Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 188: Beasts raid the village

After visiting the four ninety-year-olds, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. The old man sleeps early. If this is the young man in the city, this time is just like the evening. Sleeping in the early morning is the king! But the village used to go to bed early, especially for the elderly, so I couldn't bother and left early.

Among the four ninety-year-old old people, except for the first one, there is also the old man Zhao at the east of the village. The rest have not participated in the woods time, but they still know the legend of the mountain **** passed down by the older generation. The version, after all, is a legend, some details are different, everyone's words are different, but roughly the same.

I have also carefully thought about why the legend of the mountain **** has not been handed down. There should be two main reasons. One is because of the opposition to superstition, human thinking began to evolve, and some legends began to fade; second, it may be because of this incident. Up.

I think that those monkeys, even the blue one, can’t speak human words. What they say threatens to imagine out of thin air under fear, and because of the majesty of the mountain god, it might make They hear things like "Don't spread this thing out, or you will be punished".

As a result, because of this, this legend had a fault in their generation. Although they would still believe that there was a mountain god, they did not dare to tell others. This time, there was such a big incident, and I proposed that I still want to go to the forest, which made him speak out about the mountain **** in fear.

"Sir, what should I do now?" Baron asked.

"I don't know, the mountain god... why did he come out with a blue one again? Now this white-haired monster is enough for a headache. If these two things can be solved together, it would be better. Forget it, let's take a step and look at it. No matter what, you can’t go to Laise tonight. Hurry up and rest. You will set off into the woods tomorrow morning. You will arrange group patrols tonight and take turns to rest to prevent the monster from attacking the village at night."

"Yes! Also, do you need to hand Yin Kai to come here?"

" need, now there is only a white-haired monster here, maybe just a small bottle falling nearby like last time, what we are looking for is all the goods, don't contact them, let them continue to work That's it."

"Yes, sir."


At three o'clock in the morning, the people in Liujia Village all fell asleep. I lived in a temporary residence and ran the magic power in my body while sleeping, preparing for tomorrow's action. I don't need to meditate cross-legged like in TV dramas. I can live a normal life. Even if I sleep, my cultivation can continue. Not only that, enough sleep can also keep me in a good state of mind.

A group of members of the Shadow Army slept in a large room. At this time, ten people had woken up and were sorting their clothes and checking their weapons, because it was their turn to patrol soon. Originally, I wanted more people to patrol. Ten people to patrol a village seemed a little insufficient, but there was no way, so I took these people. In order to maintain my mental state, I had to take turns to rest. I had to do so in groups.

"At some point, they are coming back. The chief said that there should be no vacancies in the village. We must go out early and go." The captain straightened his hat, opened the door and walked out, beside him. Everyone also followed and walked out of the house.

This is indeed what I ordered. I want to ensure the safety of the village, but if you wait for a team to come back and send another team out, there will be a patrol vacancy for a period of time, and there may be danger. Therefore, I have to Prepare to remind them that when the first team has not returned, the other team will leave. but……


A scream cut through the sky and broke the silence of the early morning.

"What's the matter?!" I sat up from the bed all of a sudden, and rushed outside-in order to ensure that I can respond in time when an emergency occurs, I wear clothes when I sleep.

By his side, "Swish--" Two figures flashed, Baron and Lang Feng had already arrived by their side, their faces solemn.


"Don't ask me, hurry up and see what happened, and where are the people on patrol, go!"


The two figures flashed again, and they had disappeared.

Actually, my arrangement is reasonable, but it is really useless. Liujia Village is a big village, surrounded by mountains and a lot of woods. The monsters appear at random in one place, and there are only ten people on patrol, even if two teams appear together. Twenty people can't help it!

However, the people of the Shadow Army are not vegetarians. The interior should be unharmed and dangerous. It should be mainly the outer area.

Thinking like this, when I moved my body, the instant movement was immediately used with high frequency, and I ran towards the edge of the village...


"This is... the beast ran out! The beast ran out of the woods!"

On the outskirts of the village, in a family near the forest, an old woman fell on the bed in the bedroom. The sheets and quilt were already red. The woman's eyes widened, as if she had seen something terrifying. There was another, a middle-aged man, lying not far from the door of his house. It seemed that he wanted to escape, but he was caught up before he reached the door.

Many neighbors around had gathered here because of the commotion. The scars on the man and the old woman were obviously caught by the teeth of the beast, and it was clear who the murderer was. Those young people who had come to take the risk heard that there was a beast hurting people, and they all hurried over.

Because their companion had just passed away, they couldn't sleep at all. They were half asleep and half awake all night, and they would be awakened by the slightest movement of pancakes in bed, let alone such a screaming scream.

"It's them! No beast has ever come out to hurt people before, because of them, they have attracted the beast!"

The shouting was a young man who seemed to be in his twenties. He was also a relative of this family. Because of the New Year, every household in every household is a large number of relatives, and all the people outside the village have returned, but some Don't live in a courtyard.

This time, two of his elder relatives died, and the degree of anger can be imagined! And he was right about this. It hadn't happened before. It happened that after the expedition, except for this kind of thing, he couldn't find the beasts to pay for his life, so he could only vent his anger at them.

"What are you talking about? We are all to blame? Our companion is dead, why don't you say it?" The woman was unhappy at the time and shouted immediately.

"Okay, okay, why is it noisy? Stop shouting, calm down!"

The Shadow Army people blocked the two groups, and at the same time quickly sealed off the scene to investigate the situation. In the bedroom, I already used teleportation to enter in advance, came to the bedroom window, and carefully looked at the destroyed window frame.

Obviously, the thing came in through the window, because it is winter and the window is closed. Not to mention that the thing has no IQ, even if it has IQ, there is no way to open a locked window from the outside, so it only Able to rush in with violence, broken glass and damaged window frames scattered and spread most of the room.

In fact, the beds in the village were basically Kang beds, which were all built against the wall, so the thing rushed through the window and fell directly onto the bed. He raised his hand and got rid of the old woman first. Because the movement was too loud, it alarmed the man, but the monster didn't care at all, so he rushed out to double kill.

The man is not reckless, knowing he can't beat him, and wants to run out for help. Not only the neighbors but also the Shadow Army are outside, and it is safe to go out. But he couldn't keep up with the monster's speed. In the end, he was caught up from behind only a little bit from the door, and fell to the ground with one claw.

and then?

"Who of you saw that monster... beast?" I walked to the door and shouted.

"The beast...ah, I seem to see it!" One of the onlookers thought for a while and said.

"What does it look like? Where did you go? Where did you go?"

"Long look... it's too dark, I didn't see it clearly, it seems to be running through the door, going over there!" He said, pointing his finger in a direction.

"From the door..." I looked at the door and it was true that there were signs of damage. It might be because the door lock was too trash and it took too long. It crashed when hit, but it protected the door panel itself. , The door was opened normally, and the monster ran out, only the lock and a small part of the area were damaged.

"follow me!"

I yelled, directly used Taiming Step, and ran in the direction that the man was pointing, until I reached the outskirts of the forest. Behind me, Baron, Lang Feng, and other members of the Shadow Army followed quickly. , Came to me in no time.

"Strange, why are there no footprints?" I frowned as I looked at the snow on the ground.

Because there are few animals in the forest in winter, few hunters will go up to hunt in the mountains at this time. They suffer themselves and don’t get anything good. So the snow should be very clean. I thought that when the monster came, it would definitely get out of its footprints. It goes in and out of the woods, and its footprints should be very clear. You may find something if you follow the footprints, but I didn't expect my plan to fail.

"No, sir, look there!" Baron said, pointing to a place.

I looked at it and he was not referring to the ground, but the sky. When I looked closely, it was not the sky. He was referring to the branches that traverse the sky.

In the winter, the leaves are all gone, and the branches can be seen very clearly, and there is a lot of snow on them, but I found that on a branch almost directly opposite, there was a sudden loss of snow!

That kind of feeling, it's like a group of big and tall people standing in and a short person, looking up is nothing, but if you stand in a high place and look at it, you will see that among the crowd, that place is a little vacant. , Like a pit on the ground.

I set up Yukongshu and flew to the edge of the branch to take a look. Sure enough, from the traces, I could see how it looked like I was caught with my hand!

Looking up again, there are a lot of branches ahead. The snow on them looks like this, stretching all the way to the depths.

Could it be that...that monster was originally a monkey? !

Yeah! This makes it clear! A monkey monster came and attacked the house, because they like to move on trees, so there are no footprints on the ground, and the legendary mountain **** is also in the shape of a monkey!

It’s a pity that the person didn’t see the characteristics of this thing. As far as I know, there are two things here. One is the white-haired monster, which was seen by the explorer. It is true. The other is a monkey. , A green-haired one eighty years ago...should have died early now, but it is not ruled out to have offspring. Which one of them is the one who came this time?

Wait, there is another explanation, they are the same! The cyan monkey happened to pick up the bottle, and the cyan hair became white.

This also makes sense, and, this way things are simple, two things can be solved in one go!

"Shadow Army Elite Squad!"


"Immediately, follow me into the woods!"


"Sir!" Baron called immediately. "It's only three o'clock in the morning, this time is good for them!"

"I know, but I can't wait anymore. I waited before because I thought they would not take the initiative to come out, but now they can't. We can't just defend, we must attack!"

"Then we will be together."

"No!" I stopped. "You and Lang Feng stay, the contact area between this village and the forest is too big! I took away the elite team, leaving only a team to protect, I still don't worry, I can rest assured with you, those things are beasts, They are more flexible in the woods than we are, and the village’s risk factor will increase! Since I am here, I must be responsible for the safety of this village, and you must protect this place."


"Don't worry," I said. "We can still connect with each other, can't we? Besides, I have a talisman."

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