Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 186: Mountain god?

"Don't quarrel, tell me what the situation is, I am a member of the Shadow Army, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, if there is any problem, we will solve it." I stood in the middle and said with a smile.

"Shadow... Army?"

Everyone showed a puzzled expression. The people in Liujia Village definitely didn't know. Although the young people had a lot of news, the Shadow Army was a wizard organization, and they didn't show up normally. They naturally didn't know it. I don't understand this term.

But it doesn’t matter, they don’t understand this, but they understand the latter!

Lieutenant Colonel!

The rank is amazing!

Upon hearing these two words, the waists of the three young men straightened up. What does this identity mean, what does the people with live ammunition mean? The wind stopped and the rain stopped, and he thought he could do it again!

"The sir, I reported the case." When the captain saw that there was a big man here, he immediately put on a flattering look, smiled and walked to me and said, his girlfriend was also full of laughter, in fact. For a minute, he cursed like a shrew.

The little fat man didn't come over. He was interested in those guns, and he admired me, but he didn't even know me.

But forget it, as long as someone can tell me what is going on.

"Let's talk about it, what happened, pay attention, the more detailed the better! The more detailed, the less careful! Don't worry, think about it!"

"Yes, I said it all!"

The captain took a few minutes to tell the story. Originally, he wanted to say where his surname came from, why did he come from, and how the few people met? I didn’t let it be said. It doesn't matter, it would be too watery to say it all.

Regarding the appearance of the monster, he only paused for the longest time. Because it was life-related, he ran very hard, so he didn't remember what it looked like. The most profound thing was a white coat. All the other blue-faced fangs can only be said by thinking carefully. It came out, but the result is always good, this is the monster we are looking for!

"Well, very good. Thanks for your hard work. I will take the corpse of your friend out. Of course, provided that they were not taken to an unknown place by those monsters. Also, the villagers, it’s not strange. You, I will deal with it fairly, rest assured."

After I said this, these talents can be considered a little relieved. What they are afraid of is that I will put the black pot on their heads just like those people, but listening to me, it is obvious that it is not.

Of course, there are still some people who are not at ease, thinking that I am just coaxing them. It is estimated that they will really believe me only when I really leave and don't hurt them. There is no way, people who do not communicate with outsiders will always be wary of outsiders. This is the case for one person and the same for a village. Those introverts don't like to communicate with others. Over time, when encountering outsiders, even if they are kind to him, he will still be wary.

"Everyone, go home first. It's not early. Go back and take a good rest. I will be responsible for this matter to the end and you," I said to the young people. "You stay at ease first, and when I bring your companions back, I will ask someone to protect you from the village."

"Okay, thank you sir." The captain immediately bowed to me ninety degrees.

"Oh no, no need, just like that, go back soon, you're tired too."

"Ah, yes." The captain smiled and nodded, exhaling in vain. In fact, the physical fatigue, because of his well-developed motor nerves, has been slowed down at this time, and the most tiring is the heart.

Everyone was going to disperse. Among them was an old man, leaning on a cane, bending over, and leaning in to ask: "What? Listen to what you mean, do you want to go to the forest?"

"Oh, old man, go to the dangerous place and explore the scene of the accident. That is what we should do. Don't worry, there will be no accidents."

"Um-no!" The old man shook his head like a rattle, and made a long tone with a serious face: "That's not a monster, it's a mountain god! It's a mountain **** who lives in the mountain. If you disturb him, he will Punish the world!"

"Mountain God?" I frowned, with some doubts. On the other side, a young man came over and said with a smile: "Grandpa San, you are talking nonsense again."

With that said, the man had already reached the old man's side, holding him, trying to hold him back.

"Don't mind. This is my third grandfather. He is one of the four ninety-year-olds in the village. They love to say something invisible, not to mention that there is a mountain **** on this mountain, but no one has seen it before. You Don't go to your heart."

"Who said that?!" The old man became displeased when he heard it, and shouted: "There really are mountain gods, I have seen them! They live in the mountains, and whoever gets in will have to die! If it weren't for me back then Run fast, I'm dead, hey, don't you believe it!"

"It's okay, it's okay, grandpa, you still run fast with your legs and feet, don't say anything, go home."

"Hmph, this is handed down from the older generation. I have seen it with my own eyes. It's true, it's true!"

As the two spoke, they walked away. On the other hand, the three young men also said goodbye to us, and went to rest in their temporary residence. There were only me and the shadow army.

"Sir, do you think..." Baron walked to me and asked in a low voice.

"I care about what the third grandpa said." I said. "This cargo is something that only happened recently, but he said it came from the older generation. It's not normal, and he insisted that he had experienced it personally. Could it be...something happened here before."

"Uh...not necessarily. Many elderly people have confused memories because of their age. They will regard things that have never happened, but that they have just imagined out of thin air, as true. This also happens to children. It's not enough to believe." Baron said.

"Well, it's possible, but it's better to believe it is there than to believe it is not. People still say that there are no ghosts in the world. As a result, aren't you standing here?"

"Uh... well, it makes sense."

"Go and check where the third grandfather and the man live, and who the other three ninety-year-olds are, right away! We need to visit them in a moment."



At 7:30 in the evening, those who have finished eating at this time should also have finished their dinner today, and it is not when they are sleepy. It is best to understand the situation at this time. In order to take care of the elderly, we will not invite them over, but Visit directly...

"Oh, so to speak, this mountain **** existed a long time ago."

After listening to the third grandfather's account, I nodded thoughtfully.

"Ah, yeah, according to the older generation, this mountain god, that was a long, long time ago, was it called... when did it come?"

"What you want to say is-ancient times? ancient times? prehistoric times?"

"Yes! That's what, in ancient times, ah, people are old and their brains are not working well. They said that they existed at that time. This mountain has been passed down from generation to generation, generation after generation, but the mountain **** has always Existence is just not showing up."

The three grandpa told the truth as if, and the man sitting on the pony, drinking from a tea mug, smiled and said, "Oh, three grandpas, mountain gods, etc. are all old legends, what is the age now? If you want to believe in science, how can there be any mountain gods? Besides, these mountains and forests have been developed smaller and smaller over the years. There are mountain gods, so why not worry?"

"Go! What do you know?!" Grandpa San heard him questioning himself and immediately reprimanded him, but the man didn't take it seriously, and continued to laugh, gently blowing the heat of the water.

"Okay, okay, old man, don't be angry, hey, this old man, depending on your style, isn't it someone who has been in the village all the time? Has this been developed outside?"

"Oh, yes, I usually go outside, do business, do some small business, and meet some people in the world. Isn't this only young? I just came back and stayed at home." The man replied.

"Oh-" I nodded, and thought for a while, if this is normal, what he said is indeed correct, but the problem is that this world is indeed a world of mana, mountain gods or something, really can’t Certainly not. Behind me, there are two ghosts, a system in my body, and an unreliable national teacher in another world. Last time I saw a dragon in Maoshan...

Now that the mountain **** has appeared, it is not very strange.

"Old man, you go on to say, in the words handed down from the older generation, what does the mountain **** look like?"

"What it looks like, I can remember it too clearly. He is tens of feet tall, enough to climb into the sky, covered in blue hair, and his face is like a ghost. Once angry, it will cause a flood! Very terrible!"

"This image... is strange, hey, do you know anything else?"

"Ah, I know, and..." The old man just wanted to say something, but he was hesitant to say something. He seemed to be worried about something. He lowered his head and whispered, "I can't say it, I can't Say it, or I will be punished by the mountain god, I can’t say it, I can’t say it.”

The third grandfather muttered, like a repeater, seeming to be afraid of something, but I found that although his eyes were flustered, they seemed to drift in the direction of the man with a higher frequency. some……

I thought for a while and said to the man: "Ah, sorry, can you go out first, I want to have a chat with this old man alone, okay?"

"Oh, oh oh oh, okay, I avoid it, you are the sir. If you say so, I will leave." The guy often goes out, obviously he has more awe of us people, he nodded and agreed as soon as I spoke , Took the tea mug and went out.

I watched the man go out, closed the door, and listened to the footsteps. I watched the old man again and said, "Old man, you have never wanted to say it, maybe it is because you have experienced something."

"What?!" The old man was shocked when he heard that, he raised his head all of a sudden, looked at me with burning eyes, shook his head slightly, and asked with a trembling voice: "You, how do you know."

When I saw this, I knew that I guessed it right, but at this time, of course I can’t tell him that I guessed it. That's so low-end. At this time, I have to stop him!

"Old man, I'm telling you, you should have heard of a profession called Tong Shen Ling Guan."

"Tongshen Lingguan?" The old man looked at me and repeated the term suspiciously.

I haven't heard it, I've never heard it! I made up this on the spot, and it's weird if he can hear it.

However, he never expected that at this moment, the old man said again: "Shen Lingguan, I know! Is it the legendary great mage who can communicate with the gods!"

...I, Nima, is this really true?

I felt that the world was not good at the time, so I just wrote it up, how could it really be there? But when I thought about it, I understood that after all, the elderly are old and their brains are not good enough. Just like children, such people are easily hypnotized. The specific manifestation is that they will insist that what they are thinking is right, and this is likely to be inconsistent with the truth.

It's like, I revisited the TV series when I was a kid and found that many of them were not up to the memory.

What I said just now is true, and I have said something in his heart before that, so he subconsciously believes me, then, what I said is true, it becomes a known thing Condition, the answer coming out under this condition, he will naturally think it is true. But... this known condition is false.

However, when he firmly communicated that the spiritual officer did exist, his memory would be confused. It was obviously a new thing, but it was mistakenly remembered as something he had heard before.

"Ah... yes!" What else can I do? Follow the instructions.

" are, that is..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he mutely) I said in a low voice, "My identity cannot be known by others, otherwise, terrible things will happen.

"Oh, oh, know, don't worry, I promise not to say."

"Okay, old man, as a spiritual officer, I need to communicate with various gods, but now many gods are sleeping, I am looking for them, if you really know the whereabouts of the mountain gods, please tell me, rest assured, by me I know, the mountain **** will not blame you, maybe he will reward you."

Lure, this one works best!

Sure enough, as soon as I said this, the old man's heart settled a lot, his expression became calmer, and he nodded.

"Well, now, we can talk frankly and frankly. When I find the mountain god, I won't forget to benefit you."

"Well, Lord Lingguan, I must know everything!"

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