moment, in the third shot, somewhere near the sea, a simple-faced village man with an axe on his waist was about to leave the village.

Now in some places, there is still no habit of using liquefied gas, and it is strange that even the people in the city have begun to pursue this kind of wood-burning cauldron, as if there is a strange charm. But yes, there is a saying that the food made by burning wood is more fragrant than the food that uses electricity or gas.

In this village, some people are home-like, some use induction cookers, and of course, there are also a small number of people who still cook with firewood stoves. But naturally, it's not too much that the whole village is still using this method, and it is impossible to find a place to collect firewood for them.

There used to be a place on every small street in the village, where firewood was piled as high as a wall, but then because most of the firewood was not used, no one renewed it when it was used up. If you want to use it, you will get farther. Place to go.

Today this is, with an axe on his waist and a small bamboo cage on his back, he greeted his wife and children at home, and then went out.

Of course, it does not mean that I went to the woods to chop wood. A short distance away from the village, there is a small naturally formed mound full of rotten trees, dead wood, and broken branches. I don’t know the details. Where did it come from? It might be from forestry, or the poor materials left over by a company that needs wood, just throw it here. But fortunately, after the firewood in the village is used up, people who still cook with firewood can come here to find firewood, which is also a convenience.

When the man reached the mound, he picked up useful and usable wood. The small branches broke off and threw them in the basket behind them. The thick ones were split and put in. After a while, he picked up a basket.

"Okay, these have been enough for a while. When I go back, hurry up to cook, then boil a pot of water to drink. Oh, I'm so thirsty." The man moved his shoulders, weighing his shoulders, and said contentedly.

It was the cold winter season, and there was a snowfall not long ago. There was no people, no heat, and the snow basically couldn't melt. Until this time, there was still a layer of white snow on the ground. The man was just about to leave when he had finished his work. He suddenly heard a dog barking and glanced casually. He saw something gleaming from the corner of his eye and shook him for a moment.

"What the hell?"

The man walked over and took a look. In the pile of small branches, a brown-yellow wild dog with forearms lowered his head and licked something. It was covered with weeds, mud and snow. Suddenly he saw someone coming and he was a little alert. , Stepped back slightly, grinning at him.

Seeing such a situation, the man took out the axe again, raised it up and shouted twice. The dog might know how powerful it was. When he saw the axe, he immediately turned around and ran away. The man just stepped forward, went to the pile of small branches, and looked down, there was indeed something.

Golden, bright, small bottle, with a bulging belly, wide mouth, thin neck, and a curved bottle that is easy to hold and not easy to fall. The whole body is golden, and the thin neck is inlaid with a circle of red things, each the size of a mung bean, like a gem, I don't know whether it is true or not. I was dazzled by it just now. It turned out that it was not shining, but the sun was shining down and reflected by it.

"My mother!" The guy's eyes straightened as soon as he saw this, he quickly threw the axe aside, and took the bottle with both hands. It was not big, the size of a 1.25-liter Coke bottle, but it was heavy and ready. It is really made of real gold and precious stones!

"Oh my god, I'm afraid it's not going to get rich!" The man looked at this thing, breathing hard, and suddenly reacted again. He took a grasp in his arms and looked left and right, within sight of him. No one, only the wild dog just now, behind the big rock not far away, watching this side vigilantly, he should have occupied his den.

It's just an animal, so what if he sees it? It does not know the preciousness of this.

Thinking of this, the man stretched his hand into his arms, held the bottle tightly, tightened the buttons to prevent it from falling out by halfway, then picked up the axe, put it on his waist, and pretended to go back as if nothing had happened. .

What he didn't see was that at the bottom of the bottle, there was a strange totem, like some kind of animal, but not exactly what it was. When he put the bottle in his arms, the totem flashed a little. Scarlet light. What he didn't even see was that just after he left, there was a flash of red in the eyes of the wild dog, and a murderous aura that was extremely inconsistent with it!


"Baby fucking, I'm back!" The man entered the door and couldn't wait to put down the firewood basket and axe, locked the door, and looked out for a few more times, then he was relieved.

Behind him, a woman came out, wiping her hands on her apron casually, and asked: "I'm back? What's wrong, what makes you so happy."


"Oh, what is this old husband and wife doing?"

"No, no, it's not that. Look, what is this?!" As he said, the man carefully took out the bottle from his arms.

"This, this is..."


"Okay! OK! Where did it come from?"

"Hey, I just went to collect firewood on a small soil **** and saw it..."

The two people spoke to me, talking and laughing, if they got the most precious treasure, but they didn't find it. The pattern on the bottom of the bottle, after touching the anger of the two people, the flashing light became brighter...

In the wild, in a forest, in winter, most of the trees have lost their leaves. On the hill where there were no wild animals, it was even more desolate at this time, but at this moment, a figure flew from one side. The tree swayed down and fell into a mess of rocks.

Inside the rock, there is a small hole that cannot be passed by humans. If it can, it is only a few years old, but it can accommodate wild cats, wild dogs, rabbits and monkeys.

But now, this figure fell in front of the hole, its figure and appearance, not like a human, holding a golden product in his hand, it was really beautiful.

Deeper in the forest, a wooden box with a big hole fell in the snow. Judging from the covered snow and the degree of run-down, it only appeared here recently. Inside, it looks like the thing held just now. There are many more golden objects!

At this moment, in the woods, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo came to a lot of people, all of them shrank behind the trees, hiding in the snow nest, very curious about the objects reflecting the golden light in the scattered sunlight.


That night, the villagers had eaten dinner and had nothing to do. After watching some TV or wandering outside for a while, they all went to sleep.

"What's wrong with Li San's house? Normally at this time, the kid is going to come outside and sit under the big tree to talk to people about the mountain. Why is it so quiet this time."

"Yeah, it seems that the lights are off. They go to bed so early today?"

Several neighbors looked at the man who went to gather firewood during the day, and said casually as if they were talking about other trivial things.

"Okay, go to sleep, let them go, by the way, the dog barking tonight is really noisy. What happened to these dogs tonight? It's annoying."

"Say it."

Every family talked one after another, without saying a few words, they were going to sleep, but in Li San’s house, it was dark. During the day, the husband and wife squatted on the ground, their eyes were bright and dark. He was shining red, and his body was still shaking.

After a while, the **** light that was still flickering in the eyes of the man suddenly stabilized, and his pupils completely turned into a **** red! The man Li San stood up, followed by his wife, and the two swayed to the door. They did not pull the lock to open the door, but directly slapped the door!

Tonight, it is destined not to be quiet. Li San and his wife walked out of the house. There was originally a child in their home, but at this time, they have already lost track. It is only on the ground, inexplicable, with some strange liquid. ...


"Ha...ha, aha..." In the woods, a person ran quickly, while running while holding his chest with his hands. It seemed that his physical fitness had reached his limit, and his lungs were painful after running for a long time.

"Let's rest, rest for a while." The man looked at the surrounding environment, slowly stopped under his feet, but didn't pay attention for a moment. He tripped on a small stone, fell to the ground all of a sudden, rolled and stopped.

"Ha, ha, ha..." The man took a few breaths. After a while, his breath eased, and after a while, he sat up.

This guy is not someone else, but the Nanyang boss who escaped!

"Unexpectedly, there are some big figures of the Shadow Army in this place. This time they are planted. What should I do? If I delay it any longer, even if they are not caught by them, I can't hide from the priest's head down, eh? ..."

The boss looked at the woods in front of him, felt the looming horror and familiar aura in it, and suddenly laughed grimly.

At the same time, Nanyang...

"What's the matter with them?" a man dressed in a black robe hiding in the darkness said coldly, his tone was not like asking, but more like talking to himself.

"I can't feel their magic power anymore. It's impossible for my little baby to die. Could it be that I was caught?"

"I've already said that the land in the east is not good enough. The Shadow Army can be said to be one of the strongest mage organizations in the world." Another person said.

"Hee hee hee, aren't they also human? But I felt a batch of goods scattered out. It seems that someone will suffer."

"Don't talk nonsense, that thing is for us to do big things, and it's scattered out, either in small people, or taken by beasts, waste things!"

"It doesn't matter, isn't there another ship?"

"Yeah, if you count it, it's almost there. Hehehe, this time, there must be no mistakes. These things are our magic weapon for attacking the Eastern Continent!"


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