Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 181: VIP is coming

The next thing is easy to say. The monster is not afraid of shooting at all, and the speed is so fast. The few people at the door and the people who just ran out of it were killed before they came over.

Later, they could only run away, turning around and shooting while escaping, but they were often dodged flexibly by him. Even if they were hit, they could not cause much damage. In this way, fewer and fewer people...

"Finally, you appeared." The police officer said, the look in his eyes visibly dimmed.

"Okay, you have a good rest, don't think about it too much, leave this to us, go out, let's not disturb him, sir..."

I looked at him, nodded, got up and walked out.

Su Yongguo came out of the house with a group of people behind him. Su Yongguo walked to me and asked in a low voice: "Sir, what should we do now? There is a full box of the goods, but they only found a small bottle. It means that this box has been opened, so more than one place will suffer."

"I know this, and there is also the Nanyang man who has escaped. I don't know if he can find those things. If these things are used by him, the consequences will be unthinkable. A small bottle can cause such a big deal. Influence, if this power can still be controlled..."

"Then what shall we do now?"

"Let's have a meeting first, call everyone in, I have something to say."



Ten minutes later, everyone in the conference room sat down. The originally very spacious room was full of cramming. Su Yongguo, Zhai Feng, Yin Kai and others were sitting at the front, and all the people, large and small, were behind them. From those with professional titles to internships, everything is here.

I stood in front, looked around at the people below, and then I said: "Everyone, I think everyone knows. A big event has happened here. The goods brought by the Nanyang people brought them to one of our villages. A devastating disaster! Moreover, many of our outstanding police officers have been killed. Here, I want to apologize to you. I did not save them. I am sorry!"

After finishing speaking, I directly bowed to the people in the audience with a ninety degree.

"Sir, this matter..." Yin Kai wanted to say something, but Su Yongguo patted him on the thigh next to him and motioned him not to say it.

"Secondly..." I raised my head and looked at Zhai Feng below, who was only two steps away from me. I also looked up at me and watched me staring at him. I was nervous at that time.

"I broke my word. What I said is that after I came, I won't let anyone die again until I catch all of them and finish everything. I broke my word. This time, we lost. Several outstanding police officers! I did not do what I said, Zhai Feng."

"Ah? Hey, yes!" Zhai Feng was suddenly called for a roll call. He was taken aback at the time, and he jumped up and stood at attention.

"I said, if another person dies, I will give you my position. Now, I have not done it. This position is yours!"

As I said, I took out the arrow of the agent of the Eastern Division, raised my hand, and handed it to Zhai Feng.

"Huh?" Zhai Feng was taken aback, but subconsciously wanted to take a step forward to pick it up? But fortunately, he knew a little bit too badly, and stopped immediately when he was about to make a move.

Several people around him were glaring at him, including Su Yongguo and Yin Kai. It seemed that if he did pick it up, he would probably do it in the next moment!

"No, no, sir, this thing can't be taken seriously, don't say that, you can't make it." Zhai Feng waved his hand again and again, but I could see that there was a desire in his eyes.

This item... is out of help!

"No, I broke my promise first. If I don't have the guts to bear the consequences, what kind of man am I? What kind of lieutenant colonel of the Shadow Army, what kind of agent of the Eastern Division, come on!"


"Oh, brother Guo, I have finally managed to get you the position, how do you plan to give it away so simply? I will be sad."

Just when Zhai Feng was at a loss, and I didn't know how to continue this matter, a voice appeared at the door of the conference room.

At this time, all the officers are already in the conference room, and there are only a series of people who are responsible for cleaning and sanitation. How can there be people talking outside?

But they don’t know, I know!

Everyone looked at the door, and the owner of that voice also appeared slowly. A tall man with a big face and a sturdy figure like a half-walled body, it was the shadow army colonel, Xue Biao!

Behind him, there was a man and a woman, naturally the two old friends, Qin Nan and Han Fei.

"College Xue!"

"Xue... Colonel Xue?!"

The first one was me, the next one was Zhai Feng. The first sound was my surprise when I saw Xue Biao and wondered why he was here; the second sound was Zhai Feng's horror after knowing the identity of the person in front of me...

"Why are you here? In such a remote place in Weicheng, a big man like you came over. I'm afraid the people here are not going to celebrate."

"Cut, you are not the same, Lieutenant Colonel Guo, you are also a big man!"

"No, no, I'm just a non-staff, and you are a direct disciple of Military Commander Duan. Come here, there must be something big."

"Of course, and it's the same thing as yours." Xue Biao said with a smile, walked to my side, patted my shoulder, and whispered: "Let's go, talk over there." He took my shoulders directly and pushed me out of the door.

"Oh, that's right!" Xue Biao walked to the door and said suddenly, then turned to look at the rest of the people in the room, "You stay here and don't move, we will be back soon, some people..."

As he said, he glanced at Zhai Feng with a meaningful look, didn't say much, then turned his head and pushed me away.

Then, Zhai Feng was so frightened that he didn't understand until I came back...

"Okay, let's talk about it, why are you here? Is something wrong again."

In the office, Xue Biao and I were sitting on two single sofas with two cups of Coke on the coffee table in the middle...Because of the tight time, I stopped making tea.

"Didn't I say it, just like you." Xue Biao said naturally while drinking Coke.

"It's the same as me? It's for the Nanyang people. They're all already cleaned up, right? There is only one person left and a batch of goods. Aren't I going to take my ghosts out soon."

"No, no, the essence is true, but things are different."

"...I don't understand."

"It's normal for you not to understand. The group of Nanyang people is not a small group, but a large organization, and their ambitions are much more than that."

"Big organization?"

When I saw those people resist confessing to death, I did think of an organization behind them, and it should not be small, but...what is the concept of a large organization, I really don't know.

"That..." Xue Biao might see my doubts and explained: "The scale of this organization, I can explain to you this way, how much do you know about your own Tongzhou Club? At least this organization must have the current Tongzhou Club. The scale."

"Oh...that's pretty big." I seemed to understand it.

"After preliminary investigations, the goods they brought have been clarified. They are all golden decorations. Most of them are bottles and cans, with things like gems inlaid on them. , If someone sees it, it’s easy to take it back as a precious thing, and on them, they all have a totem with a spell. Once they come into contact with something with signs of life, they will cast that spell on that Within the living body, that living body is mutated."

" it the kind with white hair on the body, sharp claws on the hands, blue fangs, and blood red eyes?"

"Yes, yes, it looks like you have already seen them. Have those people started?"

"No, it shouldn't be proactive, but an accident." I waved my hand.

He said just now that most people will treat it as a general decoration or even a valuable item when they see it. That village, maybe because of this...

"This thing is really too dangerous. Not only humans, but even animals can be recruited. What are the characteristics of this thing? What weaknesses do you know?"

"No, we already know some of the characteristics, but the weaknesses... sorry, we don't know yet." Xue Biao's expression dimmed and shook his head. "This kind of thing is one of the first to drop the head. It was developed from the Gu technique passed down from our Yunzhou and other places. Once it is recruited, a parasite will appear in the body, absorbing all of that person. Energy and flesh and blood turned him into a human being, and then he began to grow wildly! In just a few moments, the person will start to grow white hair, claws, blue fangs, red eyes, and snow monsters on the snow mountain. It’s the same, and it’s steel and iron, even bullets can’t penetrate it.”

"Yes, the police officer here has already fought the monster and suffered a lot of losses. However, according to those who survived, the weakness of the monster is its eyes, and its eyes are not so. Strong defensive power. However, I fired two shots and blinded him, but did not kill him. If this is an ordinary beast, even if it is a tiger and a black bear, it will not live if it is blinded by one eye."

"I don't know, the eyes are weak points, we must take it back and tell the above, um," Xue Biao said, gestured to Qin Nan next to him.

"Yes." Qin Nan replied.

Xue Biao turned his head again, looked at me and said, "Don't worry about that. After receiving this news, we have a better understanding of the witchcraft of their group of Nanyang people, and there is another thing you said. We will report the matter truthfully, and we will definitely consider it carefully."

"Also... one more thing? What's the matter? What did I say?"

"Didn't you say to let Yin Kai replace Zhai Feng?" Xue Biao brought his face closer and looked at me meaningfully.

"Huh?" I didn't react for a while, but immediately understood that Xue Biao had agreed with me.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's it."

Everything is self-evident in such a process.

"But..." I hesitated again. "I just met Yin Kai. It's best to observe and observe first to avoid making mistakes."

"Yeah, I'm quite cautious, don't worry, our people are all observing, don't underestimate the intensity of inspections in the Shadow Army, don't underestimate what people are like, don't say what they are, in fact, they are all clear."


"Okay, let's talk about business. I am here this time because the people above have obtained information through these forces. There are not only one group of Nanyang people who come here, but two groups! The two groups are in order. What I saw was the first batch, and the latter batch. They are still at sea. These two days are coming soon! I came here to catch those people!"

"...I'll go! We have used all the methods here, and none of the ones we grabbed have confessed. The ones above, you know about being in Kyoto, Nanyang and Weicheng?!"

"Hey, no way, it's amazing."

"Well, seeing our country is so awesome, I feel relieved."


"Hey, but this time, you did me a great favor."

"Huh? Am I still helping you?" I wondered.

"Yeah, you know what, when I came, there were two tasks, because Nanyang people came in two batches. The above was to ask me to solve both batches, but you know, these people It's quite difficult. Give them all of them..."

With that said, he pointed to Qin Nan and Han Fei.

"I really don’t worry. I felt tired when I thought that I would solve this side first and then go there on the way, and I hoped that you can develop well in Jecheng, so I didn’t bother you. As a result, come. When I got here, I suddenly heard that you were here, but I was so happy!"

"Yes... why are you happy?"

"Of course I am happy!" Xue Biao suddenly laughed: "Hahahahaha...I immediately reported to the upper side, so I only need to solve the latter batch! And here in Weicheng, the upper side believes that there is You are here, that's enough."

"Well, it's true."

"Hahahahaha, don’t be shameless! Okay, I’m just here to tell you, I’m going to leave soon. I’m sorry they can’t lend you, but you can transfer everyone here, and I think you have a few A very capable man."

"I didn't expect the two of them to come and help me. Okay, I should go back. They should also be anxious, and... the one who ran away would be bored."

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