Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 185: Liujiacun Incident

"Sir! Sir! Someone reported that an unknown beast wounded someone in Liujia Village, and someone died!"

At the door, a member of the Shadow Army ran in while shouting. As soon as he came in, he saw me with a surprised expression, and was stunned on the spot.

"Sorry, sir, I should have knocked on the door first." The man thought I was blaming him for not knocking in, and turned around to go out and knock on the door before coming in.

"It's alright, what's the mess, I don't blame you for this, you said, what's the matter? What's the situation."

"Ah, it's such a sir. Someone in Liujia Village reported the incident. There were incidents that also injured people in the village. It is uncertain what kind of beast was. The dead are a few adventurous young people. They are going to explore the woods. As a result, I met a beast and a man died."

"Are there any witnesses?"

"It seems that there is. I can't explain it on the phone. It seems to be frightened. It should be fine to go there and ask."

"Okay, I see. Call Yin Kai."


The man turned around and ran out. After a while, Yin Kai ran in with a serious face.

"Do you know everything?"

"Yes, sir, I know the location of Liujiacun, and I can dispatch immediately."

"What about the location? Is it by the sea?"

"No, Liujia Village is in the mountains. There is basically dense forest on all sides. There is only one road to pass through. The traffic is a bit inconvenient. Those young people who want to explore should also have focused on this point and got there. I didn't expect it."

"But this is a big problem for us. I don’t know if it’s really made by that group of monsters. Maybe it’s just ordinary beasts. So the intensity of the search cannot be reduced. You stay here and take charge of them. I Take Baron Langfeng, and then take a team and a small team, go there to see, if the monster really appears, and there are many, I will contact you according to the situation."

"Yes, sir, that's all you ordered." Yin Kai nodded and said.


Liujiacun is a village in the mountains that is almost isolated from the outside world. In fact, this is an exaggeration. There will still be some exchanges, but it is certainly not as frequent as other villages. But there are also advantages. There are so many resources in the mountains, and the authorities have allowed them to hunt. Of course, they can't be so strong. It's not enough to kill all the animals at once.

This time, there was such a group of five people, four men and one woman. The woman was the girlfriend of one of them. She came here for adventure, because it is full of mountains and forests, and it is said that there are no hunters. Walking through the woods, so it attracts them.

This is a bunch of things that are not afraid of death. Wouldn't it be good to stay at home during the winter vacation? Have to die! no Zuo no Die!

Tell me, this is just the Chinese New Year, you have to take the adventure as a New Year trip, and go out happily. When you go back, it is actually sideways. What do you adults think? ! Is there a sense of responsibility? !

"I don't care! You have to be responsible! We are here for adventure travel, not to die. Your hunters escape, which caused our partner to die! You are responsible!"

In the village, a bunch of people gather together, but most of them are watching the excitement. The protagonist is just the few in the middle.

The two sides of the quarrel, one of them, was naturally the survivor among the young people who came to take the risk. This time, there were five of them, three of them survived. Among them was the woman, and the other two were her man. My friend, he is tall, handsome and sunny, with good muscle lines.

This guy is one of the five people with the best motor nerves, and also their leader, so he escaped and ran back. And there is one remaining, a little fat man, wearing glasses, pure silly and cute, he and the woman survived for the same reason, because of lack of physical strength, left behind, and was dropped a lot of distance by the other three. As a result, because the monsters came from the front, when they turned back and ran, they won at the starting line...

As a result, those three people ran ahead and encountered monsters. Only the captain with the most developed motor nerves ran back. Those two were not as powerful as him, and were brutally murdered. The old saying goes well, when you meet a beast, you don't have to run faster than the beast, you just need to run faster than your companion. Sincerely do not deceive me, this is a perfect proof. As for the other two survivors, it was completely lucky. Unexpectedly, the ruler had some weaknesses and strengths.

But in the process, there was a problem. They wanted to explore. The people in the village stopped at first, especially those hunters, because they knew the dangers of this forest best. There were many wild animals in the forest and they couldn't go deep. Usually they That is, I was around and brought some small things back, so I was very opposed to this.

But those people said it well, saying that young people are energetic, and that it is winter. Snakes and everything are basically hibernating, and there will be no bugs, covered with snow, and many animals are not. Will come out, this time can be said to be the safest. As a result, the group of people were still a little worried, but they agreed.

Thus, five people, led by two hunters, entered the deep forest. Because the girl and the little fat guy are physically weak, one is to accompany her boyfriend this time, and the other is to join in the fun. It won’t work on the way, but the other three are still very interested and don’t want to stop, so they are a group of people. They separated.

The three people, led by a hunter, continued to move forward, the woman and the little fat man, along with the other hunter, stopped and went, and the progress was slow. After another period of time, the troops in front had reached a very deep place. The hunter said that he had never been there and didn’t want to go any further, reminding them that it’s best to go back, but let the three people go back without incident. Feeling unhappy, I have to keep moving forward and want to explore some danger.

How can you die!

You have also explored some dangers. Do you think your life path is a bit longer? In the past hundred years, you actually want to take a shortcut!

After a short walk, the hunter may have been hunting all the year round. He had a very developed sixth sense and had a strong anticipation of danger. They said nothing to move forward. They argued for a while, and no one persuaded anyone. As a result, the three continued to move forward, while the hunter wandered in place, moving slowly, preparing to see something wrong, and then moving according to the situation.

As a result, the sudden change occurred when the monster suddenly appeared. According to the captain who came back, the monster was bigger than a dog but smaller than a human. It had white hair, sharp claws in its hands, blue-faced fangs, blood-red eyes, and the characteristics matched! The monster jumped directly from the tree from the front, regardless of it, grabbed it!

The sharpness of the claws, the horns, the swing stick and the axe they used for self-defense only parry, at most two strokes, it broke. What shocked me the most was that someone brought a pan!

Do you think you eat chicken? !

The result was obvious. The pan was outside the game, it was not that magical at all, and it was heavy. It was slapped into the air by the monster.

Several people rushed back with their heads in their arms. In the process, one person was killed, and when they ran to the place where the hunter was staying, the other was basically to be chased by the monster and torn apart. Although the hunter also shot, but even the delicate gun carried by the police officer is ineffective against it, how can the crude hunter produce an effect.

The most terrible thing is that every shot of a shotgun takes a while to change, which is worse than a pistol! The hunter only took a shot, and ran with the captain. He ran into another hunter and the two men halfway through. Because of their yelling, the latter had already prepared and started to turn around, so he was spared. difficult.

However, the person who was almost torn off was slow and was injured during the run. He became the second victim, but he also successfully held the monster. Need to add two more.

After coming back, the contradiction emerged. The captain, as a personal experience, began to blame the hunter for not following the incident, including his girlfriend. When the two of them sang and reconciled, they all lay the blame on the hunter. He resisted.

Can't beat the monster, can you still be afraid of you? Animals are unreasonable, and humans are human. This makes many people afraid of animals but not people. Now let them go back to find the monster, and don't dare to give them a fuck! But to compete with this man, unarmed are full of momentum.

But the hunter also has a wife. Not only do they have a wife, but the people in the village are also oriented towards him. If you have a word first, don't let you go, don't let us go if something goes wrong, should we blame us instead? So someone defended the hunter and fought back against the group of people who refused to listen to advice.

As a result, the two gangs got up.

It was the captain who had escaped to call the police. He called as soon as he came back. Because he just escaped from the dead, I didn't understand some details, but it should be all right now. The scolding is so organized.

While these people were arguing and joyous, I had already brought people there.

"Okay, okay! Stop arguing, who reported the case? Tell me what's going on!"

I yelled out of luck and stopped the quarreling of those people. Behind me, on the left and right sides were Baron and Lang Feng, wearing red and blue armor, a long knife on the waist and a bun, and a lion belt on the waist. Wearing tiger-headed combat boots, majestic and majestic, just a little different from modern times. Beyond that, there are a small group and a group of 30 members of the Shadow Army, each holding a thing, with a rattle on his waist, a few, and even more powerful things in his arms.

When such a reliable team came over, those young people's eyes lit up!

This is loaded with live ammunition, it looks too safe! Much more reliable than the hunter and the shotgun that can only be shot once at a time!

"Oh my god, it's really a gun, it's real! My mother, it's amazing, it's amazing, safe, safe this time!" That little fat guy should be someone who loves this kind of stuff, then The level of excitement is the highest, just about staring.

Unlike them, the villagers became nervous when seeing these people, as if they would be taken away by these people forcibly next moment. These people rarely communicate with the outside world. In this environment, the things passed down by the older generation are more deeply ingrained. There were few good people in the official personnel of that era. Of course, this is no longer the case for officials and military personnel, but they The concept will not change.

Therefore, when they see these people in the Shadow Army, they instinctively think that these people are not good people, and they don’t think they are righteous teachers who are the masters of the people. On the contrary, they face Baron and Lang Feng who are wearing retro generals. Two people are very interested.

As for the two of them, they didn't care about their gazes. They looked majestic, standing beside me like bodyguards, but they attracted fans even more.

At this time, the young people also saw Baron and the others, with a puzzled expression on their faces, but they were relieved right away, perhaps because they were regarded as people who were mixed.

After all, this culture is also very famous this year, and it is also loved and accepted by many young people.

I smiled, separated everyone, inserted between the two people, looked around for a while, and said, "Don’t make a noise, tell me, what’s the situation? I’m from the Shadow Army, Lieutenant Colonel. We will solve any problems with military ranks."

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