Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 182: set off!

"Zhai Feng, why did you smoke?"

As soon as I returned to the conference room, I saw Zhai Feng, who was sitting in my seat, pumping vigorously.

"No... it's okay, just take it easy, sir, don't mind, Xue, Xue... Where's Colonel Xue?"

"Huh?" I looked at him, and understood what was going on at the time. I smiled jokingly and said, "Go away, people have everything to do, why? Miss him? How about I do He called back."

"Don't don't don't don't, don't! Don't!"

"...Haha, it’s good if you know it in your own mind. Okay, guys, I won’t say anything more, and act now! Because we are facing practitioners this time, ordinary police officers don’t want to go. The members of the Shadow Army, who choose the elite, also bring firepower weapons, just in case, once the encounter is hit, the spell may not have time to cast, the main personnel, I will arrange it."

After finishing speaking, I pondered for a while and shouted, "Zhai Feng!"

"Yes!" Zhai Feng stood up again, but his legs were still twitching, and he almost fell off again. Su Yongguo who was next to him gave him an angry push. He swayed twice and stood up again.

"Can you still fight?"

"Sir, I... what do you think?" Zhai Feng really didn't know what I was going to say, so he simply didn't answer.

"Looking at you, it doesn't look like you can go out to fight. Just stay here. I will keep some people with you. Don't let people steal our house. Director Su, please trouble you. Stay with Zhai Feng. By the way, take care of him. He has poor legs and feet."

I said the word "care" very deliberately. Su Yongguo understood it as soon as I heard it. He nodded and said, "Don't worry."

As for whether Zhai Feng has guessed the meaning of this, huh, what about him? He couldn't get me again.

"Balong, Langfeng! You are with me, Gongsun, Bi Long, you stay, responsible for protecting this place and the people who stayed behind."

"Yes, sir."

The two of them want to stay. One is indeed because of their strong ability, which can effectively protect people and buildings. Secondly, I didn’t want to keep Zhai Feng. He, no matter how slow, will Know that I am going to abolish him, ordinary people, no matter how timid they are, at this time, they should also try to make a final comeback.

He is a left-behind person. In history, as well as in the novel, how many people succeeded in stealing their homes and controlling power when the main force was not there. For example, in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Sima Yi took advantage of the Cao family and the emperor to take the generals out to hunt, and occupied the imperial city.

Have to guard!

He is deeply ingrained here. There is another major event for me this time. The elite must be brought with him. Who will look at him? How can Su Yongguo be an ordinary person, if Bi Long, a murderous man, stays with ** Hu Gongsun Shu, hum, see what he can do!

"Yin Kai, you also go with me. You are more familiar with the members of the Shadow Army. You will be assigned to the team. At the same time, you are responsible for passing on my orders and sending information back to me. That's it, ten minutes, no, Five minutes later! Gather at the door!"


Everyone shouted loudly, Baron and the other four ghosts bowed slightly to signal. I nodded, and just about to leave, I glanced at my eyes, but I found an unwilling look.

Xue Lin!

There is a lot of water for this guy to participate in this event. It all depends on going through the back door. It's not that it has a little relationship with me. It is impossible to come here. But it's a mistake, maybe because of luck. This person has a kind of good luck. First he went out privately and met me. Then he became one of the judges while ignorant people were waiting to interrogate me. In the end, he actually got a shot. Down with the Nanyang who ran away!

As a result, the people in Weicheng were all unknown people. Seeing that she was from Jicheng, and she shot that person down, she thought she was a master, and kept saying that she was hidden. You can't look so good, I thought it was an ordinary girl, but I didn't expect it to be a big deal!

Alas, beautiful misunderstanding.


I looked at her and calculated it in my heart. If I can really make a good relationship with her, it seems not bad!

Su Yongguo is not too young this year. Sooner or later, he will retire, and when he was young, there may not be any hidden injuries on his body. This is in case, I mean in case, someday there will be three long and two short, three melons and two dates. What's the matter! Besides, I can't always trouble people with a bureau chief. It's good to develop one underneath. The only two I know there are Su Yongguo and her, so let's stick to each other.

"And you!" I pointed to her, "Xue Lin, you go too."


At that time, the eyes of the people around were wrong again!

Doesn't it mean that ordinary people are not going, how can she go? Is it also a mana? I go! Real people do not show up 2.0! But why would it be said later, as if a special case was suddenly given. Is it really an ordinary person? Wait, isn't it even better? !

An ordinary person is admired by a big man, the future is limitless!

So, Lin Xue, who was also shocked, walked out of the meeting room in a daze in the envy and admiration of the people around him, and got into a large number of Shadow Army elites.

And of course, no one in the Shadow Army looks down on her. There are very few people like Zhai Feng, and they are all big men. When they see a weak woman, their first reaction is to protect and take care of her, so Lin Xue went. , Are very good to her, and even more my attitude towards her, then I am the sir, is this... the sir? ! Must be taken care of!

Alas, another beautiful misunderstanding.


Professionally trained people, this time concept is strong. After five minutes, all the people who were selected, one not falling, stood neatly at the door, and the elite fifty were divided into five teams, and Dozens of poor elites were divided into three groups. The team leader and the team leader stood at the forefront. In front of this person, the commander Yin Kai and Lin Xue were directly appointed as the command’s assistant. , Arrived at Yin Kai's side.

And standing in the front is naturally me, Baron, and Lang Feng.

"Yes, very punctual! Okay, let's go!"


The shouts of nearly a hundred people shook the sky and the earth, and the surrounding residents of unknown circumstances were all looking here, talking a lot, guessing what our big action is this time. And all of us, under such gaze, ran forward!

At this moment, for some reason, I remembered those who went to the underworld to reincarnate. Once, they were not like that. Under the gaze of these civilians, they set out to act, arrest the prisoners, and defend stability, but I didn’t expect that. glory……

There is no time to be quiet, because someone is walking forward with a heavy load in an invisible place. Leave the back to the people and run towards the dangerous place, this is them!

At the moment of running, my body was transformed by magic power. This kind of exercise wasn't tired at all, and I didn't pant at all. I had so much time to think about it. I think that there was a time when I didn’t want to join. At that time, I wanted to escape the shackles, but also the responsibility, because I didn’t want to carry such a heavy burden.

I have a clear conscience, I did not enjoy the rights but did not fulfill the obligations, but neither enjoyed the rights nor fulfilled the obligations. This is fair, but now, I want to fulfill this obligation, and the right I deserve But some don't care.

Although the development of Tongzhou Club may also have some help from the Shadow Army, after all, I have such a name, but in general, I have not enjoyed much, except for the initial skull chain case, to help me prove Innocent.

But I've always been a little bit caressing, but I didn't feel that I was at a disadvantage. I didn't want to say to go and enjoy more. On the contrary, I like the way I am now. This may really be what those people say, a man's romance.

Zhai Fenggu’s reputation is fishing. I also said that the Shadow Army’s mechanism is not good, but isn’t it the same for me. I didn’t participate in the first because I was afraid of being responsible. Finally, I participated for my own safety. What right do I have to say about him? But in this position, you must be worthy of this position, and even more worthy of heaven! Sorry! Worthy of the people!

I was thinking wildly along the way, and the constant journey was quickly completed. Fortunately, they were all Shadow Army practitioners, just Lin Xue, who was not able to mana, and it’s okay to have Yin Kai with him, but it’s the same. They knew that Xue Lin was not a practitioner, but an ordinary person, but how could she participate in this operation?

The beautiful misunderstanding is deeper!

"The first team, the second team, the first team, immediately move forward quickly, go around from left to right, and reach the rear of the village! The rest, continue to move forward, forming an encirclement!"


Everyone immediately obeyed their orders and acted, but before they could walk ten meters out, the bushes on the side suddenly moved, as if there was something lying in ambush.

"Be careful!" I shouted loudly, and two figures beside me rushed out!

At the same time, when the bush moved, the bush closest to the road was immediately divided into two sides, and a big white-haired monster rushed out!


Moreover, what surprised me was that the two eyes of this monster were blind... it was not dead yet!

Calculating carefully, it has been half an hour since it was injured, and it is still alive! You know, there is no hospital here to treat him, his eyes were beaten, and he was still alive, and now it looks alive? ! How powerful is this vitality!

At this time, this is the product, invisible to the eyes, but it is invisible to the eyes. It is obviously a beast's unique sense. It can accurately "see" by smell, or hearing, in short, some other perception ability. Up to now, the situation here has suddenly attacked, ready to kill!

At this moment, two sword lights flashed at the same time, and two "dangdang" sounds were heard! Like the clash of blades, looking at it again, it was Baron and Lang Feng, one left and the other, holding the monster's claws with the knife in their hands!

The monster had its arms stretched out. When blocked like this, the entire chest and abdomen were exposed. The two of Balong Langfeng have been together for some time, and they are in a tacit understanding. At the same time, they raised a kick and kicked!

Simple and rude, kicked the monster directly with both feet!

At this moment, suddenly, behind us, there was movement in the bushes!

At this time, several small teams and groups all ran to the front, Yin Kai and Lin Xue and I were behind. This product came out, and that was rushing to us!

"No, sir, be careful!" Yin Kai was not ashamed of being a master, and immediately noticed the movement behind him. He opened his posture to fight, and he did not forget to spread his arms and put Lin Xue and me behind.

To be reasonable, it's okay to protect Xue Lin. What do you mean by protecting me?

In fact, he was used to protecting people. At this time, there was a sudden situation and a conditioned reflex. He didn't expect that the person behind him was stronger than himself.

At the same time as he moved, I moved to the monster in an instant, my right hand became a palm, and the light palm started!

The monster wasn't covered either, just at this time, I didn't forget to hit me with a claw, but I didn't change my posture and continued to hit it!

"Sir!" Yin Kai yelled immediately after seeing this. As soon as he stretched out his arm, he felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and then I was gone. Looking again, he found that I was already ahead.

"Go to hell!" I slapped it, hitting the top of its head!

And its sharp claws didn't hurt my body. It just made a mark on my ice armor, and there were many sparks.

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