Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 199: You know nothing about power

"You may not be a human, but I am a real grudge!"

I looked at the green monkey who was already close at hand and was about to arrive in front of me, sneered slightly, thought a move, amulet, start!

With a slight persecution delusion, I was still thinking one second before I started it, if this thing suddenly fails, is it a god's work? But obviously, my system is still very reliable. At this time, I won't be joking with me. At the next moment I started, my consciousness had been squeezed out of my body and came to the perspective of God.

From the perspective of God, the "I" still stood on the spot without moving, let alone avoiding the attack of the little monkey. This is not in line with his personality. He immediately jumped his eyelids, his eyes stared, and a powerful force. The momentum was instantly pressed out!

At the same moment, the original aggressive green monkey stopped without warning, and stopped motionless, and it was amazing. I don’t know why. It’s the same as my previous posture. In the same way, the shooting action is the same, even the little finger cannot be moved.

"Wh...what?! Impossible! What is this?!" The old monkey was so scared that he lost control of his facial expression management when he saw this scene. Opened, the two pupils perfectly interpret what is incredible, as if they are a ghost!

"I said, I don't understand power, it's not me, it's you!" I looked back at the old monkey, and when I moved, the rope disappeared instantly, turned into a thing in the air, and fell on In my hand.

I controlled my gaze and took a closer look. It looked like a tape measure and a bubble gum that appeared a long time ago. It seemed quite famous at the time. It was placed in a round shell, rolled into a roll, and eaten. When you pull it out a little, then cover the box and clamp it off. It's a pity that it's not there anymore, and I had forgotten about it a long time ago. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have remembered that such a thing existed.

"This thing has some value, I leave it for you to play with." I said to myself, and when I turned my hand, I put it in the system warehouse, and a sneer gradually appeared on my face. Like a king over the world, looking everywhere!

The cyan monkey and the old monkey have the same thought in their hearts at this moment, that is, feel that this world is broken!

"How... how is it possible?! How can there be such power! This is impossible!" The old monkey trembled all over, staring at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

On the other side, the cyan monkey couldn't move at all, and because of its just forward thrust, it was close to me at this time, and it was more able to feel the power of my body. Its face turned white, whiter than the white-haired monster.

"This, this power is impossible! How could it be stronger than the power of the ancient gods! Moreover, so much stronger..."

I heard the green monkey talking to himself, turned my head, looked at it, still sneered, and said, "You jumped quite a while ago. You should be ready, not to mention how much you offended me just now. From the power of your body, it can’t let you continue to exist, just disappear."

Different from the impassioned and vicious tone of ordinary people when they say harsh words, my phrase "disappear" is like saying something like "one plus one equals two", which is irrelevant. But it is the same as the truth.

That kind of calmness and calmness is not the most terrifying, but the most terrifying, it is the indifference to life! In his, that is, my eyes, a life like a green monkey is insignificant!

After that, I raised my right hand and used my right palm to face the green monkey’s face. I shook it slightly. I didn’t grasp it at all. It’s just that my five fingers were bent a few joints, and even the end connected to the palm of my hand. I didn't move, I just bend my fingers simply.

But at this moment, in the dark sanctuary, all the dark forces are boiling! If this power is one hundred points, I just launched countless fire phoenixes to resist the power of the blue phantom, then I won't even have a point.

In an instant, darkness spread all over the body of the green monkey! I watched as the darkness, like a colony of ants and tides, gradually covered its fearful face, as if watching a large-scale horror movie or a live version. In the blink of an eye, a green monkey turned into a black monkey, and the black monkey is slowly getting smaller and changing shape!

Beside it, there are six faint black curves dancing. If you look closely, the black curves seem to be... flying confetti. But of course, I don’t know if this scrap is paper.


That I said loudly, my right hand suddenly became a fist, and in front of me, the group of things that had become less like a monkey was completely broken up in an instant! At the same time, it was this dark sanctuary that collapsed just like this.

The power of the attack this time was so great that it was completely beyond my ability to support the Dark Sanctuary from the twenty-odd level of strength. In the future, when I finally reach this level of amulet, such an attack can only be regarded as a random wave of hands, and the Dark Sanctuary will not be broken by my blow.

At the moment when the dark sanctuary was broken, everything around it became clear. The three members of the Shadow Army stood back to back, facing a large swath of white monkey monsters outside, their bodies were more or less added. A lot of scars. The one who was most injured was the one who used the short sword. There were too many enemies and they couldn't resist it. He immediately rushed up, using his body and the short sword as a shield to buy time for his teammates. .

This desperate, unreasonable spirit of believing in one's own companions can only be seen in the team.

"Thanks for your hard work, let's go back." I said faintly, raising my hand, and the power of the wind attribute was activated immediately, and the wind blew up in a moment, and it was just a breeze. In the blink of an eye, it turned into an unstoppable gale. In the blink of an eye, it is a violent tornado that can uproot even a giant tree!

With a big wave of my hand, the violent wind tornado hit the white-haired monkey monsters. In an instant, all the white-haired monkey monsters lifted their legs off the ground and flew into the whirlwind like a cannonball.

This whirlwind is about five meters in diameter, and the affected area around it is even more than ten meters! Many white-haired monkey monsters didn't have time to react at all. They were just caught in the moment the whirlwind tornado appeared. They couldn't resist at all, and they might not even know what happened.

The three members of the Shadow Army saw the violent wind and were shocked at that time. They hurriedly covered their faces with their arms, bent their bodies slightly, and made their legs in a posture of horse-striding, preparing to resist the violent wind, but after a while, let alone The wind was raging, and I didn't even feel a slight breeze, so he raised his head curiously and looked around.

Around, countless white-haired monkey monsters were blown into the sky by the tornado and disappeared. But around them, just like the circle that Monkey King drew for Tang Monk in "Journey to the West", there was an extra clear circle. The gust of wind swept the entire cave, but it was impossible to get near here.

"This...what's going on?" Several people completely put down their defenses and looked around curiously, a little dazed for a while.

I glanced at that side, pointed with my hand, a golden light shot past, hit the circle, and instantly spread, turned into a rain of light, drifted to the ground, and fell on the three people at the same time. .

In an instant, the three people felt like a spring breeze, as if they had just come out of the mud. They were all sticky, dirty and smelly, and there was a sense of restraint, but at this time, they suddenly fell into the clear water pool with the stuff inside. It's warm water, a bunch of petals are floating, and there is a shower on it. At that moment, all the discomfort and discomfort disappeared immediately, and I was relaxed! Just one word-cool!

The three people felt the sense of comfort on their bodies and all couldn’t help humming. At the same time, they were all surprised to find that the wounds on their bodies had begun to heal at a magical speed, even some. Internal injuries and dark injuries are beginning to heal.


Is it magical? It's not magical. Healing wounds is very common. People in the Shadow Army, and some casual and evil cultivators can use this kind of magic. Haven't those Nanyang people used this kind of magic to heal wounds before?

However, because of me in the amulet state, my strength is really too strong. His healing spells are really magical skills for these people! It is like if a modern person travels back to ancient times with a bunch of cures for colds, diarrhea, and some anti-inflammatory drugs, then this person will definitely be respected as the **** of medicine.

When I saw that the wounds of the three of them had healed, I lifted my hand and controlled this violent tornado, directly soaring into the sky and rising to the ground!

Above this cave, in that labyrinth-like tunnel, there are still many white-haired monkey monsters who are watching. All of a sudden, they were directly pushed up! And those who are lucky to be outside of this range, hum! Do you think that the monster who can beat the entire demon lock tower once, I will let them go?

With that strong perception ability of mine, it doesn't matter where you go, directly magnify this gust of wind, against the monsters, slam them directly on the "ceiling", and keep going up, straight to the ground!

And those three people, there is another wind, as if there is a round hurricane surrounding them, helping them to separate the soil and rise to the ground.

On the ground, there is still a group of Shadow Army men fighting against the white-haired monkey monsters, because the following battles have never been determined. The bosses of the two sides don’t know what the outcome will be. They don’t dare to move rashly at all, so it’s still safe. , But at this moment, whether it was a monster or a person, they were surprised to find that the ground was cracked...

Before they could understand what was going on, the ground was completely cracked, and a hurricane rushed out! Inside, there are a lot of white-haired monkey monsters.

The moment the hurricane came out, the Shadow Army on the ground were all surrounded by a round hurricane. Like the three of them, they were completely immune to the threat of this hurricane. And those monsters are definitely not so lucky. Under the control of mine, those monsters, no matter how powerful, can you be better than the monkey king? Treat you equally, just lift it up for you! The tallest one was lifted up for more than 30 meters, and it was out of the woods.

Others range from a dozen meters to twenty meters. A gust of wind, coupled with countless snow being rolled up, is like a white dragon flying in the sky, straight into the sky!

At this moment, in the distance, Baron and Lang Feng were rushing into the woods with a large group of assassin-type wizards who are the main attack speed of the Shadow Army. When they suddenly looked up, they saw the white dragon flying into the sky.

what's the situation?

But Baron was so well-informed, he immediately reacted and shouted: "Quickly, they are there, go over!"

A group of people, plus ghosts, immediately set up the Yukongshu, soared into the air, and ran straight to the side.

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