Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 190: Whereabouts of the goods

"Be careful! The big boss is coming out!" I looked at the direction where the powerful aura appeared, and shouted to the shadow army members behind me, flipped my left hand, and flew a monster closest to me, holding the Thunderbolt. The hammer's right hand tightened again.

In the darkness, the two red lights flashed suddenly, their size was a circle larger than the eyes of the rest of the monsters, and the height was a bit higher. From these small details, you can roughly guess the monster's figure. Up. Moreover, when this product appeared, all the white-haired monsters around me who had been staring at me suddenly stopped, and there seemed to be a trace of panic on their faces.

Most beasts live in groups, and since they are a group, there must be a leader, such as wild wolf or buffalo, there are kings, and obviously, among these monsters, there are also leaders.

"Is that cyan monkey coming out?" I looked at the big monkey monster that had begun to show its outline, and said to myself.

From the beginning of the battle, I discovered that these monsters are thinner and have agile movements. If the prototype must be an animal that can appear in the forest, then it can only be a monkey. It seems that my wish has come true. These two things It's really a thing, save trouble.

On the other side, the monkey monsters that originally surrounded the Shadow Army elite squad all retreated. On their side, a monkey monster similar in size to mine appeared.

"Huh?" I took a closer look at the figure of the monster, and compared it with the one on my side. The figure was actually similar. What happened?

The gregarious beasts often cannot tolerate two tigers. When these two guys appear at the same time, there is a feeling of similar status. This is absolutely impossible! Could it be said that... neither of them are kings, but just middle-level leaders? !

It seems that there is only this kind of explanation that can explain the current situation, but...

I looked at these two monsters. They were strong in stature, their muscles looked very strong, and they could stand up to about one meter and six meters tall. They are almost human! Putting this kind of figure into a human being is not to be underestimated. If such a guy can't be counted as a monkey king, then how strong is a real king!

"Everyone, this guy is not the Monkey King. I don't know how many monsters of the same powerfulness exist, and I don't know if there are other levels of existence between them and the Monkey King. When you start, judge for yourself and you must be aware of it!" I couldn't look away from the monkey monster in front of me, but shouted to the people behind me.

"Understood, sir!" The people behind the Shadow Army replied one after another, holding the magic weapon tightly, and the magic light on the hands that couldn't use it, the colors flowed.

"Roar--!" At this moment, the monkey monster in front of me suddenly yelled, moved his feet, and leaped towards me at a speed completely incompatible with its body, raised his right hand high, and slashed his claw. !

However, my speed is not overshadowed. Taiming step plus instant movement, it is not an ordinary thing that can catch up with me, flashed directly to the side, and escaped the monster's claw, turned around and hit directly with a hammer. Past!


I swiped it with this hammer. Although it was trying its best to avoid it, it still did not completely hide. It was hit in the left arm with a hammer, and there was a burst of thunder and explosion, followed by a loud noise, and it flew out directly.

"Kacha--!" The monkey monster broke three big trees and fell heavily on the ground without any delay. As soon as it landed on the ground, it climbed up and rushed over again!

Sure enough, the higher the physical fitness before becoming a monster, the higher the physical fitness and various abilities after becoming a monster. This monkey should have been a fighting monkey among monkeys before, and after becoming a monster, it is completely different from those creeps. After taking me a hammer, my actions are still so agile!

Between the lightning and flint, the monkey monster had already rushed back. This time, I didn’t slam myself and hammer, but immediately covered my whole body with ice armor and turned into an iceman, directly covering my chest with my arms. Before, he kicked his feet and rushed directly!

The monster had already calculated it, so he waved his claws next to me and hit me directly. But at this time, I rushed forward. The monster didn't react at all. At this time, it was too late to swing his arm and slash. At the speed of the two of us, we are walking towards each other again, shortening the distance by nearly half in just an instant, and leaning together in an instant. Its wave of arms is no longer a threat to me.

When its right arm was swung down, I was already in front of it. As soon as I lifted my left arm, I directly pushed it up with the elbow covered by ice armor, just hitting its upper right arm, which was already hard. Under the blessing of the ice armor, the elbow directly against its right arm muscles, pressed down, and hit its arm.

At the same time, my right arm had hit its chest, and the conflict of powerful forces immediately stabilized both of us. Of course, in this case, I used Taimingbu naturally. It is easier to stabilize its footsteps than it is. When it is not standing still, directly swipe down with its right arm, and the hammer of thunder hit its lower abdomen directly!

Of course, the raging thunder force hurts not only the lower abdomen, but also...

On the other side, the monster's fate was even worse. I was fighting one by one on my side, but gang fights on the other side! Although some people were wary of the mobs around and didn't use their full strength, they still wanted to fight more! It was still the monster who suppressed the monster with the full strength of the stick, the Thunder attribute mage gave full power, and the double-sword mage focused on its bottom plate, instantly knocked it down, and attacked with a fierce attack. The white hair all over his body was scorched and turned into black.

I took a look at the battle over there, and it seemed that I didn’t need to worry about it. It turned out to be an elite squad. It was just a matter of peace of mind, so I was relieved.

At this moment, the monster had just been hit hard and had no ability to resist. It was hit by me in the center of the left temple, and he flew out and fell to the ground. There was no more struggle, only the convulsions of electric shock.

"Cut, it's nothing great!"

On the other side, the Shadow Army people left from the side of the monkey monster's corpse and once again formed a circle, back to back, staring at the little monsters around.

But at this moment, another feeling rose in my heart, and there seemed to be a lot of the same breath as the one just now.

"What's the situation? Are you going through the game? Everyone!" I shouted immediately.

Those people obviously also found that the surrounding situation was not right. The weak white monkey monsters that were still densely surrounded do not know when they have lost more than half, and the rest are slowly receding and gradually disappearing. In the darkness, at the same time, more powerful beings are approaching.

"Sir, what should I do?" The Shadow Army with the stick asked me while looking around warily.

"These things are wise, and there are a lot of them, and there are obvious levels of differentiation. If we continue to stay here, there will be no end. These things are not necessarily of which level. They use lower monsters to consume us first. The physical strength and mana, we will become passive when we are truly advanced, and we must leave here!"

I looked at the figures of more and more monsters, looked up at the trace on the tree branch, followed the trace and chose a direction, weighed the hammer in my hand, and shouted: "I'll go ahead and follow me. !fast!"

After finishing speaking, I waved my right hand directly, and threw the thunder hammer directly, and it fell to the ground!

In an instant, the hammer of thunder turned into a thunder epee, carrying a strong thunder power, and slammed straight in that direction!

And the next moment I threw the hammer out, I had already displayed the Taiming Step, a little bit under my feet, and rushed out directly. Behind me, the elite squad of the Shadow Army also responded quickly. Live around and avoid those monsters taking the opportunity to attack.

Sure enough, the strength of these monsters was not strong, and they did not dare to hold on to the powerful aura of the fall. They evaded one after another, and a path was immediately opened in front of them.

However, they do have IQs. We can see that we are going to run. Except for the few monsters directly in front, they evade in order to avoid the falling edge. In other directions, they all rush to this side immediately, from behind. And the side wall came up.

However, we are all prepared. The thunder-attribute mage continues to manipulate the thunder flying sword. The double-sword mage uses both left and right hands to reflect the sky in red and blue. There is also a fire-attribute mage that ejects flames from both palms, like The flamethrower pushed them back one after another.

As for me who rushed to the forefront, because both hands were already empty at this time, it was more convenient to cast spells. Using both hands together, the storm finger flew toward the surrounding monsters like fireworks. In an instant, the surrounding monsters all stopped when they approached us. No monster can approach us, and the power of the fall is strong, and because there is nothing to stop it from moving forward, it has never moved forward. The road out is getting longer and longer!

But the only problem is that because this is a forest, there are many trees in front of them. In the process of falling down, they knocked down all the poor trees! Moreover, when these trees fell, they ran into a tree next to them that shouldn’t have suffered in the direction of advancement, and knocked them all over. Some trees were broken because they were too thin. , Fell to the ground.

I followed it and tried to find the traces on the branch, but the branches were originally countless roots running together. Looking at it so quickly, it was too messy and I couldn’t understand it, not to mention that these trees were hit. , Let alone see! After a while, I couldn't find those traces.

We... lost.

"Damn it!" I cursed secretly, stopped, and watched the falling fall continue to fly away, hit more trees, and finally disappear into the darkness.

No matter how much the motivation is, it can’t be endless. I know this thing will not last long and will not have much impact. The biggest problem now is that we don’t know where to go.

"Sir!" The elite squad behind him also chased after me, gathered around me and looked around vigilantly.

"Be careful, it's estimated that it's going to the innermost part here. If you come out, it's estimated that there will be high-level monsters, stronger and more intelligent. The Monkey King... should also appear."

I looked around. Suddenly, as far as my sight was, there was a lot of current remaining in the air because of the passing of the fall. It was crackling and shining, as if a fiber channel appeared, and the current was flashing light and dark. Below, I saw something.

"That's... hurry up, come with me!" I hurried over, and the elite squad behind me also hurriedly followed, and arrived there together. Soon, the thing appeared in front of us in its entirety.

"this is……"

"Sir, we found it!"

What we saw before our eyes was a cubic wooden box nearly one person tall. One side had been broken, and there was still a weak electric current on it. That was because the flow fell just past.

However, this is not important. What is important is that although a small part of the things written on the box are damaged due to damage, according to the rest, they can still correspond to the information. This is the lost goods!

"I found it. All the goods are here. They were picked up by these monkeys. Please contact Yin Kai and ask them to come!"


Everyone was ecstatic, and immediately went to contact Yin Kai. I was also in my heart and wanted to talk to Balong through the system. But immediately, the smiles on our faces froze.

Because we can't reach them anymore, there seems to be an invisible force here, which has blocked all signals, including my mobile phone and the communication capabilities of the upgraded system.

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