Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 200: It's you? !

On the side of the underground cave, I am still standing in the square underground palace, looking at the sky. Very strange, now that even the ground has been lifted off, and there is no mud left, but now, the upper part of this underground palace is still dark.

"Interesting, small world?" I looked at the sky, said with a smile, turned my head, and looked at the only creature that was still here at this time-the old monkey.

At this moment, the old monkey still didn't come out of the shock, he still had a look of disbelief, but in the details, there was already a little bit of confidence, and there should be some backing.

"I have already contacted the Sima family, but I would like to see, what Sima family of yours, and how to save you." I looked at him and said with a arrogant gesture, with a tone of disdain. .

"Although you are amazing, you also underestimate our Sima family, we..."

"Shut up!" When I interrupted it directly, I raised my hand and pointed out a stormy finger!

I understand my character. This guy is definitely the kind of person who doesn't talk a lot of himself and doesn't allow the villain to talk too much. It's impossible for him to die because of talking too much.

In the underground palace, there was a loud noise instantly!

"Boom! Boom!"

After a sharp sword pierced the iron plate, it was an explosion. In an instant, blue light flashed in the entire underground palace. I was in a trance, some of which could not see clearly. When my vision was restored, I saw the shocking One scene!

In the underground palace, the cyan flame, which was not too high, has now risen to a height of five or six meters! Moreover, originally that flame was only present in the marginal area, but now, the entire ground is lit up with a blue flame! At this time, this place is no longer an underground palace, but a flame mountain!

I stood calmly in the flames, and my eyes were already covered by five or six meters of flames, but the yin and yang eyes of level 92 would not be blocked by this kind of thing at all, unlike me, level 20. The yin and yang eyes can be used as a night vision device if they can't understand anything.

However, the strange thing is that after I arrived in the underground palace, I never saw the darkness in the sky. Until now, there is no ground and soil, but it is still dark here. I understand that this darkness is not because there is no light, but because there is another the reason.

"It's really weird. This breath is..." The old monkey who was seriously injured at the far end of the underground palace with the eyes of Yin and Yang frowned slightly.

I was strange in my heart, so I communicated with my consciousness, recalling his memory just now, and seeing what happened just now.

It turned out that just when I was about to send out the turmoil, the blue light suddenly shone in the underground palace. At this time, my vision was blocked and I couldn't see everything that followed.

What happened next was that in the underground palace, not only the flames in the edge gaps suddenly rose, but even the rest of the place was lit up with cyan flames! In an instant, there was no place to stay in the entire underground palace, and, the most important thing was that those cyan flames actually acted as a barrier to resist the power of the storm! In addition, an unknown power in the old monkey actually saved its old life!

"Hmph! Let me just say, the power of our Sima family is not something you can underestimate. The power of the ancient gods in this small world of the underground palace has already been interfered by our Sima family!"

The old monkey couldn't move his whole body, but his mouth was still hard. He looked forward and said with a big smile.

"Okay, I admit that I really underestimated you, but you can't handle the second one." I said lightly, my finger stretched out again, and the second finger is about to strike!

But at this moment, a large black area suddenly appeared around the old monkey's body, like a black hole, which sucked the monkey in.

"Don't run!"

As soon as I pointed it, a wind sword carried a large number of wind blades, and instantly split the cyan flame of the entire underground palace into two halves, and went straight to the old monkey and the black hole!

The opportunity is only a moment! Among the sparks and flints, the old monkey was preempted to take back the black hole and escaped my Fengming Sword. However, it is not so late. If the amulet is shot, it will definitely not make you cheaper!

That move Fengming Sword came in an instant, almost in the next instant it reached the old monkey's position. At this time, the black hole has not completely closed...

A phoenix sword issued by me of the 92nd level of strength directly impacted the black hole. The next moment, the black hole closed, and the air made waves like water, and then returned to calm.


Although there was nothing in front of me, I didn't give up the fight. With a loud shout, I snapped a finger with my right hand, and a smug smile began to appear on my face.

"Fight with me! Humph!"

But at this moment, the cyan flame that had been split on the ground once again swept up, and this time, its intensity was more than ten times stronger than just now! Moreover, in the faint, there is still space power raging, and the air around the edge of the underground palace has begun to appear in a distorted state.

"Want to teleport this small world? Huh! It's not that easy! Stop it!" The one I yelled and slapped my right palm to the ground! Those cyan flames... went out.


There was no fire but the sound of anger came from the lighter, and the entire underground palace fell into a temporary silence, but at this moment, a sense of powerlessness suddenly surged into my heart, and then, I watched in panic as my body swayed and my feet were shaking. If you slip, you have to fall to the ground...

"Hold the grass, right?"

"My mana is exhausted, change you!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a flower, returned to my body, and regained control of the body, but it was a body that was already weak.

Moreover, the most important thing is that my eyes clearly see, because the cyan flame that went out just now is back!

"Your uncle, cheating teammates!"

I looked up to the sky and yelled like a pig, almost tearing my throat. The cyan flame of this kind of power, I couldn't hold it for a moment, and it turned into fly ash. Now, you can't even use the amulet, Zhun'er is dead!

Thousands of calculations, but I didn't calculate that there would be such a scene, I am dying, is it going to be dead? No, I can't die! I can't die!

Tongzhou Club is still waiting for me to go back, they are still waiting for me to lead them to continue to develop! And Hu Jie, I haven't confessed to her yet! There are also Zeng Xiujie, Ding Yiming, and Yin Kai! Don't talk about the far ones, just talk about the near ones, Baron and the others are still waiting for me, but I got a ticket from them. And Xue Biao, and the people in Jingcheng, they all believe that I will be able to handle things here. Now, even though it is handled well, it will be useful for me to die!

I don't want to die!

At the moment when I was about to fall, I suddenly felt that my throat was being strangled by something, which directly interrupted my emotions, and instantly returned to reality. Upon closer inspection, it was my clothes that had strangled my neck.

Wait, why does the clothes hold your neck? Hmm...oh, that's it.

It turned out...someone was pulling me up by the collar of my back!

Hold the grass, who are you? !

"Go!" A familiar but still unfamiliar voice sounded in my ears. The next moment, I felt that the stars had shifted. The sky and the earth had turned upside down. The whole person lost his balance, and there were all small stars in front of me. It didn't recover for a long time, as if a century had passed. But in fact, it flew for a second.

This is a normal phenomenon of a person with low mana being taken by someone with high mana to fly. I felt this way the last time I was taken by Yun Lingzi to fly. However, the difference between me and Yun Lingzi is not so serious, so it is not so serious, but this time, the difference is too big!

When I fully relieved, my body was already in a cold sweat, and the clothes I wore on the innermost were soaked and stuck tightly to my body. At this moment, my ears still have tinnitus, and my eyes are still a little fuzzy. I can only lie on the edge of the hole, panting heavily, and it takes a while to fully understand what is going on.

Before my eyes, there was a big pit of unknown diameter. It was a pit created by the tornado wind just now. Underneath was a large patch of irregular mud, and the square underground palace just now disappeared.

"That underground palace is actually a small world, and now the portal leading to that small world has been changed to another place. The dark area just now is actually the portal. Now it’s gone. Under it, it was originally in this way."

The voice appeared in my ear again, as if he knew what I was wondering, and explained to me.

By the way, this person still exists. If it weren't for him, I guess he would be dead now. I have to thank it. Moreover, I have indeed heard this voice, but I really don't know who it is.

I supported the ground with my hands, slowly raised my body, turned my head and looked behind me, looking for the owner of the familiar and unfamiliar voice, and when I saw him, I was shocked.

Sure enough, I really know this guy. Even in the late stage of my face blindness, I will never forget this face...

"It's you! Old teacher?!"


At this time, on the other side, Yancheng was near the sea, and a freighter was heading towards the dock. There were countless cargoes on the ship. Various cubes and cuboid boxes were piled on the deck, and many people were among these cargoes. Shuttle slowly. They are responsible for protecting the safety of these goods. All of them are well-trained professionals. Once something happens, they will immediately take relative actions.

On the side of the ship, two people wearing blue headscarves leaned on the side of the ship. One of them took out a pack of cigarettes and gave the other one, took out a lighter, lit both of them, and put the cigarettes He and the lighter were retracted into his pocket, and then he used his right hand to pinch the cigarette with two fingers, and spit out a large puff of white smoke from his mouth.

The two people were smoking cigarettes while whispering something, turning their heads to look at the goods on the plywood from time to time, or lowered their heads to look at the white waves of the sea.

All of this is very common in marine life. It seems that all people who have been on a boat will do this out of ten. It is as simple and ordinary as eating, sleeping and walking, but this time, it is destined to be extraordinary!

"It's really cold this day. I have sent this batch of goods quickly. I have to take a good rest."

"Yes, I heard that they have good lamb soup here. It is nourishing and warm in winter. We have to try it."

"Yes, yes, hey, look at the sea, what's going on?"

"What happened?"

The two looked at the sea together, and sure enough, on the sea, an abnormal bubble began to appear not far from the ship's hull, and, under the bubble, there was this black shadow.

"This is... a fish?"

"No, this is already offshore. Even if there are fish, it won't be so big, and there won't be schools of fish. How can there be such a big shadow?"

"If it's not a fish, it's... not good!"

The person suddenly reacted, yelled, and just wanted to react, but it was too late, underwater, a black shadow shot out like a sharp arrow, and directly pounced on the two!

The two men were still planning to resist, but the man immediately stretched out his hands, one hand, and directly pinched the necks of the two men. With a slight force, they pressed the blood vessels on the necks of the two men. The two fainted.

"What's wrong, what's the matter?!"

At this time, the rest of the people on the boat also discovered the situation here, and they all ran over. And that person, grabbing the two of them directly, kicked up and flew up, shaking his body, the water droplets stuck to his body instantly condensed, turned into countless water swords, and flew straight to the surroundings.

However, he did not hurt anyone, but just to stand up. Those water swords had already exploded when they were halfway down the road, and in the loud noise, they turned into countless water mists, floating down. At the same time, what came into their ears and stimulated their five senses was the man's strong voice: "The Shadow Army is doing things, and the messy people wait to escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man was already standing on the deck of the bow, and when his hands were loosened, the two of them collapsed softly to the ground.

And the majestic man standing on the bow of the ship is the high colonel of the Shadow Army-Xue Biao! Looking at the people in front of him with a smile.

"Attention everyone, this ship, I have deducted it!"

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