Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 193: See mountain god

On the underground trail, a group of four of us took a monkey, ah no, the four of us were led by the monkey and walked all the way. In the middle, almost every minute or tens of seconds, there would be a fork in the road, or even two. One, looking over, it's all black gurgling.

I also took a closer look at why there are lights where we walked. That’s because the walls here are covered with paper symbols for lighting. There will be one every few steps, just like pressing a bunch of corridor lights. Of course Bright!

However, these paper talisman have been invisible, and only when we walk by will a faint outline appear, and emit light to illuminate the surroundings.

Moreover, these things should be like sound-controlled lights or temperature sensors. They will only light up when we pass by. When we walk past, they will fail and plunge into darkness. But I have to say that in this way, the life of these paper symbols will be extended, and the replacement time can be extended and the replacement frequency can be reduced.

I looked back, and behind me, three members of the Shadow Army lined up. Because the path is not wide, only two people can walk on it. Just go directly one by one, and avoid being directly surrounded. Beyond that, a long distance in the empty space, and beyond the scope of the illuminated paper talisman, it was dark and indistinguishable.

However, there was no breath of creatures there, and it seemed that the white monkey monsters did not follow, and it should be safe for the time being.

"Sir, do you still have some concerns?"

The old monkey suddenly spoke in front of me startled me, scared me turned my head and stared at it nervously, but the guy didn't seem to care about anything, and continued to walk forward without even turning his head back.

Didn't turn my head back... Do you know my actions?

"No, no." I replied in a calm and calm tone.

"That's good," the old monkey said. "Master Shanshen may not like nervous and nervous people. When you see Master Shanshen later, remember not to be nervous and just talk normally."

Talking normally...A strange monkey who asks me to drink tea, can I talk to it normally? A normal big watermelon!

"Speaking of now, I don't quite understand, your... Lord Mountain God, why on earth is looking for me?"

The old monkey in front heard these words, stopped suddenly, turned his head, looked at me with a puzzled face, and said, "Couldn't some of you come here uninvited first?"


It seems, nothing is wrong!

"Ahem, don't talk about this, there is one more thing I am curious about, why you can talk." I was embarrassed for a while, and quickly changed the subject.

The old monkey also turned back and continued to walk. As he walked, he said, "Well, didn't humans evolved from us? Our body structures are similar, so it is possible for us to learn human words. , Besides, there are animals that can speak human words, isn’t it the parrot."

"Parrots are simply learning tongues, just because the place responsible for the sound is like us, but they don't understand the meaning of those words, they just imitate them, and you seem to know what these words mean."

"Well, I think it's very normal. As long as I get some tips, and I happen to have some luck, I was born with some small talents. Here, I am not the only one who can talk."

The old monkey said, and laughed a little, as if he was very proud of it.

It is happy, it is proud, I don't think so. If I put it in the past, I would definitely think this is a fantasy, but now, as long as I see this kind of grass surpass the scope of the animal's ability, and there are signs of humanization, I am basically sure in my heart. It's a monster!

Regarding monsters, I also discussed with Master and found that this is a very contradictory life form.

Master said that maybe because we are human, we will subconsciously think that humans are the strongest creatures in history, but we are not as agile as cheetahs and not as powerful as tigers. We don’t have the wings of an eagle, or the minions of a tiger and wolf, or even the poison of a viper. Why are we called the strongest creature?

Maybe in the eyes of some animals, we are really inferior to them.

But the reason why we can become the upper layer of the world's biological chain is because we are smart and use tools. We can't fly, we invented airplanes; we can't dive for a long time and can't cross the sea, we invented submarines and boats. We didn't run fast, we invented the car, we didn't have strong offensive ability, we invented the weapon... We invented everything that can facilitate us and strengthen us, so we won.

But we must admit that this kind of strength refers to comprehensive strength. If unprepared humans are thrown directly into the mountains and forests, we are no better than tigers and wolves and other wild animals. Therefore, those animals that live in the mountains and forests have Many despise us.

From this point of view, they are disdain to imitate us. In their worldview, we should imitate them. However, the tangled point is here. All have the opportunity to become stronger and start to become monsters. At that time, all living things without exception began to learn from humans.

Learn human language, learn to walk upright, learn to become a human being, as if you can become more advanced in this way.

But isn't this...contradictory?

Regarding this matter, Master explained to me in this way: Although these animals look down on humans, but in this world, the top life is the strongest and the most inviolable, of course [58 Novel] , They are also the last word.

Although those animals look down on humans, it is impossible to look down on gods, or even fear those gods, and at the same time, they are most yearning to be them. And if you want to be a god, you a person!

Because the first batch of gods, the true rulers of this world, were people at the beginning!

Therefore, they set an important condition for becoming a god... They must be like individuals!

Yes, because we are humans, we think that humans are the strongest. Tigers may also think that they are the strongest in the world. Foxes also think that they are the strongest in the world. But what can be done? The ruler is our human being. You feel useless by yourself. If you want to make progress, you have to give up your values ​​and accept ours!

This is a very unreasonable thing, but there is no way.

I haven't thought about it yet, but when I saw this talking monkey, I suddenly remembered this, that so-called mountain god, according to the villagers, is a blue monkey, but is this possible? Does it conform to the rules set by God?

"Speaking of this, I want to ask, Lord Shanshen should be the most noble one here, can he... speak human words?"

"Why do you need to speak human words? Lord Shanshen is powerful, handsome, and no worse than humans. Why should you learn from humans? If it is to solve the communication ability with humans, we are enough."

"Oh, you are a translator." I said subconsciously.

"You can say so." said the old monkey. "But it's not only that, we will do everything. Helping Lord Mountain God to communicate with humans is just one of the small things, because ordinary humans are not worthy of seeing Lord Mountain God."

As he said, the old monkey suddenly tilted his head and looked back, looking at me slantingly with his right eye, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a chill in my heart, but I also knew that there was no killing intent on this old monkey.

"Master Mountain God doesn't understand human language, so his posture won't change into a human appearance."

"Of course," the old monkey said, turning his head back and continuing to walk forward. "Master Mountain God doesn't need to be like a human being. What can human beings be in the eyes of Gods?"

It’s almost certain now. This mountain **** can’t speak human words or transform into a human body, so he looks like a cyan monkey, but this is different from what Master and I said. The mountain **** is also equivalent to a place. A small ruler, all gods, why can they not be humans? You are discriminating!

"Okay, several." As I was thinking, the old monkey said suddenly, interrupting my thinking.

I looked over and saw the old monkey standing aside again, facing us, making a "please" gesture to the front, saying: "Here, go forward, it is the residence of Lord Shanshen, please In."

I looked ahead, there seemed to be no paper talisman for lighting. It was a pitch-dark, invisible one, and the old monkey beside me, like that, just didn’t want to go first, but wanted us to go ahead. I don't know what's so tricky, how weird that smile looks.

"Master Shanshen, live here?" I frowned and looked at it, using the Heavenly Strategy Technique in my hand to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but as expected, it still didn't work, and I couldn't count it at all. The perceptual ability also drops very low as it gets deeper and deeper, and can only faintly feel that there are indeed living entities inside, but the specific number is unclear. In other words, my perception ability is so bad that it can only distinguish zero from infinite.

"Do you have any concerns?" The old monkey asked with a smile again.

My heart said, is this nonsense? Are you still worried in this environment? Subconsciously it was like saying no, but suddenly thinking about it, it was wrong.

Generally speaking, it is necessary to cooperate in action, so don't you just go in? Oh, you old fritters are waiting here. If you don't urge me on the surface, just wait for me to jump in by myself. Oh, the monkey routine is deep.

So, I totaled in my heart, turned my head to look at it, nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, yes!"


The old monkey was obviously confused.

Hey, I won't play cards according to the routine! How do you think you do me?

But at this moment, in the darkness ahead, someone suddenly said: "Why don't the people come in? I'm making trouble in front of my mansion, but I don't even have the guts to come in and see me! Humph, rat ears! Go out!"

"Yes!" the old monkey beside him said respectfully.

"Wait!" As soon as I heard this, I quickly raised my hand to stop it, glanced at the old monkey, and then at the darkness ahead, and said, "Who said I dare not come in? I'm just doing a kind of etiquette. We humans have a lot of etiquette. You are a noble mountain god, and you are the owner of this place. I should have some etiquette. Okay, I am coming in now."

After speaking, wow, I looked around, then looked at the three people behind him, raised his feet to enter, and there was a sense of weightlessness in the empty space under his feet, but after that, the feeling of being down to earth was restored again.

At the next moment, the surrounding lights suddenly brightened up. Could it be that the paper talisman posted around finally worked?

Do not!

When I really saw the situation around me, I understood that I was wrong, and at the same time, I also saw the guy in front of me—a cyan monkey with a height of two meters!

It is the so-called mountain god!

At the same time, I also saw the countless golden objects piled around him, as well as the strange runes on them.

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