Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 195: Cannon with Monkey Mouth

"Master Shanshen, we really have no way to take these things away, we really need help, but... if you really don't want us to leave, you might as well condescend to help us take these things out."

"You..." The monkey stared suddenly, feeling that he had been offended. He leaned forward as if rushing up with an anger, staring at me with two eyes, and could not speak for a while.

I looked at him, carefully thought about whether my idea was true, and found that, at least for now, there is no evidence to prove that this is wrong. Of course, there is no direct evidence that I am right. .

"Master Mountain God, don't get angry, why do you care about a little human?" The old monkey said calmly, still smiling, as if just talking about a very ordinary thing. Unfortunately, I can't see the look in its eyes. Maybe, I can get some conclusions.

"Master Shanshen refused to let me go and didn’t want to help, so I’m embarrassed. Forgive me, the proposal I just made, only to see that there is only Lord Shanshen and the one who won’t be affected, so I came up with Would you like to ask you for a favor? It's just that the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, just give it a try." I said, smiling at them.

The cyan monkey looked at me and didn't speak for a long time, as if he was thinking about something. Then, he looked at the old monkey beside him and whispered, "What do you think?"

The old monkey has always been calm and calm, with a calm tone: "Master Mountain God, you are noble and you cannot do this kind of thing. For their affairs, let them find a way. If it can't be solved, then kill it. ."

After speaking, the old monkey suddenly opened his eyelids, revealing his inner eyes, and a murderous aura suddenly appeared!

In an instant, the whole house seemed to be plunged into an ice cellar suddenly! But we clearly saw the countless cyan flames burning in the air, but the temperature that should have belonged to it was gone! In the faint, there was a figure of Li ghost floating in it, and there seemed to be waves of water in the air.

People in the village have said that the mountain gods here can cause floods when angry. This should be its power! but……

I frowned slightly and looked at the old monkey.

It is the power of the mountain **** to cause the flood, but the source of this power is not the cyan monkey, but... it!

"Master Shanshen is a good method. This power is the only thing I have seen in my life, but it seems that some are not so easy to retract." I said, my feet moved slowly, and kept backing until there was nowhere to go back.

During this period, the cyan monkey had been staring at us with an angry face, but there was nothing to express, let alone the action, not even a word!

If you don't speak because you are so angry you can't speak, but there is no action at all, it is a little weird. It can be seen from the confrontation between the words just a few times that this so-called mountain **** is not a good-tempered lord at all. He can endure it now thanks to the comfort of the old monkey around him, but even if you are persuaded, you should There will be some expressions.

In the frequent episodes in TV dramas, the boss stood up all of a sudden and was about to rush forward. The younger brother hurriedly grabbed his arms around his waist, and pulled back while persuading: "Forget it!"

Although it was later changed into a comedy stalk, it was indeed a fragment that was praised by many people. However, here, a bad-tempered boss did not have such a famous scene! Weird, so weird!

"What do you mean? The power of this **** is naturally not something you and mortals can estimate. Do you think that such a powerful power can't be recovered after I use it? No, you are wrong! The weak, such power is against the original **** Say, it's just waving." The cyan monkey looked at me and said with a sneer, but its slightly twitching corners of the mouth and the strong killing intent in its eyes showed that it really wanted to do it.

"You are powerful, I know it naturally, but what I know better is that you are really not so enthusiastic, but you don’t want to help me with things that are easy, or you are a little too suspicious. What if I call in more people? But you are not willing."

I didn't change my expression, looked at it and said, but my tone had obviously begun to change the style of painting. Originally, the surface etiquette of hiding the edge was still hidden, but now, suddenly I began to show the edge that has been hidden!

By my side, the three Shadow Army men didn't understand what I wanted to do. They all looked at each other and made eye contact, but they all had no results.

"Sir, what on earth are you going to do?" The lightning mage's character is the same as his spells, an eager one. At this time, he couldn't hold back anymore, so he asked.

I turned my head and glanced at him, and smiled: "Don't worry, everything is under control, you three should be careful about the top, maybe some gifts will suddenly fall."

"We can hear it." The green monkey said coldly.

"Of course I know that you can hear it." I spread out my hands and made an innocent look, and said, "Master Shanshen is so powerful that he can't hear such a close-up voice? So I didn't want to hide it. Two people."

This is a fact, and it sounds okay, but after careful consideration, you can detect the provocative charm in it-I will say in front of you that we are guarding you, and you are making a move.

"Okay, Lord Shanshen, here is the contradiction between us. We definitely can't move these things. Or, you help us, or we call the helper, you choose one?"

"You are on my turf, you actually want me to make a choice?" The green monkey frowned, the fingers of his right hand trembling slightly, and it seemed that it would claw it directly!

But I am not concerned about its claws, because it is not monsterized, so even if the ordinary monkey claws are big, they cannot be disproportionately big like those white monkey monsters, so they don't look so scary. But this thing does not depend on the size of the power. I have seen its power just now. Maybe it is just a casual split, but I can already estimate some data slightly.

And according to this data, I can’t beat this product...

But this does not mean that I will admit counsel, on the contrary, people should face the difficulties and just face it!

"On your site, it is indeed a bit improper for me to do this, but the problem is also true now. I don’t want these bottles and cans to be with you. Taking them away is our common purpose. I don’t think this thing is. They may have appeared here out of thin air. They can't come to this place through the maze-like tunnel. So, the cause is still you. If you don't help at all, isn't it inappropriate?"

"...What are you talking about?! My monkey descendants have become ghosts because of this thing! Now you actually want me to help? Is that what we deserve?! "

"……Of course."

I looked at the monkey, looked at it with a foolish expression, and said naturally.


"You brought them in, so you should bear the price. If you want to get the treasure, you must bear its weight. You may not have heard it. This is a saying from us humans. You are greedy for those things. I don’t know why. , But no matter what the reason, you all need to bear the consequences! Now, when something goes wrong, you also need to clean up the mess by yourself!"

"What's wrong!" The green monkey yelled, and with a wave of his right paw, my clothes flapped backwards with a wave of air, and shouted: "What bad thing, I have never heard of it! I don't understand it! Do it!"

"So, you can only be a closed-door emperor on this one-acre three-cent, mountain god? It's ridiculous!"

I looked at it, and finally no longer smiled on my face, but changed into a playful look, and at the same time, with a little provocative meaning, in my eyes, a touch of belligerence emerged!

"Human!" The green monkey stretched out his arms and moved his two arms. There seemed to be air fluctuations on his paws, full of momentum!

"Little humans, dare to point fingers in front of me?! It seems that I haven't appeared for a long time. I didn't expect humans to have forgotten my horror! It seems to have been idle for too long. A little human dares to It provokes God's might!"

"You're a fart god!" I cursed, pointing directly at its nose. "You only hide in the mountains and forests and do sneaky things. For those villagers who believe in you and fear you so much, you don’t have the awareness that you should be as a god. You treat them, and you don’t offend them at all. , Is still so high above, extremely cold, what kind of **** are you?!"

"Huh, but the mere inferior races dare to criticize my mountain gods?!"

"I said, you don’t deserve to be called a **** at all! Yes, in your eyes, ordinary humans may really be inferior races, because they have no strength to defeat you, even if you put them now. , They may not necessarily be your opponents with powerful firepower weapons. But one thing, you lose!"

"Which point?" Green Monkey frowned and asked.

"It's xinxing." I said lightly. "Maybe you think it's very unfair. Why do you want to become a god? You must be like a person first, because the first gods were humans before? If you think so, then you feel unfair and uncomfortable. But, you Why don’t you think about it, why the first gods are humans."


"Of course it's because we humans are rules and reasonable!" I tilted my head and looked at it, with my arms around my chest, and said sternly: "In your animal kingdom, eating the weak and the strong is the basic rule of survival. Of course, in our humans The same is true in the world, but our human beings are more civilized, like those etiquettes, like having to bear the price of what we have done, like the posture of a superior..."

"Including that you just stopped and waited at the entrance of the cave? You said that was also a kind of etiquette." Green Monkey suddenly interrupted.

"Uh...ah, yes." I hesitated for a while, and finally agreed cheeky.

But the green monkey sneered at this, and said with a look of disdain: "Because of this? These useless things..."

"These things are not useless!" I interrupted him immediately! "The reason why humans have become such civilized creatures is because of these rules and etiquette, as well as the love of people who are weaker than themselves or other creatures."

"What Daomen talk about is a specific manifestation of opposing racial discrimination and status discrimination. You are also practising the law, you should know. The reason why our gods are admired by us is because they are sympathetic to the people. It’s not like you, threatening children who just lost their way into your territory!"

"You..." The green monkey became angry for a while, and his chest began to rise and fall. He stared at me for a while, and then said: "Humans, they will talk witty words, all right, you don't want to wait for me to choose anything, I I will give you the result now, I choose... to kill you directly!"

As soon as he said this, the three people around me immediately became vigilant, each set their posture, and prepared for battle.

But I didn’t mean to be nervous. I continued to wrap my arms around my chest and looked at it lightly, saying, “Yeah, you should have chosen this way. It’s a bit late to choose this way now. But no Wrong, this is indeed the best way for you and the most advantageous. Moreover, if you perform normally, with your strength, we have no room for resistance at all, but...!"

When I said this, I paused, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth and said, "It's a pity, you can't move now!"

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