Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 187: Childhood story

"When I was a kid, this forest is much larger than it is now. At that time, some of our children of the same age did not listen to family members and loved to run up the mountain. Especially, among our partners, there was an elder in the family who was a hunter. A group of people discussed it and followed him sneakily into the woods."

The old man believed my words and began to speak slowly.

"At that time, we thought that the hunter was in front of us anyway, and we could not get out of danger. As a result, we did not expect that the hunter suddenly encountered the prey and chased it. I was lost and lost in the woods. I could only walk blindly in the woods. Before I knew it, I went deep..."


Eighty years ago, a few urchins who were only teenagers followed the hunters into the forest, but they did not expect that their leg strength was completely inferior to the hunters who had been active in the forest all the year round. They were lost and lost their way. Able to walk blindly, but bad luck, the deeper he goes.

"I said, let's... can we still go out?" a child asked.

Of course, Mandarin was not popularized in this place at that time. They spoke in dialects, but in order to better understand them, they were automatically translated into words that were easier to understand.

"No, we didn't go far. As long as we keep walking, we will definitely be able to go back."

"But, but what if we are not walking the way we came? These things..." the child said, looking around the surroundings, "I don't even know."

"Uh..." The one who walked in the front, as if the leader, was also a little suspicious at this time, stopped, thought for a moment, and said: "It's okay! We didn't go far when we came, so we continued Going forward, if you always can’t go out, it means you didn’t go right, and you can go back then."

In fact, what he said is very reasonable, and in this environment and situation, it can play a role in calming people's hearts and eliminating fear. I have to say that this child is still somewhat capable of being the king of the kids.

However, the theory is the theory after all. If this is a maze or a simple forest, it is possible to do so, but the problem is that the forest 80 years ago is more dangerous than it is now. I don't know how many times it will be complicated!

It can be seen everywhere, there are rocks and ravines, as well as fallen trees, blocking the way. Therefore, there is no way for them to walk in only one direction, and there will not be only four fixed directions in the forest, southeast, northwest, or even eight. There are few, but that is a 360-degree path! After going around a few times, they forgot the direction.

Suddenly, I was even more confused.

But children, it’s really good to persuade them. There is no need to change a sentence. The sentence just now is enough to keep their spirits intact, but when they encounter a beast for the first time and are chased like a grandson , This thing fails...



It's a pity that because they went farther and farther, even the shouting that exceeded the normal decibel level didn't float out of the **** jungle, and didn't reach anyone's ears.

However, the luck of these children will not always be bad. After being chased by wild animals for a while, they finally escaped the danger and escaped the hunt. However, new problems also followed-they were completely lost.

"This...Where is this?!"

"It's scary here, we can't get out."


Several children had a mental breakdown at the time, and they all sat on the ground and started crying. At this time, my parents would come to see me, but this time, I only had a companion who was as miserable as I was crying.

After crying for a while, it was the kid king who came back first, looked at the people around him, and said: "Okay, don't cry, don't cry, we might attract wild beasts like this, don't cry anymore!"

His words are useful. The fear of beasts is greater than that of getting lost. When a few children heard this, their faces turned pale. They all covered their mouths and looked around vigilantly. Of course, it was fine. Something is up, can you wait till now?

"Let's go, there is no way to take it here, and..." The child raised his head and looked at the sky. Originally, there was less sunlight through the canopy. At this time, because of the passage of time, the movement of the sun became It's darker! "It's getting dark soon, we have to find a place to live."

As a result, the physically and mentally exhausted children continued to walk forward. Suddenly, when the figure swung past the tree and hung on a branch horizontally in the air, it seemed to be looking at them.

"The beast!" a child who was all around, shouted immediately.

"No, that's... a monkey!"

Everyone looked intently, isn't the smart figure hanging on the branch a little monkey?

In their eyes, things like wild beasts mainly refer to animals that can eat people, such as monkeys, which look a little nice, and at most they scratch you. They are not considered dangerous species, compared to "beasts". ", at best it is an "animal".

"I just heard of it, I haven't seen it yet, it's pretty pretty."

"I've seen it once, when I came with my dad, he said, don't provoke it, it's not dangerous." This is the main promoter who led them to this dangerous situation, the hunter's son .

"Go and see, go and see."

A group of people were in a desperate situation when they suddenly saw such a thing, as if they had spiritual sustenance, as if a drowning person saw a wooden board floating on the water, it is better than nothing if it can hold themselves. ! Hurry over!

A group of people rushed over immediately, and the monkey was shocked when he saw the scene. I go! What are you guys? Why are you running to me?

The monkey was so scared that he turned his head and ran, reverberating around the tree, and ran farther. A group of children ran after it, and as they ran, they lost their direction and the surroundings were getting darker and darker, but no one planned to stop, as if they would die as soon as they stopped.

But you will definitely not die if you stop, because when the monkey fell to the ground, entered a large rock and disappeared, they stopped, but nothing happened.

"Where is the monkey?"

"I don't know, it disappeared here, look, hey, this is... hey, look, there is a hole!"

A few children came over and took a look. Under the side of the big rock, there was a hole in the weeds two-thirds of the height of those children. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they had enough curiosity. I really can't find it when I go to probe!

"Really, is the monkey in this hole?"

"We seem to be able to go in this hole too. Should we go in to find a monkey?"

These children can enter the woods because they have the spirit of adventure. At this time, because of the attraction of monkeys, their curiosity has been awakened again.

But before they could react any more, there was a commotion in the cave again. A few people looked over and vaguely saw something dangling in it, and then, a hideous face, 呲Grinning rushed out!


Several children were taken aback and ran away immediately, but they fell down within a few steps. Looking back, one by one, one by one in the hole, countless monkeys came out of the hole with white hairs. Yes, there are yellow hairs, there are people with dirty soil that can’t see any hairs, and Wuyang Wuyang’s can’t be counted at all. There are some big and small, and some are bigger than the hole. I didn't know where I came from, and they came around from all directions.

Suddenly, at this moment, a dull footstep came over, and then there was another sound! One after another, a behemoth appeared in front of the group of children. Around, all the monkeys gave way.

Several children looked over, and they were scared to pee.

That monkey, no, it should be said to be an orangutan, but the characteristics and face are still the face of a monkey, and the figure is huge, at least in the eyes of those children, this is simply a giant! On his body, he had cyan hair that all monkeys didn't possess, and his face was hideous. It reminded them of the mountain **** in the old man's legend!

"Mountain...mountain god!"

"Quick, run! Otherwise, there will be a flood, quickly, the mountain **** is angry, the mountain **** is angry!"

Several children exploded with miraculous power at this moment. The innate power of survival filled their bodies and occupied their brains, causing them to get up and run uncontrollably!

At this moment, it seems that the feeling of influencing, no longer exists.

Later, they all went back safely. The monkeys didn't seem to have the intention of chasing them. Maybe it was just because they broke into their territory and just wanted to drive them out, or because the little monkey was frightened, parents Just come out to find a place.

They panicked and didn't choose their way, but instead ran in the direction of the village. At this time, because they were so late and couldn’t find them in the village, someone proposed to go to the woods. So all the hunters took shotguns, and there were dozens of middle-aged boys in the village, holding torches and holding The shovel and the iron fork went into the woods.

Dozens of torches illuminated a large area, and the children ran, seeing a glimmer of light, and ran over.


The old man had finished telling the whole story. Among them, there were many problems that I thought were problematic. I ticked a question mark and did not include it in the main story.

For example, when they saw the blue monkey starting to run away, he said that they heard the mountain **** speak, and remembered clearly, saying: "Dare to enter the mountain **** territory, you will die!"

This sentence, not to mention the unsatisfactory shouting, is just a simple thought, and I feel that it is full of secondary illness, and the mountain **** is speaking, shouldn't it be Wen Zou Zou's very domineering?

Therefore, I think that this sentence should also be a brain supplement. As a result, his memory has been biased and he mistakenly believes that this is true.

"Then, can you tell me who the others are? I want to ask too."

"Oh, oh, oh, I think about it, a lot of companions are already... ah! That, Zhao Lao Er is still there! It's at the east end of the village, you can find him, he is like me, he is over ninety years old ."

Oh-this is one of the other three ninety-year-olds, too, they are all this age, the same age, it is estimated that they are all...

"Sorry, I shouldn't say this, Zhao from the east of the village... Why did Liujiacun come out with the surname Zhao?"

"Well, in our village there are more people with the surname Liu, but there are other surnames.

"Oh, that's it, old man, thank you for your hard work, thank you, when I see the mountain god, I will definitely tell him, let him not blame you, rewards, there will be rewards."

"Yes, thanks Lingguan!"

"No need..." I waved my hand hurriedly. It was quite a psychological test to be a liar, and I had to be thankful for someone else, and I couldn't afford it.

After leaving their house and standing on the street, Baron stood beside me and asked in a low voice, "Sir, what shall we do now?"

"The four ninety-year-olds are all those, do you know?"

"Already known, very clear."

"Let's go, tonight, I have to visit all these old people."

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