Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 178: massacre!

"Oh, I'm exhausted, hey, where is it?"

"Almost soon, there is the last village over there. If you say hello, we can also go back early. I don't know how they are looking."

"Then you need to ask? If you find it, someone will definitely contact us." The man said, pointing his finger at the walkie-talkie hanging on his body.

These people were one of the people sent by Su Yongguo to search for the lost goods. They all carried walkie-talkies. If either party found the whereabouts of the goods, they would use walkie-talkies to inform each other.

"Is it the front?"

"Yes, yes, it's that village. It's finally here. This is the last one. You can go to a small shop to rest for a while. I heard that the lost goods are not good. Be careful."

"Several villages have been found, no problem."

Several people continued to move forward while talking, and they reached the entrance of the village in a short while.

When you arrive in a village, you first find the local village chief, the village party secretary, etc., and after explaining the situation to them, they will contact the villagers and ask them one by one. Of course, the interests must be clarified.

They only came to look for them, and they couldn't really go to someone's house to search, even if they could search for it, if each house was searched one by one, then they would have to find the year of the monkey? Therefore, they can only rely on their consciousness.

But the problem is, this is really difficult!

That cargo is nothing else, it's gold! Although it is not pure gold, there are a lot of impurities in it, but at any rate it is also a valuable commodity. I am afraid that the person who took it wants to take it for himself and make a small fortune. They come to inquire, but Say, that would be a bad dish!

So on this road, wherever you pass, the consequences of this problem are all said to be more serious. The imagination of these people has been unprecedentedly displayed at this moment.

What if you touch too much, the skin is rotten, it takes a long time to lose fertility, and you can get a terminal illness by smelling a few mouthfuls... Say whatever is serious, picking the scary ones, just hoping to scare them.

However, until now, I haven't found it, and I don't know if it's really there, or even if there are people trying to hide the "treasure". I only hope that the reason is the former, not the latter.

The group of people wondered if they could make up something more. While walking towards the entrance of the village, one of them was very nervous. He suddenly felt wrong after taking two steps. He stretched out his arms and blocked everyone behind him, shouting: "No. !"

Only then did a few people come back to their senses, and took a look at it. They couldn't see clearly at a distance, but there was a smell in the air, which had come along with the cold wind, whirled and sucked into their noses.

"What's the taste?!"

"This is... not good, soon, something has happened!"

A few people immediately pulled out the rattles on their waists, each prepared a fighting posture, spread out, and approached the entrance of the village in a fan shape. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they were stunned by everything in front of them.

"This...this is..." One person looked at the scene in front of him, his whole body trembling with fright, and the guy on his hand started to make a "quack" sound. Look at that, as long as there is a little more now What, this guy must have gotten into trouble first, and then dropped this guy to the ground, and he could collapse there.

"Take it steady!" The senior veteran on the side saw him trembling, and immediately shouted, scared that he almost went off fire, and then quickly stabilized his mind, firmly grasped the guy in his hand, and stared at the front.

In front of everyone, there was a dirt path on the street in the village. At this time, there were countless dead bodies lying all around! There are people and dogs. Judging from the person's posture, it is obvious that they are going to run outside, and they are flustered for a while. They are caught by the chasing object and lose their lives. Naturally, the dog doesn't need to say.

On the street, on the ground, on the wall, there were dried red lumps everywhere, and there was a disgusting smell in the air.

"Here... what happened here?"

The person who shouted just now took the lead, approached the person on the ground, and took a closer look. The wound on the person's body did not look like a human being, but there were claw marks similar to animals, like eagle claws, but more than eagle claws Big; it looks like a tiger's claw, but it appears to have less attack power than a tiger. Moreover, on a few people's necks, there were traces similar to biting teeth, like wolf bites.

"It wasn't a human doing it, definitely it wasn't a human doing it, was it attacked by a beast?" The man looked at the people on the ground and looked at the dog again. Dogs are relatively simple, mostly of the same kind, and the marks on their bodies are obviously like dog bites.

"Be careful, everyone, the beast is very likely to be still hidden in this village. Don't act separately. The opponent will not be human. If you encounter it, you will shoot directly! Quickly, look for it, is there any survival!"

After the man finished speaking, he took the lead and walked slowly into the village with his gun. The others were also a little courageous. Although they were also afraid, they had never seen such a cruel scene, but they were all fighting spirit and suppressing their hearts. Fear, keep the formation and move forward slowly.

"Anyone else?"

"Are there any living? We are here to save you!"

Several people yelled loudly and moved forward slowly, but for a while they were afraid to go to the small alley to find people. They only looked for people on the big road. For the kind of small roads that only allow one or two people to pass, they can only watch outside, but it is Dare to enter.

After walking for a while, no one responded. The person who walked in the front was experienced, watching while walking, calmly analyzing, suddenly glanced at his eyes, and stopped at his feet, pointed the gun forward, and shouted: "Attention everyone! "

Everyone immediately became vigilant, trot a few steps forward, and when they reached him, they asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is a problem." The man frowned, looking at a house in front of him.

"Yes... what's the problem?"

"Didn't you find out? The houses here were basically breached from the outside. It should have happened at night. The beasts attacked in the villagers’ sleep, and the people who woke up didn’t have time to escape and lost their lives on the street. ,just……"

He squinted his eyes and said, "The rest of the houses are all wild beasts rushing in, so the door of the room is facing inward, but only this one, the door fell outside, as the beast. From the inside to the outside."


After he said this, everyone was silent. Yes, all the doors are facing inwards. Why is this only one facing outwards? The door panels have been detached from the door frame and must have been slammed out. Is it really that beast? !

"Go, go in and take a look. Quickly, contact the headquarters!"


A group of people was divided into two groups. One part was watching the situation outside the door to prevent survivors or the beast from coming, and the other part went into the house to see if they could find any problems.

At this time, in the game...

"Say! Where did you come from? Who asked you to come? What are the follow-up plans?"

Four people were locked up in four rooms and were interrogated separately, but none of them said anything. Interrogations, especially when people from the same gang are being interrogated at the same time, are all tricky. To put it bluntly, it's just clichés. But somehow, these methods are not working today, and I can't get it out.

"If you say it first, your sin will be light, and if you say it late, your sin will be severe, understand?"

The routine came over and over again, the person being interrogated just looked at him with a sneer, but didn't speak. He didn't seem to fear that his crime would be heavier, and he even seemed to have trust in the others. They will not betray themselves, speak first.

"These guys have such a good relationship? I have seen a lot of people for so many years. They all fly on their own at the beginning of the new year. Why are they talking about it?" Su Yongguo looked at the four people on the monitor. , Frowning airway.

"No, I don't think it is trust, nor can it be brotherhood. I think there must be other reasons." I sat next to him and looked at the screen on the monitor.

"They look like this, they are a little lighter when they say they are confident and fearless. How they look like they are not in a dangerous situation at all, but they should look like they should be in a safe place."

"Oh, yes, yes, I said it looks a little strange, this...what is going on?" Su Yongguo suddenly asked.

"They are wizards, and they practice the head drop technique. If I guess right, they also have head drop, and they will definitely feel that if they dare to betray, they will die immediately! And, it must be extremely painful! They don’t know how to say it, and they are very confident that the other three will not say it, because when they say it, it’s gone, even if they want to say it, they can’t say it. Of course this routine is useless.

"Then...what should we do? We don't need to ask, but they want to say, isn't it that they can't tell, then what else to ask?"

"Originally, I didn't think it was necessary to ask. These people are desperadoes and death squads. Coming here is to provoke us and provoke the Shadow Army. They didn't plan to go back alive. Using these to threaten them is not feasible. Means, in terms of methods of torture, we can’t compare to them. Let’s go.”

With that said, I stood up and walked out of the monitoring room. Su Yongguo struggled twice, and finally shook his head and followed out.

As soon as he left the house, a correspondent ran to him and said, "Sir! Sir! Two sirs, there is a letter from Team Five."

"Did you find the goods?" Su Yongguo asked immediately.

"No, no, they found a great tragedy in a village. The whole village, even people and dogs, were destroyed! It seems that some beast has come down. They are still investigating to see if there are any survivors. , Or what clues can be found."

"What?!" Su Yongguo was anxious when he heard it, and shouted, "Give me the walkie-talkie."

The person next to him immediately took the intercom and handed it to Su Yongguo.

"Hey, where are you? Ah, come on, that map, let me have a look! It's... it's here, it's close to the forest, in the cold winter, there can be any beasts, and it's so cruel!"

Listening to Su Yongguo’s conversation with the people there, I felt strange. This ordinary beast is not for hurting people, but for eating meat, so it’s impossible to eat the whole village. Well, what an appetite is this? ! And listening, it doesn't seem to be cannibalism, people are there. It's not for appetite, what could be the reason?

"You continue to investigate, we will come right away." Su Yongguo ended the call and turned to look at me: "Sir."

"Needless to say, I know." I waved my hand, frowning.

"Sir, what do you think about this..."

"It can't be an ordinary beast wounding incident. I think that the lost goods should have appeared!"

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