Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 300: New ideas

"I never knew its solution!"


As soon as the ghost said these words, a whirlwind blew across the flat ground, whirled between the two of me, and flew elsewhere, missing.

Opposite me, the hag with one-handed crutches, with a slight sneer on her face, she exuded a kind of leisurely master style!

And I, at this moment, has long lost that calm look...

"What's the matter? Are you in the Gu?!" Mu Chengfeng is far away, I don't know what happened, but I am very close to the hag, and the hag's reputation is really not very good with them, so he was I thought it was a hag who gave me a gu.

"" I stood there blankly, and could only say these words softly. My mind was completely blank.

"What's the matter?!" Mu Chengfeng rushed over, his right hand trembled, and a sword was in his hand out of thin air, faintly glowing!

However, when he arrived, he also found out that there was no sign of Gu in my body, it seemed that I was simply stunned.

The words the hag just said, like a giant hammer, hit my mind!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts disappeared, as if they were about to stop thinking.

You won't understand? !

How can I save people? !

At this time, the fat monk also accepted the five words and walked over with a barrage.

Because he is relatively close, and an insider, he knows what the hag said, and even more so, what it means.

The Southwest ancient village, the Nanyang Association, and the Miao Village competition have nothing to do with us. They are all things encountered only on the road, and they are only helpful because they are handy. Our real purpose has always been only one, and that is to find a solution to the Great Red Lotus.

But now, even those who download Gu can't!

"You...why do I believe that what you are saying is true?!" I stared at the hag, feeling warm in my eyes, and wandered back and forth in my chest in one breath, gritting my teeth before saying this.

The hag was still calm, and pointed to the fat monk: "I gave him all my secrets. If you don't believe me, see if there is a solution written on it."

"Huh?!" I stared at the fat monk all at once.

The fat monk was stunned by what I saw, and his whole body was trembling. He quickly took out a blue book from his arms, which looked like an amazing thing.

"Bring it!" I grabbed it, opened it, and found that... I didn't understand it.

"...Chengfeng, you know better, come and see."

"Hey." Mu Chengfeng took the secret book, and at this time, he also realized what was going on. He knew about Da Honglian through both Li Yao and Muronglei. At this time, he also knew that the matter was serious, so hurry up. Take it and flip it.

I'm a layman, I can only wait for his results, but how come the expression on this guy's face is so rich? It's cloudy and sunny for a while, what are you going to do? !

"Did you see it?" I asked him when I saw him dig through it again, and started to do it a second time.

"Hmm..." Mu Chengfeng frowned, raised his head, and looked at me solemnly: "Good book!"

"I asked you to taste it?!"

I almost did it!

"Da Honglian's solution, is it written on it?"

"This..." Mu Chengfeng scratched his head and looked at me embarrassedly: "This, I really didn't write it!"

"..." I was silent.

"Could she know but didn't write it?"

"Impossible, here, there are records of many strange sect Gu techniques. There are several lost ones like Da Honglian! Such a detailed book, it is impossible to put out a book that should have been known. Moreover, judging from the ink and the pages of paper, it has been written for many years, and she can’t possibly know that someone asked her about this today, and used this book as a reason.”

Mu Chengfeng spread out the book to me and told me his opinion.

At this moment, suddenly behind him, another little head poked out, and said seriously, "I agree too!"

"Hey?" Mu Chengfeng was taken aback, and when he looked back, he saw A Duo holding the Lingbao, but lovingly staring at the secret book in his hand.

"Are you really here? Where did you go before hiding?" Mu Chengfeng looked at her up and down, holding the hilt of the sword in fear, twisting his fingers a few times.

Just now, he almost made a sword!

For those who have practiced this kind, whether it is spells or martial arts, don't suddenly scare him behind his back, it is easy to accidentally hurt him!

"She arrived long ago. At that time, you were so fascinated by the book that you didn't even notice it afterwards," I said.

Because I and Mu Chengfeng are almost opposite, I can see clearly what is going on behind him, and the reason why I didn’t tell him... On the one hand, it may be because he doesn’t have the mind to care about things, because he is sure I will find out. Secondly, maybe I want to see him scared...

Evil taste, no matter what, will stay in a person's body more or less, and the fat monk who also saw her also chose to be silent, probably because of this.

But I still feel a little pity for him, probably because of the family tradition. After all, you usually have to wear a Hanfu when you go out, and you must speak elegantly... It's so pitiful, I was scared, I don't even say "fuck" .

"Do you see these things that way?" Mu Chengfeng was taken aback, but he reacted quickly and quickly handed the book over.

A'duo took it, and sometimes turned it over, but because I just took a peek, I didn’t need to be so careful this time. After turning it over, he said, “Yes, I think so too. The Great Red Lotus Gu is extinct. Planting is very good, to explain..."

The hag sighed and said, "If it was just when the Gu was caught, I could still figure out a way to take it out, but now, the Gu has attacked and is rooted in the body. If you want to get rid of it, you must hurt your body. !"

"The big red lotus roots in the blood vessels and veins, if it is removed, it will not only hurt the body? Then Gong Xiaoting will be dead!"

I listened to the people around you saying what you said, it was all bad news, and my heart grew deeper and deeper, and I tried to find a way, and suddenly found a ray of light: "Unless...there is someone who is proficient in healing, or a panacea, and Or magic weapons, which can live and die, and can live and die. Then, when the Gu poison is removed, the body will recover instantly, so that the damage can be minimized!"

Yes, this is a new way of solving problems!

"Where shall we find this thing?" The fat monk poured cold water on the side in a timely manner.

"If you can't find it, you have to find it!" I shouted immediately! "I don't believe it! There are two Gu technique powers hidden here, can't the medical master still find one?!"

The hag grinned after hearing this: "The kid speaks nicely, but I am not in charge of healing and saving people."

"Tsk..." I lowered my head and glared at the hag, but I couldn't say anything for a while. This clue was broken, and there was nothing to say with her!

"Healing has nothing to do with you, but you are responsible for the Gu. Revenge, you have to find you!" I looked at the hag, grabbed with my right hand, and the power of thunder was already flowing in my palm!

"That's it!" The fat monk also looked serious and stared at the hag: "Let's avenge the palace girl first!"

As soon as the voice fell, I lifted my leg and kicked the guy's fat ass: "Can you talk to people?!"

This is a bit unlucky!

"Huh! I want to kill me, I'm afraid you can't do it alone." The hag looked at us with a sneer, suddenly her eyelids twitched, and there was a strange color in her eyes: "Yes, this is the right thing, you really come here. Up!"

After finishing speaking, the few of us didn't realize what it meant, we saw a gust of wind in front of us! Look again, the hag in front of me is no longer in place!

Ran? !

Looking at it again, it turned out that it was not running away. At this time, the hag rose into the air and flew straight up!

The gust of wind just now used her to lift herself up when she rose on the ground.

But at this moment, from a distance, a white light suddenly shot over, like a sharp arrow, coming through the clouds!

The hag was in the air, her eyes staring in the direction from which the white light came, her face was full of disdain, and her eyes had an intent to fight.

She got up because of this white light!


The white light hit the walking stick that the hag stretched out to block, and it made a burst of noise, like a brilliant firework, exploding in the air, sparking white halos.

However, this beautiful picture is not completely harmless. When you are underneath, you can feel the waves of mana. Fortunately, most of the people present are masters, and there is nothing to worry about. They just have to work hard to protect. Just a moment.

As for the fat monk... this guy will definitely not die!

And just above, the hag who forcibly took the attack naturally reacted even more strongly, and was directly hit by the powerful impact and flew backwards, falling diagonally to the ground, reaching a place six or seven meters away in front of us. !

"You are finally here!"

The hag stared behind us and smiled softly.

And not far behind us, as soon as the two of them flew away, the two elderly people arrived instantly, it was Gu King and Mu Nianqing!

"Master, how is it, did you catch it?" I turned my head and looked at the two elderly people coming behind me, and asked.

"No, no." Mu Nianli said with a solemn expression on her face, with the back of her hands behind her, her body fluttering in white, a master demeanor, slowly falling to the ground.

"Hmph! I knew that you couldn't catch them." The hag looked at the two people who came in a hurry, as if she had expected it a long time ago, and raised her crutches to take a look.

On the head of the stick, because he had just picked up Mu Nianqing's moment, it had already been interrupted for a short while.

Mu Nianqing heard it and frowned slightly, but at random, he relaxed and took a step forward: "Yes, we didn't catch him, but, isn't you still here?"

"Oh? It seems that old lady, I'm still a popular person, everyone wants to kill me, what's the matter, or else you can arrange a sequence first, so that you can fight." said the ghost.

"No need." I shook my head slightly, "I just want you to die. As for who killed and how you died, there is no need to say that the rules are dead. I heard that you and the Mu family still have some hatred Well, in that case, your life will be handed over to Elder Mu."

Mu Nianqing heard it and glanced at me: "Thank you." Then, he looked at King Gu next to him: "You have protected her for so long. In the end, it will only be the result. What should I do? ?"


King Gu looked at him for a moment, and said nothing.

He knew that Mu Nianqing was not asking about this, he was asking about the system of Southwest Guzhai!

He has no close relationship with the ghost. The so-called not allowing Mu Nianqing to take revenge is just because the ghost is a member of the ancient village, and as the master of the ancient village, he upholds the rules that are not controlled by the Mu family That's it.

Today, Mu Nianqing asked, whether he still insisted on not letting the ancient village of Southwest China be under the jurisdiction of the Mu family? !

To be honest, King Gu has been thinking about this question for a long time, but it has been without results.

This decision is really important!

However, he also knows that if a decision cannot be made before the matter is over, then it is likely that he will no longer be able to make a decision in the future, and he will not be able to change if he wants to.

And the end of this matter, now, there is only one hag left.

However, just at this moment, a new idea suddenly appeared, and King Gu's heart suddenly moved, and his eyes flashed completely.

This is indeed... a way to get the best of both worlds!

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