Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 184: Arrest


Covered in ice armor with my hands, I smashed away the claws of the dog monster, blasted it with two fists, and knocked it out again!

Behind them, Yin Kai, Lin Xue, and a group of members of the Shadow Army watched me purely abuse the dog monster as if they were watching a show, just drink popcorn.

"Sir... why don't you just give it a go?" There is one person who can't stand it anymore. If it wasn't because that guy had become a monster, my behavior would have been condemned by dog ​​lovers. Too cruel!

"I think the sir must have some plans." There was my faithful fan brother who said seriously.

"What...what's your plan?"

"I don't know, how can I understand the chief's thoughts when I wait for mortals."

This ass, absolutely!

The downside is that Li Cunhao is not there. If they run into this, they must have a common language!

In fact, they were puzzled, and I was also puzzled. Does this dog monster really have no IQ? If you know you can't beat it, you have to be tough, so you can't run?

My original plan was to fight it, let it suffer, and run away, so I can follow it, follow the vine and find the goods.

I don't know if there is any. I guess privately that the monsters may be telepathic. In other words, if it suffers a loss here, maybe the other monsters will know it, and maybe come back to rescue. If it doesn't come to rescue, it should also run back.

Unexpectedly, it didn't happen until now.

I am not naive to think that there are no other monsters. Since the goods can be taken away by the dog, it means that the box is broken, and it should be in the wild, because if it is in a crowded place, many people will definitely treat them as The baby brought home, just like the one who came to chop wood.

Don’t underestimate a person’s greed. Sometimes, the worthless ones cannot be kept. Those who are online celebrity flower fields and so on will quickly fall down, because everyone picks a few flowers and then nothing spent……

So I believe that this thing is definitely in the wild, but where is it...

This is the problem. I also want to use Celestial Strategy, but the problem is, no matter how I use it, it can't be calculated. ! This is the same as my new equipment, a cloud of fog, totally unreasonable.

Therefore, I can only take the second place and choose to investigate in this way.

"Could it be... how many more punches do I have to punch? Uh...but it's probably dying." I looked at the dog monster who had already lost half of his life but still gritted his teeth and stared at me. A little distressed.

Is it because it was originally a dog? The monster that the two people turned into seems to have a bit of IQ. It was originally an animal, so it has no IQ? I'm not playing for nothing?

"Yin Kai." I called.

"Yes!" Yin Kai ran to me immediately and bowed.

"This thing may be the last monster. I have exhausted its strength. You grab it, think of a way, use high-tech, and try to find out the whereabouts of the goods from it."

"Ah? Oh, yes! Come on, come here, grab the number one and grab this thing."

"Yes!" Several members of the Shadow Army replied immediately, turning around and taking something from the person who was standing further behind, and then ran over quickly.

That thing should be the so-called "capture number one", it should be a high-tech, I am not sure. Of course, I don't know if there is any high-tech equipment that can read the memory of the dog monster, analyze the brain waves, and investigate where it got the bottle.

However, I have no other way.

"Hey, the sir is really amazing."

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect that he had beaten that dog monster for so long, actually to drain its strength so that we could catch it. It was really thoughtful."

"This officer is so caring, so careful, you see, how safe they catch, that dog monster can't resist at all. He is really a gentle officer, much stronger than that Zhai Feng."


Ahem, although I didn't intend to do that, but I reluctantly accepted this compliment. The original purpose can no longer be achieved, just think about individual reasons, to explain everything I did. It's pretty good to use effort to make them easy to grasp to cover up my original purpose of fighting for aid.

"That's not enough, you guys, don't be afraid of flattering, go and investigate immediately. The villages that have been investigated before will also be visited again. This time, not only to investigate the bottle matter, but also to investigate whether anyone has disappeared recently At time, that dog monster was the last known monster, but it is inevitable that there will be unknowns. Investigate immediately."


"You!" I turned around and said to the group of dog monsters. "Go back and take this monster to study. If it is too unrealistic to investigate the brain waves or something, at least investigate the characteristics of this monster, preferably its weakness. If you can find out how to change it back, then it is a great achievement. Pieces!"


"Ah, the corpses of the two human beings turned into monsters should also be brought back together. The large group will not go back yet, but will expand to the vicinity around the village just now. The bottle was brought by a dog. I don't believe in a stray. The dog can go too far, it must have been picked up not far away. Elite troops, prepare their weapons, and look for the whereabouts of the goods in the forest and mountains. Remember, if you find it, don’t touch it and report it directly. ,do you understand?"


"Go ahead, now!"


In the village, the tragic and majestic that was everywhere has now changed back to muddy soil, but there are too many small mounds on the hillside behind the village, and a stone stands in front of each mound, because we don’t know the name. , I can only write nothing. And before these mounds, there are members of a row of Shadow Army, sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing their eyes and chanting curses for them.

The house in the village that turned into a monster was set by us as a temporary headquarters for no particular reason. I just wanted to see what else we might find. Those police officers who sacrificed, because their relatives are still there and their colleagues know, they cannot be buried on the spot like the villagers, but they have to be brought back to the headquarters and handed over to their families.

In the room, the captain's body is still there, and several people are preparing to carry him away. This is the most complete body of all people, only there is a bullet hole in the back of the head-he made it himself.

His body is now completely out of the size of his clothes. Xue Biao said when he came here that the role of this charm is to parasitize a living body in a person's body, like a gu, that thing must be absorbed if it wants to grow. The energy of the host, whether it is a human or an animal, must first become shrivelled, then swell outward, and grow white hairs, claws, and fangs.

Shrinking is the process of absorption, and expansion is the process of the parasitic organism developing and taking away the host's body.

The captain was obviously in the process of absorbing the shriveled body. He noticed that there was something wrong with his body. He issued a warning to his team members, drove them away, and took advantage of the fact that the guy hadn’t taken his body away. Fired a shot at myself.

At that time, his body was still human, and he couldn't stand the shot at all, he was killed! At that time, he and the parasite were one body, and once he died, this thing was over.

This may also be one of the weaknesses of that thing. Before it can truly seize the host’s body, it must bear such a risk. If this dangerous period passes, it will become a tough and invulnerable skin. Monster again.

"Sir, there may be a corpse of that thing in his body, do you want to take it back..." a member of the Shadow Army whispered beside me, but couldn't say it in the end.

"Let’s not do it. The Shadow Army can’t do things like this kind of Frankenstein’s. The dead are the ones we should do. Besides, even if we are really so frantic, their families will agree. Do you? Forget it, take it back for burial."


Only then did a few people take the captain away, together with the others, and take it back to their family.

Looking at the body of the captain who was carried away by them, I lowered my head, sighed, and murmured: "You are a hero, rest in peace." After speaking, I raised my head and looked at another corner of the house.

According to the surviving person, their captain threw the bottle out after discovering the move. Naturally, it was impossible to throw it to a place with a lot of people, but a corner place, and this house could be called In the corner, there is only this side, and the next bottle that can be stored is only that small place...

Within two clicks, I found the bottle, right under the bed, so I just sat on the bed and studied it.

Regarding the appearance of the bottle, I will not describe too much, but through a scan of my investigative eyes, I can see the essence. This thing is really not pure gold, not even gold-plated. Those Nanyang people are not so generous, they are not willing to make it with real gold, but there is still a little gold element, which mainly plays the role of pigment, and the content is very small. , Can hardly remember that.

The reason why it looks so golden is because there is a special paint on the outside, which should be difficult to fade. Otherwise, if you touch the pigment, it will not reveal the filling? Among them, there are many things that I don't know. Even the investigator's past is just a question mark, and I don't understand what the situation is.

This thing, is it... a Nanyang specialty?

In short, this thing is definitely not simple. If you can, from here, you may be able to find some ways to fight against them. If we keep passively defending, we will be very passive!

While thinking about it, I fumbled around with this and that bottle, suddenly turned to the bottom of the cup, and saw the strange totem.

That totem attacked indiscriminately. I felt all the breath of the creatures on my body. It suddenly gleamed. I planned to implant parasites in my body. But at this moment, my hand moved, the mana flowed, and the light palm suddenly At the same time, a mana barrier covered my whole body.

Then, the thing went off...

Talisman: If you can't provoke you can't provoke, leave!

"Master, what happened just now? I felt a strange power, but the power of the system was even more magical. It blocked it. Master, are you okay." In the system, Xiao Mo said nervously, listening to the voice and sleeping Of people were suddenly awakened.

"It's okay, I found a strange thing, hey, Xiao Mo, you just said that the system mana is magical, what about ordinary practitioners? Can't they stop it?"

"Um... I don't know, maybe it can't be stopped. I feel that the power is very strange, and ordinary people can't stop it. Thanks to the master, your power is amazing. You can be careful in the future, but don't fix it. It's exposed for a while."

"...What's the matter with your accent? Where does the northeastern flavor come from?"

"Last time you let me play in the yard of the same boat club, you learned from the uncle who was cooking."

"...I knew that this accent is really contagious." I shook my head, bought a paper symbol from the system that might work, stuck it on the bottle, and threw it into the system warehouse. I got up and planned to look elsewhere.

But at this moment, a member of the Shadow Army suddenly rushed in and shouted as they ran: "Sir! Sir! Someone reported the incident. An unknown beast in Liujiacun [笔趣阁] incident occurred. , Someone died!"

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