Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 191: Daguai Breakthrough

"Sir, we can't reach them anymore, what should I do?"

"Don't worry!" I waved my hand and looked around. Some powerful auras have already appeared here. I don't know how much stronger than the ones I met before. It seems that those higher-level guys are about to appear!

"This thing is here, and the entrance of the cave is where the monkeys gather. Then, this thing is definitely not too far away from the entrance of the cave! Find it quickly, the old man said that the entrance of the cave is near a big rock, look for the stone!"


"Don't disperse too far, there are high-level monsters here, and look for them. As long as I find them, I will have a completely safe way to protect you, and I can take back all the scattered goods! Act now!"

My idea is that as long as I find those goods, even if it is surrounded by monsters, as long as I use the amulet, I will break the game immediately! At that time, kill monsters, protect teammates, and recover goods.

"Sir, look there, is it that!" a member of the Shadow Army pointed in a direction and said, I followed the direction of his finger, and sure enough, not far from there, a big rock was lying there.

"Are you going to check it out, go!"

As soon as I finished speaking, suddenly at this moment, a dark shadow appeared on both sides of "Swish-!"

"heads up!"

My eyes shook, and a white-haired monkey monster about 1.8 meters tall had appeared right in front of me, and it claws off!

When it was said that it was too late, I greeted it with a bright palm with my right hand, trying to fly the monster out, but the next moment, I was shocked by the scene before me.

The light palm, which had never been unprofitable, has lost this time!

The monkey monster slashed down with one claw, and it happened to be opposite to my right palm. In an instant, the fire was shining and the golden light was splashing! It was like cutting off a fluorescent tube with a knife, and one claw did not hurt me at all, but at the same time, the golden light in the bright palm of my palm disappeared.

This claw broke my bright palm directly!

And there is more than one such powerful monster at this time! In other words, we didn't end it by killing it. Moreover, such a strong one is not yet the Monkey King.

On the other side, another monkey monster of the same level had already found the elite team. A pair of sharp claws flew up and down, forcing them to retreat again and again. One of them was a little slow to retreat and was swept away by the wind blades swept by the claws. , The lottery is already hanging.

"Be careful, let the one with the magical weapon stand up first!" I reminded out aloud, and at the same time, I saw from the corner of my eye, at this moment, two monsters actually rushed out, the aura from their bodies , No different from these two!

Four! There are four such strong guys now! Moreover, it is swarming, around, in the darkness, there may not be more, what the **** is this place?

The charm of that bottle turns creatures into monsters and makes them stronger. But it also depends on their physique when they are not monsters. These four things are the strongest existence I have ever encountered. ! Moreover, compared with the two human monsters and the dog monsters that have appeared so far, when they become monsters, although their bodies have become larger, they are not much bigger. Then these few... how to explain?

From the point of view of body curve and flexibility, these four are definitely the right monkeys, but this one is... one meter eight, and the minimum is one meter six before transforming. Is this a normal monkey?

"It seems that there is still a problem. Is there really a mountain god? How come these things grow so big?!" I frowned, muttering to myself, moving for a moment, and behind one of the monsters, there was another one. The palm of the hand is over!

But just when I was about to hit it, the guy moved without knowing how to do it. When he shook his body, he disappeared in place. I hit the empty place with my palm. Before I could take it back, the monster went again. A flash came to my side, a claw slashed, and I took my right arm out!

But I am not a simple little person. The ice armor on my right arm was covered in an instant, and my elbow buckled, blocking the monster's attack abruptly.

However, the price of this one is also extremely high. The power of this monster is not comparable to those of the previous ones. With one claw, my ice armor was directly smashed! Debris of cold ice was flying in the sky. If I hadn't deliberately controlled the angle when I hit it, I would have been injured.

But the effect is also very obvious. After this collision, the monster's right arm also fell into a short-term stagnation state.

At this moment, my heart moved, and I directly used the instant movement to come to the other side of it, flicking a trick to deceive its left claw, and then flashed to the top of it, and pointed the sword directly!

This time, it wasn't the storm, it was Feng Mingjian!

The invisible Qi sword made by Gang Feng swept through countless wind blades, shot from my fingertips, and instantly penetrated into the monster's right eye!

The previous battle has shown that the weakness of this thing is its eyes, so in this case, in order to make a quick fight, you must directly attack its eyes!

The police officer’s gun pierced the monster’s eyes, but it didn’t hurt the monster’s life. Actually, the main reason was that the force of the pistol bullet was basically straight, only acting in the front. My Fengming Sword is not like that. It is a conical skill!

As long as it enters its eye sockets, the wind blade surrounding the invisible Qi sword will immediately damage its brain tissue. I don't believe that it can really withstand that kind of diffuse attack!

On the other side, the two new monsters directly pointed the finger at the elite squad of the Shadow Army! Maybe they have seen it too. In terms of personal strength, I am stronger than each of them, and even two or more people combined may not be able to beat me! But the problem is that these ten of them are well-trained and cooperate with each other, which together is a big threat.

Therefore, when the two monsters came out, they had already made a scrutiny, letting that monster contain me, and the two of them would work together to help this one, and kill the members of the elite team first, even if only kill them. One or two of them are fine, as long as they can break their formation.

However, they didn't expect that I would be able to end the battle so quickly, and a Fengming sword destroyed the brain tissue of the monster, moved in an instant, and came directly to the elite team.

"Roar--!" The three monsters surrounded us, let out a roar that shook the sky, waved their arms, slashed their claws, and forced them towards us at the same time!

We are one person, divided into three groups, each dealing with a monster in front of us. The man with the stick faced a monkey monster, held the long stick with both hands, and directly pushed it over, barely blocking one of the monster's claws, but was unable to do other actions. But fortunately, there are companions around him. He just lowered his head, behind him, the fire-attribute mage raised his hand, and a line of fire rushed straight past!

However, the monster’s movements are indeed very flexible. One dodges and slams into it directly from the side, smashing everyone away. It actually tears apart the formation of several people. The attribute mage slashed over!

"Head down!"

When it was critical, there was a sharp shout. The person was obviously familiar with the voice. He knew that his companion had come to help. He didn't need to think about why he had to bow his head and just did what he said. And the next moment, a flying axe flew over from the position just behind his head.

The monster slashed with this claw, originally rushing to the person's head, but at this moment, he suddenly lowered his head, and almost at the same time, an axe flew over and directly hit the monster's sharp attack. Above the claws!

"Clang! Boom!"

After the sound of metal collision, there was another dull crackling sound, and the monster's heavy claw was hit directly!

And the axe, after hitting the monster's claws, returned the same way, flew past, and landed in the hands of one person.

The four people holding the magic weapon mentioned earlier, the stick holding and the double swords performance are more colorful, while the other two, one holding a double axe and the other holding a short sword, have not much performance.

But the reason for not being outstanding was different. The one who took the double axe was because of the magic weapon. It was too simple and unpretentious. If it weren't for me to feel the flow of mana on it, I might have regarded this as an ordinary weapon. As for the one with the sword, his sword attack power is not strong, mainly for containment and control. It is an auxiliary player, so it is easy to be ignored.

But at this moment, I finally met that person and understood the power of the pair of sharp axes.

The pair of swords does not have any attributes, in other words, its attributes are power! Pure power, there is extremely strong energy in it, and it can even fly the claws of that kind of monster directly!

After that, he turned around and threw the axe in the other direction. There was another monster there, which had already caused problems for the members of the Shadow Army facing him.

His position in this battle is that of a mobile combatant. Wherever there are difficulties, he will go to rescue!

On the other side, I stood in front of the two elite team members, smiling at the white-haired monkey monster in front of me, while the latter had a violent face. When one claw was cut off, I was about to cut the top of my head.

I didn’t panic, and raised my arms, the ice armor was fully covered, and I pushed it up directly, blocking the claw, but of course, the power of this claw also turned the newly formed ice armor into a pile. Fragments of ice, falling down.

But at this moment, a blue light flashed behind me, and a azure blue knife light passed under my feet. The icy debris falling in the sky seemed to have received some instructions after encountering this blue light, and they turned towards me. Converged in one direction and flew to the monster's bottom plate together!

The monster also discovered the danger of this thing, and just wanted to escape, but it was no longer able to do it. There seemed to be a ghost and a black shadow around it, like a big net, tightly restrained. Lived its action.

Of course, this thing can only hold him back for a short while, but this is enough, the master moves, a momentary deviation can affect the battle!

The blue light flashed, and the monster's legs that hadn't had time to leave the ground were instantly sealed by countless ice, like a shackle, fixing it in place, and the next moment, a flame of blade light struck instantly, straight Split his eyes.

On the other side, the monster whose right claw was flew by an axe flicked because of the backward force, and almost fell over. He could only struggle to stabilize his figure. At this time, the wizard with the stick had already rushed to the front. , The long stick in his hand was like a dragon going out to sea, and seven or eight afterimages were thrown out in a row, quickly hitting its chest, abdomen and jaw.

His stick, called the "squeezing magic stick", has a strong ability to suppress the evil spirits. The previous few times suppressed monsters because of this attribute. At this time, this attribute was fully utilized, and the top of the stick, like acupuncture point Dafa, completely suppressed the monster.

And the next moment, a small thunder sword whizzed out, quickly attacking the deadly acupuncture points on its body. This was supposed to be a way to deal with evil cultivation of humans, but now they are facing monkey monsters, but they think it should be useful.

The wizard with the thunder attribute manipulated the small sword, and after hitting the acupuncture points on its body, he directly retracted the small sword, slammed his palm forward, and launched a ***!

At the same time, the fire mage also used the palm of fire. The two powers merged together and hit its abdomen together.

Thunder and fire have been the elements of righteousness that can restrain demons the most since ancient times!

The two forces blended together and burst out with amazing destructive power! The monster looked up to the sky and roared, and the acupuncture points on his body had just been hit by a stick and a sword. Balls of blood blossoms dyed the world in front of several people red! And that monster, also in this red patch, fell down.

On the other side, the wizard holding the metal broken sword used the attributes of the magic weapon and the help of his companions to restrain the monster's actions, instantly! The two axes flew by and hit the monster's arms directly. Its power was so powerful that it smashed its arms and threw it back.

"Crack!" Two clear bone cracks came. It should be a monster made of copper and iron, and it broke both arms at once!

And the next moment, the sword-wielding mage jumped up and cut it down with a sword! Between the golden lights, there was a golden sword mark on the monster's neck.

And right in front of me, this monster was cut in the eyes by the flame knife light, and the power of the flame swept into its brain. He only struggled for a while before losing his life and falling back to the ground.

On his body, the entangled black shadow disappeared, and an elite team member appeared beside it out of thin air, his face was a little pale, and he was gasping for breath.

Just now, if he hadn't tried his best to contain the monster with his spells, that knife would really not hit it!

The three-way battle ended almost at the same time! The three powerful monsters have fallen to the ground one after another. There is no such powerful aura anymore around, and only the low-level monsters that have fought against them before.

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