Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 192: Into the cave

"Is it over?" I looked around and stared at this place, but because I knew I couldn't beat us, there was a large group of low-level monsters that never came forward, muttering to myself.

But immediately, I overturned my previous hypothesis: "No, it's not that simple. There is...there is a dangerous guy on the scene."

As I said, I cast my eyes on the boulder.

"It seems we have found the right one."

"Sir, what shall we do? Shall we go now? But these outside..." The mage with the stick held the stick in both hands, guarding the surrounding monsters, whispered.

"They are indeed a problem. In that battle, whoever was injured, no matter how big or small, please speak up! Also, Li Jianyun, you just used too much mana and you must rest!"

Li Jianyun was the one who made a big net with black shadows to contain the monster. That spell was originally mana-consuming, and it was the monster that was used to contain it, which made the mana storage that was not wealthy even worse...

"Sir, Jiang Wei has injured his abdomen and he just repaired it with his force, but his blood is very low and he cannot do too much exercise. And Xu Yunting..."

"I'm fine!" The mage named Xu Yunting immediately interrupted when he heard his name. "I just hurt my hand, and I was only injured by the wind blade's remaining power when the monster swung its claws. The wound is not big, it is completely healed!"

Just now, it was precisely because he was injured before the latter two monsters appeared, so when the eleven of us dealt with the three monsters separately, we all deliberately kept him behind.

"Okay! Now the outside of this cave is almost no threat to us. Inside the cave, there is the strongest monkey king among the known enemies. The rest, I don’t know what the enemy is. Yes, someone must be guarded outside, Zhou Zhu, you take someone to stay outside, first to help us look after the hole, and second to protect the wounded."


Zhou Zhu is the mage with the stick. The performance of the few of them just now is the best. If you want to divide the troops, he is the most suitable!

"Jiang Wei, Li Jianyun, Xu Yunting, you three must stay on top. I don't know the underground environment, but it must be very complicated. Regardless of the size of the injury, it will definitely affect the bottom, so stay on top."

"I..." Xu Yunting wanted to say something else.

"Obey orders!" I interrupted him immediately.

"I...Yes!" Xu Yunting had no choice. As the officer, what I said and the orders I gave were absolute and had to be followed.

"And you, you, and you, stay on it together, protect the wounded, protect the cave entrance, I will go down this time, with only three people."

I had thought that otherwise, I would go down alone. Ten of them would be able to exert their greatest strength. The strongest soldiers would be greatly weakened once they were too scattered. Anyway, I have a talisman, so I am not afraid of danger at all. When the time comes, I will have the power at level 92, even if the true mountain **** comes, I am not afraid!

However, I later thought about it. This amulet can be used as a last resort, but it must not be used indiscriminately. This time, I will not save my life. I have to find those goods. It is best to find out the so-called "mountain god" What is going on with those overgrown monkeys.

In short, this is a complicated process...

Although my amulet is powerful, the problem is that the time is short and the cooling down is long. And it is my second personality that controls that power, which is my previous life. Although sometimes I am obedient, my temper is different. I really don’t. Know what he can do! For example, last time, when he locked the demon tower, he unexpectedly beat all the monsters in the entire tower capriciously. The ghost knew what else he could do!

Therefore, when the means are okay, but it’s impossible to give it all to him. Going down alone, I don’t know what’s tricky in this environment. It actually makes my perception ability decrease, and the closer I get to the central area, the more it decreases. The obvious problem lies in the underground nest. If there is a sneak attack or other emergencies, what should I do if I can't handle it.

If you can’t cope with it, your life will be in danger, and once your life is in danger, the passive state of the amulet will be activated. When the time comes, the thing is not over, the product comes out, and your brain gets hot again. Hit it again, and then, regardless of the Shadow Army, regardless of the cargo, go straight away, what should I do? !

Bring a few people down and help me.

Of the ten people, three were wounded and out of strength. Four people including Zhou Zhu were left to protect them. Only three people were left following me in the cave.

Of the four people holding the magic weapon, none of them were injured, only the one holding the metal dagger followed me. Zhou Zhu will no longer explain the remaining three, and the remaining two, their magical tools can only exert their maximum power on a wide area like the ground, so let's stay here.

But it's okay, I also brought down the thunder-attribute mage, plus the metallicity of the dagger has extremely strong containment and penetration capabilities, it's enough!

"I'll leave it to you, let's go down." I stood at the edge of the hole, turned my head and said to Zhou Zhu and the others. After seeing Zhou Zhu and the others nodded and showed affirmative eyes, I turned my gaze again. , Looking at the dark hole.

I can't figure out what's in the cave, no, or I can't figure out everything about this wood, it must be weird.

"Let's go." I murmured, and I jumped straight forward and jumped into the hole!

This hole was originally small in the story eighty years ago, but maybe the monkey's body became bigger and bigger, and the hole was expanded. Thanks to this, we were able to enter this hole.

"Be careful, pay attention to the lighting!" I was the first to come down, and the cave was pitch black, so I immediately reminded them.

The three people jumped down right after me. The first one was the mage with the lightning attribute. After being cut off by the mage with the dagger, he immediately took out the flashlight and prepared for lighting.

At this time I have already landed. The depth of this hole is about the height of the third floor of an ordinary residential building. With the weight of a person, I will land as soon as I jump down. Before the last person starts to jump, I will be there.

But at this moment, the originally dark cave suddenly burst into light! It is not the light of a flashlight, that kind of thing can only achieve linear lighting, but now, it is comprehensive!

"Be careful!" I shouted immediately, and at the same time, I felt that there were many auras of different strengths around me. I quickly turned my head, and there was already a vast expanse of whiteness in front of me!

This whiteness is not the color of the wall, but it is not the wall. It should be said that it is the soil of the earth. Because they build houses underground, they call it the wall. Because the light is yellow, I don’t know. The original color of this mud wall. However, now is not the time to care about it...

At this time, the three people also fell down. Just now I wanted to use a flashlight to light up. Suddenly, all the lights below were on. At that time, the mood was discontinuous. For a while, I was a little confused. As a result, I saw it again, and the cold sweat came down!

In front of me, I can’t count them. There are white monkey monsters standing next to each other. There are big, small, fat, thin, tall, and short...Although they are uneven, they look Ten points are twisted, but now is not the time to pay attention to this. So many monkeys surround the four of us directly! Among them, there are no lack of existences that are as powerful as the four just outside!

I also saw this scene with a numb scalp, how come this is a dead end!

But it's very strange. Those guys just stared at us with their **** eyes, but didn't do anything. I could feel the strong killing intent on them, but they still didn't act.

This is different from the ones outside. They see our strength because they are afraid of powerful creatures. They are like a warlike wolf. Even if it desires to fight any more, it will provoke a tiger. ?

But these guys are different. They don't have that feeling of fear, but there is a sense of uncomfortableness, as if... someone suppressed it!

At this moment, perhaps to verify my guess, the monsters directly in front of us moved as if something was squeezing from behind, and then we saw them separated on both sides, one looks aged. When the monkey came out, he actually anthropomorphized it with a walking stick!

Attention, this is a monkey! Not a monster!

The hair is the brownish-yellow color of an ordinary wild monkey, the eyes are not red, the teeth are not barking, and the small paws are also normal. Moreover, because of their old age, they are not as good as ordinary monkeys.

All in all, it's ordinary, and it doesn't look dangerous at all.

But none of us put down our vigilance, because the aura radiating from this body is much stronger than those!

Moreover, judging from the performance of those white-haired monkey monsters, this monkey has a superb status! That is the existence of the leader, so many monsters, who are subdued by it, you say it is a war five scum, then someone would believe it!

We are still vigilant, worrying about whether this product will suddenly go into trouble. According to the routines in the animation, the older people are very powerful. But at this moment, the monkey actually made an operation that shocked all of us!

It... talks about it!

"Several guests, the hospitality is not good, the courtesy is not enough, please forgive me." The old monkey said with a smile, leaning on the simple walking stick that was picked up directly from the ground.

I really haven’t seen a monkey’s smiling face before. I didn’t expect that I would have met it in my life, but... it’s too scary!

"You..." I was stunned when I looked at the talking monkey, especially since this guy was very polite, and it made me wonder what to do. If I just say "what are you looking at" , I can still start the fight directly to relieve my shock, but now I can only froze.

"It's a distinguished guest, please inside, Lord Shanshen is waiting for you." The old monkey said again, and then turned around, the white-haired monkey monsters scattered around one after another, giving way to the inside. The old monkey stood aside, bending down slightly, with a respectful look.

"Sir, what should I do?" Several members of the Shadow Army had never seen this scene, all at a loss, and asked me.

My heart said that I have seen it? But he couldn't drop the price on the face, and said calmly: "Let's see the situation first, and act accordingly."


"Sir wise!"

Several people slapped up the flattery at the right time, and I stepped forward, walked through the corridor made up of white monkeys and monsters, and came to the other side of the space.

Only when I came here did I see the layout of this place. It was like a labyrinth. In this space alone, there were five doorways, and further down, I don’t know how many branches there are. If it was another animal or someone who came in, it wouldn't be clear after a few years. Moreover, there are so many monkeys in it, and it may be belching without taking two steps.

The old monkey walked to one of the five aisles, made a "please" gesture again, and looked at us with a smile.

I walked to it, frowned, and asked: "Who are you? Who is the mountain god?"

The old monkey looked at me with an expression of Bubo Gu Jing: "I am the servant of Lord Mountain God, and Lord Mountain God is the patron saint here."


I sighed. Isn’t this the same as if I didn’t say it? If you want to put something in the mouth of this old fritters, it’s better to start a fight, no way, let’s follow it now, at least if there is a monster-like monkey here , Maybe, there is still room for negotiation.

I looked ahead, the road that I didn't know where to go, then looked at the old monkey next to me and the three people behind me, and finally made a "reassured" expression to them, turned my head, and walked over.

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