Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 196: Frog at the bottom of the well

"You can't move now!"

I stared at the expression of the green monkey all the time, and sure enough, after saying this, the monkey's expression suddenly changed! Moreover, in his eyes, there was obviously a sense of panic that was seen through carefully.

"It seems that I was right." I said with a smile, lowering my arms, "If you still want to do it, you can try it. I'll be with you at any time."

After I finished speaking, a piece of ice suddenly formed on my naturally drooping arms, covered with ice armor! At the same time, a thunderbolt and thunder appeared on my right hand, and countless currents passed through the ice-covered palm. And in my left hand, a golden light shines, bright palm!

"Human, do you know what you are doing, I can't move? Look, can't I move?" the green monkey said, shaking his arms. "And this, is this what you call inability to move?" As he said, he directly used his legs and stood up. The high pressure of about two meters was there. Just standing, it gave people a kind of pressure.

I looked at it without changing my face, and beside me, whirlwinds were invisibly rolled up around us, and the power of the wind was also used by me.

"I can stand up, it seems I really underestimated you, but this is already the limit." I moved my eyes down and looked at the golden ornaments piled up in front of the Monkey King's throne. heap. Those Nanyang charms that can turn people into monsters are randomly mixed in this.

"Go forward, you will encounter those things. In the conversation just now, although we were only talking about how to take them away, I have heard from your tone that you are very urgent. I want to take them away urgently, because these things restrict your actions!"

"..." The green monkey looked at me with cold eyes, but did not speak.

"You are not willing to help because of this. I don’t know if you can help us if you can move, but I don’t think you can be so kind, but now, the main reason you don’t help us is that you can’t move. If this is discovered by us, you are afraid that you will be in danger."

As I said, I cast my eyes on the old monkey again: "Yes, old liar, I have been hinting on the side that I am a master. It seems to be complimenting me, but in fact it is to tell him that I am not easy to deal with. Let him not expose his situation and act carefully. Including later, I said to find a helper. You explain the ghosts and monsters. This is also the purpose. That's why you have been reluctant to let us go, because once I bring a helper, your situation will be even worse. It's dangerous."

The old monkey smiled when he heard what I said, took a few steps forward, walked to the green monkey's side, raised his eyelids, looked at me with only a slit, and said, "Yes, very correct reasoning, but there is What's the use? The gap in strength is not so simple to make up. We occupy the geographical advantage, and we have...the number advantage!"

The voice just fell, suddenly! There were countless air-breaking sounds in the air, accompanied by some strange sounds, which sounded like the sound of soap bubbles breaking, but they had to be strengthened many times, and there were a lot of them.

"Beware of the sky!" I shouted, and at the same time, I took a step forward and handed all the threats from the sky to the three people, and myself, the green monkey in front of me, and the old monkey that looked very unusual.

"Mountain God? I want to see what your level is!" I said, with a wave of my right hand, a burst of thunderous force immediately condensed in the palm of my hand, and as my palm passed, it shot out in an instant!


This is not a systematic skill, nor is it a paper talisman or other power, nor is it taught to me by the master. It is a spell that I learned automatically after I learned the thunder hammer and mastered the thunder element.

The monkey sneered when I saw me smash it with a ***, raised his hand and slashed, and a wind blade rolled over!

That *** was originally not a big spell. When it was slashed by the wind blade, it suddenly collapsed, and countless currents spread to the surroundings with the wind pressure. Some disappeared in the air halfway through, and some hit the surrounding rocks. On top, disappear from the invisible.

"Small bugs, I see how capable you are as a beam jumping clown!" The monkey yelled, waved his arms, and at the same time a sharp roar came out. Suddenly, there seemed to be an ape ghost in front of me, like a gust of wind. Speed, rushed to me in an instant!

My gaze condensed, my hands protected in front of me, and my thoughts moved. The wind elemental force that originally hovered around me suddenly broke out, and a tornado rolled up around me, covering my surroundings. At the same time, the ice armor of my hands is covered with extreme speed, layer after layer, turning one of my hands into giant arms. On top of it, the blessing of thunder power protects my body. before!

At the same time, the attack from the sky has arrived, and countless white-haired monkey monsters roared and jumped out of the darkness above, leaping towards us with their teeth and claws!

But my tornado protected all four of us, and, because we were very close to the side, when this tornado rolled up, some of the cyan flames near the wall were also rolled up by the wind. .

I have felt the power of this thing. It's not like a normal fire, it doesn't have such a strong invading power, but there is a soft power. This power is no longer fire, but it seems to be... the power of water!

With the appearance of fire, but with the power of water? However, there is indeed some fire energy in it. Could it be said that this thing actually brings together the two incompatible things, water and fire? !

If this is what kind of power, what kind of law can do this!

But at this time, I don't have time to finish this thing. The battle is about to come. I have to focus on the battle.

The tornado carried a little bit of cyan flame, rushing into the sky! Among those white-haired monkey monsters, there were some bad luck guys who fell directly into the tornado. As a result, they didn’t break through the tornado’s defenses, and were instantly chopped out by the wind blade. What was even more unfortunate was that he received the erosion of the cyan flame, and fell directly to the side, grinning with pain, rolling all over the floor without putting out the fire.

And at the next moment! The green monkey's attack and when they arrived, a group of phantoms, like elite members of a death squad, slammed into my tornado!


The huge roar sounded through the cave, and the two forces collided together. The phantom of the green monkey was blurred by more than half at the time. It was so blurred that the outline could not be seen, and it only turned into a mass of ordinary smoke, but The degree of danger is not comparable to ordinary smoke!

But I didn’t feel well here. After this powerful impact, the majestic tornado also began to fall apart. Numerous whirlwinds flew around, and some of the white-haired monkey monsters nearby also suffered as a result and were blown. To the surrounding walls. But of course, this kind of impact is nothing to them, who are extremely defensive. It is not as bad as the previous ones.

The tornado dissipated, and the cyan smoke stopped in place for a second because of the wind. But it was only for this second. The next moment, the blue smoke rushed toward me again, aggressively!

My hands were in front, and the giant ice palm, which was five times larger than my arm, stood in front of me and hit the cloud of blue smoke directly! The bottoms of the two palms meet, like a lotus flower, with ten fingers on both sides, and slowly close together, as if holding something, as if to grasp the blue smoke completely in the hand!

And in the huge ice palm, the power of the thunder attribute was lurking, waiting for the blue smoke to be completely closed and controlled by me, and then immediately dispatched and wiped them out in an instant!

However, I still underestimated the power of the monkey. Although the green monkey could not act, it still had a certain ability to control the power released by him! At this moment, I saw that I wanted to grab the blue smoke with the giant ice palm, sneered, stretched out my arms, and shouted!


That cloud of smoke, like a cloud of gas, encountered a blazing flame at this time, and it exploded instantly!

As I was closing my hands, I suddenly felt a powerful force coming from my palms, which I couldn't resist at all! The palms that were about to be closed were forcibly separated again in an instant. And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that being hidden under the huge ice palm, my real palm also felt a scorching heat at this time.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the cyan smoke has undergone a qualitative change, turning into a fiery red heat wave, spreading outwards extremely fast!

During the crisis, I reacted instantly! Using Taiming Steps under my feet, I quickly backed away, and at the same time, with a thought, a tiny gap appeared in the ice giant palm. It did not move with me, but stayed in place, and my hands were back because of me. Move, get out of the gap.


With a loud shout, I shook my sword with both hands, pointing forward! The mana of the ice attribute works in an instant, and the ice palm explodes into countless pieces of ice in an instant! The broken ices, like sharp cones, flying knives, and ice hammers, are numerous and powerful. On top of them, the power of thunder is hovering.

At this time, the cyan smoke had completely turned into fiery red. Among the countless icy debris, a red ball of light that looked like a small sun stopped in the air, spreading the ring of fire quickly outside. However, visible to the naked eye, every time it spreads, the volume of the light sphere decreases by one point, and because the diffusion speed is so fast, the light sphere is reduced by two-thirds in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, a group of icy debris surrounded it, and all of a sudden, fiery red, ice blue, and thunder and lightning purple all reflected, illuminating this place into a very strange scene!

And in this colorful, the power of this move released by the green monkey finally exhausted, and there was no threat in front of it!

My hands continued to keep the appearance of sword fingers, and I slammed forward a little bit! In an instant, a trace of wind elemental power that had been scattered irregularly around me once again gathered in front of me, and as my two swords pointed out, it swept forward in an instant!

Double hair, Fengming sword!

Two swords, one finger and one phoenix sword, plus the wind element power that I control and gather in front of you, the power of these two phoenix swords is stronger than any previous one. Mingjian stronger power!

On the other side, the green monkey saw that his attack was blocked, and his expression was solemn. I didn't expect me to be so difficult to fight, and immediately afterwards, I actually made a move immediately after his attack!

"A mere human, presumptuous!" The monkey yelled and waved both claws, and the two blue wind blades immediately slashed out, facing the two phoenix swords.

Both attacks have the power of wind, and the speed is naturally extraordinary. In the blink of an eye, the two attacks have collided together!

On both sides, one is a sharp sword that moves forward, how can it be scabbed again! One is a arrogant sword that is about to destroy all obstacles in front of you! Two attacks collide, like two tigers fighting each other. If one of us can stand on the side and add Superman’s eyesight, we can see that the wind blade that the green monkey wields has been screamed by my phoenix. The sword penetrated a dimple. At the same time, my Fengming Sword was cut in half by the wind blade.

In the next moment, the two forces were instantly shattered! The Fengming Sword was cut into two parts by the Fengming Sword, and the Fengming Sword was also divided up and down by my Fengming Sword. The two forces turned into four parts and flew straight out in the four directions of up, down, left, and right! In the middle, there was a large group of wind power, which shook out like a chaotic line.

The four forces, the upward one has been melted into the darkness, without a trace. The other three, hitting the ground below and the walls on the left and right, all made a blast, but they still didn't hurt the blue rock.

What can be regarded as a nest by this monkey is really nothing!

On the other side, the three of them had already fought with the white-haired monkey monsters. They used the short sword to control the field, the main attack of the thunder attribute, and the other was responsible for the containment and defense. The cooperation was tacit understanding. Attack up. However, it's also fortunate that they are all low-level monsters.

I took a look behind me. From the current point of view, they can survive, but the monkey is right. Here, they have the upper hand and cannot fight against them for a long time. Then, they can only fight for speed!

"Monkey." I turned my head and looked at it and said. "Confidence is a good mentality, but arrogance is not a good thing. You call yourself a mountain god, but you are nothing more than a frog at the bottom of the well. Today, I will let you see how big the world is!"

As soon as the voice fell, my feet moved, and the whole person rushed out! At the same time, a powerful aura was rising on me, and the strength of that strength made the green monkey opposite to me lose expression. And just in the palm of my hand, another beam of light blooms.

This time, it's not gold, but black!

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