Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 179: monster!

"Yes, sir, we have already made some discoveries here, the captain...what's wrong?!"

Su Yongguo was talking to someone in the team. Suddenly there was a mess, and the voices were noisy. Many of them were yelling. It seemed that something suddenly changed!

"What's going on? What happened? What's going on over there?!" Su Yongguo's heart was lifted up and quickly shouted, but the other party seemed to have no time to be distracted to talk to him.

"Quick, run! Get out! Get out of here, as far as possible!"

"What is that? Monster! It's a monster!"

"Stop, don't move, then you will shoot!"

Immediately afterwards, there were two gunshots: "Bang——Bang——!"

The sound of the surrounding wind increased, and the noise caused by the collision and friction between the wind and the clothes became more obvious, which seemed to be running. Maybe at this time, the person's earphones have been dropped, but the intercom did not hang up, so the voice from them can be received here, but there is no way to say anything over there.

The next voice was a mixture of many people, who couldn't tell who was who at all. In addition to the noise, many words could not be heard clearly, so I could only try my best to distinguish, and analyzed the following content:

"It's useless! Run, run! The monster is coming, the white one...Help! Captain...Hurry up! The speed is too fast! Shoot, it can work at a starting point! Huh-ah!"

This passage comes from a voice that disagrees. Except for the obvious gunshots, everything else is the same. However, although these words are incomplete sentences and cannot get the exact situation, everyone present has already understood the matter. The seriousness of the monster appeared, moreover, powerful!

"No, they are in danger! We must go to the rescue immediately! Sir, you..."

Su Yongguo turned around as he spoke, but his voice stopped abruptly, because behind him, there was no one left, leaving him and the person who sent the walkie-talkie in a daze.

When I heard something happened there, I rushed out with teleportation!

These contents were all told to me after I came back to Su Yongguo, not what I heard on the spot.

"Sir... Sir, do I need to send someone?"

"No need." Su Yongguo retracted his expression and said calmly: "This distance is useless even if you go now. The sir has passed and will be back soon. When the sir returns, we will make plans. You , Hurry up to contact the other teams, let them come back quickly, no matter what they are doing, come back immediately, understand?"



On the other side, a few tens of meters outside the village, there were only three of the ten or so people left at this time. All of them fled hurriedly outside. Two of them are still shooting back from time to time, and the remaining one is already After all the bullets were shot, I could only run forward.

"Lao Zhang, how many bullets do you have?"

"There are only two shots left, how about you?"

"One shot..." The man looked at the monster that was still rushing towards him, frowning, with a solemn expression on his face.

"What to do? This gun can only temporarily block its pace, and it is extremely fast, and sometimes it can't hit, there is no way!"

The two of them were speechless for a while, and they just kept running forward, and in their hands were the life-saving guys who only had three bullets left.

"Otherwise, you go and I will stay." At this moment, the man who had already shot out and didn't even have a weapon in his hand said suddenly.

Both of them looked at him, but he looked at them one after another and spoke; "I..."

"No!" the two said in unison.

As soon as the voice fell, the two looked at each other again, and one said first: "Give me your gun, I'll stop him, you run!"

The other is also not to be outdone: "Give it to me, you are young, and you recently talked about a girlfriend, I am an old bachelor, I will come!"

Both people know that when you are chased by a beast, you don't have to run faster than the beast, you just have to run faster than your companion. And now the situation is that the three of them have similar physical fitness, and they all received the same training, so the running speed is very similar, but they are uniformly behind that monster. It's just that the monster will stagnate every time it gets shot, so it hasn't caught up yet.

However, immediately, he will catch up. There are only three such opportunities at most.

Now, if one person can concentrate on staying, maybe there will be some time for the other two people. Maybe it's useless, but it's also a way.

"Okay, okay, I have a chance to talk nonsense again, give it to me, that thing will catch up!"

As the man said, looking back, the monster had reached a place less than ten steps away. Looking at the posture, it was obviously a jump.

"Danger, get out of the way!" The man hurriedly pulled the people around him, almost at the same time, the monster kicked his feet, and his body suddenly shot over like a sharp arrow! The target was the police officer who was being pulled.


In just the blink of an eye, the monster had traversed a distance of several meters and came to the front. The huge right palm was raised, and five claws that were sharp like daggers smashed down like lightning!


Although he reacted very quickly and was pulled away by his colleague in time, he still did not escape the bad luck and was cut off his right arm by the monster!

"Aha!" The man fell to the ground, looking at his empty right side, and the part of his body that was immersed in a piece of bright red on the ground. He suddenly lost his facial expression management, and his eyes were full of ferociousness. Very sad scream!

That shout, as if seeing the end of the day, is a sound intensity that can definitely tear one's own vocal cords!

And he himself, because of the great physical pain, made him completely unable to think and move normally, so he could only lie on the ground and howl constantly, mentally on the verge of collapse.

And that monster, after cutting off his arm, had half of his face splashed. He shook his face on the spot, reached out his hand to grab the trophy he had just cut off, took a closer look, and threw it aside. Turning his head, he looked at the two again.

"What are you doing in a daze? Run!" The man without a weapon saw the scene behind him, suddenly anxious, but there was no weapon at all around him, so he could only stare and anxiously.

The older police officer fell to the ground without any injuries. Before the monster had yet to take the next step, he grabbed his comrade who had fallen beside him and was seriously injured, and he turned over and rushed forward. .

But at this moment, the monster suddenly slashed with a claw, hitting the young police officer's abdomen, and suddenly it became red!

That one claw, five long claws are like five iron nails! One claw down, nailed his body firmly to the ground! With his strength alone, let alone he can't move at all, even if he can move, it can't be a complete person.

It feels like putting the meat into a meat grinder.

"Damn it!" The older policeman cursed secretly, no longer pulling his body, and taking his hand, risking his arm being chopped off, grabbed the gun he had fallen beside him and ran away!

As soon as the monster saw him running, he was immediately unhappy. He pulled his paw and raised his foot to chase! As for the police officer, his right arm was chopped off and his abdomen was severely injured. He couldn't stop the blood at all, he was about to finish.

"I'm sorrowful! Die to Lao Tzu!" The elder man just ran away a few steps, making sure that he had escaped its original attack distance, and immediately turned around and shot. After so many years, he practiced again and again. The one that played at this moment is called a vivid one! He lifted up and grabbed it, almost completely without aiming, and pulled the trigger directly!


Such a close-range shooting, coupled with the fact that the monster was almost still this time, this shot produced the best results! Under his deliberate control, the shot hit the monster's right eye! Suddenly, blood spattered!

"Hurt you! Lao Tzu knows that you can't be a whole body of steel, you should!"

He looked at the monster in front of him who was covering his eyes with his paws and constantly shouting, and he became excited. He felt his waist straightened by three points. He was holding the pistol that had just done a great job in his right hand, and his left hand had already touched his waist. Guys.

The man had only one bullet left, which had just been shot, so now, the gun was empty, but to be on the safe side, he also pulled the trigger twice to try, indeed, it was empty.

"Animal, let you know that our human beings are amazing, come, give me the lives of my brothers!"

After that, he directly used his right arm and threw the empty pistol as a brick.

At this moment, the monster was covering his face with his hands, his right palm was pressing on his injured right eye, and his left hand was to prevent him from attacking again. The surviving left eye stared at this with alert and hatred. People with endless suffering!

At this time, the man shot again and threw a thing that he didn't know what it was. It was almost a conditioned reflex, and his left paw slashed directly, flying the pistol, and splitting it into three. valve.

At this moment, the police officer moved his left hand, drew his gun, and shot, all in one go!

Its speed is breathtaking. The monster's left paw had just swung past, and the left eye was not resisting at this time, and miraculously, the shot was in the center!



A bullet flew away, smashing its only intact eye!

The violent pain struck the monster's brain again, and at the same time, there was still that complete darkness, suffocating darkness!

"Good job!" The unarmed police officer who was a little further away saw this scene, and suddenly shouted with excitement, and stopped running away, but started to walk back.

The older police officer looked at the monster who was paving the soil with his palms on his eyes and lowered his head on the ground, with a serious expression, holding guns in both hands, standing slightly away from the monster, and staring closely. With it.

In this situation, it seemed that he had the upper hand, but he knew that there was only one bullet left in his gun, and this bullet had no effect on most areas of his body, unless it was a weak area like the eyes.

However, in addition to the eyes, I really don't know if it can hit the rest. The best way to kill a creature is to smash the heart or brain. Now it seems that the heart is out of play, the front heart and the back are all monolithic, unable to penetrate, the brain...

It stands to reason that a shot from the eye should kill it, and it's two shots! the most important is……

He looked at the back of the monster’s head, and sure enough, there were no bullet holes at all, which proved that the two bullets were still in its skull, which could cause secondary damage to it. You must know that the bullets fired were very hot. !

But... why is it so alive! Shouldn't you die early? !

But now is not the time to think about this. It seems that the possibility of defeating it in other weak places is very low, and it cannot be beaten in other places. The only possibility at present is to take advantage of its head up, from the bottom to the bottom. The last shot passed, directly through the eye socket, and penetrated the brain!

There is only one bullet, this is the only chance!

He was waiting. This monster is now bowing his head. That opportunity will only appear when it looks up.

But at this moment, among the bushes on the side, the sound of animals stepping on the ground suddenly came out, and at the same time, there was a low roar.

not good!

At almost the same moment, behind him, his companion shouted: "Danger!"

Before he could react, from the corner of his eye, he saw something suddenly spread from the right side, thinking of his head directly!

Almost subconsciously, he was short, his body slanted to the left, raised his hand and shot it, it was just a brain shot!

As soon as he pressed the trigger, he understood, that's it!

With this situation, it is impossible for him to come back again!

"Run!" He yelled, and the next moment, the later monster had already threw him down. This monster was not as big as the previous one, only the size of a wild dog, but the whole body was white with strangely long claws. The monster has the same characteristics.

The last remaining police officer thought it was going to turn around, but unexpectedly, it turned over again!

At this time, there was also a voice behind him.

He turned his head almost mechanically, and behind him stood a guy exactly like the monster at the beginning.

This monster... more than one.

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