Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 301: Ended

"Think about it carefully, I'm going to do my business first," Mu Nianqing said, slowly stepping forward, and starting to walk towards the hag.

Mu Nianqing was about seven or eight steps behind me, and the hag was six or seven meters away from me. There must be a distance of more than ten meters between them, and Mu Nianqing’s steps were not too big. , Really go on, it is estimated that it will take more than 20 steps to get there.

The hag watched Mu Nianqing slowly walking towards herself, unmoved, her expression on her face did not change in any way, and there was no fear. She was leaning on a crutch that had fallen out of her hand, flat. Looked in front of him.

"I just said that I am old, and being old means that I will be gone someday. Is it today? Is it tomorrow? Or later?"

As the hag said, she glanced at me, then continued to look at Mu Nianqing: "You just said that after today's scene, I can't be on this stage... Well, it makes sense, old man. I think so too."

"It seems that you are ready." Mu Nianqing said coldly, with a sword in his hand, majestic and majestic, and there was the voice of dragons faintly!

Mu Chengfeng explained to me on the side: "At that time, the sword of our Mu family passed down from generation to generation, the Dragon Sword, which was blessed by countless ancestors, and it was extremely powerful even if it was used by people who could not use magic!"

On the other hand, the hag was not afraid to face this Mu family’s treasure, still calm and calm: "Yes, people should understand this when they live, today, tomorrow, what is the difference? What's more, I have done everything I should do in this life!"

"Huh?" Mu Nianqing frowned.

"The old person is alive, the most important thing is nothing more than the two words of gong and name! Gong, I have passed all of it, and it is in your hands."

Mu Chengfeng lowered his head and glanced at the secret book he had just taken from Aduo in his hand, his eyelids moved and he did not speak.

Indeed, even if it is not all of the ghost techniques of the hag, what is recorded in this secret book must be the most powerful ones. It doesn't matter if there are any. Those are all small Gu techniques, which is not worth mentioning.

"One more thing, name... I don't know if that guy will keep his promise, but now I can only put hope on this, otherwise the old lady will feel uncomfortable after I die."

The hag shook her head as she said, shook her right hand, and threw her crutch directly, and fell on the side of the stone.

"Okay! I can't finish talking, my hag is no weaker than others! For more than eighty years, I have been accustomed to personnel affairs, and it is worth it!"

"It seems that you are ready, then see you!" Mu Nianqing said coldly, and suddenly he had a stop, and then the toe was slightly touched, the whole person suddenly floated up, and at the same time, with a lift of his right hand, the sharp sword was raised!


Behind Mu Nianqing, a white dragon suddenly appeared in the sky! Hovering around the body, surrounded by You Longjian, the dragon head was high, and the dragon shook the universe!

In an instant, everyone present felt as if their hearts were pinched! Uncomfortable! On his forehead, a drop of sweat remained.

No, there is one person who doesn't seem to be affected...hag

"Youlong sword, I haven't seen it for a long time, it looks stronger." The ghost woman looked at the sword held by Mu Nianqing, the white dragon still hovering beside the sword, as if she hadn't seen it for many years. Like his old friend, his face is full of nostalgia.

At this time, that Bailong obviously recognized the old woman in front of him, with a pair of sharp eyes, full of killing intent!

Once upon a time, the two of them also met in this way, but at that time, the ghost woman was still a graceful girl, and this sword was not in Mu Nianqing's hands...

"Recognize me? Want to kill me? Huh, it's a pity, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" With a move, Mu Nianqing suddenly smashed her body towards the ghost, slamming the hilt with both hands, using all his strength, and slashing fiercely!

This trick is desperate, unavoidable, there is no return!

The white dragon hovering on the sword followed the power of this slash, and instantly rushed out, swinging the body like a flying snow, and dived down!

The hag looked at this move and knew that she was destined to end today, or that she had never thought of getting out of this scene, so the expression on her face at this time was rare.

That is, self-knowledge of fate...

"The old body has no regrets at this time, but even so, don't be delusional, you can kill the old body!"

The hag looked at the white dragon who was about to pounce on her, shouted, grinned, raised her right palm, and slapped her heart with a palm!


That sound was condensed by mana, and the soft sound made when it hit another target, passed into everyone's ears.

At this moment, it seemed as if the mana fluctuations on the dragon swimming sword and the roar of the white dragon were all muted. I couldn't feel it at all. All I could hear was the not-so-large "pop"... …


The huge white dragon swooped to the ground at the next moment and hit the hag’s body. In an instant, the earth was trembling in a radius of ten meters, and countless stones and soil turned into ashes, fluttering away, and a whirlwind tornado hovered above. , As far as a hundred meters away, you can hear the sound of the dragon chanting sword!

This is the true power of Mu Jiajiabao, Dragon Sword!

This is Bai Long's anger!

It is angry, it is unwilling. Perhaps others would think that as the descendants of the Mu family, Mu Nianqing or Mu Chengfeng are the ones who hate this hag the most, but in fact, it is Bai Long who hates her the most...

Back then, Mu Family Patriarch and Mu Nianqing's father used this Dragon Sword to kill countless enemies together with this white dragon, and few could escape from them.

Hag, she is a rare exception.

And after that, the hag's revenge, the unpredictable poison, and the invisible murder, they all did not react. This battle was over and he had no chance to draw the sword!

And this white dragon, this white dragon who has witnessed all this with his own eyes, isn't it the most annoying, the most resentful, and the most unwilling? !

Today, the hag died, died in front of her own eyes, died in front of his descendants, but she did not kill herself...

Just before it started, the hag smashed her heart with magic power, took the lead and ended her life.

When it rushed down, she was clearly dead, her body was already leaning back, but there was a smile on her face.

That is a kind of perfect smile in this life, and also a mockery of it.

And right in front of her, that huge dragon head, hanging on his face, was infinite anger!

Between the two, there seems to be this precious mirror, dividing Yin and Yang!

And what Bailong could do was to rush down with this anger, using its infinite sword intent to twist the ghost's body into powder!

But what use is this? It just shredded a corpse, something meaningless.

"Senior Bai Long..." Mu Nianqing fell back to the ground. Because of the fact that Bai Long was born, the luster of the Dragon Sword was dimmed a lot, and it was his appearance that was even more depressed.

Unwilling, really unwilling!

What does the palm of the hag represent? It means that they will never have the chance to avenge themselves in their entire lives!

King Gu stood not far away, watching this scene, and sighed.

For him, none of this has any special meaning, but the ancient village in Southwest China has been liberated, truly liberated!

"Will you surrender?!"

"Surrender! Surrender! We surrender!"

In the face of King Gu’s stern shout, the Nanyang people who had lost their backing all acknowledged, kneeled on the ground and surrendered, asking for mercy.

Around them, the villagers brought by Mu Chengfeng and I pulled their shoulders, folded their arms, tied them with ropes, and wore a string.

But Mu Chengfeng, the leader, obviously has no thoughts about these things. He looked at his father who was unwilling to be in front of him and the white dragon that he heard in the family legend. He was in a daze, and stepped out unconsciously. .

I reached out and took the secret book in his hand, because he was dumbfounded now, and he didn't have any power in his hand. When I held it like this, he unconsciously released it.

"Speaking of this Gu, it's really a harmful thing..." I flipped through the book in my hand at random, showing no interest, then looked up at Mu Chengfeng's back, shook my head, and handed the book to the fat monk. : "They gave it to you, do you want more?"

"No, my cheats phobia." The fat monk shook his head with a rare face.


I thought for a while, then handed it to A'duo's hand, and said, "Miss Aduo, take this one. This thing has the greatest effect on you. You will kill us. I don't know how. Thank you, this one should be thankful."

"Ah?" A'duo was taken aback, his face flushed, and he looked panicked: "No, no, no, how can this work? You also helped his father a lot."

"Hey, I helped him do this because I had a similar purpose, and it was good for myself. It can't be counted as a return. This is the only thing." I said with a smile.


A'duo was taken aback, while King Gu came over, reached behind her, reached out and touched her daughter's head, and said, "Take it, it's also from Ran's family. If you don't pick it up, people will be embarrassed."

"Ah? Well...that's all right." Ado took the book, held it in his arms, pursed his mouth, bowed his head without speaking.

King Gu looked at her like this, rubbed her hair again, looked at me and said, "But anyway, without you this time, I will definitely not succeed. Although it is a cooperation, you have come from afar. And my situation is even more dangerous, we should thank you."

"Hey, hey, it's a big deal to say that, you are a senior, but you are shameful of me, so let's be friends if you can look down on the juniors, and I see Miss Aduo, it seems to be another to me Friends, some..."

King Gu knew what I was talking about when he heard it, and he was embarrassed: "Yes, I'm just such a girl. I don't even want to let her out of the stockade. This is is. Can't accept it."

As I was talking, I didn't know why it was such a coincidence. At this time, in the distance, Tie Ning, and Cheng Qianyu, who was currently at the center of the topic, walked side by side.

I haven't seen it yet. The eyes of this woman in love are really good. I saw it by myself and ran over, making us both stunned.

After another look, I realized that it was the sweetheart here.

"This..." I was a little embarrassed. No matter how I looked at it, I felt that the person I had brought was abducted by someone else's precious girl, which is a little hard to say.

King Gu is also embarrassed, but he is not all embarrassed about how to deal with this relationship, but there is still a little bit, how can he make his own daughter, don't marry the stockade... …

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